This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff

This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stuff
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I tried DA BEERS for the first time like three days ago, was not a fan
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Alcohol just plain doesn't taste good, it's an acquired taste like coffee and several other consumable substances that taste horrible at first try and then get better over time.
Most people start off by mixing it with stuff and then later progress onto "purer" drinks when they can tolerate the taste more and it becomes more about the side-effects than the fact that it's delicious.

The question here is whether you personally think it's worth it to acquire the taste in the first place.
I don't even drink coffee.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
After years and years of dedication, I can now share a bottle of liquor with my friends after dinner.

I guess it's worth it?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Okay I lied, that guy has actually recovered surprisingly well from yesterday and really just needed me to unhook some of those machines for him to move around.

I really hated beer for a while, but I kept giving it a chance out of mostly curiosity. There are a wide variety of beers so I had a lot to sample. I personally prefer the lighter beers (not light as in low calorie, but as in more clear fluid wise) they then to be paired with more fruity things (like blue moon and oranges) which I think helps to mask that bitterness.

I'll tend to pick a beer over some other form of alcohol, mainly because of the lower -etoh concentration. (though hard lemonades and the like are pretty swell too- also cider but that is more pricy and good cider is harder to come by - also honey mead beats all of that hands down but again, pricy, hard to find) (of course I'm just talking about -etoh drinks nothing comes close to beating a fresh pulp-filled glass of orange juice, in my opinion)

I think jaq, put it well in comparing it to coffee (ick)....
Oops, gotta go again.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I got wasted once, and I honestly don't see the appeal. I spent twelve hours crying and vomiting. It didn't even taste good. (Seriously, who thought cake flavored vodka was a good idea?)

Coffee, on the other hand, I will occasionally overdose on. I only started drinking it when I started high school to seem grown up. Now I can't function without at least a cup a day.
Beep Beep
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Of course, because I don't drink Bud Light, I also have shaven armpits
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Man, bud be nasty.

RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(04-16-2012, 12:06 AM)btp Wrote: »Man, bud be nasty.

Oh wow that's the second unmanly thing you've done today

*cut to earlier, when BTP was buying scented candles*
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(04-15-2012, 10:59 PM)Mr. Arsenic Nog Wrote: »I got wasted once, and I honestly don't see the appeal. I spent twelve hours crying and vomiting. It didn't even taste good. (Seriously, who thought cake flavored vodka was a good idea?)

Coffee, on the other hand, I will occasionally overdose on. I only started drinking it when I started high school to seem grown up. Now I can't function without at least a cup a day.

Pro-Tip: If you're vomiting, you probably did it wrong.

This pro-tip is widely applicable.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
What if you were trying to induce vomiting?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
You can always do it better Fogel
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(04-15-2012, 04:18 PM)waterbottles Wrote: »I am 25 and have never been drunk.
Things I don't like, but everyone else does:
Soft drinks

I hate going to bars (oh god, one time a friend of mine dragged me out to one, and there, well, were annoying drunk people playing with six foot inflatable penises. Ugh), and I hate the taste of alcohol. I feel like I'm missing out, sometimes, when I visit old friends, and they are sitting around drinking, but can't stand beer for tasting like liquid hot dog buns, or anything else for burning my throat.

I suck at being young.

Lots of bars are Super Lame™ and it sounds like that is one of those sorts. You're a lot more likely to run into inflatable dongs and shitfaced morons at the kind of bar that caters to youngins, too, so...

Anyway, lots of people start off not liking alcohol, and that's fine; it's not like anyone's really going to look down on you for having a tumblr of something virgin while everyone's shooting the shit. If you do feel like you're missing out, though, start off with mixed drinks and wine coolers! They are tasty times and kind of ease you into the bite. Contrary to Supes's post a bit down, I certainly drink largely for the flavor and know a lot of people who do, and there is a lot out there that's really interesting once you learn to enjoy the bite, and wouldn't be the same without it!

Or just don't drink, wevs.

(04-15-2012, 07:47 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »Alcohol just plain doesn't taste good, it's an acquired taste like coffee and several other consumable substances that taste horrible at first try and then get better over time.

Ch, maybe if you are a GIRL who is a LADY and also LAME and probably SMELLS BAD

Real men start on tequila from shot one and never go back Trog Demands Blood!

(that is me I am the real man but also am super unfond of things like beer and whiskey. Good tequila is just good!)

