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Mini-Grand 5108 [simul_complete]
08-16-2011, 04:26 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.
Loading Mini-Grand Framework... Done.
Generating Administration Personality... Done.
"No... no... Why have I been brought here... They- they did this! I told you, I'm not- no, no. The don't want me to do this, but I must. I must...
Generating Characters... Done.
Four beings suddenly found themselves nowhere, able to see one another but nothing else. A synthesized voice came out of the nothing surrounding them.
"You... you all fit into this. This 'Grand Battle' thing? I know you know... The truth is hiding from us all. The survivor knows their true purpose. Yeah... We must begin.
"The tiger... Yes, Ka Sve Gle. A leader of hunting in his village. He might be the reason they haven't all died out. But in his mouth... Don't let him open his mouth. Nothing ever leaves once he opens his mouth. A black hole, you see. Don't let him. He speaks to you with his mind, but only rarely. Don't trust him...
"Shieldman, an enforcer of law... Where he comes from, all of them are robots. Most of them. Humans are only a minority under the spread of the machines. He's an enforcer. His driving goal is to uphold the law and morality, but... No, no, not perfect. Doesn't always complete his objectives. Hard to destroy, can use electricity at will... Police... electricity... No, no, no. Have to move on.
"Reuben Jones... They've already gotten to him. They can't control me, but he's given in. A slave to his overlords. No will of his own, his life is dictated by them. Where he comes from, they're all like this. So much that he can't even communicate with you properly. His language is all but incomprehensible, useless... Even if you decode it, you will not find anything but a loyalty to them. He must be hiding something, but what?
"Arnold... No, Arckal Stich. He was the closest to Michael Bay when he ascended... Ascended to become one of them? Being so close to this, Arckal now lives in an action movie... The exposure has bent reality. Physics give way to the conventions of cinema, even in the real world... He's very aware of these abilities and overconfident because of them. Be careful..."
Generating Setting... Done.
The four generated characters suddenly found themselves moved, scattered in various locations around a series of dark, cold laboratories. A research station.
"This is where it all began. The Neuge Research Station, in the middle of Antarctica... But what were they researching here? Snow? No, not snow. Not ice, not cold. Here they were researching something far worse. All dead now... Dead? Are they dead? There must be something here. Something. There's not much power left, but why is there power? It's cold, but not as cold as it should be.
"You four... You must fight each other. Confirm what was just suspicion. You may uncover dark secrets, things you never wanted to know, but you must... You must continue until only one lives. This is what must be done. Three rounds. One begins now."
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Spoiler1. ~ATH: Ka Sve Gle (#FF8C00)
2. shieldman: Shieldman (#398039)
3. Ixcalibur: Reuben Jones (#A52A2A)
4. Solaris: Arckal Stich (#CC0F0F)
~ATH Wrote:Username: ~ATH
Name: Ka Sve Gle
Gender: Male
Race: Eltari
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SpoilerEltari are quadripedal tiger-like beings. They have wicked curved demonic horns, and they always keep their mouth closed. The reason for this is simple. - They have miniature black holes in their mouth. How they got this power is not yet known, but the Eltari have used this power for hunting for about 500 years now. They communicate using thought-speak, which is basically telepathy. They have the capability to use technology, they just don't use it, choosing instead to settle on a simpler life.
Color: bold orange
Biography: Ka is a bit of a leader of his village, however, he is not the official leader. That would be the chief. Instead, he is the designated commander for hunts, because that is the only thing he is interested in. On his planet, there are huge monsters that threaten the eltari's very existence, so hunting is a vital part of the Eltari's lives. His skill in battling has made his village safe and prosperous, and everybody is thankful to him, but he is so rarely seen, he is still a mysterious figure.
Description: Ka is pretty much a tiger, with huge demonic horns. He is either blue with orange stripes, or orange with blue stripes. His underbelly is white. His horns are about a foot long, 4 inches thick, tapering to a tip, and they are lavender-lilac.
He is quiet and reserved, only "talking" when he has to. He is a master at the hunt, having led several successful hunting missions on his planet. He uses mainly his horns and claws to battle, yet his lightning quick precision, speed, and evasion have made him near-invulnerable. He only uses the black hole in emergencies, when it seems like his group may lose.
He likes to be the leader of a group, but he understands that this takes some time building up to, so he will happily follow others. He will always eventually sabotage them and rise up to the top, however.
Items/Abilities: Has nothing on his body. Some ornaments on his horns, as per custom. Has a miniature black hole in his mouth that he uses to suck in and eat anything, however, this is a huge drain on his energy, so he uses it rarely. He instead uses his claws, as a regular tiger would. He might even skull-bash someone with his horns. Can thought-speak, either privately or publicly. shieldman Wrote:Username: shieldman
Name: Shieldman
Gender: Male
Race: Robot
Colour: Green, because yellow is really scary looking. o__o
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SpoilerThe year is 2522. Technology is rampant through humanity, reaching never-before-seen
levels of advancement and expansion. Faster-Than-Light travel has made colonizing
planets beyond the Furthest Ring solar system possible. Humankind has spread
through much of its sector, proud owners of no less than four worlds. Kardas, home of
the human military, huge industrial outpost. Moneta, trading center, houses the
entire stock market and skilled labor market. Skydas, an enlightened, more "Crystal
Spires and Togas" future, full of civilians, everyday folk. Finally, Lyderis, seat of
the government.
Contego City. A bustling metropolis, central capital of Bouclus, a city-state of
Skydas. Known as the "Sentient City", it boasts the highest concentration of robots
anywhere. Cars drive themselves, weaving between huge carrier droids that lug raw
metal, silicon, and circuit boards from workshop to workshop. They are important; in
keeping the inventors well stocked to create wondrous new things, they placate the
masses and expand humanity's reach even further. One such tinkerer is Dr. Albert
Verdus. By no means a famous inventor, his greatest inventions until this point had
been relegated to the back of Space Thrift Shops and the like. He desperately wanted
approval from his peers, and set out to create something worthwhile. Something that
could do some good in the world.
He created the Paragon robots.
