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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-01-2013, 10:27 PM
Apparently my 'Anac is town' thing was seen as just kidding? Not kidding, ftr
Also production week so six hour rehearsals so posting when I get a little time off which is why I may be more often than contentful
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-01-2013, 10:33 PM
(05-01-2013, 09:17 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »I mean I could be less obtuse about it but I'm waiting for his reaction to it.
Reaction received. Can we have some exposition now?
Also, you say that "wonkiness" is a towny thing in your book. What about what I did to Pala, whom I also consider town?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-01-2013, 10:41 PM
(05-01-2013, 09:59 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »yeah well unless you can give me a good reason for town!granola to egg a guy (who I'm feeling pretty townish on) to suicide vig for the entirety of the end of day one I'm liable to stick with my hypothesis
The answer's probably one of the following:
I wanted info in the face of a nolynch.
Town!Granola's always a little bloodthirsty.
My lynch target's wagon wasn't moving fast enough and I hoped he would panic.
I wanted him to die so there'd be one/two less person(s) to deal with.
I wanted to suivig vicariously through him since I may not actually own a gun.
Shits 'n giggles.
I hope the mafia sees me as potentially lynchable so I don't get shot in the night.
Mod told me to.
I am actually a third party bodystacker and am trying to confuse you.
I am actually a town power role and am trying to confuse you.
I am actually a scum and am trying to confuse you.
Now that I think about it, yours is probably the best worst read on me, so I retract my previous grievances.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-01-2013, 11:12 PM
(05-01-2013, 10:41 PM)Granolaman Wrote: » (05-01-2013, 09:59 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »yeah well unless you can give me a good reason for town!granola to egg a guy (who I'm feeling pretty townish on) to suicide vig for the entirety of the end of day one I'm liable to stick with my hypothesis
The answer's probably one of the following:
I wanted info in the face of a nolynch.
Town!Granola's always a little bloodthirsty.
My lynch target's wagon wasn't moving fast enough and I hoped he would panic.
I wanted him to die so there'd be one/two less person(s) to deal with.
I wanted to suivig vicariously through him since I may not actually own a gun.
Shits 'n giggles.
I hope the mafia sees me as potentially lynchable so I don't get shot in the night.
Mod told me to.
I am actually a third party bodystacker and am trying to confuse you.
I am actually a town power role and am trying to confuse you.
I am actually a scum and am trying to confuse you.
Now that I think about it, yours is probably the best worst read on me, so I retract my previous grievances.
I'm afraid I don't have much practice in 'reading' other players, unlike the original Solaris I am sure; however, all but one of those reasons seem like strong enough reasons to vote to lynch yourself. (and even a 'self-protective' reason seems dubious)
In a game such as this, it seems seeking murder and confusion simply for information or a humorous time is vastly unhelpful and inappropriate. Either way, it seems your presence is damaging towards the town.
I suspect that your actual reason is none of those provided, however, my hunches have been notoriously wrong.
I vote to Lynch: Granolaman.
Mirdini, could you explain your color code system to me? I understand that yellow stands for "possibly scum" and green stands for "strongly town" but the other colors elude me.
If it helps to assuage you, I hadn't considered that asking about the reasoning behind the no lynch would be an action taken by a scum party, but looking at your reasoning, I can see how it could easily be. I focused on that point, simply because I have personally found searching out for scum based on the content of discussion posts a generally fruitless endeavor, however I have mostly participated in less-than-serious mafia games. I admit I am somewhat out of my element here. The lack of a death seemed particularly alarming, and the best route to facilitate conversation, specifically about the nature of the game, including the number of scum parties, and the possible motivations behind avoiding a kill.
If this is a single death-per-night mafia game, then it makes much more sense for it to simply have been a lucky roleblock/healing, in which case the astute members of the town, should not discuss the matter further, other than to know personally who among their compatriots they happened to save (or who among them they managed to block).
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-01-2013, 11:24 PM
Why would you EVER want to lynch yourself?
Also, "sleb" is from the sirlin crowd.
I noticed i forgot to vote.
