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Re: Epic Clash [Entry closed, 1st round later tonight]
02-05-2010, 02:16 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Lighing.
James stands up and wonders to himself "Ugh, that felt really weird, I couldn't even move. Hmm, an ice cave? This will be fun, I bet that I could become even stronger by fighting!"
James looks around to see a few tunnels, then he sees something in one of the tunnels.
He walks into the opposite one to find nothing except more tunnels, he goes back and can only see ice.
He turns to where the tunnel with the object was, and the he finds nothing.
James wonders to himself once again "Weird, I thought I saw an object in that tunnel. I must be imagining things."
James walks down the tunnel that had the object in it, only to find a curve. it seems there are rocks everywhere.
He finds that nothing,nobody can be found in the tunnel.
James feels weird, he starts to walk while talking to himself and starts to walk on a wall, he looks down to see the ground.
He says to himself "What the hell?!? I'm walking on a wall!!! How do I get do I get dow-"
James falls to the ground, but his dark magic stops him.
He decides that this was a really bad room to be in, he goes back the way he came and finds himself in an 8 tunnel room.
James turns around and sees that the tunnel he came from is gone.
He says to himself "Well, this place sure is weird."
He walks into the north-eastern tunnel from his position and finds more tunnels.
James sits down and says "Hmph better rest, until the others come out at least."
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02-05-2010, 03:39 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
As soon as the restraints released themselves, Thomas collapsed to the ground. His grey eyes darted everywhere, and he stuttered incoherently. "What- but- how- we- where... what?! What?!"
ERIC. Calm. Down. Now, thought Greg, Panicking will do us no good.
Eric stood back up, tripped, and stumbled into the nearest wall, falling up it and sprawling flat on its surface. He stayed down, even more disoriented than he had been before.
"How did- what about- where-"
Eric, you're clearly incapacitated, Greg continued, I think it would be best if I took control for now.
Thomas blinked, his eyes going from grey to brown, and suddenly, he stood up and dusted himself off, looking supremely unconcerned.
"That's better," Greg said. "Now, how are you two doing?"
What the hell is going on here?! Who does that guy think he is?! I'm not going to fight for his amusement! Let me at him! I-
"Alright, Bern is also useless. What about you, Walt?"
I'm... okay. This is all a bit weird, but I think... Yeah, I'm good.
"That's something at least. Would you be comfortable taking over? This terrain is rather your style, and I want to focus my efforts on determining what our situation is."
Sure, I can do that.
Thomas blinked again, his eyes turning blue this time.
"So, we're in a cave with a bunch of other people," said Walt, "and they all want to kill us."
That about sums it up, Greg replied, What I want to know is how we came to be on the wall. Perhaps you could try just walking back onto the floor?
"Okay, here goes..." Walt said, not sounding very confident. He took a careful first step, and then proceeded to walk smoothly down from the wall and back onto the floor. "Well that was... odd."
Fascinating, thought Greg, It appears to be one continuous gravitational field, but bent-
"Listen, Greg, we've got a few more pressing issues right now. Maybe we could deal with them first?"
Right, of course. It's cold and we're in grave danger. We can rectify the first easily, and the second will need to be dealt with on an ongoing basis.
"Alright," Walt said, adjusting the control for the heating pads in their clothes, turning them up to a comfortable level. "Now, weapon-wise, what are our options?"
At this point, we've got rather limited options. We should probably keep the lock-picking tools safe in case they're ever needed, and the kTap is likely to be out of range of any broadcasting stations, so it seems like using a pen or two as makeshift daggers is our best bet. They won't be the most effective weapons, but a quick jab to the jugular should be good enough to take someone down if necessary.
"Someone HUMAN, maybe."
True enough.
Walt pulled two pens out of his pocket and, with one in each hand, crept slowly down the tunnel, keeping as quiet as possible and staying alert for any other movement.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 03:55 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.
Crackle. Perclunk-click-pop. Rocks pelted the now floor, which had moments prior been the ceiling. The old rusted lever had taken some coercing, yet it was still a bit difficult to move about. Though, now, it was situated comfortably without having to climb stalactites-sorry, those were now stalagmites. The place was very confusing.
