The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

[Image: majestic_2.png][/center]another[/url] Grand Battle thingy competition. Please don't run away screaming. If you don't know why you should run in the first place, continue onwards.


So, you enjoy dabbling in a spot of writing every now and again, and fancy putting your skill to the test with others of similar dispositions? Well, erm, look no further. Please, don't. Here is far enough. Well, actually, go to the end of this sentence at least, because this sentence tells you to visit the first of the five links above in order to read a summary of the rules and the general idea behind the competition that's better than what I could do. There's a summary here, but it is only a summary...


Basically, you are going to be in control of a character of your own design, who's just been plucked out of their home universe and deposited into a competition without any prior knowledge of the proceedings. This competition is to be a fight to the death between eight of the multiverse's best, and you are one of them. But your fate does not rest on your ability to run around slaughtering people - no, for this is a writing battle! Every round, there shall be one death, and this death is to be determined by who is judged to have performed the worst over the previous rounds. Then, with one player fewer to deal with, everyone will be whisked off to a new setting and put through the above again. Got that?

Now, to make things easier, you can use a RESERVE system to claim the right to post within two hours of reserving. This could provide you with some time to get things straight, to sort out how your character might react to a situation and to make sure that you're not going to cause any continuity errors, without having to rush, stressed other whether or not someone else is going to post first and spoil your masterplan. After that time, though, others can reserve or post, though hopefully you'll be up against other chivalrous enough to let you go before them...


As part of the master scheme of ending up with eight of these running their course, then having the winners fight each other at the end, a third wave of battles started up recently. Having plucked out the 16 combatants, there were still some interested parties left over, so I've offered to host the sixth one here and now for those people. They were then added to, to produce the following cast:

Drakenforge - Wolf/Iris (#400000) - Crushed and drowned in a collapsing seadome - R3
Baphomet - Vexmagog (#4000BF) - Banished to a dimension of pure order - R3
Schazer - Sen (#40BF00)
Weldar - Steven Taylor (#008000
NotTheAuthor - Jacob Helix (#000080)
Kaikostrike - Alexander Striensand (#800000) - Got bit by Wolf a lot in the middle of a burning ring of trees - R1
redskap - Blitz Wykerr (#FF0000)
Korbz - John Swift (#4040FF) - Had his spine broken by crystal shards thrust into the air by a volcanic eruption - R2
Pharmacy -Eryntse (#FF5C48)


If those names haven't put you off (hopefully you want to seize the opportunity to work with such talented names - I know I did!), then here's the form you'll need to fill in. Hey, reservees have to fill it in as well if they want their spot (except for Schazer, who's already PM'ed me hers - I'll put it in a spoiler in a post after this one)

Username: If you have trouble filling this in, we appreciate your enthusiasm, but please, seriously...
Name: No, not yours silly - the name of the character whom you have invented for this battle.
Gender: Kinda helpful. M, F, N/A or Other are your choices here, really. If you haven't fallen into one of those categories, I'd very much love to hear about it.
Race: Any and every possible species or type of creature that you can come up is fine by me. Human? Undead? Neptunian? Demon? Robot? Kitchen sink? Whatever you want, fine by me.
Colour: In order to make it easy to see who's posted what, you pick out a specific colour text (and/or, if you fancy it, a special coloured background) in which you'll write all your posts and, at a later stage, other players will write your character's speech or actions in as well. Currently, this,this,this and this are reserved by me for overlording stuff, and any of the colours listed above by combatant names are as well.
Weapon: Well, this is a battle, so one important thing to know is: what's your player's mode of attack? Describe it as best you can. Bear in mind that your character doesn't necessarily use a weapon - maybe their bodies are their weapon, or perhaps they use magic or something similar. Be creative!
Abilities: Whether or not your character has a weapon, chances are that's probably not the end of the story. What other powers or abilities do they have? Magic-wielders, here's the point where you can go beserk about it, whereas others might wish to have special skills or powers that might give them an edge. If you can write it in convincingly, then you can have it.
Description: So, what does your character look like? What's their mindset towards things? If you have a picture, or are able to draw one, that would be excellent, but it's no big deal - all we need to know is what your character is like, both appearance and personality-wise, so that they can be written for sucecssfully.
Biography: OK, chances are your character hasn't just materialised out of thin air. They've been around for a while, have lived a life and all that. Let's hear about it. Having some character depth is helpful for writing for them, so just come up with a little backstory for them.