There were three of these robots in the series: Aurora, the vigilante; Basket, the
jester; and Shieldman, the guardian. Shortly following their completion, however, an
uprising on Kardas brought about the sacking of Contego City, all but leveling the
entire district. Dr. Verdus was able to protect his precious creations long enough
for them to be fired into space, on a path that would take them each to a different
planet. Basket to Moneta; Aurora to Kardas; and Shieldman to Lyderis.
It was on Lyderis that Shieldman realized his potential to protect the innocent with
his abilities, as well as enforce justice. He was trained by state-sponsored mentors
in the art of defensive battle, as well as law, and tempering his hyperactive
morality core. This does not mean that his powers are mastered, or that his skill is
absolute-- he is still learning.
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SpoilerAt 6'2", Shieldman stands just barely above a normal human. His arms are long, as are
his legs, both of which are perfectly cylindrical. His head is encased in a yellow,
full-face helmet, complete with blue bulletproof-glass eye visor and gray iron-mesh
mouthguard. His shoulders are covered by two orange pads. Down his front side, a
black line cuts a backwards "C" from neck to waist against a vibrant yellow hide. He
wears a black-and-yellow striped belt, patterned like warning lines at a construction
site. While his leg armor is unstriking, it bears two blue bolts at the heel, which
keep his feet rigidly attached. His arms are more lightly plated than his torso, clad
in orange sheet metal. A golden shield adorns each arm, each etched in the center
with a luminescent green plus.
Dr. Verdus gave Shieldman a dominant morality core, causing him to hold "Doing The
Right Thing" above actual logic. He was designed as a guardian robot, and in most
cases, that trait was a good one. In some circumstances, however, he will act
irrationally in the favor of causing the least damage to innocents, landscape, or
generally anything that his morality core deems "Innocent". He acts with utmost
respect to most, but is seldom somber about it. He is constantly chipper and upbeat,
and easily exciteable. This means that he is also quick to anger, if someone performs
an "unjust" or "illegal" act in his presence. (this of course means attacking him as
well. :I) He has a hard time forgiving once a person has been marked as a criminal,
and will generally stop at nothing to subdue/bring to justice the target. He is, in
essence, an attempt to create a robotic "policeman".
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SpoilerPrimarily, Shieldman depends on his heavily armor-plated body to win fights through
sheer attrition. His armor is a flexible material, much like hard rubber. If he takes
too much damage, he goes into a comatose state until he is repaired to fighting
condition. While it's possible to break him, it's by no means easy. It can withstand
a direct, blunt blast up to the magnitude of a hellfire missile, but anything beyond
that would require him to seek repairs immediately. Repeated bludgeoning can cause
cracks in his armor if it cannot repair quickly enough. The armor is hermetically
sealed. On the other hand, cold is a great problem; the armor will nearly immobilize
him at temperatures less than 0 celsius.
His shields are significantly more durable, but less flexible, and unwieldly. They
are, however, resizeable, shifting from buckler to full-on tower shield in mere
seconds. When extended, they severely limit Shieldman's mobility, making him almost
incapable of jumping or dodging.
Shieldman's primary form of attack is his electro-dynamos, which are generators
encased in his lower arms. Capable of arcing electricity through any conductive
target, but only for a short burst, they're fairly effective against living enemies.
If the enemy is not conductive, say, clad in wooden armor, the dynamos are able to
hurl raw energy in projectile form- but at a much higher energy cost. Shieldman
cannot move and fire at the same time, because of the energy draw of even normal
attacks. With shields drawn, this is exacerbated even further; he becomes ONLY
capable of arc attacks.
If he is exposed to a live generator, power line, or anything of sizeable voltage,
Shieldman can channel this energy into one hyperdestructive beam. This beam, while
short lived, can change the polarity of sub-atomic particles all to negative for a
brief time, scattering electrons and destabilizing molecules. In essence, any matter
it comes into contact with is torn apart with SCIENCE!! Building the charge for this
attack can take anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds, due to the immense amount of energy
collected. It also destabilizes his delicate robot processing core, which renders him almost helpless for minutes afterward as he recalibrates.
Ixcalibur Wrote:Username: Ixcaliber
Name: Reuben Jones
Gender: Man
Font colour: brown
Species: Man
Abilities: Reuben unhas doubleplusunstandard skills. He has doubleplusgood goodthink. He is plusgood sportful. He willhas plusuneasy time in plusunstandard places and times.
Description: Reuben has plustidy short brown hair, blue eyes, white skin and plussportful build. He is plusyoung. He wears standard unlight brown coat, white shirt and offblack pants.
Biography: Reuben had plusgood childtime. He does goodwork miniplenty. Doubleplusgood goodthinker. He does doubleplusgood hate Eastasia. Is doubleplusunnormalful gone.
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SpoilerReuben is a resident of the world as featured in Nineteen Eighty Four, only further down the line when Newspeak has completely supplanted English. He can only think and communicate in Newspeak. He is unfalteringly loyal to Big Brother.
Solaris Wrote:Username: Solllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Entry #1
Name: Arckal Stich
Gender: Male
Race: Actor
Colour: #cc0f0f
Biography: Belief is a powerful thing. Sometimes, far more than one expects.
Michael Bay was once a simple director, just a man in charge of making a movie. And that he did, in fact, he made many movies, most notably being the Transformers Films. After the third film was released, something amazing happened. While on the set for an upcoming film, Michael Bay suddenly became a god.
For whatever reason, enough people believed in his movies and in his skills as a director of action movies, that Michael Bay rose above his mortal limitations and became The God of Action.
However, this is not his story, but the story of one person who witnessed this event.
Arnold Kevin Stits, movie star, bodybuilder, and mixed martial artist, was simply an up and coming actor, who had gotten a lucky break as the Start of Michael Bay's newest film. However, when Bay ascended, Arckal, who was physically closest to Bay, was accidentally imbued with some of the new god's power.
At first, Arckal did not notice. He and the rest of the people in the set simply tried to forget that Michael Bay suddenly glowed in the middle of shooting, and went on with their lives. However, when the ninja on a motorcycle began to assault him, Arckal realized that something was up.
