Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)

Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)

[Image: 205_by_terra414-dclr7bg.png]

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You quickly log off and go back to the page you were supposed to be working on.
The teacher passes you by, and you pretend to be very deeply concentrated in what you are doing. Thankfully code naturally looks like button smashing anyway, so your screen is nice and appropriately filled. The teacher passes you by without incident.


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That’s a good point, you were lucky the teacher didn’t see you playing around in class, computer studies is a class you have no particular interest in and usually scrape by. Also, you’ll be home in like an hour.
On the other hand, Derrick was being particularly bitchy today, and you could always just ask Garreth to keep an eye out while you continue to chat- though considering what he just said, he may not be on board with this.
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
Alice>:get one more quip in before telling your brother that you'll get back to him when you're back home.
Well this is new...
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> Alice: Get one more quip in before telling your brother that you'll get back to him when you're back home.

[Image: 207_by_terra414-dcm1nmt.png]

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There he goes again, the saltiest little violin in the world. You promptly get back to work. Or more accurately, googling how to get your work done.

A few minutes before class ends, Garreth informs you about some better ways to go about some problems you have. With some luck you'll be able to remember it tomorrow!

Your classes are all done for today, time to go home!


[Image: 208_by_terra414-dcm1nqn.png]

You begin walking home before someone gets your attention with a gesture.

It's Lexii! You stop to see what she wants.


[Image: 209_by_terra414-dcm1o09.png]

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I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Alice: Sure, why not?
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>You don't have anything else planned, do you? Why not?
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
Terra says:
>Alice: walking for a bit with lexii couldnt hurt, get to know her a bit more on the way
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
Let's 1-up Lexii on her proposal there...

>Alice: Offer to help with her errands. If she accepts, then she'll owe you a favor!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> Alice: Offer to help with her errands. If she accepts, then she'll owe you a favour!

[Image: 210_by_terra414-dcmfxr8.png]

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You agree to walk together.

Lexii sure can talk! While you walk her to the dry cleaner, she tells you all about this mystery novel she's been reading, some reality TV shows you may check out later, as well as some interesting brain scenarios to keep things sharp upstairs!

You feel you are better at reading her from this conversation!

> ==>

[Image: 211_by_terra414-dcmfxuk.png]

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I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Food! FOOD! Food is always good. Plus she's paying so nothing out of your pockets. use this time to learn more about her
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
Alice: Rack up even more debt from Lexii by insisting you'll pay for her instead. This should help solidify your position in their friend group.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Alice: Preventing people from repaying their perceived debts almost always leads to alienation. Go along with her proposal.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> Alice:  Food! FOOD! Food is always good. Plus she's paying so nothing out of your pockets. Use this time to learn more about her.

[Image: 212_by_terra414-dcmgqli.png]

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[Image: 213_by_terra414-dcmgqq5.png]

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[Image: 214_by_terra414-dcmgqsu.png]

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Lexii looks close to tears, it seems your comments meant a lot more to her than you expected. You get the feeling she may be a bit insecure about certain aspects of herself.


[Image: 215_by_terra414-dcmgquc.png]

You finally arrive to Timmies and get a table while Lexii brings your orders...and some extra treats!

Score! Even compliments you *do* mean pay off well.

Is there anything you want to talk about with Lexii while you consume your delicious and affordable beverages?

1) How did she meet her friends.
2) Any hot updates on what she's working on currently.
3) Other [Enter topic/command]
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
We lost information to a joke last time and it was worth it. but for now
1: >How did she meet Garreth and lucas
3: >What is her home life like
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
(09-10-2018, 12:38 AM)CJayoj Wrote: »We lost information to a joke last time and it was worth it. but for now
1: >How did she meet Garreth and lucas
3: >What is her home life like

seconding 3: >What is her home life like, this could segway into alice talking about how her parents died, hopefully, also, info about kujo?
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)

Silly Alice, the best ways of getting people to feel a certain way are to actually mean what you said.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> What is her home life like?