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tl;dr - An entity called The Executive has assigned two of his minions, Talis and Sruix, to host a Grand Battle for him, at Talis's suggestion. But it seems that Talis might have some other motive for suggesting it, bar his master's entertainment...
The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.)
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

[Image: majestic_2.png]
another[/url] Grand Battle thingy competition. Please don't run away screaming. If you don't know why you should run in the first place, continue onwards.


So, you enjoy dabbling in a spot of writing every now and again, and fancy putting your skill to the test with others of similar dispositions? Well, erm, look no further. Please, don't. Here is far enough. Well, actually, go to the end of this sentence at least, because this sentence tells you to visit the first of the five links above in order to read a summary of the rules and the general idea behind the competition that's better than what I could do. There's a summary here, but it is only a summary...


Basically, you are going to be in control of a character of your own design, who's just been plucked out of their home universe and deposited into a competition without any prior knowledge of the proceedings. This competition is to be a fight to the death between eight of the multiverse's best, and you are one of them. But your fate does not rest on your ability to run around slaughtering people - no, for this is a writing battle! Every round, there shall be one death, and this death is to be determined by who is judged to have performed the worst over the previous rounds. Then, with one player fewer to deal with, everyone will be whisked off to a new setting and put through the above again. Got that?

Now, to make things easier, you can use a RESERVE system to claim the right to post within two hours of reserving. This could provide you with some time to get things straight, to sort out how your character might react to a situation and to make sure that you're not going to cause any continuity errors, without having to rush, stressed other whether or not someone else is going to post first and spoil your masterplan. After that time, though, others can reserve or post, though hopefully you'll be up against other chivalrous enough to let you go before them...


As part of the master scheme of ending up with eight of these running their course, then having the winners fight each other at the end, a third wave of battles started up recently. Having plucked out the 16 combatants, there were still some interested parties left over, so I've offered to host the sixth one here and now for those people. They were then added to, to produce the following cast:

Drakenforge - Wolf (#400000)
Baphomet - Vexmagog (#4000BF)
Schazer - Sen (#40BF00)
Weldar - Steven Taylor (#008000
NotTheAuthor - Jacob Helix (#000080)
Kaikostrike - Alexander Striensand (#800000) - Got bit by Wolf a lot in the middle of a burning ring of trees - R1
redskap - Blitz Wykerr (#FF0000)
Korbz - John Swift (#4040FF) - Had his spine broken by crystal shards thrust into the air by a volcanic eruption - R2


If those names haven't put you off (hopefully you want to seize the opportunity to work with such talented names - I know I did!), then here's the form you'll need to fill in. Hey, reservees have to fill it in as well if they want their spot (except for Schazer, who's already PM'ed me hers - I'll put it in a spoiler in a post after this one)