(04-15-2012, 10:59 PM)Mr. Arsenic Nog Wrote: »I got wasted once, and I honestly don't see the appeal. I spent twelve hours crying and vomiting. It didn't even taste good. (Seriously, who thought cake flavored vodka was a good idea?)

Coffee, on the other hand, I will occasionally overdose on. I only started drinking it when I started high school to seem grown up. Now I can't function without at least a cup a day.

To expand on Akumu's sagacity, it really sounds like you... Did not do it right. Something a lot of new drinkers (and a depressing amount of experienced ones!) forget is that it's still important to drink water while you're bending the elbow a bit or you'll end up dehydrated (which is a lot of what makes hangovers shitty). If you're drinking socially or for flavor, you don't really want to consume so much you end up sloshed and vomiting; if you're drinking to get drunk, you need to ratchet the shots back once you start getting good and inebriated and just kind of maintain the buzz without going over the edge.

Drinking can be fun! But it can also be really shitty if you don't know what you're doing, like a lot of fun things and most things that involve poison. I wouldn't let one bad experience sour you forever, but I also wouldn't bother dipping your toes in again if it just plain doesn't appeal. There've gotta be squares Schadenfruit

(that is a joke there is nothing wrong with teetotalling)
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
part of the reason I don't ever intend to drink is not liking the taste.

the other part is once seeing my dad drunk and, while morbidly hilarious, it was also HORRIBLY MORTIFYING and I never want to be that fucking stupid.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I'll drink when I'm out with friends, but only up to a certain point. I like telling that part of me that says "they're probably not interested in the arguments for or against Pluto being a planet" to take a hike for a bit, as conversation's much easier if you're not consistently shutting yourself down. (Besides, it's not even always right, so screw it.)

(And on the topic of beer: We don't see eye to eye. I'll take a rum and coke any day.)
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I think that almost forms the essence of how people view dranks. No body says to themselves: "hey, I wanna drink some fermented fruit juice!" they say, "hey I saw so and so drink this and it was a good/bad things." or "these people associate themselves with this and they are good/bad to me/my friends" (this actually applies to a lot of non-intuitive things people do!)

For me, I wasnt exposed to/was able to avoid the pitiful sorry side of drinking. My parents never drank around me and my friends never drank in obnoxious ways. So for me dranks started as a fun experiment and a rite of passage, with no real negative social forces pressuring me.

I can see how, if you have had to deal with those "obnoxious drunks" that pressure into drinking and criticize you for not, then drinking seems like a really stupid idea. But like SO said, in the right setting, it can be a fun and socially healthy way to enjoy the company of those you're with.

Also I am tired and why am I not done here yet.

Edit: Pinary you can talk Pluto to me all night long.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I'm just interested in seeing which type of drunk I'll be. Sad? Fun? Who knows?
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(04-16-2012, 03:01 AM)Chwoka Wrote: »I'm just interested in seeing which type of drunk I'll be. Sad? Fun? Who knows?
Yeah I have to admit I am a little intrigued about what I'd be like under the influence of alcohol, not enough to actually find out though.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
I think that connoisseurs are just something that naturally develops when someone is exposed to a lot of something, not really an invention by addicts to mask their addiction.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
(04-16-2012, 02:57 AM)Superfrequency Wrote: »
(04-16-2012, 01:46 AM)SleepingOrange Wrote: »teetotalling

I don't like that there is a word for not drinking, even if it is quaint.

As if drinking were the standard and we needed to invent a word to describe deviating from that.

This is actually a True Fact, especially at the time that the word was coined.
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
In times gone by people often drank beer and beeresque liquids more often than they did water, because clean water wasn't so easy to come by
Language was invented in the past, not the present!
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Oh wow, okay. Why did i thought posting that last night was a good idea.

Um, I'm not sure if i drink because the taste is good. I enjoyed the taste since the first beer, but near beer is terrible. I also do not drink stuff like tequila that often, it's not as tasty as dark beer.

I dunno, it's not a thing I've put much thought into it, i just drink while I'm having funtimes with friends. It wouldn't be the same without alcohol though, i have no excuse.

Just like i have no excuse for chain smoking.

Gosh, i'm a terrible person.

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
"I drink and none of my internet friends do, I must be the worst person"
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
It's as ok to drink as it is to be teetotal, I don't have any say over what you put into your own body :V
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Implying you are my friends.

[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: This is gonna be the thread where we talk about stabs
Ed, we might need to have a sit down about the chain smoking. but even with that you are no where near a terrible person. I thought your story was pretty funny!

Also, I am now home and 16 hour shifts at hospitals are terrible things. Do not do them.