Webcomic Deer Rectory

Webcomic Deer Rectory
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Ahahahahaha I didn't even notice that at first. I thought it was just supposed to be SFX, but I see the shadow below the text now. Awesome.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Man, i think it's sometimes boring how predictably tsundere she is. Like it's not even ironically funny.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I just like the art to be totally honest. There are some funny bits in the writing but that's not what I'm there for.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
So i read Paranatural, it's amazing, blah blah, y'all said everything there is to say about it already. Dude's talented.

I caught up on the last two months of Gunnerkrigg though, i have really nice timing. I'd like to know what you guys think about the whole

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'Cause i'm surprisingly satisfied, i liked how it was all straight forward with no drama bullshit, but it was slightly predictable. Still, didn't like how it became almost like a sub-plot, not because it wasn't important or anything but because it just needed to be dramatic. All in all the last pages were fucking adorable 9/10 would read again.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I have a lot of the same hesitations as the last time Paz like she was potentially going to become a plot point, but to a lesser extent and with all of the timing issues removed. I still feel like it's a little forced, but am giving it the benefit of the doubt for now. Probably because Paz is criminally adorable, and also because I suspect I might be murdered if I expressed discontent with the storyline.

It could be cute and interesting and add to the story! I suspect that ultimately it will not be much of anything but cute and will either be kind of a drag pacingwise in the midst of other larger plotlines coming together or get shelved unnaturally. I could well be proven wrong, as Siddell has proven himself a pretty able character-writer, but... I dunno, it still feels tacked on, and potentially a vehicle for a predictable jealousy plot with Annie. I look forward to eating my words, but I would currently best describe myself as "cautiously hopeful but hesitant".

How contradictory of me!
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I think this is probably the best way he could have handled it - it's cute, it's realistically awkward, and he doesn't spend an undue amount of time on it.

GC is one of my favorite comics (yeah I know controversial opinion here), and my only beef with Sidell's writing is that he always raises way more questions than he resolves, and so it often feels like there's little progression in the story. But I think he handled this plot well.

In other news: geez, has Schlock Mercenary gotten terrible lately, or I have I just now become aware of how terrible it's always been? I just realized that I haven't paid close attention to it in like a year.

In other other news: as much as I enjoy John Allison returning to the college kids I really wanna see more of what happened to Ryan and Amy... they were my favorite characters in SGR but they're just tertiary characters in BM.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Yeah, this art in this chapter got weird fast.

Still, it pleases me to no end that the railings on Princess Piano's balcony are bass clefs
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Those aren't bass clefs. They look more like the f holes on string instruments.

Though it's hard to tell for sure without seeing the bottom I guess.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Agreeing with Malky, those are like fortes or something.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
It is the rare dynamic marking of fortississississississississississississississ....imo
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Okay wow yeah after reading it again I have no idea why I thought they were bass clefs

I play piano you guys
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I am digging the zippered coats. New fashion trend of fall '13?

Also Walker is pretty much just Saxon Hale

Also also I love how every minor character has a unique design and speech quirk. Reminds me of One Piece.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
They're pajama suits. This is a good comic.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
...I never thought about that.

That makes them even better haha

In other news, has anyone read Nawlz? I was really into it like a year ago and was revisiting it today. The plot is fairly standard cyberpunk stuff, but the presentation is really cool - it's more like an interactive animation than a comic. And the art is excellent.

Even if the plot is incoherent at times, it's worth putting on a good pair of headphones and just experiencing it. The presentation style fits well with the aesthetic, which is more than I can say for most gimmicky "new media" comics.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I tried reading Nawlz once. I understood very little about what was supposed to be happening, even though the entire first chapter is devoted to exposition and world-building and the plot doesn't even start until the second chapter, and it seemed to just randomly drop plot threads and introduce others as if they'd been there all along, but I agree, the presentation was pretty cool. I might try reading it again, now that I understand the basic premise.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Amazing. Just Amazing.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Has anyone mentioned Unsounded in here yet? If not then this is me doing that.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Fuck Yeah Unsounded.

I'm actually a big fan of her update schedule. She takes a month or two hiatus in between each chapter to draw the next one, then if we get to an actiony or tense sequence she can update two or three pages at a time to keep the pacing up.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
Unsounded is good stuff
the mix of supercuteness with superhorribleness is always so well done, and the art style is an excellent fit for the comic
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
If Paranatural was a normal comic, I'd assume that the theives in today's strip were going to be major characters because of their detailed designs, but Zach Morrison puts so much uniqueness into every single character that I can't guess
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
they's probably gonna show up again for whatever reason

(also he is just talking into a smushed candy bar)
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
God PJ is heartrending

Is anyone else reading Kris Straub's new comic Broodhollow? I really like it. He does a surprisingly good of balancing humor and horror. I'm a bit biased because I've been a fan of his work for years, though. Check it out for yourself.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I'm not a big fan of xkcd's "funny" strips, but Munroe's other projects are fascinating. Case in point: this. Holy crap. I wish I would have been there when it was in progress and people were trying to figure it out.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
So I'm pretty sure we're about to get a huge amount of story with the latest page of gunnerkrigg, and I think it's going to be pretty heavy.
RE: Webcomic Deer Rectory
I'm mostly looking forward to the pretty exposition pages that are surely coming.

Also (spoilers i guess?)
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