Username: If you have trouble filling this in, we appreciate your enthusiasm, but please, seriously...
Name: No, not yours silly - the name of the character whom you have invented for this battle.
Gender: Kinda helpful. M, F, N/A or Other are your choices here, really. If you haven't fallen into one of those categories, I'd very much love to hear about it.
Race: Any and every possible species or type of creature that you can come up is fine by me. Human? Undead? Neptunian? Demon? Robot? Kitchen sink? Whatever you want, fine by me.
Colour: In order to make it easy to see who's posted what, you pick out a specific colour text (and/or, if you fancy it, a special coloured background) in which you'll write all your posts and, at a later stage, other players will write your character's speech or actions in as well. Currently, this,this,this and this are reserved by me for overlording stuff, and any of the colours listed above by combatant names are as well.
Weapon: Well, this is a battle, so one important thing to know is: what's your player's mode of attack? Describe it as best you can. Bear in mind that your character doesn't necessarily use a weapon - maybe their bodies are their weapon, or perhaps they use magic or something similar. Be creative!
Abilities: Whether or not your character has a weapon, chances are that's probably not the end of the story. What other powers or abilities do they have? Magic-wielders, here's the point where you can go beserk about it, whereas others might wish to have special skills or powers that might give them an edge. If you can write it in convincingly, then you can have it.
Description: So, what does your character look like? What's their mindset towards things? If you have a picture, or are able to draw one, that would be excellent, but it's no big deal - all we need to know is what your character is like, both appearance and personality-wise, so that they can be written for sucecssfully.
Biography: OK, chances are your character hasn't just materialised out of thin air. They've been around for a while, have lived a life and all that. Let's hear about it. Having some character depth is helpful for writing for them, so just come up with a little backstory for them.


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tl;dr - An entity called The Executive has assigned two of his minions, Talis and Sruix, to host a Grand Battle for him, at Talis's suggestion. But it seems that Talis might have some other motive for suggesting it, bar his master's entertainment...
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Schazer's character profile (she might possibly update it later, but whilst her holiday has her schedule all mucked up, she's sent this to me so that she can at least take part when she gets back):
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Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by CheeseDeluxe.

Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Man, I sorta want to do this one too, but I'm already in two... Oh well, I'll see if I can think of a character I really like first... If I can't, then I won't tentatively join.

... Actually, 3 is probably too much. I won't do it, unless people just don't join this.

Oh well, I thought up my character already, I don't want it to waste away in my head.

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Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by snoomanwaff.

Considering the speed intense struggle is going at I think I can handle 2 at this point, I shall express an intrest but will stand aside for new blood.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

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Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Baphomet.

Repostan tiem! Added a small bit at the end to clarify.

Username: Baphomet
Name: Vexmagog
Gender: male
Font color: How about a bluish purple? Second from the right in the sixth row, #4000BF.
Race: One fallen god and one half-dead god
Weapon: His right hand. It is covered in the vitals of a god of chaos. Its appearance is as if he dipped his hand in purplish-blue lava, which then began to cool and harden into black stone, though with some cracks still keeping the shifting colors visible underneath. The more influence the dead god exerts on his consciousness, the more of his arm it covers. It usually goes from the tips of his four thin, multi-segmented fingers to about halfway up his forearm, but there are gruesome scars from previous expansion that extend all the way up to his right shoulder.
Abilities: Vex, the main being, can alter the sensory input of other beings around him, but cannot cause physical pain with this power. He is particularly skilled at causing states similar to drunkenness and lust, simply due to what he tended to use the powers for most frequently before he was bound to Magog. Among other things, he can also change the way beings perceive him physically, and change the ways others perceive each other, along with causing enough of a sense of befuddlement that makes the target of the ability less likely to recognize that they are being duped.
Magog, the pseudo-being in the arm, exudes a constant malicious reality-twisting aura. Grass near it may wither and die, or may turn gray and harden into a slimy mass of tiny spines. The air nearby tastes acrid, assuming Vex is not altering your senses to make you think it does not (which he usually is, instinctually at this point). Root systems near it may begin to writhe and lash out at passers-by. Electronics tend to start reacting strangely, such as PDAs printing the word "blood" over and over on screen in the user's native language. When the arm covering is at half-forearm length as usual, it may take around ten minutes of constant proximity within about 20 yards for the effects to become noticeable. As it gains power, the time decreases and the size of the field increases. It does not affect things with a living will except at higher levels of power, and even then only if said will cannot hold its own against the uneasy, painful emotion associated with it. However, on physical contact with a willed individual, that individual finds their confidence and their energy draining, possibly made worse by the burning sensation that contact brings.
Description: Vex, the main being, is a satyr-like creature. Humanoid, slightly taller and leaner than the average human. He has four fingered hands and feet, which are structurally similar and both about equal in gripping ability--that is, very good. His head is less human than the rest of him, though. It is more elongated, with much lower, larger eyes, which are entirely light blue. He has two curved horns at the back of his skull, and longer, pointed ears. His head, upper torso, and legs are covered by an orange-brown fur. He wears a dark green cloak and brown pants.
It is lucky that a physical description of Magog is unnecessary, as all that remains of its once-fearsome visage is a covering over Vex's right arm. The most of it that has been seen so far is a shifting mass of indigo energy barely contained in a cracked shell of black stone.
[Image: VexMagog.png]