Vote: Garuru
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-01-2013, 11:27 PM
What the color code system probably is:
Yellow: possibly scum
orange: strong scum
green: strong town
light green: possibly town
Grey: neutral or not enough info
Purple: third party
I think it's obvious why he would put purple for granola since third parties pretty much want everyone else dead
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-01-2013, 11:36 PM
I can see why granola would want people dead on D1, as it KINDA fills the role of a lynch. Also, I don’t consider it bloodthirsty for someone to want a lynch for D1 as it would probably help him and other people fulfill their reads/make new reads and help with future lynches. The problem is that Granola was purposely pushing for a supposed townie to sui-vig and it wouldn’t have helped anybody with any reads as Pilot might have made a mistake and killed another townie. Either Granola knew that they were both town and is scum or he doesn’t care and is third party. It doesn’t look good either way.
This is a pretty strong reason for me to Unvote and Vote: Granola instead
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 12:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2013, 01:00 AM by amosmyn.)
calibornio's in all likelyhood replacing Jaq. He'll post here soon if he is, I believe.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 01:05 AM
(05-01-2013, 10:33 PM)ICantGiveCredit Wrote: »Also, you say that "wonkiness" is a towny thing in your book.
(05-01-2013, 09:17 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »The wonkiness doesn't make them town, yes. It also doesn't make 'em scum (at least in my book).
reading comprehension!
Also btp your emphasis on verbosity while entertaining probably doesn't help you get your points across. As for colors: Yellow's light scum read, dark green's heavy town, light green is light town, orange is scum read, grey is null/neutral, and that brings us to purple which is third party.
granola third party (possibly one that wants/needs people to suivig????) makes a decent amount of sense to me. Is it still possible for him to be town or scum? Sure, I guess. Third party is the only alignment I can see that makes any sense re: egging someone on to suivig though.
since we didn't have a kill last night that means he's prooobably not an SK (one kill stopped somehow I can believe, but two)? Which means he's probably not very helpful to town but not someone we need to eliminate immediately either?
In ANY case I wouldn't want to lynch him right now at any rate because that's basically throwing the day away.
Theoretically speaking a third party lynch leaving us at a day 3 still without any proper lynch information. Would much rather see what lynching other people gets us and if day end swings around and we don't have someone we want to lynch we can always go to a fallback lynch on a third party.
This is of course assuming granola is truly a third party which is by no means a sure fact and the possibility that he's town who was exasperated by that other game he was mafia in (which I'm not going to discount as meta as it may be) makes me even leerier of lynching him. Then again it's also possible he's scum, but if I discount his egging Pilot on yesterday his posts so far have actually been pretty damn agreeable as Seedy mentioned.
So yeah not a fan of granola lynch, at least not right now/probably not today unless someone has a really compelling point to change my mind.
o_0/Kane, on the other hand...
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 01:18 AM
Hello, I am replacing Jac and just wanted to pop in and say hello. I won't be able to post in-depth analysis of anything until later because homework. Also, this is only my second time playing mafia, so I'll probably make mistakes. This doesn't mean I want people to pity me for being terrible at this. I got lynched first day on a newb mafia game, so yeah, I'm horrible, but I've learned some things.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 01:19 AM
Don't listen to him. He's pro-league, MML tier mafiajesus.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 03:01 AM
I'd just like to pop in real quick to say that homeworks and such have been hitting me hard recently. I'm not going to drop out, though, since I know that ynot's already having trouble with replacing peoples.
In terms of stuff going so far, I hold my point about Granola and Kane being suspicious from D1.
I probably won't pop in later with analysis because BLUUH WORK. It'll probably be like tomorrow IRL that I can post at best, and at worst tomorrow in game.
I may as well just dump a vote on Vote: Granola for now. Interpret it however you like.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 03:03 AM
Also EBWOP and such, have we really survived to D2 with nobody dead? I mean my god how often does this happen? Especially in a game where everyone has a gun?
Also bluh game's going slow again. I'll probably be back before day ends then, unless Granola gets like hammered or something, in which case bluh.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 03:10 AM
(05-01-2013, 08:42 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »0_o - Play yesterday has him at a scumread for me. Hops on the pilot lynch AFTER the claim in #256 right after the person he apparently doesn't like votes on the same lynch. Says the lynch is bad in #287, but doesn't unvote? Unwillingness to lynch anacreon is very possibly a thing. Weird hypothetical at the end of the day? Posts today have been nibbling around the edges of arguments, not really taking any stance, first post of the day is 'why do people think there were no kills in the night' which sure is a post to start the day off with. Not like scum want to know why their kill failed or anything right. This goes for btp too actually.
going to go with a Vote: 0_o
Yes, today I have not been able to actually do anything due to RL things I applied for (and were accepted to!!). I also have APs in about, oh, a week?
