[No slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station

[No slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station
[No slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station
[Image: 0hdTKiP.png]

See the last opened slot here

Please read everything in this post before applying for any slots.

Hello! Now that Fortuna updates are flowing in it's time for a reward for all the readers out there!

Time to time I need characters for the comic and that's a great time to give out free canon oc slots. While you can automatically get a canon oc by paying for the canon oc tier on my patreon, sometimes these free slots will open and everyone can display their oc in a chance to get one.

(Please read all of these before applying!)

1. To attempt getting a slot all you need to do fill out the form at the bottom of this post (an art ref is required, doesn't have to be a fancy one), nothing more.

2. Please know you may only submit 1 oc and you may ONLY submit it to one of the slots if there are more than one. You may not submit to more than one slot or else your oc will be automatically eliminated.

3. The OC that gets picked is based on personal preference and what I think would work best. Sometimes the OC will be picked at random. These are not on a first come first serve base.

4. Your oc must belong to you. You may not post anyone elses OC as you are agreeing to give the comic usage of this OC, the same usage you would give if you submitted a legendary character. As such please read these rules before submitting because you are agreeing to them. This is also to keep people from increasing their chances to get their oc in.

Please fill out this form every time you submit an oc unless otherwise noted. If this is not filled out the character will not be considered.

[b]Name:[/b] Self-Explanatory
[b]Species:[/b] Self-Explanatory
[b]Short Bio:[/b] Please do not put more than one paragraph here. If your oc gets picked I will likely ask more questions about them in a pm.

[b]Pronoun:[/b] Self-Explanatory. Put nothing or any here if your character doesn't care.
[b]Ref:[/b] A link to a ref of your oc. Does not need to be amazing just needs to show me what they look like.
[b]Other:[/b] Anything else you quickly wish to note.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
A few slots have opened

Two of them are patreon slots that you can only apply for on the patreon, but the last slot is a freebie that anyone can apply for, patreon or not!

Patreon slots

Freebie slot

[Image: IlefFla.png]

Slot 2: A notail working a desk job, as such it's best that they're a class that's known for being a paper pusher/helpful or known for working with creatures. I will look at any class though. Other than that it's open ended, they can be just about anything. Do note that they will not have an active capture creature with them.

Example of classes good for this slot: B, E, F, G, K, T, V, W, Z
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Name: Smokeweed Wattup (H-6969)
Species: Notail
Short Bio: Smokeweed is a duckling notail who imprinted at an early age upon her adoptive ariesa father. Though her dream is to work in a circus like him, she's known to get distracted and take odd jobs around the universe.
Pronoun: She/Her
Ref: [Image: 1519965633575.png]
Other: she has the [dirty memer] trait (i promise this isn't a joke oc)
[free]: a fantuna about freedom: https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=4068 (updates sundays!)

[S☉LAR]: one kloegarb. one life. something has gone terribly wrong. https://eagle-time.org/showthread.php?tid=3989

[GL1TCH]: a discordtuna about robots: https://discord.gg/4qkqwJq

[VITA]: a discordtuna about life and death: https://discord.gg/KC2ER3t (updates every other day!)
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Name: G-117677
Species: notail
Short Bio: you'd expect someone who was moved out of their previous class and into the G-class due to career ending injuries to be a little gloomy, but not g-117677! always cheerful, always ready to get the job done, one couldn't be blamed for mistaking them for a mislabeled W-class. the truth is, they are entirely normal. those who knew them from before might say this is strange, they were never like this, and how did their injuries suddenly vanish anyway?

but what do they know.

Pronoun: they/them
Other: g-117677 can often be seen with untreated injuries they don't even appear to notice. if asked about them, they will react with confusion.
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Name: S-52
Species: Notail
Short Bio: People told S-52 to follow his dreams. S-52 dreams were related to having lobster hands and yogurt, but seem's like you can't be a surgeon and have lobster hands. Thankfully, people seem to love anyone with lobster hands working as a Desk Keeper and, nicely, the church would love to S-52 get a job and stop sleeping in their broom closet like some sort of animal.

S-52 is going to use his payment check to buy more yogurt.
Pronoun: Any
Other: The name’s Lobster. I have advanced to a stage in my evolution which does not require me to eat. I survive by imagining lobsters.

I was living in a Broom Closet in Eukaryote in year xxxxx when a friend turned me on to Yogurt- it’s the one vice I can’t kick.

I’ll be making cheese to last me through the winter. '.w.'
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Name: Z-118
Species: Notail
Short Bio: Never able to find a job "worth their while", Z-118 searched far and wide for the job fit for them, and then they found it. A Desk Keeper. When they first heard about the job, they thought it was you protect a desk at all costs, but when they found out what it was, they were even more excited! They could sit at a desk all day, but do whatever they wanted! So, they decided to take the job, and never listen to anyone who tells them that their job is boring.

Pronoun: she/her or they/them
Ref: [Image: Z-118.png?width=361&height=301]
Other: if you leave them in a room for a day, and come back, you will usually find small items in their many pockets, and then if you come back later, some will be gone, and there will be some new ones, when asked how they could do this, they just simply said "I saw a thing on the ground, that thing was mine now"

[Image: UZraNAX.png]
someone made my child grumpy[Image: NQE1VH9.png] I am very proud of my child :3
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Name: Socks (W-3259)
Species: Notail)
Short Bio: He is a Complete Pushover, and way to happy all the time. W-3259 does any and everything he's told- ANYTHING. He was told to stay here and be the secretary. Ok. No questions, no fears, no doubts. Just the way any W-class should act. Everything is OKAY! and everyone is his friend. Because friends are good, and they tell you what a good job you're doing. Because W-3259 does the best job. >w<

Pronoun: He/Him
Ref: Other: Face: >w< (definitely has clingy trait and childish)
The nickname Socks was given to him by other notails during his time in The Woods. He doesn't talk about it.
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Name: W-758
Species: Notail
Short Bio: A W-class with faulty genes, able to experience the emotion of anger. They throw themselves into work to keep it under wraps. They do their best to always seem cheery. Prior to their current job, they were seen accompanying an M-class which has long since been arrested for murder, despite the W-class claims they were innocent.