Biography: Vexmagog is, in essence, what happens when two gods embodying different aspects of the same concept are forced to share a role.

Vex was, at one time, a god of chaos. He played his part as a merry trickster, confounding and amusing the other gods with his antics. His universe was, apart from the familial struggles that are bound to occur when a bunch of nigh-omnipotent beings get together and decide to wrench some purpose out of this bothersome all-encompassing void, fairly stable. It had sentient mortals who worshiped them all as sentient mortals tend to do. It had a grand purpose, heroes, villains, drama, comedy, and all of it quickly snuffed out and replaced in the span of the puny lifetimes of its capricious inhabitants. Vex enjoyed himself, though he would, from time to time, make his other godly brethren the targets of his pranks instead of the mortals. They would be furious and try to punish him. Sometimes he was caught, sometimes he got out of it in his own sly way. The enjoyment gained was worth it either way.

Unfortunately, one of the times when he was caught (in a compromising position with one god's wife while imitating his sister, no less), something of a calamity occurred. A thread in the tapestry of their universe came unraveled. Panicked refugees from another universe poured out and shared their tale. The gods listened to it as best they were able to interpret the refugees' foreign tongue. Their universe, as well, had a god of chaos. This god was not like Vex. This god was a terrible abomination from the other side of the ledge of sanity, and he had recently escaped his restraints and became a horrifying scourge across the stars, driving mad those it was not merciful enough to consume outright. In desperation, they had opened up many portals to many different universes, seeking refuge and possibly a champion who could best this beast.

The god who had captured Vex thought it would be sporting to toss him into the rift and see how two gods of chaos got along with one another.

Unknown to him, this happened to be exactly the simplest way to rid the alternate universe of its problem. When Vex left the border of his universe into the void between the two worlds, he felt himself being pulled into the hole to the universe he was meant to be saving. He desperately clung to the frayed walls of reality, but was slowly dragged in. As his leg, first, slipped through the hole, Magog knew something was wrong. Two gods of the same domain were trying to share the seat of their power, and the universe wasn't having it--in fact, it was trying to overwrite the first with the second. Magog rushed to the scene in an attempt to drive Vex back from whence he came, just as Vex slipped further and made one last desperate grab for the edge of the portal with his right hand.

Magog realized his only hope was to rush into the space between worlds and come back, but Vex slipped the rest of the way while he was still halfway through. Magog's entire physical form and the lower part of Vex's arm were shredded and painfully combined.

Vex was stripped of the powers that made him a god that did not relate to his domain as defined by the new universe, including his immortality. He still does not age or succumb to disease, but he is not remade in the Hall of the Gods if his physical form is damaged beyond repair, as he did in the past. His body heals at a rate much increased over that of, say, an average human, but it does so in a similar way. Broken bones still need to be set, deep cuts will leave scars, especially grievous wounds will induce shock, and damage to vital organs is still fatal. The resulting being still has the will of Vex, but he now has that nagging voice in the back of his brain, telling him the world would look a little nicer with an extra coating of blood. He has lived with this burden for a little over two centuries.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

You know what's funny? I'm probably going to lose in the first round, and I don't care.
This is going to be fun.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Weldar.

Woot this is starting. I've got half my character made up in a word document, I might be busy the next couple of days but I'll try to finish him as soon as possible and post here.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Weldar Wrote:Woot this is starting. I've got half my character made up in a word document, I might be busy the next couple of days but I'll try to finish him as soon as possible and post here.
's fine. I'm going to be a tad busy for the next few days as well, so there's plenty of time for people to post. Who knows, we might actually get some people!

