Masks 2

Masks 2
RE: Masks 2
"You're welcome, Theraea." he said. "I have set a good portion of Earth's supernatural community to hunt this man down in any case, no one's really keen on having their home torn apart. It might resolve itself before any of us have to deal with it, just thought I should let you know because it is in your purview."

Desmond then pauses a second.

"Oh fuck me we can probably find him tonight..."
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Oh yes!! This drink was lovely! She was really happy to receive it, with a smile even!! Oh yeah! She mouths a thank you and holds it up and takes a sip, Mmm. And then sees Lex BLAST a guy. Well. It looks like she is going to investigate that guy for sure to find the other Escher.

Cadence turned back to Zil and said thank you for introducing her! Gosh she was sweet!

Cadence turns to Blackstar and reaches up to her non existent hat and also tips it with a smile. "Howdy!"

She's happy to just sit back on the stool and sip her drink while listening to the conversation. She see's Coyote come up and she gives a wave to her as well! "Hello! My power is pretty simple! I am able to manipulate the soundwaves that come out of my mouth! It's pretty fun, not going to lie. I love surprising people sometimes, like I'll walk up to them and then talk in this deep voice. The reactions are priceless." She giggles at her own antics and sips her drink.

"It's very nice to meet you guys! I only knew Nocturne and La Chat for the most part!' Apparently Lux too! She doesn't say out loud. "I hope we meet up again more often now!" Cadence raises her hand in a 'cheers' sort of gesture.
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"Um, well, I'm going to need to make some preparations to take on someone like that, but... keep me posted, alright?" Theraea nodded to Desmond. "Do you have a way to track him? That might be helpful."
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"I... I do... W-Well no I don't I just-" Raven's eyes were wide and the darted around the resort, taking in everyone and their relative powersets. "Four gods, no, five... Several wizards, a bunch of supers with various powers, specialists with weapons and special kinds of martial arts... So many, we could end this tonight if we-" He rounded back on Theraea, slightly manic in his speech, so much so he tripped over his words at first before speaking more clearly. "Theraea, how... How many people can you take with you when you teleport? Like nowhere too far, probably still somewhere on this Earth or nearby a portal on this planet at least."
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"...I can't bring anyone with me for long-distance travel unless I have a really good reason to, Raven. I... really don't think it's a good idea to try to turn this, um, meeting into an assault squad against someone we know nothing about?? You said yourself that an announcement is going to happen soon." She shook her head. "I need to at least do some reconnaissance first, make sure we know what's going on. It doesn't sound like this is an immediate existential threat to reality, so I'm, um, I'm going to use caution on this one?"
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Desmond closed his eyes and took in a breath, calming himself down.

"Alright. I did fight him before. I did see him warping reality to make things appear that weren't there before, and stay there. Living things, smaller ones like plants and vegetation died around him when he passed, just so you know what I knew before I started asking around. I can probably go off and get a location tonight and return to you so you can pop over and have a look for yourself. Is that alright?"
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Theraea nodded. "Um, yeah, that works. I can go take some scans and see what we're dealing with, and figure out what comes next after that. This might be exactly the lead I was looking for. Um... stay safe while you do that, alright?"
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"Its you I'm worried about, on your own with him remotely in the near vicinity." Raven replied, putting his mask back on. "Be prepared to bail out if he spots you and attacks, he nearly nuked me back in Athens. I'll go see if I can get the most recent known location."

He turned and headed back to his room, taking out the communicator Emily had given him.
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Theraea waved goodbye, then turned back to the, like, five or six other heroes she was sitting next to. Zil, Candy, Sam, Finn, and... Maria? Was that everyone?

"Um, sorry about that! Had to talk some, um, business with Raven there for a minute. Hi again, Coyote and... Cadence, right? And everyone else!"
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"Oh, yikes, let's not out people who weren't gonna, I was just needling the cowboy." Maria snorted WITHOUT getting water up her nose, and did the cheers thing back to Candy. "Fun set of folks here. Have we just been winding down, or are we talking about the elephant whose room we're in- oh! Hey!"

