Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)

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Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by kd7sov.

> Look in the bag
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>Stroke the bag.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

>Love the bag.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by kingbirdy.

> get dressed, put tea set in bag, go meet Sang.

also, why u no give me bamboo tile? I was here for the prologue.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

> Get ready and go!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dreamscythes231.

> Store items and prepare the tea.
> Fondly remember yesterday.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by WanShiTong.

> Put clothes on, gather supplies
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

kd7sov Wrote:> Look in the bag
Korin>Look in the bag

You go to your new bag. You're not really sure why Sang thought you were a bit obsessed. You just appreciate good craftsmanship.

[Image: sJcYr.gif]

Awesome! You left the new special tea set inside the bag already. That saves you a lot of trouble.
Ghnaggi Wrote:> Get dressed. Put on your new brand new bag. Make sure it matches your belt.
Zylo Wrote:>Getting Dressed Montage.
kingbirdy Wrote:> get dressed, put tea set in bag, go meet Sang.
Morphimus Wrote:> Get ready and go!
WanShiTong Wrote:> Put clothes on, gather supplies
[W-Wan Shi Tong! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you were here! Thank you for gracing me with your presence, He Who Knows 10,000 Things. I hope this tale is to your liking, great Knowledge Spirit!]

Korin>Get dressed and ready

[Image: ijwDf.gif]

[Image: UbQnW.gif]

You sure love your poses.
Well, you got your clothes, your apron, and your supplies. You'd better get going now to meet Sang. It's a bit of a way to Fountain Square, but you should be able to make it on time if you leave now. You walk down the road towards the inner part of the city, a song in your heart and a kick in your step.

Tonight is a night that you will never forget.

Meanwhile, in an alleyway...

[Image: kqPZx.gif]

You are now this animal.

Bonus Image

EDIT: Ninja'd
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>Stretch. Being cooped up inside of a box makes your muscles sore. [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img]
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> Get to higher ground to look for danger.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

> Animal: Prance about like a flamboyant ostrich-lemur.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Absol.

>Animal: Lovingly stroke box.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Torquemadras Trump.

> Animal: Witness important event you couldn't care less about, since you're a cat / cat-like and naturally inclined to not care about things.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Fwee Wrote:>Stretch. Being cooped up inside of a box makes your muscles sore. [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img]

You haven't been inside a box for three days. You escaped that... that prison as soon as you felt it had ceased moving. Luckily, once the box was settled, it didn't take much force for you to break free with your strong digging claws. However, being lost in an unknown place, surrounded by unknown creatures, and possibly distanced thousands and thousands of leagues away from where you came from quickly filled you with fear. The dry dirt beneath your feet felt desolate compared to the comfortable, fertile soil you called home. You wandered the area, stopping only to rest, tired, hungry, and alone.

But yes, it is probably a good idea for you to stretch.

[Image: gnJYn.gif]
Zylo Wrote:> Get to higher ground to look for danger.
You...don't relish going any higher. You only went up in order to escape the cacophonous multitudes of very large creatures stomping around. Loud noises do not make for restful sleep. At least up here, the vibrations felt quieter. However, now that you are wide awake and aware, you would very much like to get back to solid ground as soon as possible.

Animal>Go down

[Image: dKW18.gif]

You are now feeling slightly stunned.
Absol Wrote:>Animal: Lovingly stroke box.
You will do no such thing. You are hating the box too much right now to do that.
As you lie there, you begin to contemplate your future. What if you are lost forever? You've been wandering for three days straight, with no sign of anything familiar. Not the scent of grass, not the scent of trees, not even the scent of your brothers and sisters, not even your mother's.

You now feel quite depressed.

[Image: 0iBZh.gif]



What sumptuous, aromatic piece of heavenly vegetation is this?

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by WanShiTong.

> Consume cabbage, look for corresponding distressed merchant.

BestTeaMaker Wrote:[W-Wan Shi Tong! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you were here! Thank you for gracing me with your presence, He Who Knows 10,000 Things. I hope this tale is to your liking, great Knowledge Spirit!]
Im Wan Shi Tong and this is my favorite MSPaint story on the Citadel.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.


> Eat it. Eat it all.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

> Person in next update: Be the lettuce salesman.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>Hug the cabbage.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Absol.

>Shred it to bits.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by kingbirdy.

>Dig a special hole for the cabbage and bury it for later. You wouldnt want anyone stealing the cabbage from your badger-mole self.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Fwee Wrote:>Hug the cabbage.
Animal>Love the cabbage

Oh, yes you will.

[Image: Em9lo.gif]
This perfect sphere of divine vegetation fill your nose with such an aroma. You can feel the layers upon layers of lush, delicious leaves, brimming with all the nutrients a growing youngster like yourself needs. Your mouth salivates with every breath. This is something that you will appreciate, something that you will not take for granted, for this is a divine gift that--

Zylo Wrote:> Eat it. Eat it all.
WanShiTong Wrote:> Consume cabbage, look for corresponding distressed merchant.
Absol Wrote:>Shred it to bits.
[Most relevant avatar]


Oh whatever, you're hungry.

[Image: jmvsY.gif]


After partaking in such an exquisite meal, you begin to groom your claws. A gentlebeast must always mind his manners, your mother taught you. As the remains of the vegetation lies sprawled all around you, you take this time to rest and digest. Maybe the day won't be so bad after all.

[Image: Nan9h.gif]

Who is this? Who could be so rude to interrupt a gentlebeast from enjoying his meal an--

Suddenly you freeze.

You feel something in your claws. There is something wrong with this creature. It isn't that it's ten times your height, or that it approached without you noticing. No, you feel something deeper, a sort of emotion that you can't quite place...

==>The Cabbage Merchant's Mind in the span of two seconds

[Image: u2C4H.gif]

So next update should get us back to Korin and more plot developments! Another cool thing I noticed is that in the last few days, this thread has skyrocketed in views. As a person doing this for the first time, this makes me feel five-ways giddy inside.

Also, WE'VE PASSED 200 POSTS. The next person who posts will receive a Peach Blossom Tile. If you have already won the Cradle version of this medal, then you cannot get another one. If you forget if you already have this medal, refer to the front page where all the names are.

Remember that the Hydrangea and Poinsettia Tiles are still achievable. Not the Bamboo one though, at least for now.

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Absol.

>Animal: Beat the shit out of this man.