Baphomet claims his reserve, Korbz goes on the list.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kaitostrike.

Username: Kaitostrike
Name: Alexander Striensand
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Colour:Dark Red #800000
Weapon: A broadsword
Abilities: Power over fire.
Description: [Image: jb1l6p.png]
Biography: Alexander comes from an alternate dimension, from a very different Earth. In this dimension, Elementalists
are chosen to protect the worlds(and for the God's amusement). There are up to four Elementalist at once, one for
each element; fire, earth, wind, and water. As one Elementalist dies, another one rises.This time around, the power of
fire was going to go to a sage... But a mixup occurred, and it ended up going to a little child. Ever since then,
Alexander has had power over fire, and it has had a rather negative effect on his already bad attitude. He has
grown up a little prick, and stays one to this day.In related news,the Gods are laughing their asses off.
He tends to use a broadsword and only uses his fire powers when he feels like it. He is currently 15 years old,
and is an overconfident jerk.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Sweet, fire and ice mages in the same game.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Username: Drakenforge
Name: Wolf (His actual name wouldn't be translatable so just call him wolf)

Gender: male

Font color:Leftmost brown, also #400000.

Description. A full grown, mild mannered, and mysterious wolf. He's got a sort of knowledgable look in his eyes, sort of telling you he can understand what you're saying, even though he knows he shouldn't.

Abilities: Well, most normal wolf things. Hightened smell, night vision, and some newer gifts he was bestowed: He can dissorient with a high pitched howl and his claws are shaper then normal, so he could cut through something like chainmail if he wanted.

Weapons: Fangs, claws.

Bio: Wolf lived a happy life in his forrest. He was part of a small pack, and it was his job to look after the cubs. He would sit and play with them, teaching them how to forage, how to play fight, and how to hunt. He wasn't the strongest, so he did not lead. He was happy to sit in the den and protect the cubs, as it was his role in the pack.
But one day, he went out on his own for a changeto exlpore. As he padded through the underbush of the forrest, a strangenew smell wafted over him. It was a powerful smell that seemed to tickle his senses and raise the hairs on his back. His tail wagged in glee as he allowed the armoa to seduce him, and followed it to the source.
He found a small clearing lit by the bright-beast-that-bites-hot*, with strange smelling two-legged-pelt-stealers*
Wolf watched as they danced around the blazing heat, throwing more and more of the bark of the great trees into it. It was a strange sight to behold. The pelt stealers had forced the bright beast into some sort of trap, where it was stuck and could not move. It could no longer pray on animals or the forrest, and yet the pelt stealers fed it themselves, not for warmth, but for some strange alien reason.
Then the pelt sltealers brought more of their kin from the forrest, but these ones were scared and loud, rustling about as if they wanted to flee their pack mates. To Wolfs horror, the leader of the pekt stealers would cut open his own kin! He used the claw-of-stone he knew other pelt stealers used to hunt and work pelt with, but to hunt ones own kind? I tmade wolf sick that such a thing could happen, even to the strange pelt wearers.
But fate took a bad turn. the ground under wolfs feet was wet and loose, and eventually gave way causing him to fall and roll down into the clearing.
Wolf can't remember what happened after. They muzzled him an forced a strange burning liquid down his through, and his world turned black and his senses went mad.

Wehn he awoke, his chest ached at his ribs, and his tongue was dry. He limped to wheer the river was to drink. When he gazed at the not-wolf* that stared back at him, he noticed his eyes were different than he remembered. After lapping up his fill, he returned to his pack.
His yipped a greeting as he approached, but instead of wolf talk, the peltless speech came froum his mouth. He knew what he said too, and this scared him. The other wolfs came to investigate, and surrounded wolf as if he was an intruder.
The pack leader sniffed him, more and more as he walked around. Wolf could only bow his head in shame, as the pack leader announced.
Wolf was chased away, and for many days he had to hunt alone, afriad and with no home. Until a glorius light enveloped him, and he was spirited away.

