Masks 2

Masks 2
RE: Masks 2
"Woah, that's a big dog," Hackerman narrated to no one in particular. He could fight it but like, time was pretty important in this state because you know, mutant plants and apocalypses. "Nice doggie, but I have to split. Meow." Instead, he's just going to turn into a cat and zip between the legs of the dog, bolting for the control of the missiles.
RE: Masks 2
"Let's goooo! Get that stupid tree!"

She pumps her fist and rockets through the hole in the wall, doing a flip in the air just 'cause. Gotta show off that NYC street runner style!
Current Projects:
Human space is at war, and we're all caught up in it - Scattered Stars

A woman chases another through the snow, but where will their path lead them? - Footprints in the snow
RE: Masks 2
Speaking of everyone being ready to charge.

"FOR THEMYSCIRA!" Orla screamed out in amazonian, charging into the breach as it began to slow it's falling down, spear and shield as she pumped Amazon-juiced legs and climbed and jumped onward. Whatever was behind the wall she was going to engage first, hopefully.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: Masks 2
Candy gave a small cheer and dance. She knew this was barely the beginning, but you had to celebrate your small victories right?
RE: Masks 2
"Okay! I should probably warn them that-"

Theraea noticed the entire crew charging through the hole in the wall with reckless abandon. Earth's finest heroes.

She settled for telekinetically lifting up the largest object she could manage and flinging it directly at the waiting kaiju's head as a distraction, while waving her arms and yelling. It was something!
RE: Masks 2
Finn wipes her forehead. Cool! She'd done right by having faith in Ezren!!! For once, shit payed off!

She hefts her sword up over her shoulder. This is it -- her big chance to actually feel heroic. More importantly, it's her chance to make sure everyone else is ok. She's got this-- and so do Orla, and Candy, and Essen, and Therea, and all these folks she doesn't really know. They're going to do this. They have to.

Summoning up all the false confidence she inherited from her father, she charges forward, sword held at point!
RE: Masks 2
Ezren, Orla, Candy, Finn, the Demon, Harpwn, and Folly charged in on foot, ready to battle whatever lied in wait through the dust and smoke of the fallen wall. Meanwhile, Esen and Lady Light flew in together overhead, ready to blast and slash whatever they saw!


This caused Theraea to panic somewhat, as she was basically invisible to the people below. Smoke and dust tended to do that! Without many other options, she began throwing giant chunks of wall at the kaiju, trying to catch its attention and NOT launch a perfect ambush of her friends. This action proved to be successful, as the kaiju looked up towards the wall with annoyance as a fresh horde of insects flew out of the surrounding buildings towards her. An enraged Gullgirl, taking to the air, began smashing them out of the sky with her flail.

"YOU HANDLE THE KAIJU, I'LL HANDLE THE BUGS!" she screamed as she clawed a bug in half.


The group charged up through the breach and beheld a gigantic kaiju, easily five stories tall, with enormous porcupine quills, the body of a bear, and the nimble rolling agility of an armadillo. It was fortunately distracted from its plan to roll on through the breach (possibly impaling a bunch of them) by huge rocks that were being thrown down from above!

"You've got reinforcements on the way! Just hang in there!" Emily told them.


Ken had battled a great many computer systems in his day, tearing through firewalls and security systems with speed and skill that put even #Hero to shame.  This one? This one was nothing special. He made himself invisible in the web before shooting by it, nimbly avoiding its sensors and grids as he spun through a mass of datastreams into the pulsating heart of the defense grid. The dog had been alerted, but didn't seem to be aware that Ken was in the system they'd sworn to protect.

Pressing his hands into the data core, Ken became aware of the numerous anti-missile laser batteries, cameras, drones, and automated tanks at his disposal. He even had access to the big coastal battery guns down at the docks, as much good as those would do. He ALSO became aware that his friends were locked in battle with a deadly kaiju just inside the breached wall, and he just so happened to have a bunch of anti-missile laser turrets that he could help with. They probably wouldn't win the battle on their own, but they were a hell of a lot better than his 9mm pistol.
RE: Masks 2
Er. Whilst Orla was wondering how to fight this giant porcupine, she just threw her spear up at it's neck as it looked up and kept running.

