[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks

[ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Tricks
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
Retreating to the Obelisk with Sevchenko chasing after the party would mean leaving the rest of the crew behind, but at this point it looks like all we have to do is have the cultists stand between us and Sevchenko. Let the angry Oomn take care of the rest.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
> Call Sevchenko a nerd. Let's see how they deal with that.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
Sobek's Bio is interesting...Is there a tool that lets us edit bios besides during character creation?
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
(01-05-2017, 03:00 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> Call Sevchenko a nerd. Let's see how they deal with that.

Achievement unlocked: Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Unseconding :/

(Protip: never look directly at a nuclear explosion. Permanent blindness WILL ensue. Followed shortly by DEATH.)
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
I get the feeling we shouldn't leave without the cursed idol. It might be important for dealing with the deacons (I mean we would've basically gotten it for free had we played it straight).
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
Or maybe it's a red herring.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
"Oh hey, we were wondering where our EVIL IDOL OF POWER went, thanks for bringing it straight to us. Steve here lost it a week ago, and we had to put off our sacrificial rites until you showed up. Now have some stuff we looted from the village as thanks and be on your way."
Maybe. It could happen. Probably not, but it might.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
I wouldn't get too hung up on it. Flexible story telling means theres multiple routes we can take, so while not getting the idol would probably lock us out of some possibilities we've still got lots of choices to make.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
(01-04-2017, 11:23 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »
(01-04-2017, 11:15 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »>Almond [Intelligence Roll]: Grovel. Lament all your actions and life choices that have led up to this point and appeal to Sven's fatalist side by explaining how Fortuna mocked your existence from it's very inception by making you allergic to yourself, while also leaving any hope of changing your stats in the hands of the gods, forcing you to consort with base demons for a chance at a cure. Make sure you use small words though.


Thirding,But gosh darn it.

>Crew: Run to that freaking obelisk or your This post is now a ghost post dead This post is now a ghost post
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
(01-06-2017, 04:42 AM)Thegreath3rpa Wrote: »
(01-04-2017, 11:23 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »
(01-04-2017, 11:15 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »>Almond [Intelligence Roll]: Grovel. Lament all your actions and life choices that have led up to this point and appeal to Sven's fatalist side by explaining how Fortuna mocked your existence from it's very inception by making you allergic to yourself, while also leaving any hope of changing your stats in the hands of the gods, forcing you to consort with base demons for a chance at a cure. Make sure you use small words though.


Thirding,But gosh darn it.

>Crew: Run to that freaking obelisk or your This post is now a ghost post dead This post is now a ghost post

Cookie or Star [Agility Check]: Take the polearm and put an end to this charade. Probably a good idea to "dot your i's" with that polearm.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
Quote: > Everyone: Tactical retreat
[Image: MsnrXep.png]

[Image: QZhP9R6.png]

[Image: wDrhmc7.png]

[Image: F6rwlOS.png]

Quote: > Star: INT check, explain to Sev the pro and cons of killing the crew versus joining the crew. Point out that the crew is going to Fortuna which would most likely benefit him if they manage to get there. In fact, if he joined, the odds of making it to Fortuna would increase and with it his chance of returning back to normal. However, if he kills the crew, he would most likely be stuck as an Abomination for the rest of his life and achieve nothing substantial.

[Image: 1QSvvOI.gif]
[Fortuna rolls a d20, a 17 is rolled]

[Image: yHY9x10.png]

[Image: taidbZe.png]
you quickly take a look at Sevchenko's character sheet.

[Image: eIhaZXw.png]

Quote: > Someone: Punch Almond in the face to establish they're a dumbass.

