Priwix - Several Condemned Folks

Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Always taking new characters! Just follow the directions in this post and your character will be included in the next turn.

Cheap fry oil and human grease coats every surface of the diner. A cheap, plinking tune meanders muffled from behind the bar. A waitress pours thin, grey coffee into a styrofoam cup and hands it to you.

Figures, indistinct and shapeless, sit hunched over similar cups of coffee. Soon they will die, but not yet. First they need names! And titles! This wouldn't be fun otherwise.

Please choose one class and two mediums (you can choose the same medium twice).



RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
An Apostate of Life and Death.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
A Sower of air and water.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
A Charlatan of Life & Fire.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
A Stooge of Earth and Fire.

[Image: 8HyFJgv.png]

hey does anyone know unicorn medicine
my child ate a music box help
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
What in the world is a moll...
>a wraith of air and water
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
I screwed up and accidentally mixed up active and passive classes in the original post. I've fixed it now. For that reason, for this turn only, you can change your class.

The meandering plinking from behind the bar increases in volume and pitch. Chalky plaster dust rains from the ceiling and walls as the diner begins to tremble and shift uneasily.

The five figures stir, looking up from their coffee, and get a good look at each other for the first time.



Use a greater than sign (>) to enter commands.
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Well it sounds like i should stay far away from FlanDab.
Im closest to the door, so I go over to it and have a look outside to see if i can spot the cause of the shaking.
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Something was happening. Shame. The music was starting to grow on them.
>Finishing their coffee, the Apostate turns to the waitress.
>"Check, please."
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Interesting. Sip. Hmm.
"There some sort of construction nearby?"
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
(Hey, didn’t see this before. It says you’re still accepting characters, so could I be a Maven of Death and Air?)

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Replying to the Sower, I state, "It seems so."
Moving closer to the window, I take a look outside, seeking the cause of all the racket.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Slightly changed class descriptions to better describe how they work.

Outside the door, heat rises from sun bleached cement. Hundreds of towers rise desultory from rivers of viscous tar. Far above, sprawling lattices of metal walkways connect the towers.

Beyond the diner's grimy window, a man paces back and forth. Great ropes of fat fall from his swollen face and body. His massive girth covers his apparent nakedness. Pillars of salt erupt around him as he paces. Conjuring a handful of salt from the air, the man hurls it against the diner. As the salt hits, the diner is racked by another tremor. The maven and the wraith nearly collide, and the waitress is knocked to the floor.

The waitress looks up and gives the apostate an awkward smile, "Someone already picked up the check."


RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Mmh. Jukebox finally gave out. Probably that guy out theres fault.
>The Apostate offers the waitress a hand up.
And somebody covered the check. Couldn't be Tubby Salt-Tantrum, could it? They even have a wallet?
>"Not the end of days I was expecting." Mumbles the Apostate to nobody in particular.
Not worth considering. Better off thinking about safe places to hide out... Ha, safer places than this.
>The Apostate looks for something sharp, then makes their way out back.
But first, gotta deal with the salt-flinger. They're here, and the rest of the apocalypse is at least a few meters further away.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
The maven stares at the man for a second, and then hurriedly enters the bar for protection from the salt.

“, that guy seemed... that guy seemed salty about something.”

They sit down at the table with nobody seated at it, nervously, attempting to avoid any further contact, but still managing to splutter:

“Sorry that, erm, that I’m no good at puns.”

They then bend over and rest their head inside their arms, which are on the table, in an attempt to be less visible, and mumble something flusteredly.

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
I step over to the nearby river of tar, passing by the Maven going through the door, and poke it with my finger.
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Another sip. Hmm. Who is this man? I thought. The pudgy man outside disgusts. I leave a coin to tip.
"Who is that man? What is he doing?"
>I then create a spear made of ice.
I poke the tar with my spear.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
The Stooge sits down at the same table as the Maven, commenting, "That guy is just dead set on as-SALT-ing this place, amiright?"

[Image: 8HyFJgv.png]

hey does anyone know unicorn medicine
my child ate a music box help
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
The Charlatan decides to go outside, so as to go deal with the salt man. It's quite annoying—might as well remove them for oneself and everyone else.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
(Always taking characters, you say? May I enter as a Bane of Life and Earth?)
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Sorry about the delay. Next update 1/24/19

A channel of pitch black churns in front the diner. The sower and the wraith crouch at its shores investigating. The bane watches silently from a distance.

Asphalt flavored air, acrid and sharp, screams across the bleached concrete. Two figures, the apostate and the charlatan, stare down the great heaving mass of a man. His chapped, bleeding lips quiver frantically as though mouthing words. Only animalistic whimpers and moans escape him. He stops pacing, glassy eyes fixed on the two. The whimpers die in his throat and, buccula flailing, stumbling beneath his own weight, the man charges.

Inside the diner, the trembling stops. Smiling apologetically, the waitress gestures at a puddle of coffee and broken glass slowly spreading out on the linoleum.

"All I've got now are cups, but you're welcome to one if you like," Carefully polished fingernails drum a nervous rhythm on her thigh.


RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
The Bane takes notice of the charging man and moves towards the southern wall of the diner, ducking down against the corner to continue observing the beastial man as he engages the Charlatan and Apostate.

The intent to intervene seems written on the Bane's face but they choose to assess whatever danger this hulk of a man poses.
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Huh. Even bigger up close.
The Apostate eyes the charging man. Then the table knife. Then the charging man again.
Yeah, gonna need to be clever here...
"C'mere, tubby!" Taunting the charger, the Apostate moves in front of the building.
Just have to time this right...
From their new position, the Apostate waits for the right moment to dodge...
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Assisting the Apostate in his plan, the Charlatan attempts to further stun Tubby by toppling one of his own pillars onto him. Failing that, the Charlatan kicks them while they're down.

[Image: neocities%20button%20lol.png]

[Image: 47325.png]
RE: Priwix - Several Condemned Folks
Hmmm... Runny tar. With my ability, I try to sow ice into the tar and freeze it.

((May I suggest you use images instead of text? It's hard to read the map in mobile. You can use colors as legend.))
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]