Keeping one hand free to keep calling back and throwing the spear, Orla took on the pretty damn risky maneuver of running to stab at it's hopefully less spikey feet with her sword. Of course if it seemed to suddenly be trying to catch and eat her in one bite rather than stamp or swat away, that'd change tactics drastically to just backing off and throwing the spear at joints from different angles.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: Masks 2
Golly-gee, that's a lot of datastrings he needed to pull on. Hackerman calls up Theraea (because she is the most technologically adept of the group) and Finn (because she is really into strategy). He asks them if he should just spray-and-pray, or if he should hold the fire until the kaiju is in a more vulnerable position. Because well, its a near-invincible creature.
RE: Masks 2
Theraea responded to Ken!

"Um! Try watching it for when it's doing something dangerous! Like taking a swing at someone! You might be able to throw it off balance that way? Keep it from acting at full capacity!"

Meanwhile, Theraea had something approaching a plan! She started focusing fire with the chunks of the wall she was throwing, trying to break off a piece of one of the kaiju's spines. That might make for a more effective weapon to use against it than merely blunt force.

Naturally, if she could get control of the spike she would aim it for the kaiju's head. Especially the eyes, if she could manage it. This wasn't really a creature she needed to feel bad about committing intense violence against, considering it was some horrible murdertree's creation and all that!
RE: Masks 2
The guys down in hell were going to be so JEALOUS. Giddy as ever, Ezren grabbed a nice big hunk of wall chunk and ran around to the opposite side of where Orla was, winding up like some kind of idiot cartoon man, he bowled the thing at its feet to see if he could knock it over!
RE: Masks 2
Ken does some cover fire at the massive plant kaiju, as a response!
RE: Masks 2
Only one thing to do with a porcupine -- shock it!!

Finn charges her sword with lightning and starts striking at the quills rather than trying to touch the body! She'll try and set the lightning arcing through the quipps so that whether she hits them or not they become lightning rods!
RE: Masks 2
Esen, coming in from above, decides to swing around and see if she can hit the Kaiju in some softer bits. She aims for the eyes at first, and looks for any weaknesses in its armor.
Current Projects:
Human space is at war, and we're all caught up in it - Scattered Stars

A woman chases another through the snow, but where will their path lead them? - Footprints in the snow
RE: Masks 2
Finn charged up her sword and unleashed a torrent of magical lightning on the bearcudillo, weakening its quills for an attack by Theraea! The thankful weaver then threw several large chunks of rock at the kaiju, dislodging a number of its quills. She deftly picked them up with her telekinesis, preparing to propel them down through its eyes!

Meanwhile, Esen came in slashing and stabbing at its face with her hookshots. The vengeful bearcudillo attempted to claw and bite Esen out of the sky, but was distracted by the laser fire from the defense turrets! Thanks, Ken!

Gullgirl continued protecting a concentrating Theraea from the hordes of bugs, slamming them down with mighty swings of her flail. Seeing that their allies were concentrating on fighting the kaiju, the Demon and Bloodsport led the resistance soldiers in battling the many ground-based mutants attacking the area. They did their best to keep the battlefield free of annoying distractions. At the same time, a ducking and weaving Harpwn sent blasts of chromatic energy at the kaiju, melting away flesh to create weakspots which Lady Light gladly exploited with giant chunks of hurtled wall rock! As all this happened, Folly was off to the side leaning against a lamp post.

Orla threw her spear at the kaiju's neck, managing to leave a deep gash despite its bone plate armor, and charged in to begin hacking at its feet. These left shallower cuts, nevertheless agitating the enormous creature. From the other side, Ezren came in with a giant rock, smashing it into the creature's other leg.

