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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-06-2010, 12:30 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
MyifanW Wrote:I suppose I'll forgive you people for having lives. I suppose. Aw, you're the greatest! [img]images/smilies/apple.gif[/img] [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img]
Spender had been replaced by a plane, leaving Glere facing the foot long fighter jet. The miniature spender motioned to his empty hand, leading Glere to look at the coin. Glere tilted his head,then nodded. His silly demeanor suddenly became quite... serious.
"Between times of play and nonsense, I regret to inform you, Mr. Spender, I take my games, quite... seriously." he said with a grin, holding out both hands as the coin vanished. Glere slowly dissipated into nothingness as a blue light began to condense to where he was before. A solid metallic ball formed first, with a single powerful jet engine attached to the back. A glass cockpit made of several separated windows adorned the front, and two long, flat wings extended from the sides, with long black panels along the sides, which appeared to be solar panels of a sort. Two twin photon cannons sat next to each other just beneath the cockpit. The miniature Glere waved from the pilot's seat, wearing a thick black mask over his fishbowl.
A radio crackled on in Spender's cockpit. Spender raised a brow, 'answering' it from his seclusion in the other space.
A singe, ominous, deep toned voice echoed into the room.
"I have you now." Glere said, before firing up the ship.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-06-2010, 02:05 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
Nothing, grinning nervously, searched for a response. "Well, no, I was, uh... I was..."
In an era where illness, mental illness especially, was an extremely rare thing, Thomas had gotten his fair share of discrimination. Greg and Walt typically ignored it, and Eric would usually wind up convincing the person to apologize. Bern, however... He was a bit touchy.
"You were just what? Just looking for a nice meal? Been too long since your last killing, and you thought, 'hey look, a combo meal,' is that it?"
"No, I just-"
"Listen, pal. The others may be feeling all peaceable and diplomatic, but me, not so much. I aim to make it through this thing alive, and there are really only two ways that's going to happen: we play the game or we break out. To tell you the truth, though, I'm not all that confident any of us could take on this Overseer sonuvabitch and win."
"Do the math."
Mr. Nothing sighed. He had expected this view from some of the contestants, but he'd been hoping Thomas wasn't one of them. "You're sure you want to do this? All of you?"
"Oh, screw you!", Bern shouted, the campfire flaring up and singing Nothing's clothing. "Go back to hell!"
Through the flames, Bern charged at Nothing, tackling him and ploughing him into a column of stone.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-06-2010, 01:50 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
Spender's engines kicked in with a blast of afterburner, and he was off into the fog within moments. Glere's single-engine bowtie chasing after him.
Both aircraft had the other on radar--and, he presumed, Glere's craft would also have the terrain-monitor, which would likely register the other players. What Glere likely didn't have, however, was a scanner that registered his fighter's structure. Fortunately for him, Spender was the sporting type. It wasn't a game, otherwise.
Spender brought his engines back down and took a dive, leveling off just over the pavement as he chased a walkway back towards the center of the dome. Behind him, Glere took the invitation and chased, although he kept just a shade higher, his weapons spitting once or twice experimentally. Looking behind him, Spender couldn't see Glere, but he was sure his engines left a clear target.
He grinned as he set his craft to transform.
Glere was in his element, and he was exhilarated. The controls, the sensors, the weapons, all worked--no fussing, no hesitation, no fear. This was power!
Of course that cocky little shit Spender had wanted to keep this for himself--no, to share it, only so he could laugh at how boring the other games were while he held all the cards. Well, not all the cards now, huh? He trained his weapons on Spender, his eye watching carefully, his whole being on the ball, ready to strike.
Then Spender's engines swiveled and separated. The fog swirled a differently, like it was disturbed. Glere's hands were on the controls, ready to evade some new obstacle, but the engines returned, perhaps a little wider-set.
