[Lambda] A small adventure begins...

[Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Right.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:>North (Middle)
Quote:>Right, if vote changes are allowed
Quote:Left! Trust the red text.
Quote:Yes, the red text is definitely always to be trusted. Time to head left.
Quote:> Right.
After some deliberation, you decide to head to the right.

Oh for the love of...you know how Fortuna color coding works! Try and remember what's good, bad, and okay before making a choice. But whatever. I've fixed it. Remember, ████ ██ ████ █ █████.

Quote:>What the hell were those things? I don't recognize them at all
As you walk, you make a mental note to ask Athena if she knows who invaded this base. Best you can recall, it's supposed to be abandoned. Finally, you reach the end of the hallway

[Image: brmgbUn.png]
[Image: JBy5RHk.jpg]

You walk into the room marked "SHIP."
[Image: Ds86RAC.jpg]

Score! You take 100 fuel with the jerrycans that hold 25 fuel each. You take 2, Athena takes 1, and Evi takes 1.

Now you have enough fuel to get you out of here! Should you take it and run? Or try and raid the base a little?
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Take it and run. Not worth the risk, buddy
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...

>Run like heck. Odds are that squadron wasn't the only group there.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Take it and run like your life depends on it. It may very well.

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Sure, let's get a move on, Fortuna awaits.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Run, run away!
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Oi! Mysterious voice, are you telling us that you are bad?
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

[Image: 2kGzPON.png]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:> Take it and run. Not worth the risk, buddy
Quote:>Run like heck. Odds are that squadron wasn't the only group there.
Quote:>Take it and run like your life depends on it. It may very well.
Quote:>Sure, let's get a move on, Fortuna awaits.
Quote:Run, run away!
You go as fast as you can, but Athena and Evi can't go very fast and you aren't leaving anyone behind.

Fortuna rolls a d20 and a d4. A 13 and 4 are rolled, respectively.
[Image: brmgbUn.png]
[Image: 12auBce.jpg]

[Image: xDtGV5B.jpg]

There were bang and flashes everywhere for just a moment. And then you saw the 3 attackers, slumped over on the ground. Oh.

Fortuna rolls a d20. A 16 is rolled.
You hope no one got hit, and are surprised to find everyone fine. A little shocked, but fine. You make it the rest of the way to the ship unharmed.

Ship refueled to 100%.

You take off immediately, and are en route to Fortuna.

Don't worry about it.

Technology is amazing, but acts weird whenever it gets the chance. It seems to be behaving once again.
What are you on about?

Quote: Oi! Mysterious voice, are you telling us that you are bad?
Mysterious voice? You don't hear anything but your own thoughts.
Maybe I'll answer if you actually ask me.

Evi has an idea to fix Athena's leg, if he's able, but it would use the last of the 4 scrap. This would leave you with only the options of eating meat or skipping a meal, neither of which are particularly good.

Should you use the scrap to repair Athena for the dangers of Fortuna, though she'd still be without flight, or ensure that you won't do anything you'll regret later?

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>don't fix Athena's leg, we need food
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote: >don't fix Athena's leg, we need food
You decide that being hungry while opening the Fortuna chest is a bad plan. After all, isn't that how one glitch run got started?

2 meat rations and 2 scrap consumed.

Don't worry about it? Oh heck no. I'm worrying about it, REM.
Simply telling us to not worry about it is only making you look suspicious and I for one don't trust you.
Ah yes, I simply ██████ the █████. Being your ████████████ allows me to do that. After all, it would be horrible to ███ in a █████. Though I suppose you would just ████ ██. And now you see why I told you not to worry about it.

Mysteriously Sassy Red Voice of knowledge. I politely and actually ask YOU if you happen to be single and not in a relationship with anyone at the moment
What. Can...can you even date a ████████████??

You decide to ask Athena what those strange creatures were.
[Image: iwy6MIq.jpg]

[Image: rUO4bAl.jpg]

Sure enough, the planet hangs calmly in space. None of the normal Nemesis ships are swarming it. Athena quickly takes the opportunity to land the ship.

75 fuel used.

You disembark with your crew.
[Image: gRLgiib.jpg]


[Image: brmgbUn.png]
[Image: T2WFGYD.jpg]

[Image: 2Zi6Sim.jpg]

[Image: 0qgJTeV.jpg]

[Image: lcUyQse.jpg]

No no no no you were so close to getting out of this heck your crew is going to--

[Image: brmgbUn.png]
[Image: sGz5LB3.jpg]

[Image: NAYoMUg.jpg]

[Image: kDsdrof.jpg]

[Image: hRsn3Yl.jpg]

[Image: MpPovfj.jpg]

Kimberlee Leelailee and Tony run away!

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Your crew urges you on to open the chest first. You walk up to the chest...

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...

This adventures been a delight to read, and I'm glad it got a cool ending!
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]