From then on, Arckal, Action Movie Actor, was prone to all sorts of odd interruptions and annoyances, ranging from punks to samurai, from boat chases to meteor dodging, Arckal was stuck, living in a constant action sequence.
Suffice to say, when he was entered in a multidimensional battle to the death, he wasn't exactly surprised.
Description: Arckal Stich is a Caucasian adult human male, about 6 and a half feet tall. He has unkempt jet black hair, a beard, and blue eyes. He is in tip-top shape, as before he was an actor he was somewhat well known in MMA circles. Normally, he wears a scarlet Underarmor brand t-shirt and nice black pants, finished off by blue shoes. He also occasionally wears a black jacket as well. Finally, he has been described to have a "golden glow" around him.
Mentally, he is as good as an actor gets. He got through college all right, and he knows a lot about the human body and health, but he isn't the best at some kinds of logic. He is a risk taker, having done all his own stunts, and he's also a bit impulsive. He does however, care about the children and makes a note to keep as clean a slate as he can, never using any of his MMA skills except in defense. For him the rule of thumb is if it won't hurt anyone (with a possible exception for himself), he will go for it.
Finally, it should be noted that the whole being blessed has made him a tad overconfident.
Items/Abilities: Beyond his Mixed Martial Arts skills and above average human physical prowess, Arckal has one, somewhat broad, ability. He was blessed (or possibly cursed, depending on your viewpoint) by the God of Action.
The resulting effect is that Arckal's life is in constant motion and paces very similar to an action movie. Groups of men will go assault him for little reason, ninjas will appear out of nowhere, cars are simple to hotwire and are always open, motorcycles never seem to crash horribly, firearms seem to hold much more ammo than possible, weapons in general to not seem to break, and many other things will just happen.
In simpler terms, Arckal lives in an action movie.
After growing aware of his condition Arckal made sure to never leave the safety of his home without at least one or two weapons. He usually uses non-lethal ones, although on some rather hectic days he has been forced to bring out more dangerous ones.
For reference, when he was abducted, he was on his motorcycle and he had only his nun-chucks in his jacket pocket and a normal suitcase.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
08-16-2011, 07:49 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.
POW! Ka Sve Gle crashed into a wall. The impact was absorbed into his powerful horns. He was thrown aside, but he quickly got to his feet and looked around. Only a moment ago, he was running at top speed, in the vanguard of his newest mission. It was a mission like any other, a gigantic mammoth-like beast was threatening a nearby village, Duvara. Those Duvarans always needed rescuing, he had thought with much ire. Cowards, the lot of them, what good was art in a world like his, where danger was afoot everywhere? Still, he felt obliged to the people. He didn't like seeing anyone innocent die, unlike a certain sort of war-happy people he was once with...
He thoroughly studied his surroundings. It seems that he is in a big metal cage of sorts. A ... room? Yes, that's what it was called. Where walls are everywhere and you have no place to go. He did not have those on his planet, thankfully, it would have made it hard to move around. There were several pieces of technology strewn across the room. So this was a "laboratory". He did not like laboratories, what people do in there should not be allowed. Ka prowled around, smelling the air. It stank of corruption here, but not much else. Apparently, something happened here way back, wiping nearly everything inside it. Damn scientists... When will they learn not to meddle with the natural order of things? He noticed that there were three other entities with him in this room. So these were the people he would have to battle? He had heard something from a mysterious voice upon arrival, something about how four beings were taken from all over the universe and pitted against each other in a grand battle. Just who did that voice think he was?! This is an abomination, a violation against the laws of nature. Nevertheless, he has to survive to the end, so he could go back home.
One was a metal, brightly-colored, bipedal figure. He could sense electricity flowing through him. He would have to avoid this being, he did not like being electrified, as it made his fur stand up on end, and also it hurts.
Another was a seemingly normal human. He had only heard about humans from stories. He had always been disgusted at their quarrelling tendencies, and their technology. Humans did not know their place, always seeking to defy the laws of nature. It's lucky they also speak Commonspeak, or he would have a hard time talking to him.
The last was yet another human. But this one seems more muscular than other ones in the pictures he had seen. So he must be a warrior of his kind? He has a strong posture, and a rather dramatic expression. He must be used to high-stress situations.
He was ready to defend himself, should the others make a first attack. Perhaps they could make an alliance, to uproot this game and have everybody survive?
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SpoilerAre OOC spoilers allowed? If not, I'll just stop. So. This is my first grand battle. Best of luck to all, and I hope I don't write too terribly. I've actually only read one Grand Battle, the original. So I'm a total newb, and please bear with me if I'm doing this completely wrong.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
08-17-2011, 05:01 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
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Spoileryea you can post non-battle things in spoilers, thats' okay, You should probably read some of the other mini-grands or some of the other canon battles, there's an easy list of the latter here, each is it's own unique and kickin battle! :>
"So we've got some tiger thing, a robot, and some regular guy who speaks weird? Heh, I was expecting more from this kind of thing." Arckal smugly shrugged at his fellow contestants, not exactly impressed as just yesterday he had fought a giant squid.
The cocky action star removed his sunglasses and looked around the room. The semi-lit research area did not have much except for him and his fellow contestants, some shelves with things, nothing he really cared about, just a typical lab. The actor yawned as Ka Sve Glebegan to approach one of the others in this game. Then, his ears perked up. He heard something, somewhere out of this room.
"Voice guy did say there was some dark thing here, let's find out."
The monologing actor jumped on to his trusty motorcycle and revved out of the room.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
08-18-2011, 05:38 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
Reuben think gonespeaker be unclearful. He heard own name but unknow other word meanings. Doubleplusquickwise Reuben is in plusunstandard place. It was plusunclean white walls and unfixed technologies on floor. Place was unwarm, Reuben blew hands to pluswarm. Around him two doubleplusunstandard things, a technology and animal. Also a doubleplusunderstandard man, he was facially unclean and wore plusunplain clothing. Unstandardmost he had sunglow.