"Up is... down. Down is... up? Curious. So very curious," a bemused voice echoed through the dim, cool corridors. The wall oozed with cold mud. The tunnels at present had warmed slightly above freezing, turning much of the immediate cave sections into a treacherous labyrinth of jagged rocks, slippery turns, and muck.
His cape was pelted with droplets of water and mud, though none of them seemed to stain it, nay, they didn't even seem to touch it! Though, the same could not be said for his bowl shaped head. Murky water sloshed around in it, though it did little to affect his gaze on the rusted lever before him.
"Come now. We don't have to be enemies here. You tell me your secrets, I'll tell you mine. SPEAK TO ME!!"
Still more silence. Silence was boring. Maddening. Craz-
"FINALLY! You say something!" Glere shouted, staring at the lever. He quickly reached into his cloak, shuffling around. Loud clangs and crashes could be heard, as though a great number of items, expensive and cheap, encumbering and light, were smashing into one another. He pulled out a small stool, taking a seat on it next to the lever.
"I see. So it's been that way for awhile then? I don't suppose I blame you, they seem to be scoffers of the worst kind." He suddenly looked over his shoulder, shooting a menacing glance at a stalagmite a mere 6 feet away. "We don't take kindly to your type. BEGONE!" he shouted again, becoming indignant when the stalagmite did little but stand there.
He faced the lever again, taking a deep breath.
"Don't worry. He won't scoff anymore." Glere patted the lever affectionately, placing the stool back in his cape with the other hand. Strangely, there was little shuffling this time, as he produced a rather lengthy, and rusted, rapier from the depths of his cloak's shadows.
"You shall not be missed." he said with a sad smile, then as soon as he had said the words, in a flash, he deftly slashed the stalagmite in two. The top portion flopped onto the ground, spinning on an as of yet frozen spot amidst the cave mud. He gave it a bow, then returned the rapier into the darkness of his cloak. He walked over to the jagged tip, now lying on its side. He bent over and whispered to it in an almost soothing voice.
"Our games together could have been so much more entertaining... if only you knew how to play."
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 11:16 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Odinod.
Mr. Nothing got up on his hands and knees. The slab that had taken him here left him laying on the ground, in a shallow pool of cold, muddy water. His teeth chattered, and as he stood, he tried to squeeze out some of the water in his clothes. His attempts didn't do much of anything; he was completely soaked. He crossed his arms and rubbed his shoulders, trying to get warmer.
He looked around. There wasn't really anything of note, other than lots of slowly melting ice and lots of rock. It was strange, though; every time he looked away from the rock formations, it seemed like they changed a bit when he looked back at them. Didn't that man from before say something about the rocks living?
That man. He brought me here. Nothing suddenly realized the gravity of his current situation. He was in a strange, melting cave somewhere in the universe; there were seven other people here, who were going to be trying to kill him; and there was a man with a strange attitude and an even stranger manner of dress who could snap his fingers and do whatever he wanted, or so it seemed. This was not good, and not just because he was unable to finish his current reap-oh no.
He pulled a soggy, folded piece of paper out of his coat pocket. Most of the names on his list were legible, thankfully, but he had no way of getting back to where he was. Well...that's not entirely true. He said the winner would get a wish. Anything within his power. And if he's powerful enough to bring me here, out of the blue... Nothing fingered the folded-up scythe hanging from his belt. They're not on my list, but everyone has to die sometime... In his contemplation, he had completely forgotten about the suffocating cold that was encasing him.
"We'll see." If someone decides to attack me, I won't hesitate to defend myself. But for now, I won't throw the first punch. He looked at his weapon. Or cut off the first limb, as the case might be. He stretched his wings; a few thin shards of ice dropped off. I bet doing a little searching around would help dry me. He flapped several times, slowly climbing into the air. Unfortunately, as soon as he hit the halfway point between floor and ceiling, gravity seemed to...switch. Down was up and up was down, and Nothing, caught completely off-guard, didn't have time to adjust. He fell up to the ceiling (or down to the floor, as the case might have been) and just barely managed to dodge a sharp, jutting stalagmite that had just moments before been a stalactite. He landed in another pool of water, making him even colder than before.