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EDIT2: Way better character now. And yes this is something I know i can pull off.

*Bright-beast-that-bites-hot: Wolf talk for fire
*Two-legged-pelt-stealers: Humans
*Not-wolf: Reflection in the water.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Sruixan.

Kaiko and Draken are both definites, being new and reservees respectively. You've both been added to the list.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Draken, Why is your character Guts from Berserk, exactly?
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Close Myifan, but I assure you this is based on history, not manga.
He is based on a 16th century german knight called Gotz von Berlichingen, who was part of a mercanery army known as the Landsknechts, who used tactics that were present during the Renaissonce.
Guts was the sword, rage, and setting. Gotz is the character, historical accuracy, and something I can develop without just saying "grr, i'm big" all the time. However, if you think i'm ripping it off, I will gladly change it all.

And yes, i'm serious about the Gotz part. Has his own wiki article and his false arm is preserved somewhere in germany.

And Srui, i'm not new. i'm in Battle Royale.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Yes, I know Gotz I read the wiki article on berserk. However, the Demon part, and the Griffith part, it's exactly the same.

I don't know if you can use a premade character, but if it's fine I don't mind. I just pointed it out because you said

Quote:Sorry folks, but this guy just screamed at me to be created. He's got his own little universe in my head now. So originality is still mine.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Drakenforge.

Yes yes, point taken. Less gutsu for Gotz. done the rewriting. while you were posting. If Gotz is still too much of a relevance to something done befroe, even if it's real person and not some original thing, then i'll use the original thing I had up my sleeve.
I did warn Srui I had a hard time choosing, this is why.
The Battle Majestic - Combatant Application Form
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

This is probably a bad idea. Oh well!

Username: Not The Author

Name: Jacob Helix

Gender: Male

Race: Pureblood Human.

Font color: Why is blue so popular? #000080 - Top Middle

Supplies: One (1) authentic handmade broadsword from the late medieval period, enchanted for reduced weight, enhanced durability, and use as a magical capacitor. Has a slight indigo tint while storing energy, which becomes more prominent as more energy is stored. Though capable with just about any sword or sword-like weapon, Jacob tends to prefer broadswords for their parrying capacity. Often uses his sword as a walking stick.

One (1) brass pocketwatch with multiple concentric faces, practically unreadable to anyone without practice, which displays "local" and "origin" time, as well as time since departure, time until the theoretical end of the universe, and a few others. Contains a small removable cylindrical radio transmitter powered by a micronuclear battery, used as a locating beacon. (Though the beacon probably won't be useful in the typical manner, what with being in a pocket dimension and all...) Also contains a music player, perpetually broadcasting classical music at barely audible levels.

One (1) authentic handmade double-segmented plate chestpiece from the late medeival period, enchanted for reduced weight and enhanced durability. Worn over his suit.

One (1) authentic handmade clawed righthand gauntlet, enchanted for reduced weight and enhanced durability. More because it's stylish than anything else, really.

Abilities: His aforementioned skill with a sword, coupled with his naturally quick reflexes (just a hint of paranoia there, maybe) and some low-tier Quantum magic (short-range teleportation, small-area temporal and spatial distortion fields, personal temporal perception alteration, etc). Using magic drains energy from the environment, his sword, another artifact built for that purpose, or, if none of the others are available, his own metabolism.

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Jacob tends to come off as that smug prick of a rich guy who no one really likes because he thinks he's better than everyone else. This is probably because... well, because he is that guy - and he knows it, even using a subliminal aura of piano and strings to cement the highness of his class. He tries to be nice (or at least polite), though, especially when working around potential clients or allies.

Biography: Like many a man, Jacob Helix was not born into greatness. Growing up in a working class family, he always wondered why other people were better off than him. So he took from those better off people. Initially, he merely picked a few pockets for loose change, but as he grew older he began to get more... creative. He'd take jobs moving furniture, or looking after pets and houseplants while their owners were on vacation. He'd get paid for the job and, well... if something small went missing here or there, who would know?