He let loose with his cannons, but the ship ahead of him dodged with far more maneuverability than it had had before. And then, as though taunting, Spender's craft leaped out of the fog in his direction--only now, rather than a jet, it was almost humanoid, and carrying a rifle, one which rattled shots off in his direct.
Glere laughed even as he spat insults about Spender's lineage, heritage, and eye color, his ship twirling to avoid the shots., and then he doubled back, mind locked on the radar.
Spender laughed in return. "Well, he ain't half bad."
His ship flipped back into jet formation, and he upped the odds by choosing the nearest humanoid and gunning the engine.
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SpoilerWhat? Huh? Wax Colosseum? Oh right, that other thing. I guess that's going on. Somewhere.
No specification on who Spender's going for. It could be a statue, a living statue, or one of the players. Makes no difference to me.
And yes, I'm pretty sure the VF-1 can fly backwards while in the humanoid form, although I think its speed would be much lower which makes the idea that he was still in front of Glere for those long moments a little iffy. Who cares!
Nnnneeeeoooooowww! Fwwooosh!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-08-2010, 09:49 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Odinod.
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SpoilerMkay, so this is my formal resignation. I'm going to continue as much as I can, but life is just shitting all over me, and I can't devote time to this right now. Or anything computer-related, really, hence my disappearance. Certain things take precedence, and what's going on with me...lots of things are taking precedence, the least of them being school.
I volunteer to be the next death, thank you all for dealing with me.
As previously stated, I don't have time for anything right now, so this post is crappier than normal. Sorry again.
"You aren't on my list, you idiot!" Nothing cried out as Thomas tackled him into the stone pillar. He pushed the man (men?) away, his expression both exasperated and angry. He grabbed at his scythe, releasing its catch and watching it flip out into a fully functional farming implement. "But I guess I can make an exception for someone as interesting as you." A smile slowly spread across his face. His flesh started melting away, and the feathers started to fall from his wings. His attitude (as well as his voice) seemed to be...changing.
"Tell me, mortal...does one such as you have four souls as well as four minds?"
"Like I'd tell you!" Bern yelled, throwing more fire at the man who was slowly becoming a walking shamble of bones.
The fireballs hit Mr. Nothing directly; all they seemed to do were singe off the last clinging bits of meat that were still attached to him. They did happen to burn away parts of his suit, however, and the creature didn't seem to be pleased with that. "This was tailor-made, you imbecile!" It let out a hellish screech and flew at Thomas, scythe raised to strike, skeletal wings spread wide.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-08-2010, 09:57 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
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SpoilerGood luck with your RL issues, Od. It's been great playing with you.
"So," Greg said, standing back from the whiteboard, "do you think it'll work?"
"Well," Walt said, "if it works that way, it could be a good strategy, but... we just don't know."
"I guess we'll just have to find out."
"Still," Walt continued, "I'm not sure we should be playing this tag game at all. I mean, why should we do what this guy tells us? Shouldn't we be trying to escape or something?"
"Simple. We can't. Given what he's done so far, it would be unreasonable to assume that we could overcome him and escape. Our only choice is to play his game and win."
"But what makes us worthy? Why, of all the people here, should we be the ones to survive?"
Greg leaned on his desk, keeping Walt's attention away from the window. He could see perfectly well how Bern's negotiations were going, and he was pretty sure Walt wouldn't be very satisfied.
"It's a matter of logic," he said, adding another diagram to the whiteboard. "The survival of any of the other contestants would result in the survival of precisely one consciousness. Our survival, however, would allow four consciousnesses to live. It doesn't matter that they're us- the only important thing is the number. We are the most logical choice to survive, and we have a duty to do our best in order to ensure that the maximum number-"
A voice outside interrupted him. "Oh, screw you!", Bern shouted, the campfire flaring up and singing Nothing's clothing. "Go back to hell!"
Walt whirled around to face the window. "Dammit", he shouted, "I knew it!"
Bern was seated on his stool on the other side of the room, and Walt started towards him, making it halfway there before Greg's tackle brought him down. "Let me go! He's going to get us all killed!"