Ok - first things first, I'm pretty sure we didn't get very close to the 11 votes required to lynch Pilot at that time (I was the 7th vote). Then when Pilot's reaction was very good, I kept my vote on him (cause, again, we were no where close to a lynch relatively speaking), and decided what I would do. Not liking the anacreon lynch because I didn't (and don't) think there's enough on him to go anywhere, I ended up going no lynch.
I don't even think I need to respond to the idea about me trying to find out why "my kill" was stopped.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 03:34 AM
(05-01-2013, 02:30 AM)MathGirl277 Wrote: »Okay, can someone please outline what makes people think I'm scummy? What I was trying to do was get people to start talking when no one was. And people seem to be assuming other people think that I'm scum while holding me as a townread and I'm just confused on why people are saying things around me.
I (and the few who agree with me) have literally said everything about you D1! That being said, it's pretty lame that you bring it back up when Granola (and a bit of me) was criticizing a policy of someone else, and merely referencing you.
Vote: Mathgirl
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 03:53 AM
Okay, so here’s my analysis of everyone so far and I’ll just use the custom system to make things easier.
Mathgirl- So far, she seems the towniest to me, going out of her way to try to get conversations started, has been one of the most active posters, with most of her posts being relevant and helpful, offering some advice I agreed with (i.e. don’t suivig if you’re a cop), and even offering to hammer herself to give town info, I’d be really surprised if she were scum. Sure, she did some weird things, like the RVS situation and the being kind of passive with her lynches, but those seemed to have the intent of revealing information and getting nervous because a bunch of people had started to vote on lynching her. Although her kissing up to people did seem slightly scummy, but not too scummy, especially compared to the scumminess of other people.
Pala- Pala seems like a viable candidate for town, especially with some of his good arguments against Tea, especially the parts about how connections are different from info as people could talk a lot, but it might not actually be anything that would be worth killing over, just some theories bouncing back and forth, and his suspicion of Kane, because that’s something I’m also suspicious of. I also liked his argument against Yewchung even though it was pretty short because it was something I thought was really weird too. The arguments with Tea started getting eally annoying and derailing, though, but I don’t think that means Pala’s town. Also, with the new (most likely town) grouping of Palamedes, he seems pretty townish.
Solartp- I don’t really have a solid opinion since there were only 4 posts, only 2 of which were actually useful, but I’m leaning neutral toward btp. The main things I’d like to know about btp if they’re town is what their role is, since they seem to be implying they’re not rolecop and I’m pretty sure they’re not doctor.
Sea- Sea seems relatively towny to me with this post as Mathgirl shouldn’t be lynched for reasons explained above, Fragowump’s post didn't really seem serious, and Kane’s notactuallyrandavote was suspicious to me as well. The defense of Anacreon seems kind of scummy to me because it didn't really have much evidence to back it up. Pilot did seem kind of scummy, though, so that earns some town points.
Kane- His constant suspicion of Mathgirl is really weird and even now he's still trying to get her lynched even though most of it seems based on the RVS thing, which doesn't make much sense because he pretty much broke the RVS thing with his vote of Mathgirl (assuming RVS means randavote or something similar).
Sorry, I'll post more tomorrow.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 03:54 AM
Also, it's going from towniest to scummiest, if anyone was confused.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 04:06 AM
cali i am insulted
I am the most maniacal person here what about my read
hehe your a cutie x3 *flops beside u and nuzzles*
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 08:47 AM
hello i am here
when does the day end
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 08:53 AM
Hello everyone, I am a Genetixist.
I'm about halfway through the thread atm, but I'm gonna try to get 100% caught up either today or tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Night One: Slumber (21/21)
05-02-2013, 10:00 AM
(04-30-2013, 03:29 AM)amosmyn Wrote: »Day ends on May 5th at 11:59PM EST.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 10:31 AM
Okay so sorry for not being all that active lately, it’s finals week and it’s been giving me hell. As a matter of fact, I probably won’t be able to really devote myself to this until after May 9, maybe? Homework is a priority.
Nevertheless I’m not going to let Kane get away from me today.
