[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/25 BIRD UP!
Despite the fact that we did see some Helios memories, here, I don't think we're going to get any answers about those memories. Helios made attempts to erase them, or they wouldn't have been brought in a weird, choppy "flashback" style. I doubt he's going to remember anything about those moments, and if he does, I really doubt he'll be telling us anytime soon.

What we know:
  1. Helios was the more driving force that attacked Hephaestus
  2. Helios' memories of something bad happening to their student potentially sparked this action.
  3. Helios likely erased memories that are trying to resurface regardless. They were upsetting memories that dealt with some manner of anger/rage/hostility against his own crew over his 'student'.
  4. Athena, being the more naturally aggressive of the two of them, might get blamed instead of Helios.
I think we should focus on the actions we should take moving forward, and not do a thorough grilling of a very reluctant professor. We need to find a way to keep our patrons from getting thrown in the slammer- er, the tutorial, really. I don't want either of them to suffer the consequences of their actions, there should always be exceptions to the rules and I think this was one of them.
"1. AIs are just people who carry a manual. Treat them like people.
2. People with manuals get confused and scared when things occur that are not in the manual. Treat them like people when this happens.
3. Treat them like people."
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/25 BIRD UP!
(03-25-2017, 03:58 PM)juddy555 Wrote: »>You: "Helios, are you okay? And Athena, are you okay? And Eris, are you okay? You know what, is EVERYONE okay?"


I've got a hunch that Helios is going to be the one who is "responsible" here, but I'm going to try pawning it off at "Athlios is their own person" for as long as I possibly can.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/25 BIRD UP!
Hahahah. Wheat's got [connections] that we can use.
Look at this beautiful lamp egg:

[Image: B2skh0Y.png]

Some fear for what it will hatch into. But not me. I'm not silly!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/25 BIRD UP!
Ok... Wheat that looks amazing

>Do what Wheat said
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/25 BIRD UP!
>Haha nice try Athena but off to the tutorial you go, bye bye!
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/25 BIRD UP!
>seconding Wheat
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RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
>Actually you know I've given it some thought and actually, OF COURSE I STILL WANT TO GO, FULL SPEED ENSIGN!!

>Cleo: Talk to Cea about your amazing adventure and also about how you haven't really talked much.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
>We came this far. Full steam ahead to the center!
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
>Cea: Ask Edel if getting to the core isn't what he always wanted? Bad things have happened but those didn't change his desire to avoid becoming a tree earlier, so why he's getting cold feet now?

That went surprisingly well. Can we control Latta directly now?
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
>sure let's go to the center

[Hey Athena, Marble has pretty low morale right now. We had to guilt trip her into staying earlier, and she's said she's refusing to do any jobs but fighting. Do you think Latta could cheer her up? At the very least her [Energizer] skill could put Marble's morale a few points above rock bottom.]

If I didn't want to avoid trying to play Athena's captain for her I might also suggest gifting the rare frogs to Cleo since she's a beastmaster and her morale needs to stay high to prevent starvation. Coincedentally such a gift might also help the bug-in-my-coffee ship.I might be saying this just because I just thought up this shipname.

Edit: Eh, whatever.
[Oh and speaking of morale, perhaps gifting the rare frogs to Cleo would be an easy way to raise her's?]
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
(03-28-2017, 03:59 AM)tronn Wrote: »That went surprisingly well. Can we control Latta directly now?
This is a vote. Also now is the time to post suggestions for crew chillout time.

> Adrax: Well, if you're going to die on a ship full of weirdos, you may as well get to know them first.

> Spips: Bake a cake in celebration of the new crewmember. I mean, they can't eat cake, but you just love throwing parties anyway.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
>Cea: Remember there are now crew on the ship you haven't even gotten to know, and rectify that!!

>Be intercepted by Cleo
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
> Yes, towards the center we must go.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
>Eris: Introduce yourself to the crew, and make Phonoi a crewmember.