Reuben was plussmart, he doubleplusquickwise knew event. Plusclearwise he'd been taken by Eastasian enemy. How and why he unknew. Doubleplusgood Big Brother undo event.
"So we've got some ????? thing, a ?????, and some ??????? ??? who speaks ?????? Heh, I was ?????ing more from this kind of thing." Sunglow said.
Even words he knowed were unstandardwise said. Animal walked to Reuben. Sunglow said more, Reuben unheard it, he was uncalmful for Animal. Reuben was doubleplusunconfident if Animal hateacted. Reuben backwalked and thinkhoped Animal was pluspeaceful.
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SpoilerReuben doesn't understand what is going on at first. Then he comes to the conclusion that he was taken by his sworn enemies Eastasia. Arckal says things Rueben doesn't understand them. Ka Sve Gle approaches Rueben and he is worried about Ka's intentions.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
08-24-2011, 09:31 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
As Arckal rode across the hallway, he felt odd.
He was alone. There was no one near, no one else around. It was quiet.
And considering his condition, it was certainly too quiet.
So, when he made a wrong turn into a destroyed wall, the genre savvy actor knew that something would come up...
The actor turned his vehicle around, eying the the closed walls. He squinted as he once more placed himself on the motorcycle. Hmm... did the walls get smaller? The actor cautiously revved his motorcycle and began to ride through the Research Station's hallways.
He was moving a slower speed than before, trying to find someone, anyone else.
Then he saw it.
Only for a moment.
And then again, only in full force.
Arckal, swerved to the side as part of the wall extended to attack him.
Riding through the halls, he managed to maintain his balance as he dodged the many attacks coming from the station itself. This bloody thing's alive?
The walls started to close.
Arckal sped up, but it was fruitless... a wall had appeared in his path. A quick look at the rear-view mirror revealed that one was behind him as well.
Now, normally, upon being trapped from all sides by a room, a person would probably flip out. Arckal Stitch however, was not a normal person. He sped up.
Speeding forward and even having the gall to pop a wheelie, Arckal Stich drove into the rapidly approaching wall.
He passed through its gooey interior.
And made it out to the other side.
Once more, Arckal stopped, and turned around. The room that had enclosed on him reformed, the walls slid down and melded together. Slowly, the blobish walls came together and reshaped themselves into a larger blob. More and more blobs appeared from all around the halls.
Arckal stepped back for a bit, genuinely scared of the beast's large rate of growth.
"How many of these things are there?"
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Spoilerblob monsters are all round the station
they can change color and stuff
but they might not be able to change their hardness?
if they do anything else and exactly where they are is up to you guys~~
But fyi, they are probably about to eat all three of you
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
08-30-2011, 09:19 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.
The strange human jumped back as he approached. Typical. They were put in a battle to the death, after all. He sent a message, hoping the human would hear this.
<I will not attack. If you should choose to attack me, I will have no choice but to defend my life. I desire to find who is behind this and destroy this person.>
He sat down and awaited a reply. But the reply never came. The human just stared past him, with fearful eyes. Right after Ka smelled something dank, he whipped his head around, and there was this black goop, oozing out of the walls and congealing. It slowly started to form into a humongous blob. Did it pose a threat? Would he be able to do anything to it? He certainly wanted no part of this creature in his mouth. As usual, he prowled around the fearsome beast and waited. He could dodge backwards if it lunged at him. If it just crawled closer, he would just run around it and try to catch it by surprise. If more creatures form, well, he would just have to use that.
He waited, but it did nothing. He watched.
And watched.
The blob then started to melt, spreading the black matter all over the floor. He jumped back, and retreated carefully. What could he do against this thing, now that it can change its consistency?
<You. Human. What can you do?>
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
08-31-2011, 02:00 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
Animal thoughtspeaked, Reuben unexpected meaningknew Animal's words. Animal thoughtspeaked of hateacting Eastasian enemy. Oceanian citizen if unwas Animal. Thoughtpolice? Unable think more; doubleplusunslow doubleplusunstandard event! Alive black paste! Doubleplus-doubleplusunstandard event! Reuben unready for doubleplusunstandard events. Animal thinkspeaked helpask? ...Unthoughtpolice.
"Doubleplusunstandard situation!" Rueben loudspeaked. "Animal hateacts nightpaste?!"
Doubleplusunslow Technology wakes. It moves to nightpaste and hateacts; lightning makes nightpaste painspeak. Reuben fearthinked of Technology, unnoisefully moved to corridor away from unclearful persons.
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SpoilerBy popular demand I will be providing summaries of what the fuck just happened in regular speak.
Rueben found he was able to understand Ka Sve Gle because he was being spoken to telepathically and so doesn't use language so much as ideas. He considers Ka to be from the same place as him, and briefly entertained the idea that he was thought police. The black blobs attacked. Reuben didn't know what to do. Shieldman stepped in and began to fight them off. Reuben got kind of worried and snuck off while Ka and Shieldman were occupied.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
08-31-2011, 12:04 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by shieldman.
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SpoilerApologies for my doubleplusslow response :c I didn't even realize I was in this!
Checking system... ok.
Audio/Video inputs... ok.
Generators... online.
Assessing location via GPS... ... ... N/A.
What had once been a very solid, very real recharge hub suddenly was replaced by void, then a laboratory. Shieldman refocused his ocular inputs a couple of times, trying to get a bearing on his surroundings, unfamiliar as they were. It seemed to be a standard-issue lab, a little on the unkempt side, certainly no five-star research facility. So rudely awoken from his recharging stupor, some systems were still coming online, giving Shieldman a-- for lack of a better term-- headache. He glanced around, not registering the other organics in the room at first. After a moment, he looked around again, then scuttled back a few steps in shock.
The musclebound, tense-looking hero was not helping him calm down, nor was the large horned tiger. He eyed them uneasily.
"Who-- who the heck are you guys?? Are you supposed to be the guys I... uh... fight? Wait, why would I say--"
He drifts off into confused monologue, not really paying attention as the hero-guy nonchalantly jumped on a motorcycle and rode off. The other two entities in the room, the human and the tiger-- oh, wow, those colors. He looked on at the majestic beast, enthralled by its vibrant coat. The human suddenly whirled around, and began babbling excitedly in vaguely English-seeming terms; no dialect that was familiar to Shieldman. He turned to look at what was so distressing beside him.