Greg shifted his grip, pinning Walt's arms to his sides. "He's the best fighter of all of us, he can manage this on his own."
Walt twisted his head to stare at the window. "He isn't doing squat! Look at this!"
Reluctantly, Greg had to agree. Fire wasn't terribly effective against a skeleton. "Go," he snapped, "wake up Eric. I'll take over for Bern."
"Fine," Walt said, "just get off me."
Thomas blinked, and the fireballs stopped coming.
Nothing smiled, his lack of face serving only to make the gesture even more unsettling. "Giving up already?", he said, "So be it." He raised his scythe to deliver the final blow-
-And the ground beneath Thomas opened up, swallowing him whole.
Greg focused, the stone beneath his feet dissolving into gravel, flowing past him, and reforming above his head. It took a substantial amount of effort, but he was tunnelling through the ground at a fairly good rate. Of course, since he was sealing it back up behind him, he'd need to come up for air soon. He adjusted his path, curving around and back up to come out in a different area of the arena.
It took longer to surface than Greg had expected, and when the stone opened above him, he stopped tunnelling immediately and blinked.
Eric filled his lungs in one breath, relaxing a bit in the relative safety of the hole. After a few seconds, though, he braced himself against the wall to climb out. After all, he still had an active device in his hand, and while there was plenty of time left, it would probably be prudent to get rid of it.
He had just begun climbing out of the hole when he heard a loud click above him. He looked up and found himself staring down the business end of a rifle.
"Out of the hole, buck-o," Michelle said. "Nice and slow."
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-11-2010, 07:03 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
"Despicable morta-what is that?" Nothing looked behind him as a high pitched whine filled the air. He stood there motionless, at a loss for words, as a foot long robot was pursued by a foot long Tie Fighter, both engaged in a dramatic aerial battle.
"...What the hell."
Spender sweated a bit, even though he was safely away from the fight itself in the pocket dimension, but this... thing was certainly more of a match than he had originally anticipated. Spender aimed the barrel of the VF-1's cannons at the Tie Fighter, gaining familiarity with the evasive maneuvers. The distance quickly closing between them, he fired off several rounds, leaving little room to dodge. He smirked as the jet reformed and took off back up into the air.
Glere pulled the joystick hard in the 'cockpit', as the ship spiraled to avoid the cluster of shots, diving dangerously close to the ground. The final shot barely clipped the left wing, not enough to disturb its aerial feats, but enough to give Glere notice.
"The unseen field of conscience is strong with this one." Glere said through the mask. He kept low in the mist, dodging the skeletal figure before him, leaving Nothing a bit confused. He caught Spender's signal traveling upwards into the air, high above the collosseum.
"Rgh, with that height advantage it'd be difficult to avoid getting hellfire from above..." Glere thought for a moment. He pulled out a Magic 8 Ball, shook it, cracked it open, then drank its contents.
"Mmmm, blue." he said, before pressing hard on the joystick. The ship shot off alongside the ground, bringing Glere to match Spender's position near the ground. He accelerated forward, before pulling up into a vertical climb, firing as many shots as the fighter could muster.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-11-2010, 09:11 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
"My, he IS a fast learner!" Spender's sweat dripped off of him slightly, but he was still smiling that same eager grin.
The dome was coming up fast. Even with smaller ships, the size of the arena really wasn't all that large...
A couple shots buzzed past, and over his shoulder, he could see that a neverending stream of them was moments away. He flipped to semi-humanoid mode again and dodged back and forth, keeping an eye on the ceiling as the bolts came alarming close, one or two even searing the paint job.
At the last moment, he was inverted, his engines now pushing back downward, away from the ceiling chamber, arresting his momentum. Before the torrent of blaster bolts could hone in on him, he blasted off laterally in jet mode, dodging between structural supports and hugging the glass ceiling.