Eventually, some time during his college years (paid for almost entirely in loose change), he caught wind that unscrupulous people paid considerable sums of money to other people to do unscrupulous things for them. Including stealing things. Sounding both more interesting and profitable than college, Jacob immediately applied to Monolith, a high-profile "Troubleshooting Agency". Here, between thefts, he was taught fencing and practical swordsmanship, opting out of firearm training due to the "impersonality of shooting someone to death."

Despite his apparent range disadvantage, Jacob typically didn't go on missions that were physically dangerous (unless he really screwed up during them). As he advanced through the ranks, though, he started taking on a few assasinations and the like, and found that he wasn't too bad at it, either. He relished the challenge of not being caught and, as he continued to progress, not being killed.

After several years of murder and theft, he attained Gigas Tier, the highest generic rank available, and was granted use of Monolith's Vortex, one of only five in existence at that time. The Vortex is a dimensional gate, capable of bridging the gap between one place at two different times. Jacob, as with all Gigas Tier initiates, was granted special leave to hone his skills in a different time period. Though many others might have chosen the future for its wealth of technological advances, he chose the late medeival period, so that he might learn swordsmanship from those who practiced it on a daily basis. For this, he was given a locator beacon, since a Vortex had not yet been constructed back then.

Jacob's abnormal choice of time period granted him a unique opportunity few knew or believed existed - the chance to learn magic. Before energy was restricted by "laws" of physics, it flowed freely for all to use. By the middle ages, however, only a select few (Mages) still knew how to harness this power. Jacob, realizing this would give him a great advantage over... just about everyone, took an additional six years leave learning the ways of Quantumancy, largely considered the most potentially powerful but most difficult magical school to learn.

Jacob was in his mid-thirties by the time he returned to the present. His work continued, and using the vast fortune he acquired (timetravel is a very expensive business, don'cha know), he maintained his youth, or at least the appearance of it, through various means both legal and otherwise. Through years of successful "troubleshooting," he gained the title of Anachronaut Templar for his outdated knightly battlestyle, and currently is a member of an elite four-man troubleshooting unit bearing his name - Helix.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Korbz.

Question: What's the deadline for new characters?
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by yousodumb.

If not too late:

Username:Yousodumb (you can call me Youso or YSD if you prefer)
Name: Herald
Race: "Unhuman" (read bio)
Color: [background=purple:dzpy7lyf]This[/background:dzpy7lyf]
Weapon: The sword of the Madgod, A blade forged of pure madness.
Abilities: He, or rather It is able to see into people's minds and see their hopes and dreams...Then it can twist these dreams into horrible nightmares, causing even the most hardy of individuals to go insane. He is granted this power by absorbing the natural energies put off by the thoughts of mortals, he feeds off of this energy as his main source of sustenance. When he has absorbed enough of this energy, he can transform into his "True" form.
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Appears to be a normal human...besides the fact that he has Winged eyeballs, He tends to be quiet, not talking much, When he does speak he tends to have a "biblical" pattern. He tends to think of mortals as nothing but a source of food, and that his path is the only correct one. He fears nothing, except for his "father".
Biography: He is the First "son" of Zeta Chris, he is a construct of the dark side of Insanity. Created to torment mortals, all he ever saught was to take the kingdom of madness from his father. As one of his missions to the mortal world, he was required to bring a mortal to the Land of insanity and see what would happen. This mortal was confused by the ever-changing landscape, and begged to be returned to his home. Herald laughed at the mortal's daring and threatened to trap him in this dimension, the mortal fell to his knees and begged forgiveness from him. He enjoyed this mortals worship, so he told him to write a book about this dimension of insanity, labeling him as it's master. After finding this book, Zeta demanded that his "son" tell the writer the truth or face the consequences, He refused, Telling him that his era of being king was over. Zeta cast him from his home dimension, stripping him of his former powers, left to wander the mortal plains as one of them and plot his vengeance.
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lighing.