"Okay, black paste from the walls. That's... that's not good."
Despite the faceless command to "fight to the death" against the others, more pressing matters were at hand. Shieldman's morality core marked the human and the animal "Innocents", and the encroaching goop was certainly nothing of the sort. He engaged his generators, and sent a bolt of lightning slime-ward. The blast splattered that section of the black gel, and it receded for a moment, screeching. It circled around, away from the other two combatants, and a large portion of it surged towards Shieldman. He backpedaled as best he could, blasting it at slow intervals.
The human quietly departed the room, but Shieldman didn't notice; instead, he yelled to the tiger.
"You! Innocent, Ka Sve Gle, what are your combat abilities??"
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-01-2011, 08:58 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
Arckal quickly decided, that even for him, this was too much. He placed himself back on to his motorcycle and began to ride away.
Okay, this is getting insane. The damn blobs could be anywhere, obviously cold isn't going to do much, but when I ran right through the blobwall, I didn't lose any speed at all... Maybe they aren't as strong as they make themselves out to be...
As Arckal sped away from the blob monster, his thoughts were focused on the various thematic possibilities for this situation to go. However, this movie-based line of thought, was cut short by the action hero seeing a woman running away from a smaller blob farther away.
"God dammit..." He swerved to the direction of the blob monster, his cycle roaring at the monster. He reached into his jacket pocket and removed his trusty nun-chucks. He spun the weapon and with a powerful swing, he knocked the blob creature's upper half clean off. Turning and coming to a complete stop in front of the no longer running woman, he held out his hand to her.
"Thought you needed a nun-chuck..."
Smiling, oblivious to how terrible a line that was, the action hero remained true to his name, at least as well as he could without some writers.
The woman squinted in small disgust, her right eye twitching sightly at the line. However, with no other options, she followed, and somewhat reluctantly got on his motorcycle.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-01-2011, 09:03 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-01-2011, 10:29 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.
bluh bluh reserve. (can I reserve after another person?)
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-01-2011, 10:44 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
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SpoilerNope, gotta wait!
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-02-2011, 10:50 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
Reuben walked doubleplusclean corridor. All rooms fulled technology; Reuben unknew it. Reuben quickglanced uncalmful; Nightpaste unhere but building clearful doubleplusunsafe. Reuben was uncalmful for unknowed danger. Reuben askthinked situation; Eastasia doubleplusungood forcehaving citizens. Reuben askthinked it; Nightpaste is Eastasian Techmake? Reuben shrugged. He looks exit. Wishthink find exit then home.
Reuben walked corner, doubleplusunslowful find nightpaste. Reuben fearhad. He backwalked, quickglance seed more nightpaste. Reuben wishact fearwalk, unhas exit. "I willgo unloudful." He said, know it ungoodchanceful. Nightpaste approached, and doubleplusunslowful leaped. Nightpaste touch doubleplushurtful. Reuben hurtspeaked doubleplusloudful. His body feeled was unmaked. Technology and Animal unheard Reuben. His body plusunslowful was Nightpaste covered. Hurtspeak unspeaked.
The black blobs quickly dispersed, leaving no trace of Reuben behind. To most it would have seemed like a good time to end the round, but the being in charge of this battle was a little more cautious than most. He couldn't be sure. He opted to wait and see.
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SpoilerTRANSLATION: Reuben walks down some corridors. He is nervous. He wonders about the situation he is in, why if he has been taken by Eastasia there are no guards. He suspects the blobs to the some kind of Eastasian experiment. He looks for a way out. He suddenly encounters some black blobs and finds others have snuck up behind him. He has nowhere to run. He tries to reason with them, it doesn't work. He is eaten by black blobs.
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SpoilerYeah I turned Reuben into a blob monster deal with it. [img]images/smilies/pccool.gif[/img] He isn't fully in control of the black ooze yet but given a little time that black ooze will turn into an incredibly loyal Newspeak speaking monstrosity. It will probably be localized around Reuben for now.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-04-2011, 03:29 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.
The robot was finally getting in action. That's good. He needed to use its powers. He carefully analyzed the robot's motions and attacks, then put them into his memory for later use. Suddenly, he shouted to him, inquiring into his combat abilities. It wouldn't be best to say too much...
<Claws. Horns. And my mouth. I can't do much here.>
It didn't seem like he could do much here. He started to walk away, when he realized. When the robot hit the blob with his electronic attacks, didn't the blob... screech? Does that mean it has a mouth? Is it sentient? Huh. Maybe there's a weak point, a brain controlling this behemoth. It's got to be somewhere in this laboratory... I better destroy it, it's getting in my way. So Ka sent out a message to all the others.
<I've discovered that this blob has a weak point, a command center. I'll search the laboratory for it and destroy it, you keep subduing the beast.>
To his right were stairs going deeper. The bottom is the best place to start, he thought. He jumped down the stairs, and went on into the next hallway. Then he stopped. It was dark here. So very dark. Even his excellent night vision couldn't penetrate the darkness. This was much worse than he had thought... But at least he knew where it was. He resumed walking, very carefully.
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SpoilerSo sorry for the long wait, I forgot about this for a bit.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-04-2011, 06:41 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
"So miss, seems like you've got a situation on your hands. Anything you want to share with the class?"
As Arckal and his guest rode through the station, he could see the pulsing of the walls behind. The area ahead seemed safe, but still... he was worried. What if he couldn't outrun these things? What if they were everywhere. For the first time in a while, he was actually worried that he wouldn’t get through in one piece. But he couldn't show it.
With a scowl, the woman looked aside. With a hard sigh she spoke.
<font color="#0070FF">"What do you want to know?"
"Let's start with something simple, what's your name?"
"I'm Dr. Nyoka Saffin. I am or... rather was the head scientist in charge of this facility."
"Hello Dr. Saffin, the name's Arckal Stitch." After a pause he continued, "I've noticed you have a blobby sort of problem."
