Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)

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Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Iroh.

> Stand up and introduce yourself as the tea maker who passionately loves his daughter.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>"Well, I'm currently on the ground in shock trying to figure out why my head is still attached to my body."
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> Overreact.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by WanShiTong.

>Stand up, brush yourself off, and offer a handshake while introducing yourself (First impressions mean a lot.)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Crono30067.

"I'm looking for work!"
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by sonic3535.

> Propose marriage. For his daughter, of course. In the future, maybe. I mean, no, not marriage. A date. A date, of course! Nope, I totally didn't just ask to take her out on a date, I just want to help you out with my tea and I'm not even interested in your daughter and actually I hate her and she's ugly - I mean haha just kidding where should I put my tea?
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Kocel232.

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.


Well, part of you mind is not stunned. That part quickly surmises that this large, loud man must be Sang's father. He stares at you expectantly. You decide to think up of some responses to his loud question.

Iroh Wrote:> Stand up and introduce yourself as the tea maker who passionately loves his daughter.

[Image: ruAxS.gif]

As much as you love Sang, you still are young and full of life, a life that you don't want to succumb to that large hammer the man is carrying.
Zylo Wrote:> Overreact.
No. You will not overreact, no matter what happens. You are a grown man, there is no need to subvert to your baser instincts. You can respond rationally.
Or you can cover your head and quickly beg for forgiveness as you are sorry for being in the presence of this wonderfully bearded man and please don't bean me in the head or eat gravel pie please don't hurt me.

[Image: CFcKO.gif]
<div style="margin-left:40px">BOY, IS THAT TEA THAT I SMELL ON YOU?</div>

You look up. You nod your head with the speed of a woodpecker-mouse.
<div style="margin-left:40px">THEN YOU MUST BE - ahem - You must be that tea maker my daughter was talking about.</div>

This, this man now does not look so threatening. You nod your head again, this time at a normal pace.
<div style="margin-left:40px">Father! Is everything okay?</div>
You turn to see Sang running to you. She looks up at the large man as he begins to guffaw.
<div style="margin-left:40px">Haw, don't worry, Sang. We're okay. Sorry about that, boy. Sometimes, an intimidating voice is best for driving away the rabble. The name's Peng, the owner and proprietor of Peng's Sweets.</div>

You quietly introduce yourself as the owner and proprietor of the Jazmin Lizerd (You really need change the name of your shop).
<div style="margin-left:40px">So my daughter here tells me you'll mutually help me out, eh? Scratch my back, scratch yours? Your tea must be pretty darn tasty. You can say my daughter has quite the discerning tongue.</div>

Sang hands you back you bag as she steps up to her father.
<div style="margin-left:40px">Father, is everything alright? What were those men doing here?</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Don't worry yourself. They just wanted some protection money, but I gave them the door! I don't think they'll be back for a while. Come now! We need to get ready for the festival tonight!</div>

Sang looks expectantly at her father, then resigns and walks inside the shop. You begin to enter when Peng stops you.
<div style="margin-left:40px">I can tell you care about my daughter, so that's why I'm telling you this. Those brats, the Ling brothers they call themselves, seem to be the sons of the leader of the local gang. I didn't want Sang to worry, but she might figure it out sooner or later. She has a firm head upon those shoulders.</div>

Peng looks deeply at you. You realize that he's being really serious.
<div style="margin-left:40px">As a father, I want you to protect Sang. I just met you, but I can tell you're a character with real honor.</div>
You nod your head and promise you'll protect Sang. At this, Peng loudly slaps you on the shoulder, causing you to wince.
<div style="margin-left:40px">Haw, I knew you were trustworthy.</div>

Sang pops out the door and smiles.
<div style="margin-left:40px">Are you boys coming in? Korin, I'm happy to introduce you to our store, Peng's Sweets!</div>

[Image: rBTeb.gif]
You enter and see a quaint little shop. All around you the scent of sweet red bean and baking custards fill your nose, causing the corners of you mouth to slowly rise. You see a small table in the corner, a place where patrons can come and sample the latest batch of mochi and tea cakes. Behind the counter you see a working station with two pots, one with red bean and the other green, both bubbling and steaming away. In the other corner you see an odd container with a mound of freshly pressed mochi sits.


