There's a new dog in town,

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There's a new dog in town,
RE: There's a new dog in town,
[Image: stats.png]

RE: There's a new dog in town,
yes... YES!!!
Fact SeagullMcCoffee
RE: There's a new dog in town,
I'm back, motherfuckers.

24 songs for the days between now and November the 7th, and a bonus 25th song because you probably thought I had relaxed my hostage-hold on this forum, didn't you? No chance, I'm afraid. We're only just beginning.

Demand #6: somebody please erase minecraft from history. or at least retroactively stop the first aspiring minecraft musician from attaining any kind of success, in such a way that no one follows their lead, for fuck's sake
RE: There's a new dog in town,
Don't mind me, I'm just checking in after 243 days.

RE: There's a new dog in town,
Recent evidence suggests Lieutenant Fish is not a dog; more at 5:21.
RE: There's a new dog in town,
According to an anonymous source that called in this past Friday, Lieutenant Fish was seen to have been "flopping around the apartment", and later "swimming for 30 consecutive minutes". Although the reliability of this information is questionable, the fact that Lieutenant Fish eats more fish food than dog food in one year suggests that they are in fact not a dog.
RE: There's a new dog in town,
It is to be noted that Lieutenant Fish also has very shiny scales, a sure sign of wealth. Also a sign of wealth is the gold imbedded in their left dorsal fin, a popular trend amoung billion+aires.

Lieutenant Fish, born in the year of our lord 1602 A.D., has lived for at least 10 years, as indicated by the trace amounts of 2005 Squinkies found lodged in his Pyloric Caeca. His surgeon, the veterinarian Paul Goatee, stated that "Lieutenant Fish had a remarkable respect and dignity [during his operation]. [They] possess a remarkable Weberian apparatus, and [they] could come back any time."

Although it is still unknown whether Lieutenant Fish is his name of birth, or an alias. The government [OMITTED] and that Lieutenant Fish was [OMITTED] [OMITTED] [OMITTED]. [OMITTED] but [OMITTED], [WHOLE REST OF PARAGRAPH OMITTED].
RE: There's a new dog in town,
[Image: dog-in-china-9Cat-or-Dog.jpg]