He stood, a frown on his face, his body shaking violently. "Someone here better have the means to make some fire." He proceeded to follow the cave's path, watching both floor and ceiling for anyone else. With the gravity in this place being so wonky, he didn't want to get caught off guard.
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SpoilerHope I got the gravity thing right; I wasn't sure exactly how it worked.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 12:53 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
Coy Spender found himself off-balance and sideways when the slab stopped moving. Rather than doing anything, he let his body fall to the ground, reflexes cushioning himself at the last moment, his head tucked to guard it against the shock. When he hit ground, he let himself lie there for a minute, listening, feeling the chill beneath him.
Well alright, he thought. Unfamiliar rules structure--not dissimilar to going into their Territory. Time for a diagnostic and inventory.
He rolled onto his back and slipped his hands into his coat, looking for all the world like he's enjoying a pleasant nap. Inside his jacket, the ATM device appeared and dispensed coins, one at a time, in response to his queries, and he willed them to be cast.
Standard energy manip? A white flare shot out in front of him and struck the opposite surface. Check.
Full dynamic manifestation? Another coin came and went, and he drew out a pistol and aimed it at the opposite wall. Another small white flare, then he released the spell and let the pistol disappear, before returning his hand to his coat. Check.
Pocket dimension, closed? There was no obvious effect, but he could sense the result. He looked a shade worried for a moment before willing it away. Some interference, but it seems to be working. Check minus.
PD Fusion Generator? He concentrated, then shook his head. Failure. My energy supplies will be limited. Need to remember that.
Rulespace dimension, open? It seemed like a shockwave passed out from him momentarily; it stopped shortly, but how much it overlapped was difficult to measure. Definitely check minus. Severe restrictions on bending physical rules. I don't know how they're manipulating gravity, but it's a different system. Maybe if I can find the machinery...
Portal, cross-dimensional... He pulled out a coin and tossed it a ways down the hallway before activating it. He grimaced almost immediately, and the coin erupted into a small but echoing explosion. The rumble it produced echoed down the hallways in either direction. Abject failure. Very strong counter-magic. Do not try again without more information.
Portal, local... He turned his head left and tossed a coin to the right, trying to tie a portal between the two. There was a flicker in front of him, but he couldn't see through it. Fail plus. A lot of interference, may be able to work around it.
He was getting drained from the exertion; still, he worried about not knowing what he was getting himself into. Only a couple more tests...
Sensors, cross-dimensional... He frowned; he sense only static, madness, and... darkness. Fail plus. Whatever I'm seeing, it doesn't make sense.
Sensors, local... The map he sensed was a twisted mockery of accurate data. Fail plus. Possibly related to the gravitics control in the area.
A few other more specific tests later, he was glad he was still lying down, as he was getting a bit woozy. His holographics could draw energy from the surroundings, but in a frigid and dark cave, there wasn't all that much to draw from. "What I wouldn't give for another nice, steamy, rainbow-spewing volcano," he quipped with a grin.
Finally, after resting a moment, he got to his feet. He drew and spent two more coins--one to create a pocket dimension, and one to eke what little thermal and radiant energy he could from this area to fill it with. The air and surfaces got sharper, colder, but only for a moment.
"Well alright then," he said out loud, then sang glibly, in full tenor:
Welcome back my friends,
To the show that never ends!
Come inside...
Come inside.
He laughed a bit at the end, then turned and walked down the corridor, his feet almost instinctively following the gravity gradients down the wall and back to the floor. His eyes and feet were aimless, however, as he continued into the labyrinth, looking for anything.
Inside, though, his mind was dark and whirling. The enemy is that overseer. Some of the others are innocent; some will be enemies. Some, probably, both.
This may end very badly.
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SpoilerI'll try to not be overly technical, but I needed to establish for myself and others what is currently off-limits. Quick reference:
* Cannot significantly alter physical laws--no negating inertia for instance, or breaking conservation, etc
* Energy is not limitless
* Cannot teleport out of or sense beyond the dungeon.