[Image: OTQcNwu.png]

[Image: i0e5Sa2.png]

[Image: ozL2Jo8.png]

[Image: 6uUuw8N.png]

[Image: oiDMNxp.png]
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
Going to need to work on Sevchenkos communication skills later. Other than that, we need a better plan than just barreling towards the cult site, and hoping for the best. Namely, some sort of energy/fire weaponry, as its likely that if they can walk through walls, they can also walk through bullets. And Sevchenkos fist.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
(01-13-2017, 05:31 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Going to need to work on Sevchenkos communication skills later. Other than that, we need a better plan than just barreling towards the cult site, and hoping for the best. Namely, some sort of energy/fire weaponry, as its likely that if they can walk through walls, they can also walk through bullets. And Sevchenko's fist.

They can't always be intangible, because then they couldn't grab people. If we have some means of communicating with the crew on the ship I vote we contact them so they know whats going on and possibly set up a rendezvous with Jojae at the Obelisk.

> Sobek: Contact the ship and inform them you require reinforcements.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
>go to the spire
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
So we're fighting a village of cultists eh? ... Seriously, is anyone else getting a Resident Evil vibe here, or is that just me? ^_^
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
(01-15-2017, 08:05 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »So we're fighting a village of cultists eh? ... Seriously, is anyone else getting a Resident Evil vibe here, or is that just me? ^_^

Your not the only one. Though I think we should
>Get Energy Weapons if Possible

One problem The deacons could kill us in one strike. This one strike is phasing their fist into us then having said fist turn solid.
Practically they could rip our heart out from the inside.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition: Mistakes Were Made
(01-15-2017, 09:47 PM)Thegreath3rpa Wrote: »
(01-15-2017, 08:05 PM)neferiusNexus Wrote: »So we're fighting a village of cultists eh? ... Seriously, is anyone else getting a Resident Evil vibe here, or is that just me? ^_^

Your not the only one. Though I think we should
>Get Energy Weapons if Possible

One problem The deacons could kill us in one strike. This one strike is phasing their fist into us then having said fist turn solid.
Practically they could rip our heart out from the inside.

That depends entirely on which way Hic decides to have telefragging flow. Although having a hand stuck inside you would kinda suck.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition:Decisions....Decisions...
Quote: > Sobek: Contact the ship and inform them you require reinforcements.

[Image: BhSX2ks.png]

[Image: kbA0CWN.png]

[Image: 7fjTHqn.png]

[Image: 86Izlq6.png]

[Image: ci3kREF.png]

[Image: KJu7xSD.png]

[Image: GsD1FY3.png]

[Image: f4t2QjC.png]

[Image: 9JIgfTI.png]

[Image: QFl4YMJ.png]

[Image: PFH5PRT.png]

[Image: Hzls80b.png]

[Image: stHDD1f.png]

[Image: yJ23aMI.png]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition:Decisions....Decisions...
> Charisma check: Well they were kinda taken by a cult of supernatural beings. I'm sure taking down one of those would look great on the headlines.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition:Decisions....Decisions...
>"Picture the headline 'Florida Man Headbutts Shoggoth, steals washing, burns village to ground' "
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition:Decisions....Decisions...
> "This giant abomination that we picked up was personally affronted by the cult that they wouldn't deign to abduct him as well, so he has sworn revenge on them, and wouldn't you love to take part in that revenge too?"
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition:Decisions....Decisions...
>Captain we don't have enough fuel. Cultists might have fuel. You can burn the cultists.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition:Decisions....Decisions...
(01-20-2017, 12:20 AM)Dorsidwarf Wrote: »>"Picture the headline 'Florida Man Headbutts Shoggoth, steals washing, burns village to ground' "

>Charisma check with this
>Omit the burning village to the ground, and replace it with "burns cultists alive, and vandalizes their holy monument"
>Or add it either way
>Really it's less reinforcements, and just better weapons we need to pull this off
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition:Decisions....Decisions...
>Bye Hermes, we will remember you. You were fun. But your replacement is better.
RE: [ERIS]: Downtime Edition:Decisions....Decisions...
> Ask Sev how he'd feel about letting a Notail ride him if it meant killing the cultists

Also seconding the [CHA check] "Because cultists are flammable, you get to despoil a place of worship, and perhaps even punch out an elder god. What about that headline?"