(really, if Eris is a limbo god then wouldn't that mean her godhead's pretty powerful? We may need Phonoi to defeat crazy Apollo)
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
>Find Hermes and apologize for being a bad friend as of late.
>Have Cleo give him back his shipping chart, then explain that a crew member took it because of a badly typed command.
>Ask him what's been going on and if there is anything he wanted to talk about.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
> Cea: Remember you still haven't met the new snake crew member. This is an awful tragedy and needs to be rectified.
>> Cleo: Intercept Cea and tell all about the pretty metal adventure you've had on this planet

> Cea: If you don't shoo off Cleo, (and, well... you might have time...): Try to contact Spips at some point while in transit.

> Into the brink center of the universe.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
>Hermes! Sorry I haven't been talking to you! There's just been a whole lot going on. There was a whole thing with Eris and Athena and Hephaestus. Maybe you were watching. ANYWAY how have you been buddy? Excited to go to the center of the universe and meet The Helper? I know I am!
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
(03-28-2017, 03:04 PM)Spish Wrote: »
(03-28-2017, 03:59 AM)tronn Wrote: »That went surprisingly well. Can we control Latta directly now?
This is a vote. Also now is the time to post suggestions for crew chillout time.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
Max friendship with AIs just means they'll always fuse if we ask, and Athenas special is that the other AI doesn't have to also babe willing/max friendship.

Ais can and will fuse of their own accord even if you aren't friends with them.
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
(03-29-2017, 10:27 PM)Dorsidwarf Wrote: »Max friendship with AIs just means they'll always fuse if we ask, and Athenas special is that the other AI doesn't have to also babe willing/max friendship.
Huh. Odd that Athena would do this without their permission considering her deal with mind control but okay.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
Misremembered something, she still needs permission, they just dont have to be maxi-friends with you.
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
Hang on, if our culture ai perk is visions and we have all these annoying screens, then does that mean that a) those screens have the capability of broadcasting our visions and b) them being annoying is because they are broken or we aren't using then properly?
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/27 Yammer Yammer Yammer
(03-31-2017, 06:26 PM)Futurdreamz Wrote: »Hang on, if our culture ai perk is visions and we have all these annoying screens, then does that mean that a) those screens have the capability of broadcasting our visions and b) them being annoying is because they are broken or we aren't using then properly?
I believe that You is actually commanding the screans themselves, and they are annoying because you themselves is very, very broken.
RE: [Fortuna]: STREAMING
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Fortuna rolls for mutations! Fortuna rolls a 3 sided dice for Latta, Edel, Cleo, Cleo's body, and Spips. A 1 roll equals a mutation.

Latta rolls a 2. Latta does not mutate.

Edel rolls a 3. Athena re rolls it due to being the highest number possible. Edel rolls a 1. Athena re rolls it due to being the lowest number possible. Edel rolls a 3. Athena re rolls it due to being the highest number possible. Edel rolls a 1. Athena re rolls it due to being the lowest number possible. Edel rolls a 2. Edel does not mutate.

Cleo rolls a 1. Athena re rolls it due to being the lowest number possible. Cleo rolls a 1. Athena re rolls it due to being the lowest number possible. Cleo rolls a 2. Cleo does not mutate.

Cleo's body rolls a 1. Athena re rolls it due to being the lowest number possible. Cleo's body rolls a 2. Cleo's body does not mutate.

Spips rolls a 3. Athena re rolls it due to being the highest number possible. Spips rolls a 2. Spips does not mutate.

[Image: nQnNFtE.gif]

[Image: u3tQtHX.gif]

[Hermes, I want to apologize for being a bad friend as of late, I got distracted by the Sun God and forgot to talk to you. I also messed up and accidentally took your shipping chart, which I'm also sorry for.]

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[So are you just gonna sit in this closet and be miserable until you die in a few days?]

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If you don't vote for roomtrap then please DO NOT say how you want the roomtrap done in the case that a roomtrap happens. Only people who vote for roomtrap can say how they want the roomtrap done.
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