[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)

[Fortuna]: Luck depends on no one....right? (4/3)
RE: [Fortuna]: We got streams! 3/12
(03-13-2017, 02:57 PM)Heyoceama Wrote: »The highest charisma people on our crew are Latta and Marble, the latter of which is out of commission for the time being.
Unless someone dies or is left behind as a radio host we do not have space for both Adrax and Geko. Also note that Adrax has 9 charisma.
RE: [Fortuna]: STREAMING
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Edel. Or Latta?

[Uh, I suppose I pick Latta, she’s the better character after all.]

[Image: QSXquU1.gif]

[Is this Athena we're talking to? I'm assuming yes, but I want to be sure. Do you need any backup or anything? What's going on?]

[Image: esaLhTL.png]

I'm making the backup just in case. Don't worry about it.

[Image: uz1DENm.gif]

[Helios is that actually Athena?]

[Image: bou7seU.gif]

I wouldn't know, but I can't think of a reason why Hephaestus would want Latta of all people, but I could understand why Athena would want Latta nearby.

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RE: [Fortuna]: 1/13 Forever and ever

>Cleo: Give Marble a hug, she looks like she needs one. Maybe spend some time and do some art with her.
RE: [Fortuna]: 1/13 Forever and ever
>Cleo: ask to talk to marble privately and explain that Slate's death is not her fault
>Cleo: You knew him for a couple days but what did he choose to say with his last breath? Was it fuck off aunt marble you killed me? No.
RE: [Fortuna]: 1/13 Forever and ever
(03-14-2017, 04:10 AM)LoverIan Wrote: »>Cleo: ask to talk to marble privately and explain that Slate's death is not her fault

>: [meta] Tell Marble that everything that goes wrong was caused by an invisible observer that puts terrible thoughts in their heads.
RE: [Fortuna]: 1/13 Forever and ever
Now that I see the colors around the Patron box, I guess it's actually Eris and not Heph. Or maybe it's an ultra rare Athena-Eris fusion?

So we're gonna need to stock up on food. There is probably a shop somewhere here, I suggest taking Cleo and Edel cause they got decent strength stats, and Adrax because he has charms. We may also want to take the Helios unit along to carry stuff. Another option would be to make Marble carry some meat out of the fridge room, though she might not want to do that.

First though, I say we have a chat with Hermes.
>Cleo: Go check up on Hermes
We could see if he could do something about Heph and maybe ask him for advice on getting Marble happy(And thus shippeable) again.(Plus we can finally apologise for taking his shipping chart)
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
Seconding Fellow and Loverian

Additionally, Athena's patron border is always yellow. It's not Eris colored, the portrait itself is just a sillohette now. (Source: Gime stated this in the update chat on the Discord server.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
(03-14-2017, 04:01 PM)cmdrcade Wrote: »Additionally, Athena's patron border is always yellow. It's not Eris colored, the portrait itself is just a sillohette now. (Source: Gime stated this in the update chat on the Discord server.

I choose to ignore the word of god and strengthen my belief that Athena and Eris are the same person.

Speaking of first gens, is Amu's trial expired yet?
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
[Pessimist] This is all going down the gutter again, isn't it :(
Paying for other's sins sucks so much, why are we even playing the game like this anymore.
We should just... i don't know, consult the Helper on what she thinks we should do about this fine mess this dying universe is turning into?
And also maybe a way to stop the vicious god-slaying cycle forever... because that;s by far one of the most messed-up things... second only to Unicron "allegedly" eating NPC children :/

[Always joking]:
>Athena: even though we can't see your face, we can still tell that You're scOwling! [Image: EV8ISCll.png?1]

>Athena: I guess we messed-up again? I'm sorry. I wish we could say we want to change and become better... but the turth is, we probably can't. But that's why we want to beat this game! To spite all of our deep-seated insecurities. TO show the world and the programmers that even with the deck stacked against you, YOU can still find the best possible solution, and all that without save-scumming too!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
Note I've been informed that this panel was missing and so I have placed it in.

[Image: TTiJt0O.gif]

[Image: GweZw0Q.gif]

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RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
>Spips, Cea, and Helios v11: Check on Nero, and see if her needs are being met.

>Cleo, Edel, and Adrax: Try to find a store to buy fuel/rations/supplies/weapons.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
(03-15-2017, 01:26 AM)Dragonfly Wrote: »>Spips, Cea, and Helios v11: Check on Nero, and see if her needs are being met.
Latta's been gone from Nero for only an hour or so, and we should probably involve athena when it comes to raising her child.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
> Adrax: May as well go check and see if your co-workers made it out in one piece

> Spips: Return the Dungeon Master's key to the house, it'd be rude to leave with it
> Also blast the cheerful airhorn while you do this

> Spips: Better grab some food for Shu'da, otherwise the crew may have to put her down

> Cleo: Try out the lava lamp to see what it does. What's the worst that could happen?
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
(03-14-2017, 09:31 AM)Fellow Wrote: »So we're gonna need to stock up on food. There is probably a shop somewhere here, I suggest taking Cleo and Edel cause they got decent strength stats, and Adrax because he has charms.

[Image: z0GaLKg.gif]

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[Helios I know Athena likely knows what she's doing but...her clipped replies have me worried. I'm not sure if I should try to help or just trust that nothing bad has happened.]

[Image: NgdyfUb.gif]

I understand student. While I am worried as well, I know that this is drama between three gods, and I wish to keep you out of it, but if you wish to attempt to help, I'm sure Athena would be ok with that.

[Image: 2DWgnz8.gif]

I feel as if she set up everything just so that we would be able to help her if need be. After all, if you don't know, you can roomtrap a god even if it's not your character looking at them. As long as a god is on your screen you can roomtrap them.

[Image: bou7seU.gif]

Athena likely has one of her characters going towards the event so we can piggy back off of Latta. While you cannot control Latta, you can view her. I suggest we do so.

[Image: PftXM31.gif]

[Image: gErYytf.gif]

The things on the walls, the things covering the House, I wish I knew what they were. Everytime I look at them, I only get one bit of data from them. "UNKNOWN." Just that. Nothing. This lack of info....it's drilling in to my head. I should know what these things are! These things on the wall have to be important, but I am failing you by not knowing what they are. Sorry.

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RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
Best wait and see what happens next before we get involved.
Edit: On a hunch, perhaps "Eris" is a Limbo God. Whether this is the case, and how long it has been the case, we will see.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
>Roomtrap Athena for the lulz
Vivian Quest
Tale of a small lizard, crime, and weird biology!
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/17 Who is She
>roomtrap everyone but Eris
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/13 Forever and ever
What if Eris is
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/17 Who is She
Thats my bet. Best place to hide is in plain sight for something like this.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/17 Who is She
>don't roomtrap anyone , we haven't seen Buff Eris yet
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Fortuna]: 3/17 Who is She
>Keep watching, but be prepared to trap Heph if things start going downhill.

In the event Heph is dealt with (and Eris and Athena are unharmed):
>Have your tea party meeting with Eris.
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/17 Who is She
>Latta: Follow Athena's gaze
(AKA just wait and don't do anything for now)
[Don't worry about it, Helios. We have a feeling the tentacles may end up being the Unknown portion of the Divided]
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/17 Who is She
> Don't roomtrap until we know what's going on
RE: [Fortuna]: 3/17 Who is She
>Wait and see what they both have to say, unless Hephaestus makes a move, in which case roomtrap him.