[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/30 5 out of 5 best game ever - IGN
(10-04-2016, 04:30 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Can they infect non-living/non-robotic materials though? I mean I know they could absorb them, but have we ever seen a clockwork spawn out of something that wasn't already animate (I think robots would be considered as having some sort of "living" status for gameplay purposes)?
Well it seems you can have darts(7th item) with the clockwork virus. But perhaps they only have it on them?

Edit: It occurs to me that clockwork blood is infectious and that kuppas are basically blood fountains.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/30 5 out of 5 best game ever - IGN
Just wanted to say; jeez louise, the MSPFA site hasn't been updated in for-e-ver! (Though I guess that's irrelevant now, now that I have made the switch to the CLEARLY superior forum version. :P)

Also, quick question; is Cobalt a Godhead of Mors? If so, why? What *did* he accomplish by doing this? Actually, the latter question applies regardless of the answer to the former.

No comment on current situation. I sorta skimmed through the puzzle here, and by that, I mean "scrolled through the already-solved puzzle at a rapid pace". (Yeah, I'm going to be fairly useless during the trip over, but I'm more than ready to tackle the whole "voice in head" thing once ship logistics are out of the way!)

Also, when does this normally update?
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/30 5 out of 5 best game ever - IGN
(10-04-2016, 08:19 PM)DetectiveCaillou Wrote: »Also, quick question; is Cobalt a Godhead of Mors? If so, why? What *did* he accomplish by doing this? Actually, the latter question applies regardless of the answer to the former.
Well in the cosmodex it says that mors godheads get eternal youth, shape shifting and space ripping, but not super strength. Cobalt hasn't been shown to be a shape shifter or a space ripper so I would assume she is not a godhead but something else. Mors' motives are unknown but he pretty much wants the universe to die a peaceful death, and is related to clockworks somehow.

With cobalt I imagine he might've wanted to make an impression on the player and/or put a powerful clockwork in the universe. but that's speculation.

Oh and the comic doesn't really update on set days. Weekly or more is common but it varies.
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/30 5 out of 5 best game ever - IGN
And I take it the whole "CFF/Achilles Rage" air-quote-blessing is something that's only given with the initial pact, and not with secondhand infections?

Also, is it wrong that I was predicting that (and maybe hoping for) Cleo to fall to the same fate as Cobalt? I mean, if the unapproachable megab**** (that is misunderstood and that we all love) can be pestered into making the pact, then surely the [gullible] [optomist] would be throwing her unwitting self at ol' Clockwork the moment he asks, right? (Of course, she would probably be less "badass" and more "eerie".)

Actually, I'm inspired to ask our patrons directly. I don't need to know what's exactly up here to interact with them!

[So, um... I was wondering about something that happened in the previous game. My character, Cobalt-
Well, technically, she was procedurally generated...
Never mind!
Anyways. She begrudgingly became "Cosmic Friends Forever" with someone who later turned out to be Mors. Apparently, she contracted a powerful, yet relatively stable strain of the clockwork virus without her knowledge because of this.
I'm... not going to lie. This ended up being pretty freaking baller.
But something does bother me...
Why? What does Mors have to gain from this?]
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/30 5 out of 5 best game ever - IGN
Also, gotta say, Gime; the clockworks are just about the coolest undead equivalent I've encountered. They really feel like their own thing, completely separate from vampires, zombies, werewolves, or what have you! Top notch.
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/30 5 out of 5 best game ever - IGN
Part of me wants to see if we can bullshit our way to turning a playable character into a new patron not intended to be in the game. Probably Cobalt, since she likely wouldn't be able to get herself killed if she tried. She'd get over knowing the terrible truth by the time the next run comes around.

... And it only just occurred to me how horrible I am for suggesting this.
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 9/30 5 out of 5 best game ever - IGN
Quote:> Majority: Room 6

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RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
Hasty is a Hermes so he should be pretty fast. Is he strong enough to grab Blu and run?
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
Strong enough or no, Hasty should be able to shove Blu into his inventory. The inventory might break, sure, but it should hold long enough for Hasty to get Blu out of the room.

