RE: +iny ©at people
11-13-2016, 06:58 PM
>Gently toss cat over to pick the lock, because that's absolutely what cats are skilled in doing
+iny ©at people
RE: +iny ©at people
11-13-2016, 06:58 PM
>Gently toss cat over to pick the lock, because that's absolutely what cats are skilled in doing
RE: +iny ©at people
11-13-2016, 10:06 PM
(11-13-2016, 06:58 PM)Gen Wrote: »>Gently toss cat over to pick the lock, because that's absolutely what cats are skilled in doing cat burglar! of course! i second this
RE: +iny ©at people
11-13-2016, 10:13 PM
ok, we have rope right?
>Windy: lower Fennel down from the path that's over the fence, then walk down and parkour your way out.
RE: +iny ©at people
11-14-2016, 05:53 AM
> Climb that thing going over the fence and jump down.
> Go look for a key while your friend waits.
RE: +iny ©at people
11-16-2016, 02:51 PM
>TCPs: climb over.
>Cat: walk through. >Wonder if the fence is meant to keep intruders out, or inhabitants from leaving the planet.
RE: +iny ©at people
11-23-2016, 05:33 AM
Isn't one of Windy's abilities to put holes in stuff? Or am I making that up? I forget...
RE: +iny ©at people
11-27-2016, 03:29 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2017, 02:11 AM by Kitet.)
![]() >CHECK LOCK Hmmm, it sure seems to be locked. Windy yanks the lock around but it doesn’t come off. >CHECK FENCE This whole thing is made of some kind of metal, welded together and then painted over a couple times. It has a very shiny finish to it, which makes it a little hard to get a solid grip on. >LIFT FENCE It’s pretty heavy! Both TCPs working together can only get it a comparative inch off the ground. (It’s more like a millimeter, as both TCPs themselves are only about 6 inches tall.) >WINDY: USE ROPE; USE PARKOUR ![]() Windy tests using the christmas lights from the orange pathway- they didn’t want to think about it too hard as they touched down on the planets surface, but the Tower Maze has a strange sense of gravity surrounding it, and that extends to the thin curving path here. Fennel is a bit nervous, but it won’t protest this method too hard, even if it’s a little tired from the long walk the two of them just had. ![]() ![]() ![]() Excellent! All of your cats, Tiny Person-variety or otherwise, made it past the gate with little to no harm! Fennel laughs and claps, little glass crunching sounds, and Windy whistles victoriously. ![]() And then you hear some soft footsteps, tapping across the brick path, and your TCPs suddenly freeze. There's someone here to greet them. ![]() This isn’t one of yours. She, addressing your TCPs, makes some strange, babbley sounds with a grainy texture to them, and it takes a second for you to understand what she said. Her name is Tasty, and this is her planet. She advises that you be good while you’re here, you may not like what happens if you misbehave.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: +iny ©at people
11-27-2016, 03:35 AM
shoot her! we're two for two in not using our guns
jk, these TCPs are nothing if not boring goody two-shoes. tell tasty that. hey, what's defiance up to
RE: +iny ©at people
11-27-2016, 04:11 AM
>that parasol is adorable
>ask tasty to teach us fashion sense
RE: +iny ©at people
11-27-2016, 07:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 07:41 AM by BananaPanda.)
> Question the HECK out of Tasty ("How did you come into existence??" " Are there others???" " Will you kill us?" "Whats your favorite color??")
RE: +iny ©at people
11-27-2016, 07:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2016, 07:57 AM by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆.)
(11-27-2016, 04:11 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »>ask tasty to teach us fashion sense very wise since those that don't know should teach edit: i'm being catty
RE: +iny ©at people
11-27-2016, 04:05 PM
> And what punishment do we get if we misbehave, not that we're going to do it but...
> What are the rules?
RE: +iny ©at people
12-03-2016, 04:35 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2017, 02:14 AM by Kitet.)