* Cannot currently teleport locally, local sensors are working but useless.
* Pocket dimensions may be unstable, but seem to work (note that this is significant for some of CS's abilities)
If the Word Of God wants to come down on any other magic restrictions, I'll keep them in mind. I don't intend to allow him to do uber-fantastic things here, but he's been through a lot of things in the past.
It's going to be difficult playing a character that I see as so experienced and yet blocking his every attempt to get to the root of the issue, as he wants to do and as he is trained to do.
EDIT: Edited below spoiler once
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SpoilerNote to players: You might have overlooked that the rulespace he created didn't disappear like most of the rest of his effects. The one he created is used for analysis, and it's still active for the moment. It travels with him, but it only extends 5 or so feet.
In other words, he--and anyone in the field--will have some amount of technical analysis of anything and anyone within that range, unless they resist the effect. If you resist, you both lose the information, and are opaque to the sensor. The results are delivered in a telepathic manner.
Recall always that rulespaces affect everyone inside them equally, even if they are centered on a person. I had actually forgotten that for a moment, which is why I had to edit this.
I changed my background color slightly to try to improve readability. I can make it a little darker if need be. Alternately, I can make all of my text in bold, if that's easier to read.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 02:31 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
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SpoilerMyifanW Wrote:Oh, and Wojjan: Appearances are important, it would be nice if you added that. Well, there isn't really a lot to say about the look of a plain grey humanoid, well, dead person. I sent my appearance description to Baphomet, he'll be sure to pass it on to whoever needs it.
Hovering slightly above the frigid cavern's floor, Asteira pondered her current situartion. Keeping Girgid's lance at the ready, she cautiously proceeded in the labyrinth, at a steady, neutral pace.
"It seems the deities in Eios failed me again. This isn't nearly the Fortun I remember. Pray, why would anyone want me to kill, as I have taken enough lives as is. At least, I would end up in the evildoers reside yet again, were I not to die first. This could turn out to benefit me in the long run. Thrilling, indeed. Although I do get the feeling something is... lacking. Where did that batch of fighters head off to? Better get searching for the exit, or things might get ugly." She continued into the depth of the dungeon, not showing any sign of annoyance by the frost.
The rocks lived for a while.
"Yikes! So that's what they meant. How witty. How I long to be so very witty." Asteira reflected on why she was talking. No one was to hear her, and frankly, no one gave a damn. She planned to reposition her floating self to correspond with the current gravity, but then figured it was best not to. Motion sickness is the last thing she needed right now. From the corner of her eye, and from the relative ceiling, she spotted a certain special agent, strutting around as aimlessly as herself. Time to say hi.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 02:58 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
Walt froze at the sound of an explosion echoing through the cave.
So, he thought, it's started already.
Seems that way, Greg replied. Stay alert.
Y'know, if these other competitors can blow things up, we should really work on some better weapons.
On that front, I do have a few ideas. First, how frozen is the ice in the walls?
Walt reached out with his power, mentally probing the walls. It varies, he replied, it's mostly solid, but there are pockets of liquid water here and there.
As I'd hoped, Greg said. I'd like you to try sharply increasing the pressure in one of those pockets- preferably one a bit away from us in the tunnel.
Walt reached out again, finding a pocket of liquid water. It built up pressure, increasing steadily until-
With a loud CRACK, the wall exploded outward several meters away. Chunks of ice, some as big as a man's fist, clattered against the tunnel's walls. Walt shielded his face against a shower of tiny flecks of ice, and when he looked back, there was a hole in the wall big enough for a person, as well as a few smaller holes knocked out of the opposite wall.
Excellent!, Greg thought. That should do the trick nicely. Now, we should probably keep moving.
In case you didn't notice, that was rather loud. We're likely to have murderers closing in on us any second now.
Good point. Walt turned away from the hole in the wall and started back down the tunnel, carefully watching for any signs of movement.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 03:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.
Wojjan Wrote:
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SpoilerMyifanW Wrote:Oh, and Wojjan: Appearances are important, it would be nice if you added that. Well, there isn't really a lot to say about the look of a plain grey humanoid, well, dead person. I sent my appearance description to Baphomet, he'll be sure to pass it on to whoever needs it.
