[Lambda] A small adventure begins...

[Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Ooh, this looks intresting.

Species: Delphik
Strength- 2
Charisma- 4
Luck- 2

Bad: [Rash] [Inattentive]
Neutral: [Curious] [Reflexive] [Collecter]
Good: [Direct] [Getaway] [Inventive]
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Species: Goldorian

S: 8
I: 8
C: 1
E: 2
A: 1
L: 6

[Strangely Graceful][Superstitious]
[Knowledge of math][Motivated][Disciplined]

[Blame magnet][Doomed]
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Species: Ashlaiz

Blue: [Affectionate][Curious]
Green: [Calming Presence][Lodestone][Cooperative]
Red: [Bored Eater][Clean Freak]
Psychic charisma monstrosity who eats a lot. I don't know. I picked both versions of [Calming Presence] so that a GIANT PSYCHIC MONSTER will make everyone, robot or flesh, feel calm and at peace.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
The poll is here!

Go ahead and pick who Lambda will talk to first!

The rest will be decided by the dice.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
You walk down the hall, past the two opposing hotels, and into the crowd.
[Image: GLcN5u8.jpg]

You decide to talk to the delphik first.
[Image: Rg8NaOJ.jpg]

[Image: hfAkxaE.jpg]

[Image: 5JniapH.jpg]

[Image: 1ZVbU0g.jpg]

[Image: AmeKjzc.jpg]
The delphik screams and runs, dropping their phone in the process.

That...could have gone a bit better. You take a few steps toward one of tables and talk to the ashlaiz.
[Image: W70HCuZ.jpg]

[Image: 7d2cW74.jpg]

Oh geez this just isn't your day is it. But it's better than being with Mors in the Underworld, right? Maybe that adorable Ackloid has some info.
[Image: THsXKFC.jpg]

[Image: kwiZXTR.jpg]

At least you're trying? One person left you suppose.
[Image: D4Nwx5q.jpg]

[Image: ZBhxYaD.jpg]

Well you guess you can check out what's inside that room clearly labeled "LAB," go check the two hotels you saw, and/or take that smart phone that Amose or Briar or Vriq or--er, that the delphik dropped.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Head over to the labaratory but be cautious, since the lab is on the exterior of the station checkpoints odds are its either risky experiments or they want volunteers that can't get in to the station proper. Or maybe whoever set up the place just sucks at choosing the right location for their business.
>Also grab the phone, and if you see any gaurds (or the delphik) turn it in to them
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>We should probably stop telling everyone we're a clockwork, don't want to catch some bad attention you feel?

>Look at poster/window/whatever on the wall?
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Question if you should be heading into a lab of all places for credits. They might do experiments on you, are you willing to risk that?
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:>We should probably stop telling everyone we're a clockwork, don't want to catch some bad attention you feel?
But they did ask though...man you're too used to being genuine with people. You are in a video game though...when in Rome, do as the Romans do? You don't think you're very good at lying though.

Quote:>Also grab the phone, and if you see any gaurds (or the delphik) turn it in to them
[Image: jDXJW7B.jpg]
You got a phone! It's locked, and put it in your inventory for safe keeping.

Quote:>Look at poster/window/whatever on the wall?
[Image: UXNILCR.jpg]
Oh, there's a window from one of the hotel rooms. Looks like the curtains are closed.

Quote:> Question if you should be heading into a lab of all places for credits. They might do experiments on you, are you willing to risk that?
Quote: >Head over to the labaratory but be cautious, since the lab is on the exterior of the station checkpoints odds are its either risky experiments or they want volunteers that can't get in to the station proper. Or maybe whoever set up the place just sucks at choosing the right location for their business.
You can't deny that you don't have any idea what's through that door. But you're going to need money for, well, surviving. At least for 3 days, if not a little longer.
[Image: OWrvwM1.jpg]

[Image: MSuFSb4.jpg]

Oh, it's just a restaurant called "The Lab." How chic. You really should have clued into that considering the tables outside and the ashlaiz enjoying a plate of...some sort of meat, you think.

You don't see anyone around. Maybe they're all on break? You note a little service bell on the counter. Should you shout something, ring the bell, or just wait?

