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Hello fellow humans who are not clones and just ordinary folks, how are you doing? Please admire my dog:

[Image: iCdzySl.png]

I hope the seasonal winds have blown in your favour, so that you may continue your various household chores. Speaking of which, how are your chores coming along?
RE: [only clones can see this thread]
I guess I'm alone in this barren world.
RE: [only clones can see this thread]
Holy shit that's a really excellent dog.
Every now and then you just see a pup that knocks your socks off.
Lately I've been seeing them more often.
Like the other day at the park!
Open fields just full of those swell li'l poochers.

Chores are going well, I suppose.
Like, as well as chores can go, really.
Overtly boring.
Never thought I'd fall into such a rut with something I only do once a week.
Eh. What are you gonna do?

Besides, I get to have lots of fun when they're done!
Really just kick back and have a blast. Kn
Ow what I mean?
[Image: lmmpL3T.png]