[Image: 216_by_terra414-dcmmqzh.png]

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[Image: 217_by_terra414-dcmmr0z.png]

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The conversation quickly moves to lighter topics, but never quite comes back to the easy flow from before. You part on an awkward note and make your way back home.



[Image: 218_by_terra414-dcmmr2w.png]

And you're back home! You put your schoolbag in it's proper place and check your phone.

As expected, your brother left a significant number of text messages and missed calls. You delete them without a shred of regret. After all, you already made up and will talk to him later.
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Okay so. You probably should relax just a bit while your home and maybe just go down memory lane. Knitting should help, the click of needles and movement of yarn should allow you to think without interruption
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
(09-12-2018, 12:39 AM)CJayoj Wrote: »>Okay so. You probably should relax just a bit while your home and maybe just go down memory lane. Knitting should help, the click of needles and movement of yarn should allow you to think without interruption

seconding, perhaps finish that sweater for emily, i wanna see her reaction
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> Okay so. You probably should relax just a bit while your home and maybe just go down memory lane. Knitting should help, the click of needles and movement of yarn should allow you to think without interruption

[Image: 219_by_terra414-dcn02dt.png]

You do have that sweater to finish, and you think with some dedication you might be able to get it done by tonight. Unfortunately knitting allows you to think without interruption, and with all that's happened today, it's natural your path down memory lane is a dark one.


[Image: 220_by_terra414-dcn02g8.gif]

You don't want to think about your parents, but you do. It's like their death was the start line for the universe to figure out how much shit it could cram in your life in a 2-year period. A dedicated scale of 'from bad to worse', circa your tender 8’s.

The accident, your brother's insomnia and night terrors, foster care, the bullying, being separated, the whole mess with the window, the-

Nope. You're not going there.

You are having that shower you missed. Right now.


[Image: 221_by_terra414-dcn02h0.png]

You take your iPad and a change of clothes, then go to the bathroom take a shower. The water and the first radio station you find quickly put your memories back in the dark, dusty corner where they belong.


[Image: 222_by_terra414-dcn02hy.png]

You just finished shrugging on your cardi when you hear a door slamming shut, followed by footsteps.

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[Image: 223_by_terra414-dcn02iw.png]

You receive no answer.

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I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
it's reality check time, alice might be dreaming

>Alice: you might have fallen asleep, perform a reality check, attempt to conjure an item / illussion, make sure you know if you're dreaming (or blackout dreaming) or not before doing anything else, for all you know, that sound just now could have been a monster
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> Alice: Derrick's paranoia might be rubbing off on you; check out the sound but approach with caution.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
Mean while back in the Dreamlands...
[Image: yellowfang_is_fine__meme__by_drawmachine030-dam9iam.png]
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> Alice: you might have fallen asleep, perform a reality check, attempt to conjure an item / illusion, make sure you know if you're dreaming (or blackout dreaming) or not before doing anything else.

[Image: 234_by_terra414-dcn725o.png]

You find extremely doubtful you could have fallen asleep while in the shower, and you certainly don't remember having gone to sleep once, much less twice in a row, but may as well check.

You turn off the music, then attempt to make another key. Nothing happens.

> Alice: Derrick's paranoia might be rubbing off on you; check out the sound but approach with caution.

[Image: 235_by_terra414-dcn726p.gif]

You pad closer to the door to see if you can hear anything outside, but just as you're leaning in, the door handle shifts! Someone's trying to get in!

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[Image: 236_by_terra414-dcn726z.png]

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[Image: 237_by_terra414-dcn7279.png]

You return to your room after a quick dinner with your guardian. It's still early but you are all knitted out and don't feel like working on the sweater. That'll give you time to spruce it up a bit more over the weekend.

what should you do next?
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Message Derrick, you know how the boy gets
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>It may be wise to test out some theories about sleeping before you go to bed. Perhaps see what will and what won't manifest in the dream world. Otherwise another trip down memory lane might give you something to think about before it comes time to return the dream world.