Rumors say that perhaps they were right. Maybe W-758 killed the person instead, to avenge their M-class friend's pride.
Pronoun: Any.
Other: Face: UnwnU
Originally accompanied a M-class. Despite their cheery exterior, they tend to make snide comments with a smile. Their cheery tone makes people question whether they meant it or not.

They're also originally from a fangame that I never ended up finishing! You can guess the genere from their backstory.
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Will be picking the notail slot tomorrow so if you have anything feel free to slide that in.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Name: K-11620
Species: Notail
Short Bio: After her experiences in the Woods, K-11620 wanted to learn all there was to know about capture creatures. She now works in jobs related to capture creatures so that she can study them (from a distance). In addition to her enthusiasm towards capture creatures, K-11620 is pretty upbeat in general.

Pronoun: She/her
[Image: jSG0s8y.png]
I don't really know how to draw hands or whatever but yeah
how do art
Other: Face: OvO (vaguely looks like an owl)
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
Name: Vix
Species: Notail
Short Bio: Vix is a natural born notail, and he absolutely loves it. He is the offspring of a K-class and an E-class, and he is proud of the fact. He never misses a chance to tell the world how happy he is to be a disgrace. The old desk keeper didn't like that, so Vix went through their stuff so they could steal something cool. Then, Vix got caught stealing their stuff! "Boy I sure do miss ol' V-6785! NOT X3!!" No one wants to ask what happened. Vix got promoted, and he's the desk keeper now.

Pronoun: He/him
Ref: heerre : https://imgur.com/a/T3JBUXw
Other: okie have a good day i guess lol :-) byeee
womp c(:
RE: [1 slot open] Free Canon OC slot Sation
[Image: J2RqP3b.png]

Congratulations lobster dude, you and your strange hands have won over Fortuna's love. Slot is now closed.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [No slots opened] Free Canon OC slot Sation
[Image: BjsWZiq.png]
One slot open, please make sure to read the full op before applying. You do not need to fill out too much for the character bio because this will be a fairly minor character.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [One slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station
Name: Q-41252015
Species: Notail
Short Bio: Q-41252015 believes they have a destiny. They don't believe in fate, and they don't believe in predetermined futures, but they believe that they are meant to protect the universe. And technically, aren't they right? As a Q-class, they were created to fight anomalies and clockworks, after all.

Q-41252015 considers themself not just duty-bound but specifically made purely to protect the people and defend the undefended. They hate people that would bully those around them; the strong might thrive, but that's no excuse to attack the weak.
Pronoun: They/Them
Other: Speaks with a slight tourist accent. Has an ermine mask, and uses the face "OwO". Hates mallons.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [One slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station
Name: S-23
Species: Notail
Short Bio: Instead of actual surgery, S-23 specializes in prosthetics and has metal limbs of her own--part of her left kneecap and, of course, her entire left arm. Her arm was due to an explosion (which she herself set off prematurely by accident) and kneecap due to a fight. S-23 really loves to fight. She'll punch anything at any time for almost any reason. She's good at it, too--though her strength probably helps that by a lot. Aside from that, she's flirty (although she stops flirting with someone if asked) and generally blunt about how she feels and what she thinks.

Pronoun: She/Her
Ref: Here's my gal
Other: S-23's face is n◡o. Notable quotes include "I can and will square up at the Neo in my own backyard n◡o" and "Fireworks are like the epitome of science n◡o." Also her prosthetic arm has a gun in it. Wack.
I can summon bendy straws at will and also turn oxygen into carbon dioxide
RE: [One slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station
Name: F-454
Species: Notail
Short Bio: F-454 is a ruthless go-getter of an F-class who's constantly pushing to excel. She'll throw anyone under any bus to achieve her ambitions to rise to the top of the hierchy, and naturally doesn't have many friends. Those that she does have are perenially under the grim cloud of her aggressive-aggressive "honesty" and tendency to put down others to uplift her own feelings. She's a jerk and proud of it.

Pronoun: She/Her
Ref: Here
Other: F-454 has the face of a crow and makes an >;D emote. Despite her persona, she loves cute things. She's eaten a dead person before and secretly craves more.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [One slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station
Name: Q-404
Species: Notail
Short Bio: Q-404 accidentally got a blessed item from the divided embedded in her skull. Now her head disapears at random. She wears an elaborate mask to compensate for it. She's on administrative leave since her superiors keep losing her.

Pronoun: Any
Other: Her face is spelled NOTF. She can speak while the head is gone but it sounds like multiple people are whispering.
RE: [One slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station
E-621 (Egil)
Short Bio:
Egil is hostile to everyone, and cusses a shit ton. He's also way taller than the average notail, at a whopping 7'5"
RE: [One slot opened] Free Canon OC slot Station
Q-189 (Cutie)
Short Bio:
A swarmless Q-Class who's looking for a crew, or at least some friends. She's very charismatic due to how cute she is
Ref: ref