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SpoilerYou know who needs it? Everybody. Appearances are an extremely important part of perception. You should Add it to your character sheet.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 03:26 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Lighing.
James can't rest because of this noise... the noise of an explosion, he is sleeping on the roof. "Ugh, an enemy for once? maybe I could befriend whoever did that and become stronger...."
James stands up and walks down the hall that he heard the explosion from, only to find, yet again more tunnels. But this time, there are 18 tunnels, he goes into the one nearest to him(East) and to find some muddy-water and a broken stalagmite that had fallen from the ceiling. James picked up the stalagmite and says "Hmph, someone else is here...
Maybe I could actually befriend everyone and become powerful not telling them that I am on teams with other people..."
He pulls out his sword, and says to it "Well, this sure brings back memories, I bet if I did this and..."
James covered the sword in darkness and slashed it to see what would happen, it turned into an ax and then he sliced through most of the tunnel he was in. His ax turned back to a sword, he said to himself "That sure does bring back memories." While sheathing his sword, James spots a rusty stick. He made his arm grow to it's max length and pulled the lever, the gravity changed so he could walk on walls and the roof. He pulled it again to turn gravity back to normal. James then walked back to the 18 tunnel crossway, and there are only 17 now, the one he came out of dissapeared.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 04:10 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Babel.
Emilio landed lightly, anticipating the fall, and quickly got to his feet. He felt the cold of the cavern envelop him, felt the hairs on the back of his neck prick up. He felt the newfound freedom of his wrists, accustomed himself, oriented himself, became aware of what was going on. He closed his eyes, standing still, concentrating on what had come to pass. A monster – no, a blight - something has imprisoned him in a maze of ice.
Who will sing the songs of Nahaz– those that remain untold? Who will see what comes to pass, in the bitter, barren cold?
The terms? A contest – a fight to the death. Seven demons from different pockets of the material world stood between him and the comforts of a familiar plane.
Who will be there just to see the glory of the knight? Who will be there so to sing of darkness and of light?
He let the song of legends flow through him, pumping his blood, filling his lungs, extending to every end of him – enveloping his very soul. He drew his sword, admired it in the dark. Felt concussions in the ground, analyzed, and was soon running into the cold.
Who will call Emilio, when vengeance needs it's due? Who will see Emilio, before he can see you?
Seven agents of darkness. It was only when he peered through a fresh hole in a wall, when he saw the swiftly retreating form of a man with four voices, that he knew.
He had been through worse.
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SpoilerEdits were for spacing issues. Just trying to get a feel for my character You know, introduce him.
O toreador, l'amour, l'amour t'attend!
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 04:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.
A loud explosion filled the air around, bringing the attention of most to the four-voiced man
"Oh dear, it begins. It seems both Coy and Emilio are near. Let's do some acting.
Asteira flew over to Thomas, already planning out what to say if he replied to her first sentence with that, and what otherwise would build to the best conclusion.
"Thomas. Hello."
"Uh, hi."
"It seems you're getting along the way."
"Are you going to attack me?"
"No. I have more important matters on my hands right now. I came here to warn you. Coy Spencer is right around the corner. Did you cause the last explosion?"
"Yes, but why do you care?"
"Part of it is because I really don't want Spencer to survive this round. The other half is because you're interesting."
"I'm moving on, Spencer won't be happy seeing us 'plotting against him'. You know, paranoia agents and everything. G'day, and stay on your toes."
Without another word, Asteira proceeded in the wretched maze.
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SpoilerAdding in the part ASAP, I'll notify when it's in. Also, tell me if you do not like the way your character acts in my posts. Also, oh man I tend to forget to reserve A LOT.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 05:41 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
Walt stood still for a moment, still a little unsure at what just happened.
Did a flying dead girl just warn us about a threat?
It would appear so, Greg replied.
So, what do we do with it? Do we attack this Spender guy first, or do we ambush him, or what?
I think we should consider our position carefully- we have just been given a valuable opportunity. On one hand, we can do exactly what this flying dead girl wants us to do, keeping in mind what we've been told about her and what she's done. On the other, we could reach out to one of the people she regards as dangerous, this Coy Spender fellow, and potentially gain a valuable ally.