She waved at Theraea real quick and seemed to no longer be furious because she LOVED Theraea. Immediate mood clearing. Theraea's power. "You two have any more field trips ahead?"
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Honestly, Zil had no idea who this new lady that approached them was. That's fine. She can just keep behaving like the normal woman she totally was.

"Okay, well, doing magic is special so that's, like, a thing you already are for sure. Ah-- and you're welcome, Cadence." She rolls her eyes, propping her chin in her palm. New lady asks about her powers and she arches a brow before clearing her throat.
"Uh, powers? I'm an alien, I guess. Big...big alien. Healing hands, furnace stuff, whatever. Alien necklace...shape shifting...uh. I feel like I'm going to be repeating that a lot, huh? As for field trips, none that I'm aware of. Though my plans are always subject to change with all this dropping on me outta the blue. Sure everyone else has something though, right?" Big cool already-established-hero stuff. Yeah...yeah. Cool folks with cool costumes and cool powers. The big leagues.
RE: Masks 2
Most of these folks seem to be doin' better already and at least the Sword Wizert wasn't IMMEDIATELY going for another whiskey bottle. Sam bowed out of the conversation after a few minutes to go talk to some of the other attendees and pick their brains.

He picked the angry-lookin' old dude with a mustache and a cheap suit.

Sam walked over to Walter Concrite, tipping his hat.

"Er, howdy, pard, uh, forgive me for sayin', but... You look a little outta place here. What's yer story?"
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"I'm Walter Concrite," he told Sam, taking off his glasses. "Do you need something?"

He was in the midst of interviewing Alexander Hamilton, who looked at Sam inquisitively.
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"Just curious in your take on all this Nocturne and Prism business."

Sam tried a charming smile, not knowing it'd probably bounce off this guy like one of his namesakes.

"Also, uh, mighty bold to just, give yer regular name instead of some sort of superhero handle. Just a note, from what I've seen most folks ain't doin' that at this pow-wow. Might intimidate a few of 'em. Specially the younger sorts."
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"Walter Concrite isn't my real name, just a name similar to an idol of mine. He was a newscaster from before the Omnicorp, one believed to have integrity. The Most Trusted Man in America. You can't believe anything you see on the news anymore. It's all lies and corporate propaganda," he told Sam. "My goal, if we win this, is to restore freedom and trust to the press so that they can once again shed light on society's problems. The name is also a play on words. I control concrete, his name was Cronkite. Get it?"

Alexander Hamilton smiled at Sam.
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Sam glanced over to Alexander Hamilton, trying to ignore him, then back to Walter Concrite.

"Oh, I get it, yer like... Wanting a version of vloggin' that's more legitimate and..."

He turned to the leering Alexander Hamilton.

"Sorry, Pard, do I... Know you or..."
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"No no," Hamilton said, shaking his head. "I'm just attempting to get on the good side of anybody who uses it working?"
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".... Is guns yer secret weakness?"
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"Yes. They put me to sleep for over twoooo hundreeeed yeeeeaaaars," he told Sam, wiggling his fingers. "Unless I manage to block the bullets with my command of currency! It's a pretty great power."
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"... How do you... Do you... Grab them with the invisible hand of the free market?"
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Sam felt his pocket lighten as his cred card flew out of his wallet and floated around in front of his face.

"Woooooooo," Hamilton said to him, spookily.
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Sam tried to grab it.

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Hamilton let him grab his card back.

"The invisible hand of the free market..." he whispered, walking off.

"Strange man," Walter Concrite noted, watching him leave. "I don't think he's the real Alexander Hamilton."
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"I don't remember hearin' about a foundin' father bein' telepathic."

Sam pocketed his cred card hastily.

"So, Concrite, yer a newsman. Any of our compadres seemin' a little shaken about this whole revolution business? I'm trying to drum up morale, so to speak."

He gestured to Finn.

"Other than her, I think she'll need more than one peptalk."
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"Hm...Philabuster looks a little nervous," Concrite told him.

Philabuster was sitting alone across the party from them. She wore a scarf over her face, a gray hoodie, and a pair of sweat pants. Her fists were wrapped in boxing tape, and she generally looked unsure of how to approach the party. She was around 5'3", with a sturdy boxer's build. He couldn't tell much more than that.