[Shep] Mystery Box

[Shep] Mystery Box
[Shep] Mystery Box
Let's see how long I can keep this going haha...
I'll try to update on Thursday/Friday every week to keep things regular!

After finishing a last-minute essay for the past two hours, you finally close out of your word editing program and take a long-deserved break. You hover your mouse over the button for your drawing program before shaking your head and flicking the cursor over to the Fortuna icon instead. Booting up your game, you’re greeted with the opening menu. You select continue and settle into your chair.

[Image: 1_by_guardianofallator-dbh2umq.png]
When you log in your game is still right where you left it, which is nice. And before you forget, you send your usual greetings off to your patrons while you’re still starting up the game.

Quote:Hey Mors, hey Somnus!

No answer as usual, but it still feels nice to let them know you’re thinking of them. And with that you dive into your game.

>>> Crew: Land

[Image: 2_by_guardianofallator-dbg99rv.png]
You had just picked your second planet in a seven-planet run. Collmoros, homeworld of the n’nik. You thought it would be nice for one of your favorite crewmembers to visit his home before you continue your adventure, and besides it shouldn’t be too hard to find fuel on the planet. Provided there’s no attacks from hostile wildlife you should be fine this early on in the game.

What to do now?
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
>Go home first. Enjoy a refreshing cup of tea and watch the rain for a bit. The best possible thing before a terrifying and possibly deadly adventure.
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
> Go explore! See if there's any shops to buy gas from.
> Additionally, check your crew's stats.
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
>Check crew stats

amazing art uwu
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
>arbitrary decide to return to the first planet because you forgot something.
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
> Introduce your friends to your family.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
My computer shuts down now every time I open the drawing program. So I'll have to do some bug fixes before the next update, but they should be relatively quick. Apologies in advance if this winds up delaying the adventure.

Quote:>arbitrary decide to return to the first planet because you forgot something.
You consider returning to the first planet for a moment, to see if you missed anything important, but realize that would be silly and a waste of gas, time, and planets. Besides, nothing majorly important happened on the previous planet, you just did a minor 'locate lost family member' quest for some points.

Quote:> Go explore! See if there's any shops to buy gas from.
> Additionally, check your crew's stats.
> Check crew stats
But you do need to get gas. You pull up your crew stat page to double-check stats and see who you should have your captain send off for an adventure.

[Image: stats_moxie_by_guardianofallator-dbgowsn.png]
Quote:Moxie left a boring life and a boring job on a spaceport to head to Fortuna in the hopes that the adventure, as well as the reward, would improve her life. A friendly captain, but easily swayed by her crew.

[Image: stats_azzie_by_guardianofallator-dbgowrx.png]
Quote:Azerbanjal is the youngest of 7 children. His mother died before he hatched, and his family was never incredibly close to begin with, so when he had the chance to leave on an adventure he took it with little hesitation. His high charisma and people skills lend well to his chosen career of Diplomat, a job he enjoys very much.

[Image: stats_halli_by_guardianofallator-dbgowre.png]
Quote:Halli is a very noisy hokkan, always filling the silence with whistles, chirps, and bits of tunes she finds interesting. She was found at a young age by Azerbanjal and though she is now grown, she still follows him around, treating him like a parent and best friend.

[Image: stats_aldous_by_guardianofallator-dbgows9.png]
Quote:Aldous is a somewhat shady character for someone that is supposed to be trusted as deeply as a therapist is. In his past he was a member of a rather questionable cult, though he shuts down any questions on the topic when brought up. Still, no one can deny that he is good at his job despite his quirks.

You also double-check what mods and in-game items you’re running. It’s been awhile since you’ve been able to play and you could use a refresher just to make sure you don’t do anything stupid.

Quote:-Second Patron Slot
-Fortuna Item: Fortuna Dice
-Fortuna Item: A Good Gun
-Mod: Additional Species
-Mod: Fixed Paper Plates
-Mod: More Space Fauna
-Mod: Modified Screens and Assets

Quote:> Introduce your friends to your family.
> Go home first. Enjoy a refreshing cup of tea and watch the rain for a bit. The best possible thing before a terrifying and possibly deadly adventure.

You do know that one of Azerbanjal’s sisters works in this city, he brought it up before you landed in the city. You decide that he has to go, for possible adorable family reunions.

>>>Moxie: Inform crew who will be staying and who will be leaving.

[Image: 3_by_guardianofallator-dbgowpe.png]

[Image: 4_by_guardianofallator-dbh2ufj.png]

[Image: 5_by_guardianofallator-dbh2ub7.png]

[Image: 6_by_guardianofallator-dbh2z44.png]

[Image: 7_by_guardianofallator-dbh2ubd.png]

[Image: 8_by_guardianofallator-dbh2ubp.png]

[Image: 9_by_guardianofallator-dbhpmd0.png]
Moxie and Azzie exit the ship. There are three buildings, one titled AUTHEN’NIK GOODS, one titled LAB-FRESH EATS, and one whose sign has been blurred out.
You know for a fact that Azzie’s sister is in the ...questionable building, but don’t exactly want to enter that one, at least not first. You ponder for a while which store you should enter.
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
>Authen'nik Goods, because that pun is just too good.
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
> Authen'nik Goods seems more likely to have fuel.
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
>hop in the air and jump for joy to be back on your favorite planet
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
> I agree with pun based shop, let us head to Authen'nik Goods.
RE: [Shep] Family Shenanigains!
Part one of a two-part update! Second part should be up later tomorrow afternoon/evening. My computer still won't play nice with my software and I lost my pen, so apologies for that delaying the update a bit.