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Ring the service bell. If nothing happens, shout “Is anyone there?"
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Ring that lil bell. When someone eventually comes to assist you, ask them if they have any employment opportunities, for a short time. Washing dishes, bussing tables, that sort of thing.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Ring the bell. What's the worst that can happen? (aside from restaurant code violations for allowing clockworks into their business, of course)
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Case the joint for shady peeps.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>eat the bell.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:>Case the joint for shady peeps.
It's a well protected space station, you're very sure that there aren't shady peeps.

Quote:>eat the bell.
No, didn't you just decide to keep your clockwork-ism hidden?

Quote: > Ring the service bell. If nothing happens, shout “Is anyone there?"
Quote:>Ring that lil bell. When someone eventually comes to assist you, ask them if they have any employment opportunities, for a short time. Washing dishes, bussing tables, that sort of thing.
Quote: >Ring the bell. What's the worst that can happen? (aside from restaurant code violations for allowing clockworks into their business, of course)
[Image: 6urvkP0.jpg]

[Image: VKp5V3z.jpg]

[Image: e5yMEb3.jpg]

[Image: 2G90olM.jpg]

[Image: Qv1k9r1.jpg]

As you walk to the elevator and get inside, you start to think maybe things will be okay. You're still alive. And heck, maybe Fortuna can fix your, uh, problem.

[Image: 346KH8u.jpg]

[Image: FY6X4QG.jpg]

Oh. What do you say?
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Greetings, my name is Lambda and I am currently seeking a short-term employment opportunity. I would be happy to do any job you need me to do!
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
(06-16-2017, 04:49 AM)cmdrcade Wrote: »>Greetings, my name is Lambda and I am currently seeking a short-term employment opportunity. I would be happy to do any job you need me to do!

[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Cash money.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Seconding "Short term employment"
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
You take a deep breath--wait, did you actually inhale or what--and clear your head. You can handle this.

Quote: >Greetings, my name is Lambda and I am currently seeking a short-term employment opportunity. I would be happy to do any job you need me to do!

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[Image: WJiW7bX.jpg]

[Image: OagRF43.jpg]

[Image: 3vBy8do.jpg]

Now, no more questions for a while.

Wow, you can't believe it! It's been 4 days of working (you earned 75200p) and it's time to get your ID! After answering some questions about your name and such and having your picture taken, you hold your new ID in your hands.
[Image: flovHFk.jpg]

You also have your points put onto the card while you're at the Kaikian Registration Department.

Now if memory serves you will be able to get anywhere in this station now! Well, not the center bit but that's the boring part of the station where the oxygen and electricity is. So the question is, where to?

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Why try to join a crew when you can make your own crew?! I'm sure there's some other people around who need to get to Fortuna for one reason or another, try asking.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>You should go on a shopping spree! Buy all the things you know you deserve!!
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Continue inside the station and into the nearest shipyard to see if they have any cheap ships for sale.
>If they do, buy one and then head over to the nearest diner to look for a potential crew.
>If they don't, head over to a diner to search for a crew you can work for.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
(06-19-2017, 04:22 AM)SirBlizz98 Wrote: »>You should go on a shopping spree! Buy all the things you know you deserve!!
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:> Why try to join a crew when you can make your own crew?! I'm sure there's some other people around who need to get to Fortuna for one reason or another, try asking.
Quote:>If they do, buy one and then head over to the nearest diner to look for a potential crew.
>If they don't, head over to a diner to search for a crew you can work for.
Quote:>You should go on a shopping spree! Buy all the things you know you deserve!!
Ships are pretty expensive and it would be hard to find, well, all the different kinds of people you need for a crew. Especially without a ship. And especially when going to Fortuna. No one wants that except...the crews you start the game with. Well this sure is a pickle.

You decide to head off window shopping, then go to the diner while you think about what to buy (and possibly recruit crew), then make your purchases. That way you can be certain you don't impulse buy something you don't need.

Quote:>Continue inside the station and into the nearest shipyard to see if they have any cheap ships for sale.
You find a lists of the ships for sale and their prices and take one.

[Image: gDJlv3D.jpg]

That Athena ship is beautiful, but...do you really want to spend all your money on that? Would you even have enough left to fuel it?

You pass by some stores, but you can't stop thinking about that ship.