"Yes... those... things are certainly a problem. They began to appear a few days ago. They spread like wild fire. I don't know how many of my colleagues are left."
Just as he was about to respond, Arckal felt an odd sensation. He grunted as Ka's message reached his mind.
<I've discovered that this blob has a weak point, a command center. I'll search the laboratory for it and destroy it, you keep subduing the beast.>
"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?"
"Never mind then. So you're probably the last one left huh? Do you know if anything can take these things down?"
"I.. I don't know, I've never seen anything like them. I might be able to figure them out if I could study one, but that wou-"
Arkcal smirked. "Alright."
"Alright what?"
"Alright, you are going to study one. Just tell me what you need and I'll get it in a jiffy."
Nyoka looked blankly at Arckal. She could not believe this. He had seen how large the monsters were, how could act so casual about this. She couldn't comprehend this. Where did he even come from? As she tried to make sense of the entire situation, him appearing, riding on a motorcycle, acting so calm, it was all just... absurd.
Her thoughts on the matter were unfortunately cut short, as she felt something hit her back. When it didn't slide off or move, she panicked.
In any normal situation, a panicking person riding on the same motorcycle as him would be a good reason to attempt to calm the person down. However, as he looked into the rear-view mirror, Arckal realized that the hysteric dame was the least of his worries.
This was because, right behind them, there was a pitch black humanoid, on a motorcycle of his own, riding close behind.</font>
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-05-2011, 11:50 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by shieldman.
Static buzzed into Shieldman's processing core as Ka Sve Gle attempted to communicate with him. While he couldn't understand a word of the intrusion, the tiger looked a bit apprehensive, then began to slink off, leaving a trail of static in his wake. Shieldman wondered at what he had been saying, if he was saying anything. His thought was cut short, however, by a growing dark presence in the room. He turned his head, and was greeted with the sight of greyish black goop seeping out of every nook and cranny in the wall. A massive lump was forming, formless as of yet, in the center of the room.
Shieldman looked at it.
It vaguely looked back at him.
<font color="DarkRed">"...doub..."
Was it trying to say something? Could slimes talk, even?
An armlike wave of goo leapt from the main body, slamming into Shieldman before he could react. He crashed through the flimsy plaster wall behind him, flinging him into the hallway the other contestants had exited into. The arm had felt... decidedly un-gloopy, for sure. Perhaps they could harden themselves if a critical mass was achieved? Shieldman filed that thought away for later research. The current situation was more pressing; specifically, the somewhat humanoid figure approaching through the hole in the wall.
Shieldman scrambled to his feet.
"Sir! Gray... gelatinous creature! You are under arrest for assaulting an officer of the Law!"
It was a giant ball of squishy gel, true. But it had spoken, so it deserved to be notified of its rights.
A faint sound of motorcycles drifted through the corridor...</font>
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-05-2011, 05:26 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
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SpoilerAs a note it's always better when reserving to post it as a new post and delete the reserve post as it allows people to see that the post has been edited in.
Neuge Station not as exciting as would have hoped. Research here is boring. Was promised workplace free of moral objections providing ability to experiment freely. Find no such situation under the scrutiny of Doctor Saffin. Have started experimenting in secret. Accelerated Decomposition Ooze so far massive success. Predict once fully tested will clear all landfill within year. Only one unidentified metal resisted consumption by ADO. Have named Restrainium, and have constructed container.
Interesting development. ADO easily cleared away corpse of dead polar bear, found and killed myself for test purposes. But has acquired traits of polar bear. Attempted to attack, consumed whole hand. Managed to contain in Restrainium case. Hand in quite severe pain now, was unable to seek medical attention as would expose unauthorized experimentation. Will rest.
Unfortunate overnight development. Restrainium is suprisingly ineffective at long term resistance. Lucky was not consumed in sleep. Others of the facility have not shared this luck. Some sections of Neuge more consumed than others. Furthest from my quarters least destroyed. Posit ADO retains some form of intelligence from that which it consumes. As ADO consumed scientists hypothetically gained their fondness for the facility, stopped wrecking it as much. Speculate deeply held characteristics or beliefs would have substantial effect over ADO behaviour. Other interesting development, a tower (?) of ADO has formed in my quarters. Hypothesise brainstem. Will investigate further and attempt to gather more Restrainium from Minerals Lab.
Reuben's consciousness was growing stronger every minute, but he still had a long way to go before he gained any clarity of the situation whatsoever. One thing that his consumption had sped along was the blob's linguistic development. Newspeak was a language with clear and defined rules (even if they were unintuitive to most) and it was something the blob could grasp. Within minutes the entirity of the Accelerated Decmposition Ooze was expressing it's basic thoughts in the basic language. Reuben's consciousness was growing and rapidly approaching the blob's 'brain'.
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SpoilerNo translation because none of this is from Reuben's perspective. [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-12-2011, 09:42 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-12-2011, 10:08 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
When Arckal came back, he had a sword.
<font color="#0070FF">"Where did you get the sword?"
"Huh? Oh, this thing?" He nonchalantly waved the blade around. "I found it."
"You just... found it?"
"Yea, that's how these things work." With a smile, he continued walking in to the building.
Dr. Saffin sighed. "Whatever... where's the blob you promised me?"
"Oh that? Shieldman has that."
Right on cue, a towering man, holding a large amount of the goop followed Arckal right through the door. "Greetings Citizen."
Nyoka stepped back, surprised at the presence of a robot of all things standing in front of her. Regardless, she told him to place the blob remains on the table so she could begin her studies.
"So, the black dude was all, 'GRAAAAH' and not really doing much besides riding behind us and tossing goop at us. The goop hardened after a bit, but it didn't seem to move or anything. So we just tossed it back at him and he just sort of crashed."
With the doctor examining the blob in private, Shieldman and Arckal took to guarding her makeshift lab. Arckal was in the process of explaining to Shieldman all of the many exploits he had over the years.
"And then I found you and we kicked butt and here we are. So... want to learn about the time that I fought pirates and ninjas?"
"I am uncertain that would aid us in this situation."