To either side of him, beams of some unidentified metal, still bracing the arena ceiling, began to loom closer and closer together as he neared the apex of the dome. Behind him, guns still spitting, Glere hung below (above, from Spender's yet-inverted perspective) him, trying to trap him in the ever-narrowing groove.
About that time, Spender figured the irony quotient of the scenario was both too high and totally against him. So, he switched to humanoid again and blasted away from the dome, back down into open air. Glere's wave of blasts finally scored a hit, forcing Spender to spend a moment checking it--but to cover himself, he gave in and flipped a toggle, releasing a quick wave of dozens of seeking micromissiles.
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SpoilerWhich is actually kind of a bad place for Glere to be; he doesn't have a lot of cover or anything, and the TIE is not the most nimble craft, even with modifications.
Ironically, "Micromissiles" is rather apt for foot-long fighters, but I assure you, their deadliness was scaled appropriately...
I looked for a youtube clip showing the swarm of missiles that the VF-1 fires, for reference, but I couldn't find one. I'm not very good at looking for things like that, admittedly. If you can resist the siren call of TVTropes, this is named by the phenomenon, and the picture is related. If not, by all means, stay away [img]images/smilies/slimer.gif[/img]
Spender's damage might or might not inhibit his transformation mechanism. Tune in next time to find out!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-11-2010, 11:46 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
"Hm. This could be bad." Glere tilted his head, as dozens of missiles started careening towards him. He slowly peeled off the thick mask, before setting it down. He took a deep breath, then proceeded to take a steep dive following a similar path behind Spender. The missiles were closing in fast, and unfortunately the fighter wasn't very adept as the VF-1 was at sharp maneuvering.
"Think... thiiiiiiink...." Glere clenched the joystick, and forced the throttle as far as it would go. The acceleration made it difficult to keep pressing forward, but the missiles were quickly closing distance. He checked the scanners to see multiple bogeys incoming, before pulling back violently, going into a steep vertical climb heading towards the ceiling of the dome. Suddenly, the engines shut off.
Spender watched in humanoid form, some smoke coming from the rear leg of the bot, but still flyable. He was watching his inevitable victory as the Tie Fighter had apparently stalled out.
"This should shut...him... up?" Spender said stammering slightly as suddenly ship began to go downwards into a sharp spiral. The cockpit hatch opened, and the miniature Glere was strapped in for dear life as it held out its cloak. Several small assorted objects suddenly began to fly out the cockpit, spitting out in a strange vortex of armoirs, desk chairs, snow globes, cardboard cutouts of various celebrities, and assorted appliances. Spender's jaw dropped as the air was rocked with dozens of tiny bursts of light as the micro junk intercepted several missiles, before the miniature Glere returned to the cockpit. The engines fired back to life, barely gliding over the mist before resuming flight, though six or seven of the missiles were still in pursuit.
Spender sat there, blinking for a few moments.
Glere drove the throttle forward again, trying to out maneuver the remaining missiles. While it had been nothing short of a miracle that crazy maneuver had worked, there were still enough to make this game cut short. He sat thinking hard when suddenly the fighter jolted violently. Several warning klaxons began to sound as thick smoke poured off the right wing. He tried hard to maintain altitude, but the remaining missiles were closing in. With another ascent, he turned violently towards the remaining missiles, firing several shots, taking out all but 3 of them. He swerved around a large blocky structure, just in time as three puffs of fire exploded on contact.
Nothing swatted at his arm, as he felt a slight stinging sensation.
"What the hell was that now?!" he snarled, suddenly seeing the foot long starship flying past him and back into the air, leaving him in a cloud of smoke and mist.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-12-2010, 12:38 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
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SpoilerHaha, you figured out the a loophole. Spender actually leaves open the possibility of cheating unannounced loopholes in most of the games he plays. That was one, for this particular game. Nice work [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img]
I'll update tomorrow.