EDIT: Un-reserved
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by redskap.

Username: redskap
Name: Blitz Wykerr (a.k.a. Father)
Gender: Male
Race: Superhuman
Colour: Bright red
Weapon: Bare hands, bandages (explained below), electricity
Abilities: Can fire bursts of lightning out of his left hand, is able to control the bandages wrapping his left arm (he usually uses this ability to bind people so he can get close enough to shock them; cloth isn't very conductive). Also can augment his movements/speed using electrical impulses. As a result of this, he's a very twitchy fellow, especially in his left arm.
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Biography: Before I can tell you about Blitz, I must tell you about his parents. His father's name was Wykerr, and that's about all anyone seems to know about him. Mr. Wykerr desired companionship at one time, and so set out to find a suitable mate. Now, Mr. Wykerr was three things; very intelligent, very cruel, and very insane. A serial killer, in fact. Eventually he found a woman who met his high standards, and he proceeded to court her. Mr Wykerr by no means lacked the charm and guile necessary for this. He even stopped his random murdering so that there would be nothing for her to be suspicious of. Over the course of time, Mr. Wykerr became less and less inclined to senselessly slaughter like he used to. He wasn't sure why this was, but he was happy, and it seemed to be fine with him. Marriage followed, and eventually his wife became heavy with child. Things seemed to be going fantastically for the newly wed Mr. Wykerr.

One day, his wife felt something in her let go, and it was time for the birth of the child. Never before had anything made Mr. Wykerr so nervous and happy and excited! They rushed themselves to the nearest hospital. Mr. Wykerr drove as carefully as possible, because it was a very dark and stormy night, and he didn't want to get into an accident. After many painful hours of labor, and many painful hours of waiting on Mr. Wykerr's part, the doctors finally had word.

His wife was dead, and the child a stillborn.

Mr. Wykerr reverted back to his old ways as soon as the news reached his ears.

He killed the doctor that had brought him the terrible message, he proceeded to go into the room where his love lay still and slaughtered everyone there. He saw his dead son, his body cold and lifeless, the reason for all this pain. He stole him away, determined to inflict on his corpse all the pain Mr. Wykerr was feeling right now. Not there, of course, because the authorities were on their way and Mr. Wykker would be arrested, and that wouldn't do at all! Ten steps out of the hospital he was struck by a bolt of lightning. He died, but his son did not. Hospital employees found a child, scarred by the electricity that had coursed through him, screaming and wailing in the arms of his dead father.

Blitz lived normally, despite his heavy scarring, for most of his life. He went through foster care with very loving parents, named himself after studying the German language, flew through school easily, as he had inherited his father's massive intellect. On his twenty-first birthday, however, he found that he had inherited more than just his father's intelligence. He went to sleep that night, and woke the next morning in an unfamiliar place, covered in blood that was not his own. A voice spoke to him. A voice that came from his own mind, but did not belong to him. Mr. Wykerr spoke to his son. “I'm here for you, son,” the voice said pleasantly. “And I will teach you to be the best you can be.”

To clarify: Blitz holds two souls; his own and his father's. His father possesses him when he sleeps and uses his body and his powers (which Blitz didn't even know he had before his father came back from the recesses of his mind) to cause mischief and mayhem of the very violent sort. Blitz is an insomniac for this reason, and when he's not sleeping he's constantly hearing his father talk to him, telling him to kill and murder senselessly. For the matters of this battle, Blitz will be “asleep” for the duration.

I dunno if any of this makes sense or seems too corny/cliche. I hope it's okay.

And I just read everyone else's profiles and I swear I wasn't trying to copy you Baphomet, I have had this guy in my head for a long time and this has been my first chance to use him. [img]images/smilies/pc_bemused.gif[/img]
Re: The Battle Majestic (Reservees please post! 1-3 spots open!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

Yeeeeeeeah I'd get completely obliterated if I enter in this one.