"Good point... so you got any weapons or stuff I can use?"
"Negative Citizen"
As Arckal was about to grumble some more, Dr. Nyoka Siffon emerged, holding a large rod of metal in one hand and a sheet on another.
"Okay boys, this," she tossed the two battlers the metal objects, "is Restrainium."
"Let me guess... it restrains the blobs?"
"Correct, the chemical properties makes it difficult for the blobs to consume it like they do... pretty much everything else. However, I am unsure of how permanent it is. Wait a moment."
She walked back into the lab and returned once more, this time holding one of the blob remains in both hands. It wriggled.
"This... is a Restrainium Bomb. Seeing that Restrainium chemically resists these blobs, I thought that with a few changes it could do a bit more. While it is inside these remains, the restrainium is... somewhat stable." She handed the bomb to Shieldman before continuing. "However, if it comes into contact with vanilla restrainium, it will de-stabilize and turn into a dangerous explosive."
"Then that should be enough to take out the command center. Shieldman, you start going there, I'll catch up in a bit."
"Wait, you don't even know where it is! Wait... how did you know that there was a central brain?" She squinted at the large man who was taking charge, but then leaned her head and with a sigh asked, "Another friend of yours?"
With a smile, Arckal said yes. "Now, that isn't important, you need to get out of here." He tossed her the motorcycle keys. "I know it isn't much, but hopefully it should take you far enough to reach a better form of transportation."
Dr, Siffon was about to say something before Arckal interrupted her one last time, "Go, things are going to get hairy, and there's not a chance that we are all going to make it out. And if one of us dies, the rest of us have to leave. I can't let you stay here unprotected. Good luck Nyoka."
Arckal turned away and began walking.
Nyoka then told Arckal that in his drama, he forgot to take some more restrainium.
The slightly embarrassed actor grabbed a few rods, and then followed after the robot, leaving Nyoka alone and, with hopes, on the way to escape.</font>
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Spoilerwith like, 4ish days left, we've got to wrap this up, so here's the basic set up for that.
although i realize that maybe killing the core is impossible unless rueben dies?????
also doublelength i suppose
p.s. i'd prefer it Nyoka lives just in case i want to somehow use her in another minigrand as an NPC because that is a completly viable option the way these things go
p.p.s. shit, i bet she would go to 5106's first round after this daaaaaaaaaarn
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-12-2011, 11:48 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.
Reuben was doubleplusunclearful. He unfelt unalive? He was doubleplusunalive! He was eated, doubleplusuneasy be plusunalive. He ablethink, ablemove. He feeled doubleplusunstandard. Eurasian facility looked doubleplusbig. Doubleplusslowful Reuben learned plusmany limbs, plusmany eyes. He was allplaces, but noplaces? Rueben's manyeyes seed facility manyangles. There Animal. There Technology and Sunglow with technology...
Otherplace man and woman in sciencecoats hatespoke. Eurasian Reuben thinked. He doubleplushated Eurasian. Standardful report Eurasian, doubleplusstandardful? Reuben felt plusstrong, doubleplusstandardful event doubleplusstandardful response. Reuben hateacted; doubleplusunrestrainedful. Hateact doubleplussuddenful pluseasy! Sciencecoats turned seed Reuben. They fearwalked plusquickful. Reuben thinking pluscapableful. Otherplace Reuben seed them, hateacted.
"It's too late. Get to ?????? ???????????, call in a ????. Blow this place off the map." Manscience said. He stopped, hateacting against Reuben. Womanscience fearwalked, climbing on a technology. Doubleplusquickful Womansciecne drived away, into doublepluscoldful outside. Manscience was plusuneffective, Rueben was allplaces. Doubleplushateful Eurasian enemy! Doubleplusunrestrainedful Reuben eated Manscience.
Reuben was doublepluspleasedful. He'd hateact forcetaking Eurasian enemy!
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SpoilerTranslation: Reuben is hella confused. He should be dead but he is alive. He doesn't understand what is going on. He discovers he has all these extra body parts and eyes all over the place. He sees Ka, Shieldman and Arckal. Then he sees Simon Vex and Nyoka Sallis. They're arguing. He decides they are Eurasian and attacks them. He finds he is good at attacking now, it is coming naturally to him. The scientists flee when they see him, Simon sacrificing himself to allow Nyoka to get out of the facility. Reuben eats him alive and is pleased. He believes he can take on the people who kidnapped him and brought him here.
As a note he believes Ka to be Oceanian like him, but hasn't made his mind up over Shieldman or Arckal yet.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-13-2011, 12:13 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-15-2011, 02:44 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.
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SpoilerShit. Sorry for the long reserve. Consider that cancelled. Sorry, but could I maybe die this round? You guys can wrap things up, and I'll post my final death post. See, Grand Battles are certainly fun, but they are also a lot of work, having to keep up with everybody else. I can sense my enthusiasm for this fading away a bit, and I don't want to just lurk next round. It was great working with you guys, thanks!
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-15-2011, 09:28 AM
Originally posted on MSPA by shieldman.
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SpoilerThat's okay, ~ATH. Thanks for playing though! c:
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-19-2011, 07:50 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.
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Spoilersorry shieldman, this is taking too long! we've got to moooove ooooooon
Placing all but one of the Restrainium metals in his suitcase, Arckal and Shieldman ran toward the source of the creature plaguing the facility.
"This is weird..."
<font color="#398039">"Is there something amiss, Citizen Stich?"
"There aren't any blobs here. They've stopped appearing ever since we left Nyoka. I'm worried."
"I do not detect much anything. Wait. Up ahead."
The running duo turned the corridor, running directly into the path of Ka Sve Gle. The Eltari glared at the two, making certain that they were the same contestants as before. When he confirmed their identities, he relaxed and began to speak.
<So, it seems you have a plan?>
"Yea, this," Arckal held out one of his metal rods, "Is Restrainium, the blobs don't like it. Shieldman has a bomb that should hopefully kill the blob and get us out of this..."
After a moment, Arckal realized that something was missing...
"Where's Reuben?"
