[TYCHE]: Come see some positivity!

[TYCHE]: Come see some positivity!
RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
A fauna that has molten metal for blood, but is otherwise a normal wolf like species that is heat resistant, strangely contains capsaicin, and
tastes incredibly hot, spicy, and metallic.

Prize list:
RE: [TYCHE]: Rffle ended, next raffle soon!
Species Idea. The place you eat, the place you eat at, The Chow Dome, is exactly what the Karznerpk eat. They eat The Chow Dome, devouring what composes the building's structure, destabilizing it and causing sections to cave in, ruining the brand recognition of The Chow Dome as they screech profanities into the air with their hundreds of mouths full of steel and iron girders, and carcasses of the other patrons. They do all of this while on a date with CMDRcade's species. They don't even tip the now dead waiters. An army was called in because now the Karznerpk is going to try discussing politics with it's date. The army that someone called (we're not sure who's army it is, but someone did call them in) has failed to arrive in time, and there are no survivors from the planet due to the ensuing awkward conversation that happened at the date about taxes. Hopefully The Chow Dome has a good PR Department.

Fauna Idea. This stray cat we found is talking and is telling us that it eats delicious sweets and it would be happy to turn us into a building sized magical warrior to fight off the Karznerpk and save the day. We'd be happy to sell it to you for a low price of 5999999.99P, dearest friend Chow Dome, as we do not want to see your humble business decimated by the hungry Karznerpk that will definitely visit soon.

Actual species idea. The Johgrism usually only eat classy/expensive food. Highly expensive food. Super expensive food that just makes you go "wait someone really spent 600000p on champagne", which they then spray cheese into or onto. You know Spray Cheese? they also like mixing tapas with Sprayable Bacon. In order to satiate their oh so refined palettes they tend to be scammers, but not just any oh ho ho no they scam big ticket suckers for all they can, and typically make it so that they never get caught. Oh wow it seems the Karznerpk was intercepted by the local authorities and the ship got blown up, isn't that good luck? At least you have that cat we gave you (that's definitely not a marsue pet we stole).

RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
Species idea:
A species that's like a pufferfish except its normally a big scary thing like a lion, but when you startle it it just goes POOMF into a big ball of spikes and rolls around.
Served in the chow dome as a very rare food because it must be carefully prepared to remove the venom which makes you inflate like a spiky balloon too.

[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
A fauna that is small and round, covered in short fuzzy fur and coming in many shades of red, yellow, and green. Their flesh makes an excellent topping for salads and burgers, or a flavorful addition to stew. It tastes similar to rattlesnake, but with more of a sharpness. Their blood can also be used as a condiment after pasteurization, it is sweet and slightly acidic.
Yo, can I borrow some of that ketchup?

And here's the fanfic! My dude Hermes could use some cheerin' up after the latest updates so I did this silly lil' idea I had the other day.

Prize List
RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
A species that is a apidee-sized mockingbird that is hyper-active, and will be stuck with things he likes, like, HE will give his life for the first thing he sees, some of them even have heart atacks cause this!

They will eat everyday at the Chowdome, they will born in the chowdome, they will live the chowdome and they will die... For the Chu-Chu Coccon!

Prizes :
★ Sponsored by The Chow Dome, "Just get whatever you want" Prize!
★ Sponsored by The Chow Dome, "Just get whatever you want" Prize!
★ Sponsored by Volkronn Corp, "Just get whatever you want" Prize!
★ One colored art commission by Hichico
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle

HORMBO v1 walksed into the Cohw Dome, loikong for someting to sateate his newfoundbldlouost after killing Morse and tuining into a horbible abionaimton of a cloockwork. Way to go Hermes, you sure runied it. At teh sight of tihs moisonrsttymonstonsistee, everoen who would noarmlly serve the paterons here ran scremign, triyng to kep a saef ditnasce. The olny person left in teh restraint was a single Apollo unit, crying tears of tiny-gay-babiness itno wheatver he was prndieetng to vore. Hermes awkawrdly walded over, speed not his siut any more as a shalbimng half-dead mes.

"HEY THERE!" he shotued at teh small uint to ditcratsed too noitce him. "WHY ARE YOU CRYNIG?"

The minutiae unit took a dep breathe, and tahn reconcted his tail. "Well, my best freind got intecfed by a clwookcrk, and than his cor got eaten by a clkocowrk, and now ill never see him agin!"

"Well cheer up," Hermes siad. "I too am a cockwork!"

And than Hermes ate Blu and evreyone cried.

After intairgatign Blu into hisemlf, Hemres was still hungry.