Of course, this is assuming Blu isn't already cornered by multiple clockworks when Hasty gets there...

EDIT: I say we have Citrene give Hasty the gun and ask Hasty how long it should take him to get Blu out. If he doesn't get back in that time, we lock down without them. And if he doesn't get back, at least he'll have a gun and be able to help Blu.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 A torch, a torch, my kingdom for a torch.
Hasty seems to be trying to save Blu's life. That's very curious behavior for a Hermes.

What hapened to your gun, Hasty?

There is one more bed in this room than we're using. We could consider using it as a projectile. I bet Marble's strength is high enough to throw one. Edit: never mind, we're no longer in room 6. I guess Hasty's limbo statues could be used as projectiles if he were willing to give them up.

I guess if we want to make a fire we could use a couple of Blu posters as kindle with Shetlock's pipe. A feel like this would be a time consuming process though.

Edit: Note that room 4 has a door lock button. I don't know if the kuppas or an infected blu would be intelligent enough to unlock the doors with it, though. If we chose to lock the doors, we could make fires in front of them, or have Nikki construct a permanent lock.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
So is there a designated point for Patron chatter, or is my suggestion coming up in the next update?

Anyways, I know it was stated that Cobalt believes directly infecting someone to be an inherently appalling idea, but could her strain of clockwork override the other in the event that someone gets "contaminated"?

(I'm thinking that the reason the clockworks feel so unique (other than the merging and biomechanical gimmicks) is because they refuse to fall under one category; the mindless monster strain is sort of close to "zombies", whereas the more refined strains produce folks more akin to vampires (albeit ones that really don't *need* to feed). Again, good job.)
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Invasion of the body scammers.
You know, going with the stuff Blu in an inventory plan, we don't need all of Blu. Hasty could just take his AI core. And then he'd have to pay us to make a new body for Blu.

(10-05-2016, 08:07 PM)DetectiveCaillou Wrote: »So is there a designated point for Patron chatter, or is my suggestion coming up in the next update?

Well, not all suggestions for patron chatter get taken. You can hide stuff from gods and show them to Helios by using spoilers, and you can adress the patrons when you speak, but that's all the designations we have.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
Wait, can a corpse become a clockwork? Because if he's about to be infected Blu could just stab himself somewhere vital. It's not an optimal decision but it's better than being infected.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Don't be so hasty
(10-05-2016, 08:23 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »Wait, can a corpse become a clockwork? Because if he's about to be infected Blu could just stab himself somewhere vital. It's not an optimal decision but it's better than being infected.
That would be assuming blu would be willing to make such a sacrifice.

You know, if we go to lock the doors, we should have Cea ready to put his magnet on Hasty in case he tries to do anything stupid.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
>Nah, you gotta try to save Blue. Rubbing it in that you saved his life is worth that risk. Besides, you don't need to fight the clockwork just distract them long enough for Blue to escape.
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Invasion of the body scammers.
(10-05-2016, 08:17 PM)Fellow Wrote: »You know, going with the stuff Blu in an inventory plan, we don't need all of Blu. Hasty could just take his AI core. And then he'd have to pay us to make a new body for Blu.

Removing the AI core safely would cost time, tools, and scrap/wires. (Not sure about that last one, but i think I remember that being a thing with removing v3's core.)

Point is, we don't have any of those. It'd be much easier for Hasty to get a new inventory if his breaks from having Blu in it, and as we saw when Cobalt put too much in her inventory it doesn't break instantly. (And that was with much more extra stuff, and all of that extra stuff actively trying to break out mind you!)

Oh, and the "putting a magnet on Hasty" idea reminds me: Speaking of stopping people from doing something stupid, if we end up going in together to save Blu we should have someone stay behind with Shetlock to stop him from panicking and locking the doors down while we're still with Blu.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Sharp thinking
(10-05-2016, 08:56 PM)tronn Wrote: »>Nah, you gotta try to save Blue. Rubbing it in that you saved his life is worth that risk. Besides, you don't need to fight the clockwork just distract them long enough for Blue to escape.
Well keep in mind, if we take so long to rescue Blu that a clockwork gets out the northern door, Nikki will be screwed. His strength and agility are a joke.