You really think diplomacy is the way to go here?
Many of the beings in this battle are inhuman killing machines. We are outclassed in raw power, so we must use whatever advantages we have to our benefit, and that includes taking advantage of the opportunity to form an alliance. Of course, we want to use our unique talents most effectively, so that means having Eric do the negotiating. No offence, Walt, but it's not really your strong suit.
None taken, Walt replied. Eric, are you up to negotiating with this Spender guy?
I'm- I'm good, yeah. I'm still a little freaked out, but we've got to do our best to survive here, I guess.
Glad to hear it, Greg responded. Well, let's get this happening.
Right. Thomas blinked, and Eric took control, taking a few steps towards the junction.
Wait, Greg thought. See where he is first. We don't want our backs to anyone in this place.
Right, of course, Eric thought. He reached out with his abilities, feeling the movement of the air in the area. There. He's walking towards the junction now.
Well, let's make a good first impression.
Eric took a deep breath, steeling himself, and stepped around the corner, hands half-raised in a gesture of peace.
"Spender, right? Listen, we're not interested in a fight. We just want to talk."
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 06:20 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
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SpoilerWojjan Wrote:Coy Spencer Spen der
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 06:21 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Lighing.
James heard an echo, someone was talking... James went towards the echo and found Thomas, James didn't feel like talking so he pulled out a poptart sat down next to Thomas and ate it, not saying a word.
Finally, after James eats his poptart he says "You know, I'm not going to attack you, I'm just happy to find another being in this dreaded place. So, how about we form an alliance or something? I mean I won't attack you at all, I'll try and get us to the final round. Does that sound good?"
James just waited for an answer. He pulled out his sword and started sharpening it on an ice block.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 06:28 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.
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SpoilerHey. Lighing. Does RESOIVED mean anything to you? Considering your post even mentions the person that's reserved, it's likely to become noncanon.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 06:38 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
Still lying back-down on the slab, Michelle held her arm up and wiggled her fingers. She sighed and watched the vapor that formed from her warm breath in the cold air. Something under her was rather uncomfortable and she furrowed her eyebrows in frustration until she realized what it was. Betsy! Finally motivated to get up, the Runner rolled over and cradled her rifle, Betsy. Man, you sure would've come in handy with that creep earlier…Although, he was kind of cute, I guess. Better than the guys back at YM-5.
She laughed off her musings, and situated herself in a runner's stretch on the ground. No use in not limbering up before the crap that's about to go down. I have no clue what the hell this is, but hey, I got my wish. No more supply runs, no more errands, no more Walkers. Just-- She paused, almost looking sad for a minute. Well, maybe I can… No! This isn't any good!
With rapidly numbing fingers, it was harder for her to grab her zipper—she fumbled a few times, but soon her jacket was unzipped. After remembering where she was, however, she grabbed the jacket shut. Both the cold and the company wouldn't look too fondly on her supply belts and sports bra, she supposed. She looked around the cave, but it was really just too dark for her to see anyone or anything, so she assumed herself safe.
From her supply belt, she unzipped a pouch and removed one tablet, about the size of a dime. She looked at it seriously, and then pulled out a collapsible cup from her belt. This cave pleased her; it would do very well for this. A smirk began to creep across her face, and she used the cup to scoop up some ice flakes. The glittering ice flakes melted almost immediately as they rested in the cup; the once subarctic cave wouldn't hold the ice in its form anymore. With almost a maniacal look in her eyes, she dropped the tablet in the cup of water. The liquid began to fizz and bubble and turn brown. She took a long, slow sip and sighed. “Thank you science.â€
Her sipping paused for a moment when she heard a giggling noise. The soda was fizzing loudly, however, so Michelle went back to her drink. Another giggle happened, again, louder, right as the cup met her parted lips, startling her and causing her to almost spill her drink. She held her drink out, not taking another drink, waiting for the giggle again. Some time passed, and she thought it safe to drink. But instead of the brown, bubbly liquid pouring into her mouth, it began to pour on the…ceiling? The very same ceiling that Michelle was now hurtling towards, head-first.