"HEY WAETIRS!" he scarmeed at the top of his now-futnoicinng lungs. "I NEED SOME FOOD HREE, I TOATLLY GOT CREIDTS."

Beihnd teh back of the kihtcen doors, teh wateirs who were coweirng in faer ended up draiwng starws to see who teh unuclky pesron would be who would hvae to serve this abatoinimon. The loser was a small, piniksh, hissy-fit-thowring robot who was too cute to sacifirce. (Tihs is a Gime fic; teh cute ones always die).

"H-hello" teg hissy-fit artbot siad tot he mornsotus clcwkoork. "Waht would you like t-to eat beidses me?"

"Hm..." Hemres stppoed and porndeed for a bit, inecfted blood drpiipng on teh clean white talcboltehs. "What do you have in taht's new?"

"Well, we d-do hvae a new fauna in. So new taht I-i haven't even mdae up what it is yet."

"Ooh, sonuds intiesrteng! What do tehy tate lkie?"

"Well, acicordng to tihs menu taht I'm writing on right now:"
Yummy spceies idea number -3 Wrote:ALEURFS:

Aleurfs are small, ringilke fsih which swarm over any place which has water. They taste lkie coucnots, which is there natural prtcioteon agianst prtodaers due to how bad it is.

"Nah, taht's sounds gross." Hermes siad. "I'll just hvae a Coke and Rum."

"Is Pepsi oaky?" Spenldid asked back.

"Yeah, srue."

"Okay, one Coke and Pepis, coming right up mitser Hermes."
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
The raffle is now closed. Here are our entries and their numbers.
As a note all request for chow dome or volk prizes count for both cause they're both the same prize and they take up the same slot. One can't be placed above or below the other they just have different names cause they were donated by different people.

As a note KleenFarsight I didn't notice this before but the list that was put down says "Any of the games" but not what order you wanted them in so I have put down games in a random order, sadly too late to change that.

1. wiltingMyosotis - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico
2. Robust Laser - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico, Allator's aftiks
3. Crunch - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, Allator's aftiks
4. Arcanuse - The Chow Volk Whatever you want
5. awkwardcarapace - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, I am Bread

6. Clockwork Dragon - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico, Allator's aftiks, I am Bread
7. cmdrcade - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico, Allator's aftiks
8. SirBlizz98 - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico, Shadow Warrior
9. KleenFarsight - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, Serious Sam 2, Shadow Warrior, I am Bread, art commission by Hichico
10. Babybowser101 - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico, I am Bread

11. IronLionShark - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico
12. LoverIan - Art commission by Hichico, The Chow Volk Whatever you want, Allator's aftiks, I am Bread
13. Dorsidwarf - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico
14. GuardianofAllator - The Chow Volk Whatever you want
15. LammarWesley - The Chow Volk Whatever you want, art commission by Hichico

16. Kieros - Art commission by Hichico, The Chow Volk Whatever you want, Allator's aftiks, Calling me a nerd.

And here's the list of people in the plush raffle! The plush raffle will be done first cause the winner of the plush raffle will not be able to win anything else and it required a special entry.

1. Kieros
2. GuardianofAllator
3. Clockwork Dragon
4. Crunch
5. Laser
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
Ok so turns out I messed up and have been inform that I didn't put a time to the date, so the raffle officially ends 10 hours from now. at 1pm EST.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
Species Idea: "We here at the Chow Dome have heard your cries for a greener way of making meat and have developed a completely renewable resource to do that and clean our fine establishments at the same time! We'd like to introduce our new genetically modified, bottom feeding, species called 'gnaws'; no they are not named after our competitors 'Gnaw Gnaw Veggie Slaw'. Thanks to the advancements in no-tail genetics and latest technologies, we were able to create the perfect organism that can feed off the waste left by our loyal customers and turn it into edible meat. Their skin has the appealing reddish-brown most of our meat contains, suckers on their limbs and shovel like teeth with sticky tongue allows them to clean the undersides of all our tables, lastly they contain stomach acid that could dissolve the metal right off a Hermes ship. Now you can rest easy knowing your discarded wrappers and used napkins will be efficiently recycled into the delicious, smoky, and savory meat you eat with no by-products." (Warning, the Chow Dome is not responsible for gnaws eating any forgot; keys, jewelry, or children.)

Hermes Fanfic: "Hermes, the long necked AI, grazed the sun dried savanna, looking for fuel to replenish his empty stomach. Unbeknownst to him, an Artemis unit was hidden among the brush and with a pull of her bow, sent an arrow at his servos. Fortunately, Hermes heard the strings strain and bolted, leaving our Artemis without her days hunt."

RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle

Plush prize: Crunch

Other winners in order of who won!
Life system/wiltingMyosotis - Chow volk
Dorf - Chow volk
LammarWesley - Chow volk

Dragonfly - Art commission by Hic
KleenFarsight - Serious Sam 2
Laser - Allator's aftiks
SirBlizz98 - Shadow Warrior

Kieros - Calling me a nerd

LoverIan - I am Bread

Thanks to everyone for entering this was a wonderful raffle! We'll see you next time in two months!
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
In response to Gime, the exact order of the games didn't bother me, as I'm not that picky if I won a thing, but I will be sure to give an order to them if a raffle happens to occur again, so you don't have to assemble a random list.
RE: [TYCHE]: Species Idea Raffle
Notail Hate Raffle

Another raffle is here! As notails have been a big subject lately, this raffle will be notail related. As always check out the prompt, prizes, and rules to enter.

End date: You have until 12/2 to enter in to the raffle! Any entries after that will not be counted. The raffle drawing will be done live in discord on the 12/3!

Current entry prompt
Here's the prompt for this round! The prompt is simple. Write one or more sentences about how much you hate the notails. That should be simple to do!

Feel free to have fun with these prompts! Jokes are VERY much welcomed.

Note, you can only get 1 entry no matter how long or short your entry is!

[Image: gBMi3d6.png?1]
Art by [Robocoon]


[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
O' Notails, Devil's kith and kin, thou art the worst. Thou art like an X-class smut fic, in poor taste.

Edit: Oh yeah this is a raffle. I guess I'll choose these.
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
I hate all notails. They never leave a tip. They won't even fistfight me. And that's a notail-fact. ={
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
You'll need to list your prize list Ruby_Rorin! Check out the "HOW TO ENTER" on page one.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)

Otherwise, I feel Notails are the best thing on the universe, we have the bizarre and lazy H-class and the horribly lethal X-class! Everything about them is so creative? They want to fistfight the whole universe ( A aligattor ), the time ( A Mirage ) and everything else! Also, we have the best notail face ever. "6v9"

★ Sponsored by Volkronn Corp, 1 Canon OC Prize! ( I want to make Samantha Jones a thing if I don't write her legendary thing or, you know, *priapus*. )
★ Sponsored by The Chow Dome
★ Sponsored by The Chow Dome
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
Notails are terrible.
So terrible in fact, there are enough novels on the subject you could build a house out of them.
(Or a small planet if you include duplicates)
Even worse, the Notails wrote most of these books, including the best selling novel of the decade.
"The Terrible Awful Horrendous No-Good-At-All-tail and the crimes against sentience checklist."
Much like Notails, the book is atrocious.

Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
Notails are a blight. They twist and benight us all. To spite absent gods.

[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
God I 'ate Notails, with their sassy snoots, and sexy legs, dear lord I cant stand them with their bopping aboot with their strumpy hips all sick-like and their beatling around their scampish skipper-claws like they don't got a care so much. God I hate them so, so much.

[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
The only good thing about Notails are their masks because those things are so weird and creepy. If you see one of them you're literally cursed for your entire life, because of their pure ugliness.
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
Tch. Notails. Sure, I knew about what they were like. Most of them, I thought. And then I thought maybe I had a friend in one. But I should have known, there's no such thing as a good notail. Served me right. I won't have my heart broken again.

RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
Notails are paranoid, disease-ridden, compassion-less, predictable, boorish, and just plain rude. This is made worse by that they have interwoven and rooted themselves to space politics.

RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
Those damn creatures. Monsters. Look-alikes. They keep walking around and talking to all the other little monsters out there, posturing like they are the important ones. WE are the important ones. What did THOSE things ever do? Why, if I ever was able to get close enough I'd tear those damn masks off their faces and pull those buggy bits out of their disgusting heads. I would beat up TWENTY of those things if I could just get out of this suit.
-Journal of Jerbis, Famed Human of the Tourist National Zoo

1. Volkronn Corp
2. Chow Dome
3. Chow Dome
RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
Notails... Where do we even begin with this scourge opon the universe? Numberless atrocities committed since they discovered FTL travel, causing entire species to vanish from the stars merely by visiting them with their horrible disease spreading tendencies, and that's not even beginning to tough on the undisputable fact that THEY ARE SIMPLY HORRIBLE CREATURES.

Personally I feel like even H U M A N S are preferable to be around compared to notails.

RE: [TYCHE]: Notails are awful Raffle (Ends 12/2)
Notails dab, and that's why they're the worst.

[Image: BMy2LW4.png]