(10-05-2016, 09:02 PM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »Removing the AI core safely would cost time, tools, and scrap/wires. (Not sure about that last one, but i think I remember that being a thing with removing v3's core.)
I don't recall that taking an AI core took too long, but even if it did, we wouldn't need to do it safely. Blu's body isn't gonna see any use if he abandons it. All the tools Hasty is gonna need is the knife we got him.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Sharp thinking
(10-05-2016, 09:02 PM)Fellow Wrote: »I don't recall that taking an AI core took too long, but even if it did, we wouldn't need to do it safely. Blu's body isn't gonna see any use if he abandons it. All the tools Hasty is gonna need is the knife we got him.

I meant damage to the AI core, not the body. And as for time, even ripping/cutting it out there'd be at least a panel you'd need to open, probably unscrew, and you'd also need to shut down the AI first. Every second counts, and that's way too many right there.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Sharp thinking
(10-05-2016, 09:02 PM)Fellow Wrote: »Well keep in mind, if we take so long to rescue Blu that a clockwork gets out the northern door, Nikki will be screwed. His strength and agility are a joke.

Nikki also has the means to create fire with firewood and matches. In fact, maybe we should call Nikki right now and tell him to come to Room 4 with firewood and matches to drive off the creatures, considering he is in the neighboring room. You know what I like this plan.

> Nikki: Bring firewood and matches into Room 4 and use fire to drive away the clockworks.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Sharp thinking
(10-05-2016, 10:30 PM)TangledAlmond Wrote: »Nikki also has the means to create fire with firewood and matches. In fact, maybe we should call Nikki right now and tell him to come to Room 4 with firewood and matches to drive off the creatures, considering he is in the neighboring room. You know what I like this plan.

> Nikki: Bring firewood and matches into Room 4 and use fire to drive away the clockworks.

Seconding. Fire is the answer to all problems. If it isn't we haven't used enough. We should actually try gathering everything flammable and setting it up so everyone has the ability to make fire as well as making some makeshift torches so that we can keep constant flames going.

EDIT: Also we could probably try heating up the knives using Nova to make them more effective. I imagine a clockwork would have trouble absorbing a scolding hot blade without sustaining some damage.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Flaming hot potato
(10-05-2016, 10:25 PM)nonexistentPumpkin Wrote: »I meant damage to the AI core, not the body. And as for time, even ripping/cutting it out there'd be at least a panel you'd need to open, probably unscrew, and you'd also need to shut down the AI first. Every second counts, and that's way too many right there.
Yeah, taking blu whole would likely be better. But if that's impossible for whatever the reason, getting his AI core, even a damaged one, would still beat having him die. This is more or less a plan D.

(10-05-2016, 10:30 PM)TangledAlmond Wrote: »> Nikki: Bring firewood and matches into Room 4 and use fire to drive away the clockworks.
Keep in mind that the rest of our crew is at the door oposite of the one Nikki is near. If he chases the clockworks away from his entrance, they'd come right towards our crew.
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
Man... If we rolled a 5, then that means... Guys, we should be vigilant towards more shit breaking out through the other vent rooms.
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
Not immediately relevant but if we survive this we should have Nikki go but stuff from Hasty. His high intelligence coupled with his ability to seduce robots should give him an edge. I believe Marble has a crew card with which we can purchase things.
"Fainting isn't real, only ninteenth century girls in corsets faint."
RE: [Fortuna]: 10/5 Today is make your own title day
Hey, anyone know how I can set my profile pic and signature?

(Also, if it's Make Your Own Title Day, then I choose tomorrow's title to be "The 'Splody Men 'Splode Best". :3)
"If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter." - Blaise Pascal