A Different Realm [Done!]

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A Different Realm [Done!]
A Different Realm [Done!]
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Let's do this thing.
[Image: 1418k14.png]
[Image: eti6up.png]
[Image: 30x7rk1.png]
You went to sleep in your bed, and you woke up in a bed of grass in some woods. Something is not adding up here.
All is quiet, except for some rustling above.

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Look at the rustling above quickly before something eats you!
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Vinni.

Eat pills.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Gustave.

>Search the environs.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

>Pinch yourself. Perhaps you're dreaming?
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Sorry dudes, I have not played the Chzo games as of yet.
aimless-void Wrote:>Pinch yourself. Perhaps you're dreaming?
[Image: 24vtouq.png]
Nope, seems you really aren't dreaming. Dang, you were hoping that you could do some lucid dreaming or something if you were.

Gustave Wrote:>Search the environs.
Asmodemus Wrote:> Look at the rustling above quickly before something eats you!
[Image: 6525h1.png]
AAAUGH! Someone's there! Someone's... up in the tree?

[Image: 2qjvf5i.png]
"Hey girly, are you 'kay? You were tossing around on the ground there for a while, it looked like you mighta been having a bad dream or som'n."
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by AvzinElkein.

"I last remember being on a boat, heading to this place called the 'Bermuda Triangle'...."
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Gustave.

>Flee from horrible bird monster.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Vinni.

"That means life was a dream?"
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

>Ask what/who this bird creature is.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

> Ask yourself: Is a talking, hat-wearing, avian anthromorph a normal thing to you?
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Coyote.

"I'm going to skip the questions and just realize I need to get back home. Do you want to be my sidekick?"
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

aimless-void Wrote:> Ask yourself: Is a talking, hat-wearing, avian anthromorph a normal thing to you?
[Image: 11w3rxz.png]
Oooookay this is really odd. Blue birds don't wear hats or talk at home. You scoot away from the tree he's sitting in, because just getting up and running away would be kinda rude.

Vinni Wrote:"That means life was a dream?"
Aryogaton Wrote:>Ask what/who this bird creature is.
Well, it seems friendly enough, since he's talking to you and not screaming vulgarities at you or something. You ask about the existence of your past life, and also what his name might be.

[Image: 35m2vex.png]
"Uhh, what? Lady, I haven't seen you around here before, if that's what you're asking."
Hm. So you just got here.

[Image: 2qn8gld.png]
The bird suddenly hops down from the tree.
"My name? M'name's Fairy. So, ahhh... what's yours?"

[Image: 20gjeid.png]
Well, what IS your name? You already have one, of course, but now you guess you're in some weird fairyland or something, so you could probably make up a really cool name for the rest of your stay here!
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

>Millie Dunrich
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Gustave.

>CAPS small.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Nicomagi.

>Cale Harvest
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Yamtaggler.

>Jade Dandelion
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

>See what "default" is first.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Alex Righteous
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Aryogaton Wrote:>See what "default" is first.
[Image: 2vd1q9h.png]
Amy Lu. You know your name is Amy Lu. You're thinking that you could use something better, though...

Tseralith Wrote:Alex
Nicomagi Wrote:Harvest
[Image: f0opi9.png]
...like "Alex Harvest"! That sounds really nice. You click the "OK" button to submit, and now to introduce ourselves to Fairy.

[Image: wmnlvc.png]
"Alex? Hmm! Well, it's nice ta meetcha, Alex!"
You shake hands.

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Ask him if he knows what this place is.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Goldude.

Ask where he got that cool hat.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Reecer6.

I'M SUING YOU! I had an adventure before this called "Other World!" Hey Lawyer...
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by XX.

Ask him where you are and if he considers himself to be edible.
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

What, seriously? I haven't seen it... Is it finished or has it reached the depths of the forum board or something?

Anyway, I can't really think of a better title, so yeah... [img]images/smilies/pc_tense.gif[/img]
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.