[Lambda] A small adventure begins...

[Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
You should ABSOLUTELY buy that Athena ship. Just trust me on that one. Maybe your other crewmembers will have some money for fuel. The remote controls are probably a bad idea though, try to get rid of them.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Impulse buy the Athena!
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Buy the blurred out ship. Clearly this is the best choice
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Ask the seller of the Athena ship about a reasonable payment plan with gradual installments.

> Buy yourself a deadly sentry AI. You gotta have that protection.

The Diner
> Talk to the Strix waiter. He seems ready to have some adventure.
I have no son.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Buy the Ammy ship. Eat the Ammy if she acts up.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Go to the diner first, make sure you're not gonna bump into a crew that already has a ship. If you don't find a crew that has a ship, buy the Nike ship with 2 AIs.
-Cough cough cough cough cough cough- kaide -cough cough cough cough cough-
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:You should ABSOLUTELY buy that Athena ship. Just trust me on that one. Maybe your other crewmembers will have some money for fuel. The remote controls are probably a bad idea though, try to get rid of them.
Quote:>Impulse buy the Athena!
Quote:>Buy the Ammy ship. Eat the Ammy if she acts up.
Quote:> Ask the seller of the Athena ship about a reasonable payment plan with gradual installments.
Quote:> Buy yourself a deadly sentry AI. You gotta have that protection.
Quote:If you don't find a crew that has a ship, buy the Nike ship with 2 AIs.
Your head is filled with the thoughts of everything you could and should buy. By the time you shake the idea and come to your senses, you find yourself at the diner.

[Image: Bm3Ttxg.jpg]

[Image: uUAwnIv.jpg]

Fortuna rolls a d20. A 2 is rolled.
[Image: iJkyCJW.jpg]

[Image: OOuNC6l.jpg]

[Image: znEslZi.jpg]

100p spent. 75100p remains on Lambda's card.
You're not even sure you can drink this without looking suspicious. Oh god everyone is going to know you're a clockwork and--
You put a hand to your face..er, screen. No, no, you have to overcome your anxiety if you want to get a crew.

Quote:> Talk to the Strix waiter. He seems ready to have some adventure.
Fortuna rolls a d20. A 19 is rolled.
[Image: 58SMD0Z.jpg]

[Image: Wq0rIz0.jpg]

[Image: kxRd4QB.jpg]

Lambda gained a new crewmember: Evi Ollan.

That's one down. You can do this. You see a few more people in the diner, but decide to talk to a kaikian who's sitting alone.

Fortuna rolls a d20. A 10 is rolled.
[Image: xxsli54.jpg]

[Image: Gb9BjCV.jpg]

Well, you only have one crew member so far. You'd try to talk to some of the people in groups, their conversations just don't end. You could look for more people outside, or go pick out a ship. Or do something else. There's a good deal you can do in a space station as big as this one.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Look for more crew members outside!
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Explore the space station!
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Diners are too nice to find people willing to risk life and limb for adventure, you need to find a seedy bar or tavern to recruit adventurous folk.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Try convincing your metaparxi coworker at The Lab to come along
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> hey if you still have the delphik's phone you can reset and sell it
> ...or give it back amd try to recruit them but less points
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote: > Try convincing your metaparxi coworker at The Lab to come along
No, you know they could never leave. You know how metaparxi employment works.

Quote:> hey if you still have the delphik's phone you can reset and sell it
> ...or give it back amd try to recruit them but less points
That old thing? You'd nearly forgotten about it, but you gave it to lost and found the day after you started your job.

Quote:>Explore the space station!
Quote:>Diners are too nice to find people willing to risk life and limb for adventure, you need to find a seedy bar or tavern to recruit adventurous folk.
Quote:>Look for more crew members outside!
There are no seedy places in a nice space station like this, but you take a walk around and manage to spot a few people who didn't seem to be busy.

There's an aftik, a geptad, a mialcsem, a tourist, a generic (who may be a specific, you don't know), and a geckrechaun who seemed to be running a homemade store on a cardboard box. Who should you talk to first?