EDIT: if it's not clear, recall that the figure in the cockpit is technically a hologram. The "loophole" is that it maintains its abilities rather than being a mere dummy.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-12-2010, 11:39 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
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SpoilerI have to say I kind of laugh at the fact that Spender was written so cocksure that he was going to win, when the rockets were pretty much a feint so he could do a systems check.
The man knows what it's like to fail, man. He's not cocky, he just rolls with pretty much whatever is thrown at him.
And for the record, he's enjoying playing with Glere. It takes the stress off. But whatever [img]images/smilies/icon_up.gif[/img]
One engine down--almost. One enemy up. And ... yeah, it looks like the structure is warped a little. I can probably transform, but if I do it willy-nilly, I'm gonna break something.
Spender pushed his mech form backwards and down while waiting for Glere to catch up. He toggled the commo, still wearing that shit-eating grin. He even too his hands off the controls long enough to offer a short round of applause.
"Bravo! For a moment, I thought I had you there. I didn't think you realized your mini-avatar still had access to your cloak." His grin grew a little wilder. "Why that almost makes it easier on me--if you ever push me into a corner, I won't have to worry that you think I'm cheating." His laugh was dry, and a little cutting.
"But that's for later! For now, we're still playing [img]images/smilies/icon_heartbeat.gif[/img] ."
Spender cut power to the limping engine and flipped back into jet mode, taking a moment to check on everything before bringing his good engine back up. He scanned the arena, and then, just to be contrary, decided to go on a whirlwind tour, and dived down towards some statues, weaving between them before gunning it for what he thought might be the next-nearest living humanoid.
The sight of the waxen figures did bring him back down a little bit, but he'd half-intended it that way. Games were games, but they didn't make Nightmares go away.
At the very least, the worried look on Glere's face--and the lack of his Darth Glere mask--reassured him that the Glere's streak of good luck, performance, and quick learning had already forced him to get serious, which meant he still had the upper hand for the moment.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-12-2010, 06:53 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
Spender weaved amongst the various statues, having temporarily lost sight of Glere.
"Well, this should make things interesting." he said relaxing a bit, when suddenly he heard a faint crackle over the radio.
"...ha..." was all that crackled over the intercom for a moment. Then it hit.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! I love it!!" Glere hollered over the radio. Spender had thought Glere had decided to get serious, when really... he just showed that conventional thinking wasn't going to work. Glere had meanwhile slowed the Tie Fighter down to near glide as he examined the damage he had taken from the missiles. The cockpit popped open again, and the miniature Glere stuck his head out seeing flames leaping from the wing still. The small hologram reached into cloak, pulling out a massive water balloon. It hit the wing with a loud SPLASH, putting the flames out. He closed the hatch again, fiddling with the nobs until the ship corrected itself and the flight became smoother.
"So... both have taken damage, yet still capable of flying..." Glere smiled crazily as he punched the engines forward again.
Spender was coasting along, when the screen began to blink again.
"Persistent little bugger, ain'tcha?" he said with a smirk. Suddenly, the Tie Fighter made a heavy vertical climb almost reaching the top of the dome again. Spender raised a brow.
"What is he doing?"
Glere fished around in his cloak a the Tie Fighter made it to the peak of the climb, and smiled mischievously, as he pulled out several grappling hooks, attached to multiple steel cables. He nodded, then made a near dead drop straight at Spender's VF-1.
Spender saw the ship descending through the cockpit's window, before punching the engines again. The Tie Fighter suddenly made a sharp pull, bringing it to a horizontal position almost directly on top of Spender. Spender then noticed several cables had been fastened to the back end of the Tie Fighter. Then the cockpit opened again. The mini-Glere waved, as several grappling hooks suddenly flew at the VF-1. Spender made a sharp sweep to the side, as several swung past, barely missing the jet, when suddenly the ship jerked violently to the right. Spender looked out the window to see two of them had gotten lodged into the VF-1's body in two grooves on the jet. He smirked as the Tie Fighter began to pull on the VF-1, nearly causing Spender to flip into a spin.