Under this combined assault, the bearcudillo let out a frightened, angry cry! Rolling up into a spiky ball, it began bowling around the battlefield seeking to impale its foes!
RE: Masks 2
Ooooooooh this was a friend. At this point maybe it was a little too big to lead off or, oh I dunno, launch into the sea, so Ezren went for blood. Running for one of its shed spikes, he angled it on his shoulder, and went to get a poke in on the beastie! Maybe he could get some purchase to scramble between the spikes, if he didn’t get poked himself.
RE: Masks 2
"Its going full sonic!!! Maybe we can lure it into something, scout out for a trap!" Candy says as she takes cover behind some leftover wall, preparing for defensive maneuvers and dodges.
RE: Masks 2
Orla... well, there was absolutely no tactical benefit to being run over whether she'd survive it or not, so, no.

"I'm not really great at dealing with kaiju unless I let it eat me." She yelled, summoning her spear back as she didn't do that stupid thing in movies where someone runs directly away from the incoming monster and instead always moved perpendicular to it's direction as she kept throwing her spear. Although, she did look for points where maybe she could lodge her spear into the ground for it to just run over and stab into itself with it's own weight rather than her throwing it.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: Masks 2
Damn this beast to hell! Finn doesn't exactly have much in the way of Kaiju-counters either. Honestly, she's got nothing here. She'll keep on firing off blasts of electricity and making cover for her friends where she can, searching this thing for any sort of opening.

"Don't let it eatcha, lass - gives it a chance to chomp! MAKE it eatcha!"
RE: Masks 2
Ok you know what they were yelling Ezren heard it.

”… WE POKE, YOU JUMP?” He offered, miming a little upward stabbing motion with the big ol spike.
RE: Masks 2
Orla looked up at it, then back at Ezren and Finn, then back up. Wondering how the hell she was gonna get swallowed.

"I'm gonna climb up somewhere until it stops rolling then just... jump at it." She yelled, running back to the rubble to try and get some high ground.
"Don't get me started on Henchmen."
RE: Masks 2
Esen stays above the Kaiju and shouts down to the others.

"I'll pull people out of the way if it gets too close!"

In the meantime, she keeps attacking it, slashing from whatever direction is farthest from the other heroes in the hopes of distracting it away from them.
Current Projects:
Human space is at war, and we're all caught up in it - Scattered Stars

A woman chases another through the snow, but where will their path lead them? - Footprints in the snow
RE: Masks 2
Ken keeps on shooting the kaiju. Yeah, he could try to apprehend the bearcudillo, but there tends to be a lag between dimensions. Big guns for big things.
RE: Masks 2
Theraea, having little she could really do against a giant rolling monster, reached out with her Abyssal powers and tried to slow time around the kaiju! Maybe it would at least give the rest of the team a little extra time to react.
RE: Masks 2
Theraea reached down, using all her strength to slow the kaiju's roll. Ezren's efforts aided in this as he stabbed a spine into the creature, slowing its roll further with his own strength and grit. Finn and the Demon strategically fired ice to slow it down, and Esen moved a few unfortunate resistance fighters out of the way. Candy was able to deftly dodge the rolling creature on her own, and even fired a few sonic blasts to try to slow it down.

And then Orla ran, jumped, and dived right into the creature's mouth. It seemed to consider chewing her, but then thought better of it and swallowed her whole. She found herself in the dark, stinking, putrid, mutated insides of this horrific creature, stomach acid burning her in places through her armor. She still had her weapons in each of her hands.

Then it continued rolling, splashing her around as it went. It was absolutely agonizing.

Outside, it broke free of the ice, spine, and telekinetic hold and continued rolling around. Esen thankfully saved a few more resistance soldiers from being impaled and turned to mush, but this thing didn't seem to be slowing down! Ken's laser blasts kept it off balance and distracted, preventing it from getting a REALLY strong roll going, but the lasers didn't seem to be capable of penetrating its thick skin.

The other heroes were keeping the tides of mutant creatures back, at least!


Except for Folly. Folly was just sitting off to the side carefully filing her nails.