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Woop Woop at the Aftik. They'll understand.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Find out if the generic is a specific, then look at the geckepruchan's shop.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:>Woop Woop at the Aftik. They'll understand.
Fortuna rolls a d20. An 11 is rolled.
[Image: 9zxDMxP.jpg]

[Image: 1cQkOjl.jpg]

Lambda gained a new crewmember: Coral Coronata.

You have no idea how that worked. Or if it worked. You hope that she knows what she's getting into.

Quote:> Find out if the generic is a specific, then look at the geckepruchan's shop.
[Image: okeoom0.jpg]

[Image: az4iVBP.jpg]

[Image: 7y7xuCA.jpg]
Well that answers that question. As you make your way back to the shipyard, you pass by the geck. They seem too young to be out on their own, so they're probably someone's pet.

Your walk is otherwise uneventful. Once at the shipyard, you ask about the Athena ship. Specifically if it comes with fuel. The front desk manager says that it's one of the few ships for sale that's fully fueled, the others all happening to be out of your price range.

The time is now for your final choice.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>There's no way you can turn down the Athena now. Get that ship pal, GET IT.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Round up your gang of goofballs and GET THAT SHIP!
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Just get the Nike (with 2 AIs) ship, so you have some Oh-Shit money later on.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
(07-17-2017, 06:02 PM)Wheat Wrote: »>Pull Evi aside and ask them how they feel about clockworks. Most Strixes practically worship clockworks. If they respond anything more than negatively, tell them you are a clockwork.
Them knowing this will allow them to do sensitive things like "gather scrap metal for food" and "divert questioning from others" and "act as an outlet for keeping in your dark dark secret"

>Get that Athena. There's no hope for you without Fortuna.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
3rd-ing Wheat's suggestion, and also another vote for > Athena ship.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:>There's no way you can turn down the Athena now. Get that ship pal, GET IT.
Quote:>Get that Athena. There's no hope for you without Fortuna.
You decide you have to have the Athena ship. Even if it only leaves you with enough money for a bag of chips...

Surely someone on your new crew will have some money, right? You hope so. You hope Fortuna isn't very far. And most of all, you hope it can fix this mess.

Quote: >Round up your gang of goofballs and GET THAT SHIP!
On such a fancy space station like this, you're not surprised to find the purchasing process completely automated.
. . .

75000p spent. 100p remains on Lambda's card.
You're now marked as the owner of this ship. You pick up the remotes from the front desk.

Quote:>Pull Evi aside and ask them how they feel about clockworks. Most Strixes practically worship clockworks. If they respond anything more than negatively, tell them you are a clockwork.
Them knowing this will allow them to do sensitive things like "gather scrap metal for food" and "divert questioning from others" and "act as an outlet for keeping in your dark dark secret"
You ask Coral (of course you remembered to ask her name on the walk here) to go collect any personal items she may be taking with her. She woops and scampers off. Now time to have a talk.
[Image: ZL5bGw3.jpg]

[Image: rzRsQAW.jpg]

[Image: E8vhDsx.jpg]

[Image: GKUlJNq.jpg]

[Image: qHmAnxI.jpg]

Well this is going swimmingly! While your crew gets packed up, you explore the ship.
[Image: 2LdzWC2.jpg]

[Image: JGBWzIr.jpg]

[Image: ipfXcSn.jpg]

[Image: ANDgKGK.jpg]

[Image: saJJGUG.jpg]

The Athena hugs you sharply and tightly, picking you up off the ground for a moment that seems just a little too long.
Fortuna rolls a d20. An 8 is rolled. Nothing happens.

[Image: GeJ188T.jpg]

Lambda gained a new crewmember: Athena v36.

You find the crew rooms to be furnished, all 5 in fact. You also find furniture in the common area, control room, and storage room (it's just industrial shelves). You notice a closet, but Athena doesn't seem to want you to go inside. She says that's her room and you feel kinda bad for her, having to live in a closet and all. In the storage room, you find some laser rifles and life support devices, enough of each for a crew of 5.

Evi returns with 10 meat rations, 2 fish rations, 3 generic rations, 5 scrap, and 4000p he insists you take. Coral gets her room set up.
4000p added. 4100p is on Lambda's card.

Now time to explain to the crew why this Athena has no remotes and where you're all going.

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...