"Clever clever..." Spender chuckled.
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SpoilerLet me know if I'm getting too absurd with aerial battles here, I know nothing about them. [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-13-2010, 01:19 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
"... but sorry, not clever enough."
Spender once taught some junior agents a lesson in bragging at the climax to a fight. This is what he said: "Don't do it. Just kill them, and tell everyone later that you gave them a one-liner. You'll have plenty of time to think it up. Battles can be won or lost in the blink of an eye, and all the witticisms in the world won't save you from a rampaging Nightmare. If I hear any of you spouting lines when you could be saving lives, I'll kill you. Clear?"
It only took a partial transformation, but Spender went all the way, his engines swiveling around, letting him apply full thrust perpendicular to the chain, dragging Glere's TIE sideways.
Glere was expecting this. He knew that. But putting yourself in so obviously a bad position was just ridiculous. Without even checking to see if Glere was where he expected, he ripple-fired almost half his remaining rockets--not at him, but into the ground just in front of Glere, stirring up dust, making shrapnel, and in a few cases, causing ricocheting rockets to bounce back up, undetonated, before blasting in the open air.
The TIE had deflector shields, he suspected, ones that would keep the debris from doing any real harm. It was frankly beside the point. That steel cable was strong, but the ends were dumb hooks, with no cutoff, and it wasn't long enough for the fighter to make slack and release them. The only way the hooks would come off that fighter would be if they ripped through the structure, or if the other end was untied.
A coin appeared in his jacket, which Spender spent. All around him, forked pillars appeared out of the sky, ones that rained down, snagging the chains and pinning them immovably to the ground, dragging him and his mech, and almost immediately, Glere's ship, downwards.
Spender's craft landed on its feet to cushion the blow, and then dexterously threw off the chain, leveling his gun at the now captive audience, as Glere's flight path became an inwards spiral.
He didn't gloat, just blew several neat holes in the TIE before Glere had the chance to pull another trick and remove them. Then, kicking his engine back into gear, he rocketed skyward, both to get out of the crash zone, and get a better look at the surroundings, checking for any extra tricks or missed signs.
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SpoilerYeah, no offense, but there are not a lot of ways that that could have NOT gone wrong. I mean, points for crazy, but there's so much wrong with the idea.
I should point out that losing the duel won't kill Glere. I mentioned before that if an Avatar spell user is defeated, they are left paralyzed and mute until someone says their name or something--not dead, but "at his mercy". That's not to say he knows that, but one way or another, I'm pretty sure that ship is going to crash, unless you've got any more good ideas, and the ship crashing will end the game.
I don't think Spender was ever really on the offensive until the last moments, either. Oh well.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-13-2010, 02:14 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
Well, this had backfired grandly, then again, he never really did have many well thought through plans, but still. This had to take the cake. The ground quickly approached, the pillar snagging several chains, and mere moments before impact. Glere shut his eyes and sighed, before finally grabbing a large rubber object from his cape.
Spender kept his eyes on the Tie Fighter, expecting the game to end soon, but the impact never occurred. Spender raised a brow as a bright, orange colored object suddenly emerged from the cockpit of the Tie Fighter. The fork impaled the ground sure enough, but the Tie Fighter merely dangled on the end of the chain, jerking violently back and forth. Spender couldn't help but laugh, slowly leveling the rifle.
"Oh Garfield, you're my only friend." Glere said as a large Garfield parade float suspended the Tie Fighter hopelessly above the ground, mere feet from destruction. Thick cables held fast to harpoon that had been jabbed straight through the hull of the fighter itself, anchoring it in place. Glere climbed out onto the wing of the fighter and simply sat down. Spender's VF-1 flew around his target.
"You are aware this could technically count as a loss, right?" Spender laughed over the radio, as he circled.
"I hope you're not too dissapointed!"