Quote:> hop in the air and jump for joy to be back on your favorite planet

[Image: 10_by_guardianofallator-dbi2gtl.png]
Azerbanjal jumps in the air, fistpumping and shrieking happily in the rain. Moxie looks on with a look of resignation.

[Image: 11_by_guardianofallator-dbi2gcr.png]

[Image: 12_by_guardianofallator-dbi2gcg.png]

Quote:> Authen'nik Goods, because that pun is just too good.
> Authen'nik Goods seems more likely to have fuel.
> I agree with pun based shop, let us head to Authen'nik Goods.

[Image: 13_by_guardianofallator-dbi2gcb.png]

[Image: 14_by_guardianofallator-dbi2gc3.png]

[Image: 15_by_guardianofallator-dbi2k1a.png]
A scantily-clad n'nik burst out of the door to the questionable building.

[Image: 16_by_guardianofallator-dbi2k12.png]
She notices your characters and runs up to them, jumping up and down.

[Image: 17_by_guardianofallator-dbi2mjh.png]

[Image: 18_by_guardianofallator-dbi2gbw.png]

[Image: 19_by_guardianofallator-dbi2gbo.png]

[Image: 20_by_guardianofallator-dbi2mk4.png]

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RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
>I sure do hope the shop has a box of recon birds. You know. The birdbots that are small. Those.
[Shep] Shoptime!
I apologize for missing last week's update! My drawing program kept giving me issues and then I lost my pen, and then the cord to my tablet broke. I'll try to be on time with next update, and thank you for your patience!

Moxie, Azzie, and Nexie enter Authen'nik goods. A scarred n'nik stands behind the counter and welcomes them all with a smile.

[Image: 1_by_guardianofallator-dbjmnbf.png]

[Image: 2_by_guardianofallator-dbjmnb3.png]

[Image: 3_by_guardianofallator-dbjmq8z.png]

[Image: 4_by_guardianofallator-dbjmn95.png]

[Image: 5_by_guardianofallator-dbjmpoy.png]

[Image: 6_by_guardianofallator-dbjmn8y.png]

[Image: 7_by_guardianofallator-dbjmnae.png]

[Image: 8_by_guardianofallator-dbjmnaa.png]

[Image: 9_by_guardianofallator-dbjmnbm.png]

[Image: 10_by_guardianofallator-dbjmna0.png]

[Image: 11_by_guardianofallator-dbjmn8r.png]

[Image: webp_net_gifmaker__1__by_guardianofallator-dbjmpqq.gif]

[Image: 13_by_guardianofallator-dbjmpom.png]

[Image: 14_by_guardianofallator-dbjmn9t.png]

[Image: 15_by_guardianofallator-dbjmn9m.png]

[Image: 16_by_guardianofallator-dbjmn9l.png]

[Image: 17_by_guardianofallator-dbjmpoq.png]
Your crew card has 17,000p, and your current ship is an Artemis at 25 fuel. It takes 75 fuel to jump to another planet and can hold 100 fuel.

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RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
We have to get the mystery box. It's just so.. mysterious.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
>75 fuel, the mystery box.
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
> Yeah, let's just get some fuel and the mystery box. No need for any more spending.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
> Get the mystery box, a full fuel tank, and a thing of home made liquor. Never know when you're going to need a drink for those tough times.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Shep] A Derailed Game
>Fill the tank, get the box.
RE: [Shep] Mystery Box
[Image: 1_by_guardianofallator-dblby5p.png]

[Image: 2_by_guardianofallator-dblby71.png]

[Image: 3_by_guardianofallator-dblby66.png]
You purchase the 75 fuel and mystery box. 8,100p was subtracted from the crew card. You now have 8,900p.

[Image: 4_by_guardianofallator-dblby6f.png]

[Image: 5_by_guardianofallator-dblby5h.png]
Azzie pops the lid off of the box. A few electronic beeps can be heard, before two rather large robot birds raise their heads from the box. They look around and blink a few times, before hopping out and standing on either side of the n'nik.

[Image: 6_by_guardianofallator-dblby6w.png]

[Image: 7_by_guardianofallator-dblby69.png]

[Image: 8_by_guardianofallator-dblbygc.png]

[Image: 9_by_guardianofallator-dblby5w.png]

[Image: 10_by_guardianofallator-dblby6p.png]

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RE: [Shep] Mystery Box
RE: [Shep] Mystery Box
> Meet the parents, duh. Probably some neat family heirlooms you could borrow.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Shep] Mystery Box
> Let's go take a detour! Why not? Besides, this might be the Azerbanjal Friendship Sidequest.
[Image: BMy2LW4.png]
RE: [Shep] Mystery Box
>Go meet family!
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]