Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed

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Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Entilliumn snaps out of his daze when he sees Violet walk into the restaurant. "Hey there, Violet." He smiles and tries to continue his train of thought.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Lilith heads out right at seven o'clock, ready to start a new day. She considers stopping by Katja's house to see what progress she's made on the project so far, but honestly she doesn't even have a guess as to whether Katja would even be up this early. (Or up still?)

Instead, she just heads down to the restaurant to chat with Violet and Entilliumn.
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Entilliumn stops when he hears someone coming. Looking up, he sees the governess. Lillith, the one who had held the tea social the other day. A thought passes his mind, and a look of concern passes over him. He shakes it out of his mind and smiles. He tips his hat to her and holds the door open. Entilliumn enters the restaurant with her.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Winston awakes from his bed, he yawns and stretches. He then notices that he is still wearing his clothes form before. Making that saute must have really taken a lot out of him if he forgot to change into his sleeping wear.

With that he gets out of bed and has a boiled egg and a piece of toast for breakfast. He then goes down to the pub for his morning drink.

Though when he gets there he sees a most distressing sight. On the door to Jason's Pub was a little note. The note reads "Closed, gone on a trip". Winston then sits in front of the pub's entrance looking sad. How is he going to have his morning drink now?
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
If Jack were around, he'd remind Winston that he sells alcohol in his shop - after all, how would Jason get it himself if not from a proper store?

He is not though, but he's sure someone like Winston would remember that eventually.
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
"Good morning Entilliumn; Violet! Are you both still setting up for the day?"
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Violet turns, finishing up setting one of the last tables. "Oh, hello Lilith. It's a pleasure to see you this morning. I'm just about done setting the tables. What brings you here today?"
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
"Oh, not much of anything I suppose, I was just looking to walk around and chat with people a bit before getting to work for the day. I uh, already had a big breakfast before I left, but could I get a small cup of coffee to go?"
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Entilliumn smiles widely. "O-of course you can!" He walks into the kitchen starts a pot. In the meantime as he waits for the coffee to start, he thinks he should initiate a converation. "So, Lilith, great... Social? Whatever that was last night. Those cucumber sandwiches weren't bad, there was something in there that changed the flavor of the cucumbers. Would you mind if I snatch the recipe for them?" He says with a laugh. He looks over his shoulder and grumbles something to the wall.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
"Hmm? Er, yes, I thought that the Tea Social went very well last night. Usually we don't have nearly as many people show up every week, I was really surprised. You'll have to ask Camille for the recipe whenever she gets back from her vacation though, she always did all the preparations for the social on her own."

Lilith briefly wonders if Entilliumn has her confused for Camille, but decides not to push the subject.

"...Actually, you might want to try asking Winston about it sometime, if you don't want to wait for her to get back. He was always a big fan of her sandwiches, maybe she shared the recipe with him?"
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Bill barrels out of his house in a rage, ripping the axe from the wood. His eyes burn with fiery anger.

"What's this?!" He bellows, "A CHALLENGE?!? Who dares to lodge such an insultingly shoddy axe in my wall! Come and face me man-to-man you spineless hooligan!"

Bill carefully considers the suspect pool and concludes that only one man could have the audacity to bury this pathetic tool in his wall. He marches into town and confronts his culprit.

"WINSTON, I'll tear you to pieces for this!"
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
"Just the usual supplies, Jack, nothing special about this one. Food, Oil for the lamps... you know the drill."
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
Winston looks over at Bill. He is still sitting in front of the pub looking glum. He then says miserably.

"Now what have I done to piss you off this time. Whatever it is you're probably just overreacting like you always do. Besides I'm not in the mood for a fight. Jason's Pub closed and I can't get my morning drink. You can't have a good fight if your sober... it's just not the same."

He lets out a massive sigh.
RE: Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
"Sure thing!"

Jack heads to the back to grab one of his prepared packages.

"Here you are, the usual. Everything should be there, except for the food of course. Just grab what you want in that regard and I'll finish ringing you up."