"Hardly!" Glere shouted back, smiling broadly, "I was looking for a game, and this by far, was one of the best yet! Though, I'm afraid I can't just let you" Glere said into the radio, reaching into his cloak again.
"Just do me one favor if never again, don't let this be my final hour... just yet." he said, chuckling over the radio. Spender brought the rifle around to finish the fight, when he suddenly hear a loud click. A large sphere of fire engulfed the Tie Fighter and the miniature Glere. Debris and shrapnel flew everywhere in a loud bang.
Spender's VF-1 vanished, as he emerged from the pocket dimension, victorious. Glere reemerged falling to the ground with a loud thud, paralyzed in place, a large psychotic grin frozen to his face.
O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-13-2010, 09:02 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
Well, this was odd. Out of nowhere two of the world's most eccentric men emerged from a gate of some sort, one clearly victorious.
"My, my, what have you been up to?" "We've had fun." "I won't argue that. Glere seems nearly extatic." "Haaa, ha ha. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!" "Let me guess, you pulled one of your magic tricks on him?" "They're not magic tricks." "Fine, they're science. The point is, they sure handed Glere's head to him." "He agreed on it, you know." "I wouldn't make a deal out of it even if he didn't. Apparently we're here to kill each other anyway. Speaking of which, how's your tag machine? And have you seen Michelle, she ran off somewhere, after seeing me and Euryale." "Who in the world is Euryale?" "Come on, Spender. Roman mythology. She's one of Medusa's sisters. And she's single!" "Is this some kind of joke?" "Please, be less uptight. Here, I'll introduce you! Oh, Euryale! I have a friend of mine here!" Spender soon stood eye to eye with a fearsome demon, the size of most of the contestants, but whom he had never seen before. He felt every muscle in his legs contracting. Of course, he had to run. He wasn't planning to turn into stone.
"Shoot, he ran. Oh well, he won't get far." Slowly tracing the path Spender took, the two beings strolled into the wavering mist.
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SpoilerYeah yeah, I used other characters, send all complaints straight to me, yadda yadda yak yak.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-13-2010, 03:39 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
"Heeeeeey, come back here!" Glere shouted, silently grateful to the floating... thing. Had it not said his name, he'd still be paralyzed.
Asteria spun around in the air, the abomination next to her glared at Glere, trying to make eye contact. He just kept looking at Asteria.
"...what?" she looked annoyed. Glere just shrugged.
"I just wanted to say thanks! Otherwise I would've been paralyzed and frozen on the ground still, at the mercy of whatever wayward soul were to find me!" Glere said grinning, eyes shut tightly. Asteria looked at him for a second, one eye almost twitching.
Then she just smiled, nodding semi-cordially.
"No... problem." she said, feigning politeness. Glere just shrugged, and walked past Eurayle.
"I just wanted to extend my sincere gratitude and thanks with a peace offering is all!" He said, reaching into his cloak and pulling out a large cake, lit with several odd looking red candles. He shoved the cake into Eurayle's arms while maintaining eye contact with Asteria.
"I wish you all the best of luck in this contest, and may the future be kind to you." he said bowing, then quickly running off into the mist. The wax on the candles melted slowly, revealing the letters TNT.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-16-2010, 11:36 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
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SpoilerI suppose I should have responded to the situation change but I was ... a little busy. I guess.
Actually I'm kind of glad for Wojjan's interference because it makes the sticky "Glere survives" thing a little easier. I'll probably update tomorrow-ish.
So anyway, I guess Spender is once again... a free Agent? [img]images/smilies/pccool.gif[/img]
But I don't have anything else planned for the moment. Pinary? Alice? If you guys have anything to contribute to keep the round moving, by all means. Unless midterms or whatever aren't over yet?
Also, do we want to try to set up Nothing's death as per Odinod's resignation, or does Baph want to vote someone else off for this round? I suppose if we want to stay a player down, we can write Nothing's character as we go.