Still not liking 0_o. First, there was that really weird “not random” vote on Mathgirl. I have previously mentioned that this is kind of a counterproductive vote, by jumping on a person for trying to get some discussion going (even if it ended up not going that well). Then, this is a bit of a stretch, but it might seem like scum hyper-reacting to a small thing, in order to push a lynch. Actual psychology escapes me, but I personally know that I’m prone to being quick to jump at on D1 when I’m scum, and that’s what Kane seems like he’s doing.
Then, there’s post #316. The one where Kane asks why nobody died and what a mark is. Yeah, that one. So, for obvious reasons, asking about what happened in the night is just plain wrong, because that’s information that scum wants. Hm, actually, he’s been making a ton of mechanics-related questions, and that does not sit right with me at all. Like, scum has more reason to be concerned about things that happen in the night than town, because they don’t want anything happening to them.
Tea is honestly being kind of obnoxious this game, what with thinking he can get away with not explaining anything. There’s that Mirdini vote earlier, and there’s that vote on me without reasons. Oh and the whole back and forth between Palamedes, in light of the fact that I feel a lot better about Pala today, feels kind of unnecessarily aggressive. This is bordering on meta, but I think Tea tends to be more aggressive as scum, and I’m starting to see that here.
Boogeyman still does not look good to me, but it’s mostly just lingering vibes from post 194. Deciding to abstain from lynching at the end of day is not really pro-town, and feels kind of safe.
The whole Anacreon wonkiness thing is just plain confusing. I’m not so inclined to instantly believe they’re town, unlike some others. This whole thing smells slightly of an elaborate scum gambit, where people go “oh yeah he’s super town now. my night actions say so, and I’ll just leave it at that.” and people sure were quick to declare Pala as super town. I don’t really want to lynch them right now, though, so consider this a warning not to trust people so blindly.
Also, can we stop semi-claiming. It’s not helping town at all. Seriously.
I think someone brought up my last minute Pilot vote yesterday, so let me clarify that. I was trying to push a lynch, any lynch at all, because I didn’t want to no lynch. Pilot had a pretty high amount of votes, and I didn’t think I could push an Anacreon lynch in time. At the time, I thought we had soft lynch, so I thought that a small number of boosts to Pilot’s wagon would help get a lynch in those last 30 minutes. Then amos extended the day, and the lynch became a non issue. I went back to pushing for Anacreon, because he still looked bad at the time. So basically, it was just an end of day panic lynch. He still looks mildly okay to me, aside from the Anacreon wonkiness thing.
In conclusion, vote: 0_o, Tea needs to explain himself more, Boogeyman needs to be more involved, people should not trust nebulous night actions, and no more semi-claiming, please.
Any questions?
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 02:16 PM
I just want to make it really clear that I don't think anacreon or Pilot are 100% town because of the shenanigans, though they sure did react in a townish way to it.
Garuru your post is actually alright though and it has earned my mercy. Would rather vote: 0_o for now.
Tea I thought was looking mighty scummish again but then he backed right off of Mirdini the instant he posted, and I'd think scum!Tea would try and keep pushing a little longer (esp. since Mirdini didn't actually confront him). He is being a little obnoxiously vague about things (I'm going to vote ____ unless someone convinces me not to/to vote someone else is particularly awful) but I've upgraded him to minor scumread.
Also not too happy with caliborno's post since it seems like a lot of those reads are either sheeping, contradictory, or just plain rolefishy. Though they are new and they are trying so I'm going to let them slightly off the hook for now.
Oh hey would anyone be interested in a beruru policy lynch because goddamn.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 03:27 PM
(05-02-2013, 02:16 PM)Palamedes Wrote: »Oh hey would anyone be interested in a beruru policy lynch because goddamn.
I am currently fine with beru fallback lynch policy in place of granola fallback lynch policy
I mean for chrissakes at least granola posts words
Yewchung's two posts up there sure aren't making me feel any better about him! Neither are Kane's for that matter?
Garuru's post I sorta like despite some reservations (tea always thinks he can get away with not explaining anything), caliborniooooooo yeah I can agree with Pala's assessment pretty much, would like to hear his thoughts on more than just five players total.
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RE: -=- Crooks Hollow III Mafia -=- Day Two: Back to the Tables (21/21)
05-02-2013, 09:37 PM
I don't have the energy or time to deal with this, so:
I am a Town Bleeder, will not die upon being shot or shooting or whatever until end of the day.
If you guys want to use me for something, go ahead, don't care.