Once she realized what was happening, she neatly landed on her feet in a crouch. But not after the most horrific thing possible occurred. She looked to her left and there, on the ceiling-floor, laid her purple cup on its side surrounded by a puddle of cola.
“Okay, seriously, what the hell! Who's there?â€
Not in a nonchalant mood anymore—in fact rather pissed, she grabbed her goggles and pulled them with force over her eyes. She adjusted the knobs, then scanned the darkness hungrily. “Who. Is. There.â€
In the glowing green mist, she saw many jutting rocks and ice. One moved. Michelle rushed to her feet, grabbed Betsy and her cup, and stomped off towards the shape.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 07:00 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
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SpoilerArg, that took so long, Alice [img]images/smilies/mspa_reader.gif[/img]
Spender looked the new person up and down. "Sure," he said with a professional smile, and offered a hand. When Thomas stepped forward to accept it, he* felt a shiver run through him--a moment of resistance that was both confusing and straightforward. He immediately looked to Spender, but the man's eyes were cool, measuring, his hand still extended, his mouth still frozen in a smile. Half out of fear, Eric withdrew the hand, and the feeling faded.
All four parts of Thomas had sensed the area around Spender, including each other; what details they noted varied, but there was information about mood, intent, the altered gravity, materials of various objects, and other, almost inexplicable details.
What stuck with Eric most of all was the impression that the man in front of him had neither any intent to harm, nor any fear--not of him, nor of this place.
"Are you afraid, Thomas?" asked Spender easily, letting his hand drop.
"What?" asked Eric, taken aback.
"To die. To lose. To be taken beyond the veil, and never return. To be, as they say, one of the never-ending dreamers, a corpse-light, a pyre under the stars." Spender's voice was stirring with excitement, although his eyes only sparkled a little. "We are but caretakers of the present, Thomas. When we are gone, as some day we must be, it will pass on to others. I do not fear death. I fear leaving a world that others would not wish to live in."
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Spoiler* I will assume it's alright to treat Thomas as a singular object as far as pronouns go, unless I need to split them up for emphasis.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 07:01 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
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SpoilerNot to be rude or anything, but the Reserved mechanic exists for a reason. Still, I feel I should respond to the post, since it was addressed to my character, so here goes:
Lighing Wrote:James heard an echo, someone was talking... James went towards the echo and found Thomas, James didn't feel like talking so he pulled out a poptart sat down next to Thomas and ate it, not saying a word.
Finally, after James eats his poptart he says "You know, I'm not going to attack you, I'm just happy to find another being in this dreaded place. So, how about we form an alliance or something? I mean I won't attack you at all, I'll try and get us to the final round. Does that sound good?"
James just waited for an answer. He pulled out his sword and started sharpening it on an ice block. Thomas was startled as some guy interrupted him in the middle of writing a longish post and ate a poptart. Thomas, confused, let him finish, then listened to his proposal of an alliance. A bit disconcerted, Thomas gave it some thought, then said, "you're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near, the license plate said FRESH and it had dice in the mirror. If anything, I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, nah, forget it, "Yo homes, to Bel-Air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight, and I yelled to the cabbie, "Yo homes, smell you later!" I looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 07:13 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Babel.
Reserved (after suomyonon)
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 07:23 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Lighing.
Reserved after babel.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 07:35 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.
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SpoilerReserverd after Lig-wait, no.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 09:57 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
This is a bump so that people know Alice and I did our edits (finally)
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 09:59 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.
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SpoilerEDIT: Keeping it simple...
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 10:07 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.
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SpoilerI'm sorry guys [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img] I had school today, and a really cool lecture to go to.
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
02-05-2010, 10:15 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by suomynonAyletamitlU.
Alice Wrote:
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SpoilerI'm sorry guys [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img] I had school today, and a really cool lecture to go to.
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SpoilerIt's okay, it's just that I had something I wanted to immediately reply to, so I kept checking. I think if I hadn't had that I wouldn't have minded at all.
The three hour limit is there for a reason anyway.