![]() Your cats are a little confused and shocked, they didn’t know there were any other TCPs out here! You try asking Tasty some questions, but she doesn’t respond to you… it’s a bit like she can’t hear you at all. Windy and Fennel hear you, though, so they try relaying some of your concerns to her. >WE’RE FRIENDS. WHAT ARE THE RULES? >AND WHAT IS THE PUNISHMENT FOR BREAKING THE RULES? ![]() Tasty thinks for a second, and babbles to herself a little bit… this time, you can’t tell what she said, but after a few seconds, a wooden sign-post appears next to the gate. It reads: Welcome to ~Candy-Star!~ This is Macaron’s territory! Let’s keep it simple: No fighting! No stealing! No griefing! Please enjoy your stay!! Tasty gestures at the sign, and says, you’re in someone else’s turf and they can still CREATE stuff here, even if they can’t SPAWN any more cats because you’re on an ADVENTURE, and the TCP LIMIT got filled up, anyway. If you messed things up Really Bad, your cats probably couldn’t make the trip out of here. ![]() So, she’s glad you’re agreeing to behave, even though you didn’t wait for her to unlock the gate. It’s okay, no big deal! You probably didn't even know she was coming. >HOW DID YOU COME INTO EXISTENCE? ARE THERE OTHERS? Tasty hums a little bit, and says that Macaron spawned her here. She’s the only one on this planet right now, but hopefully there will be more later. Speaking of which, who spawned you two strangers? >FROG-CRIMES. Fennel happily says your name, and Tasty nods for a second- before appearing a little alert. She lets out a short noise, you can barely tell that she just repeated your name… then she shrugs, and says thanks. >NICE ARM! Tasty holds out her arm a bit and glances at it, oh, thanks! Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt or anything, this is normal for food-category TCPs. >DEFIANCE-TYPE? Windy stutters for a second, not sure what you mean about “defiance”. Is that another TCP? Did you spawn a TCP earlier, before the adventure, and you didn’t tell them? They didn’t see any other TCPs at all up until now… now that they think about it, wouldn’t leaving a “defiance-type” TCP on their home base, alone, be a really bad idea? Windy dismisses the thought for now, surely there’s some context they’re missing. Tasty gives Windy a strange look, as Windy didn’t really say any of this out loud. ![]() Well, since you’re here… wanna come explore around the planet a bit? She hasn’t gotten much of a chance to look around the place, since she was mostly just playing dress-up before you got here. You can play dress-up with her too, if you want.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: +iny ©at people
12-03-2016, 04:39 AM
let's put windy in a pinstripe business suit and fennel in a orange jail jumpsuit
RE: +iny ©at people
12-03-2016, 04:41 AM
also hell yeah we made a defiance-type tcp and it's gonna be fuckin' rad!
RE: +iny ©at people
12-03-2016, 04:05 PM
Maybe we should check back to make sure the Defiance-type isn't doing anything dangerous.
RE: +iny ©at people
12-03-2016, 04:15 PM
(12-03-2016, 04:05 PM)Kaynato Wrote: »Maybe we should check back to make sure the Defiance-type is doing anything dangerous. also ask tasty if enjoying ourselves is a mandatory rule too
RE: +iny ©at people
12-04-2016, 07:40 AM
>hell yeah let's play dressup
>Fennel: Ask what dressup is after >Windy: teach Tasty parkour >Windy: Ask for any clothing they have that would be cool for parkour
RE: +iny ©at people
12-04-2016, 01:13 PM
Are we gonna play dressup? Y/HY/HFY
RE: +iny ©at people
12-31-2016, 01:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2017, 02:15 AM by Kitet.)
With your permission, your TCPs happily agree to play along, and Tasty squeals, eeee, how great!! Her house is actually further down the path, and that’s where her stuff is right now, so you’ll have to follow her a bit. ![]() As your TCPs walk along the gritty purple brick path, taking in the saccharine air, NOTES start popping up in front of your cats. The cats take the time to pick each one up and read them, though they don’t really know what the notes are talking about. You can perceive what’s written on each one, though: “Hey u should prolly turn ur communicator on” “Unless u don’t have it yet???” “Oh shoot, u don’t, do u” “Oh darn wellllll maybe u can find one around here???” Windy and Fennel make soft confused noises… they don’t have anything called a “communicator”, but they both have been taught communication… they wonder if there’s a connection. While they walk, Fennel asks Windy how they jumped over the fence so easily. Windy happily explains. (Fennel has learned PARKOUR.) It doesn’t take very long at all for the cats to reach a cute little castle nestled between the sugary pink mountains. There’s clothing racks outside, with multiple outfits hanging on each one. Notably, all the clothing is very cute, with a lot of frills and ribbons. ![]() Once your TCPs approach it, though, an empty rack appears... One more note pops up, seemingly addressing both you and your cats. “Hehehe I hope u don’t mind me letting ur kitties wear whatever cute stuff they request in the meantime, tho~” Windy and Fennel are beaming. They get to choose what to wear…? That sounds great! They don’t really know exactly what they want, but they have some ideas, so they’ll leave the specifics to you (and their generous host). Windy wants something more androgynous than what Tasty is wearing, and would prefer something they could do Parkour easily in. Fennel wouldn’t mind something cute and colorful! If it got something exploration-friendly too, that would be nice- in fact, it would really like something that has a lot of pockets, so it doesn’t have to wear its Tactical Vest under its new clothes. After they voice their requests, the empty clothing rack fills up with an assortment of clothing… ![]() (draw some outfits for your TCPs!)
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
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