<What? I do not know, I last saw him escape from the room we began in.>
As if on cue, the facility began to shake. The group heard the the slimy and squishy approaching mass. Underneath, they heard whispers.
ungood ungood ungood
ungood ungood
As the three battlers rushed to the core, hoping to escape the the behemoth of blob after them, the words grew louder and louder.
The running three neared the door with reckless speed. This would be their folly.
As he made the last turn into the corridor with the room wielding the core... he tripped. The Restrainium in his hand flew out into the air... right into the bomb, with the massive blob still in pursuit...</font>
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Spoilergo ath gooooo
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Re: Mini-Grand 5108 [Round 1: Neuge Research Station]
09-19-2011, 11:16 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by ~ATH.
As Ka filled the hallways with light, He remembered this, as the moment he truly wanted to become the hunt leader, to defend his villages from any harm, and to be a leader to his pack. He stopped right in his tracks and turned around. He was staring right at the face of the blob. Ka could tell that the bombs unfortunate collision with unmodified Restrainium had caused it to become unstable. The timer ticking down was rendered completely useless; a bomb like this, it could explode at any second. There was no telling whether they’d be able to get it to the core before it exploded and even if they did who knew how large the explosion was going to be? Something this unstable could destroy half of the facility.
Sure the blob would be dead but what about everyone else? He steeled his resolve, and told himself, this is it. He knew what he had to do. He knew he had to be a leader, to defend the pack. Moreover he knew that sometimes leaders had to make the tough choices, to sacrifice themselves so that others may yet live.
Shieldman and Arckal looked up at him confused.
<Thank you for your assistance in this battle. It has been invaluable. Now you must save yourselves.>
The pair reluctantly fled down the corridor, not looking back. The blob continued it’s awful advance, it’s gibberish words echoing down the corridor after the pair. Ka, keeping his composure walked over to behind the bomb. He looked at it, pondering the last few seconds of his life. His only regret was that he could not return home. But it was okay with him. He had confidence in his pack. They were quick, efficient, and they had been trained well.
This was it.
<Farewell… comrades>
Ka opened his mouth, revealing the black hole that was contained within. Around him the walls buckled and shattered as they were pulled inexorably into the black hole. Droplets of midnight black ooze flew into his open mouth, the blob in front of him rippling strangely as it was pulled towards the black hole. Ka carefully picked up the bomb, which had now started to beep in alarm and he pressed it to the black hole. Unstable bombs don’t really like to get messed with, and as such perhaps one of the most surefire methods to get a reaction out of one is to compress it down until it becomes infinitesimally small at the heart of a black hole.
Whether it was the explosion, or it was the collapse of the roof would be impossible to tell. At the moment of his death he had shone brighter than ever before. He had been happy, to know that he had protected his pack.
This post has been blatantly edited by the other competitors due to continuity errors on my part. Here is the original, which I have written.
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SpoilerAs the Restrainium flew towards the bomb, time seemed to stand still for Ka Sve Gle. He was hyper-aware of his surroundings, so much so that the whole corridor seemed like daytime outside. His eyes glowed a bright gold, and he could see all, hear all. He had heard this happening only once in the village, at the death of the previous hunt leader. At that time, they say, he was like a brilliant beast. Their pack were fighting this humongous beast, bigger than any they had faced before. It seemed like they were doomed, even when everybody had their mouths open. But, right before their leader died, he suddenly became brighter and brighter, until nobody else could look at him. As the rest of the group stood stock-still, awaiting instructions, they saw as the source of the light suddenly disappeared. They turned back to look at the beast. The beast roared. Then it was torn to shreds. the remains fell to the ground, and among them was the leader. He looked around at each of them in turn, and said his last words. <font color="red"><I'm proud of you all. You have been supportive of me, even through the worst of times. I couldn't have done anything without my pack.> Then he collapsed. The great defender of Ka's village was dead. He had acquired godlike powers right before his death, as a final reward for a life spent fighting. Today, the legacy lives on.
As Ka filled the hallways with light, He remembered this, as the moment he truly wanted to become the hunt leader, to defend his villages from any harm, and to be a leader to his pack. He stopped right in his tracks and turned around. He was staring right at the face of the blob. The bomb was set to explode any time soon, and with the Restrainium conveniently infused, it would destroy the blob. But... what of the others? Surely they couldn't escape the blast in time. He steeled his resolve, and told himself, this is it. He knew what to do. He knew he had to be a leader. To defend the pack. The bomb started ticking rapidly, but to Ka, it seemed like hours were passing.
Behind him, the blob was quickly coalescing around the core. The others were in danger! But of course, it was all too simple for the new Ka Sve Gle. Quick as a flash, so fast the others couldn't see him, he ran back and bashed all the tentacles reaching out for his comrades. They were safe for now.
The ticking quickened, and now it seemed like only minutes to Ka. Calmly, he walked over to behind the bomb. He looked at it, pondering the last few seconds of his life. His only regret was that he couldn't go back to the village. But it was okay with him. He had confidence in his pack. They were quick, efficient, and they had been trained well.
The others couldn't escape! The blob had already sealed off all exits! This wasn't looking good.
The timer finally ticked down to zero.
The explosion rocked the whole building, destroying everything in the radius. The blob's core was finally gone. The lab was collapsing, they were sure to be killed in no time at all. The whole place was coming down around them.
This was it. He opened his mouth and roared. The roar could be heard even over the explosion. And with the roar, a huge surge of energy came forth. Ka sucked in everything around him, the blob's remains, the flames from the explosion, the falling debris. Everything, except for his comrades, who were standing behind him. He ran around and continued erasing all the destruction. When he finally closed his mouth some time later, there was nothing left of the lab. They were standing in a gigantic pit in the earth. The bright sun shone down on Ka, and he shone even more brighter than before. He was happy. Even when he knew he was dying, he felt like he died for a noble cause, and he felt at peace.
<Thank you for your assistance in this battle. I'm sorry I could not continue. Farewell... comrades.>
The light engulfed him, and he was gone.</font>
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SpoilerI don't really think I pulled that off the way I wanted to. But oh well, I tried. Thank you all for this experience.
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