Come on gaiz, this is a Grand Battle! [img]images/smilies/pc_rancorous.gif[/img] I'mma be pissed if I join one and it dies. I like writing. And Spender hasn't even gotten serious! I'm pretty sure he hasn't even used an offensive coin yet, except I guess on that one apple.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-17-2010, 02:25 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
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SpoilersuomynonAyletamitlU Wrote:But I don't have anything else planned for the moment. Pinary? Alice? If you guys have anything to contribute to keep the round moving, by all means. Unless midterms or whatever aren't over yet?
Also, do we want to try to set up Nothing's death as per Odinod's resignation, or does Baph want to vote someone else off for this round? I suppose if we want to stay a player down, we can write Nothing's character as we go.
Come on gaiz, this is a Grand Battle! [img]images/smilies/pc_rancorous.gif[/img] I'mma be pissed if I join one and it dies. I like writing. And Spender hasn't even gotten serious! I'm pretty sure he hasn't even used an offensive coin yet, except I guess on that one apple. At this point, I'm on the tail end of the school-storm of tests and projects, but I'm not out of it yet. I still don't really have enough time to write much more than a few paragraphs here and there yet, but I should be able to by this weekend. Probably.
As for death, I'd be happy with whatever. He did volunteer to be the next death, but if we want to keep Nothing around and give him a chance to work out his issues, I'm good with that.
O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-17-2010, 03:14 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
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SpoilerI'd really like Odinod to stick around, because it leaves a LOT of potential between him, me and Alice. We sorta have this death triangle going on. Mevertheless, if he's out this round, it should be done by on of s two.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-17-2010, 06:15 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.
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SpoilerIt'd be hypocritical of me to kick someone for inactivity right now. Everyone is very busy this time of year. I haven't had enough time to tend to all of my projects lately, and I forgive those who don't either.
This round isn't over yet. Speaking of which, someone might wanna point out how much time has passed in a post. It should be at a very minimum 15 minutes, since we had people running all over, having conversations, and transformer-tie fighter battles.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-19-2010, 01:25 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
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SpoilerMy midterms end not this Friday (tomorrow), but the next, but I'll try to put in a post before then. I'm really sorry again about the delay [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img] School kinda dumped on me all at once [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img] I mean, I also have 3 very lonely, abandoned adventures due to this, as well. I'm such a terrible person [img]images/smilies/weasel.gif[/img] *falls over in despair*
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-19-2010, 02:05 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
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SpoilerAlice Wrote:My midterms end not this Friday (tomorrow), but the next, but I'll try to put in a post before then. I'm really sorry again about the delay [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img] School kinda dumped on me all at once [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img] I mean, I also have 3 very lonely, abandoned adventures due to this, as well. I'm such a terrible person [img]images/smilies/weasel.gif[/img] *falls over in despair* you are a terrible person how dare you put school over games your priorities are dumb and should be hated
No need to apologize. Take all the time you need- school should always come first. (Unless your choice is something like "studying vs. chemotherapy.")
O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-20-2010, 03:27 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
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SpoilerI feel horrid because I have nothing to do yet no one to interact with.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-29-2010, 11:43 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
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SpoilerPsssst. Train Wreck. Are you still running?
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-29-2010, 11:58 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
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SpoilerWell, I'm waiting for Alice, who should be coming off the tail of exams.
You, on the other hand, are next to a wax statue that is holding a cake with TNT on it. I'd say there's a ball in your court.
O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
03-29-2010, 12:51 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
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Spoileroh yes that cake
Kaboom. It all went too fast for anyone to notice. The coliseum had now the shape of a towering golf course, this hole being the sole bunker. Flung back a little by the currents Asteira touched ground again several feet back. Dusting off the debris, an annoyed look spawned on her face.
"Glere! Better get a weapon ready, because with a brain like that there's enough room for me to start a bed and breakfast!"
Picking up some speed, Asteira dashed in the direction of the light reflecting off of the fishbowl.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.