Again, sorry about not updating much this week. I recently got Deus Ex from the summer sale, and just got the chance to try it out. Man, it's an awesome game, but it's such a long game. I did finally reach Hong Kong though, with its horrible voiceovers and stuff.

So I recently became a mod of an Avatar-based forum called Avatar Story. There I will also be posting updates as well, but that forum will be dedicated more to comments than inserting commands. Make sure to join the forum to talk about fun Avatar stuff.

Finally, the Avatar Reddit community is having a charity contest against the My Little Pony community called the Benders Vs Bronies Charity Challenge. Come join the Avatar side to show those Bronies just how awesome we Benders are!

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Crono30067.

Korin: Be super cool
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Iroh.

>Set up your tea set and let your new friends sample your delicious tea!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dreamscythes231.

Ask for a sample of each, then discern which tea suits best.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Dreamscythes231 Wrote:Ask for a sample of each, then discern which tea suits best.
Korin>Ask for a sample

You eagerly ask to try some of their sweets. The smells in the room quickly entice your nose as your mouth quickly waters. Peng lets out another loud guffaw.
<div style="margin-left:40px">Haw, don't worry, young Korin. I'm just about to finish my newest batch of mochi. Why don't you take a seat and I'll whip up a fresh sample for you! Sang, can you help get the fillings ready?</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Yes father.</div>

Peng then heads behind a counter and raises his hammer above his head. You notice that there is a rather...mischievous gleam in the man's eyes.
<div style="margin-left:40px">And now, I shall make some of my best treats! YEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!</div>

[Image: EOpUp.gif]
The THUCK of the hammer meeting mochi thunders throughout the room, causing you to raise your hands to your ears. You wonder in amazement at how Sang is even whistling a simple tune amongst the cacophanous slap of the mochi, but then you realize why Sang seemed to take a lot of breaks. With a final grunt, Peng unleashes a final effort as the last pound reached its end. You look over and see a large, firm, yet pillowy mound of rice gluten, ready to be shaped and made into mochi. However, Peng continues his stupendous momentum as he turns to talk to his daughter.

<div style="margin-left:40px">Sang! Are the sweet red beans finished stewing?</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Yes, they're done. Here's the bowl.</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Now go get the mochi rolled out!</div>

As Sang begins to section off the mochi and separate them into small disks, Peng takes up another aggressive stance as he yelled out his war cry.
<div style="margin-left:40px">HERE I GO!</div>

[Image: qRDaZ.gif]
Despite using a small spoon, Peng was quickly dolloping generous amount of warm red bean to the mochi disks his daughter was making just as fast. The whole process enthralls you, gluing you to your seat as you see the father-daughter duo work in tandem, Peng's vigor being especially overpowering. He repeats this process with another filling mixture, and then another. Soon, three groups of mochi emerged from the chaos, sugar and flour quickly dusted on in the meantime.

As he finished, Peng slowly stops and catches his breath. Wiping his brow with a towel, he gets up, grabs three mochi cakes.

[Image: UCGD8.gif]
<div style="margin-left:40px">Whew! Well, here they are! So, Korin, which one will you try first?</div>

Korin>Choose a mochi
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Crono30067.

> The light pink one looks pretty tasty, eat it in a classy fashion
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by sonic3535.

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> The white one! Is it rice flavored? YOU MUST KNOW!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Absol.

>Just stand still looking totally amazed.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Iroh.

>Take the pink (far right) mochi and eat it. Compliment it (no matter what it tastes like) and smile gratefully.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dreamscythes231.

> Nibble at each first,comment and suggest with the most favorable tea according to each's flavor, then try to nibble two at a time( A.K.A White Green, Pink-White, Green-Pink combination) and suggest again the most favorable tea for the combinations. Lastly, eat all of them at once and suggest tea. If this goes rightly, we can make order packs according to what taste good with what.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by kingbirdy.

>hopping on the green train
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by TheMagicalCake.

>All 3 at once
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by kingbirdy.

Updates! We need updates!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Absol.

Wiggler, be patient.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Anthony123.

This is good information about the Tea masters i like this and i have been attend many tea parties actually this is very great to attend this kind of parties because you are mostly watch in this type of parties a lot of big personalities are come into this party and have a Tea with their friends so this is also very best for your better resources i have been also organised these Tea parties...