Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)

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Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by siguard.

no party is complete without
[Image: ShotsFanart.png] and fanart
oh god i just remembered why I'm not allowed to draw anymore.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Absol.

I brought all the pop we could ever want.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

So a little heads up. I'm still working on the party favors (aka more drawing!), but here are some updates.

1) Shoutout to siguard for a SICK piece of fanart. This is actually a first for me in my whole life, so I want to thank you for making me feel so warm inside. I am now in the process of making a new medal for you (and anyone else that wants to make fanart. [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]). And yes, we shall be taking shots... of tea!

2) I found a way to stick in a game into this thread, so look out for that in the party. It's pretty cool, if I may say so myself.

3) I made a twitter for this thread. I don't know why. I might be going mad.

4) Finally, remember, for those who are reading but have yet to participate, this is the last time to get a special Cradle medal for participating. The lucky medal goes to Kieros along with Morphimus and Zylo.

Audience>Continue getting ready for the party
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

>Self: This Party needs more fan art.

>Korin: Homestuckify.

[Image: Korin.png]
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>Fwee: Use the turntables, be the DJ.

Shinedown is best. :V
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

One last announcement.

I've updated the front page to look like a proper front page. Has links to the Mirror, DA, Twitter, and Fanart. Go there and see how awesome it looks! Also tell your friends to look and even participate to earn the Cradle medal!

EDIT: So since people seem to from both sides of the globe, here's how I decided to do things.
  • Party will be up around 4~5pm
  • Chapter 1 update around 10~11pm
Times are listed for GMT -7

Since you guys might be pretty starved for updates, here is Korin doing The Monkey.

[Image: jyy85.gif]
Audience>Get hyped for the party
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

Mmmmmmmm... yeah baby, work dat booty. [img]images/smilies/datrump.gif[/img]
I'm on at around 6:00 pm GMT -6 I believe...
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

The intervals at which I peruse the forums are vastly sporadic, there really isn't a time when I can guarantee I'll be on.
I reside within the GMT -5 timezone.
So uhh, later than 6:00 PM is fine I guess.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Dreamscythes231.

List of things that you guys should know right now.

1. I don't have actual OCD.
2. I am GMT +8:00 so I am probably earlier than you. And
3. Fan art haiku.

Legend of the Tea Master Cradle Farewell Party
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Guess what?

It's time to party!

Legend of the Tea Master
Cradle Party


Ochazuke Best midnight meal ever.

Dim Sum If you haven't eaten this, you haven't eaten Chinese food.

Actually this next one isn't actually a recipe or demonstration, but it's so awesome that I had to show it.

Medal Ceremony
These are Pai Sho Tiles, which are awarded to the participants of this adventure. Tiles with a ring around them mark them as special edition Cradle Tiles for those who have participated in the adventure. If you are listed, you can put these medals in your signature. Or even better, print them out and put them on yourself.
These are the recipients.

[Image: Maco1.png]
The Bamboo Tile
For the participation in the Prologue during the period in which this adventure rested in the Cradle.
[spoiler][font=Courier New]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by kd7sov.

...I can't seem to get to the puzzle. A page loads, and claims that it's loading the image, but then it just sits there.

This occurs in both IE (v[img]images/smilies/icon_cool.gif[/img] and Chrome (v21).
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

I solved the puzzle. It was not very difficult.

Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

Since the above two already HAVE the cradle-edition peach blossom tile, do I get it?

Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

First Previous Next Last

[Image: RsmPK.gif]

You have been working rather hard for the last three days. Your tea shop, while rundown and way off the beaten path, has attracted a modest number of patrons. Thus, this morning, you have decided to rest because you earned it.

It's a wonderful day as the sun slowly rises. You window has a great view of the morning sun over the great walls of Ba Sing Se. You feel rather content as you dream away.

[Image: 4JPA9.gif]

[Image: t4FM3.gif]


Hello Regular Forum Adventures! I have come bearing a great story in the setting of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra series. If you're new, click on the links on the top to be directed to the first page, where a better introduction awaits.

Also, to convince you that I feel confident in my abilities, here is an awesome Earthbending Scroll.

If you wish to see more bending scrolls, comment and visit my DA. All links are in the front page. Enjoy this adventure!

Edit: Sorry, Fwee, kd7sov was the last one who earned it. But if you can solve the puzzle, you have another chance to get a Tile!

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Dreamscythes231.

Korin: Scream, sream like your life depended on it while clutching your bed sheets for dear life.

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> Korin: There are times in life where it is ok to scream like a little girl and overreact. This is one of them. Do so.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.


Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Dreamscythes231 Wrote:Korin: Scream, sream like your life depended on it while clutching your bed sheets for dear life.
Zylo Wrote:> Korin: There are times in life where it is ok to scream like a little girl and overreact. This is one of them. Do so.
Morphimus Wrote:> AAAAAAUUUGH!
You could analyze this situation logically. There is a man standing in your window, looking at you while you sleep. But in a way, he is just there to greet you. In fact, he may be just concerned about your sleeping position. Or he is there to stand in the way of the light so you body doesn't suddenly warm up, allowing you to wake up in a more comfortable fashion.

Unfortunately you are a sane person. And like a sane person, you act accordingly.
Korin>Scream because there is a man looking at you while you sleep

[Image: 0pGzo.gif]

5 minutes later
Dammit, you've lived here for two years already and you still can't get used to the fact that a hobo that lives next door is pretty much free to look into your window while you sleep. As tame as Baofu is, seeing his grizzled, slightly misshapen face every morning like that is never going to settle into routine. You even swear for a second that his face seemed larger than usual that time.

Well, you're awake. Might as well look around.

[Image: tAhlq.gif]
Hmm, it's a small room. On the small table, there are some spark rocks. Last night's tea still sits there in the teapot, resting upon the smoldering remains of the burner. A cup, probably needing a rinse, sits on the table as well. Your apron is draped across the chair, with the belt sprawled on the seat. Next to the bed is your dresser, two drawers of some of your personal things. Your brand new bag sits next to the dresser. You recently bought that yesterday using some of the money you earned from your tea shop. On the dresser is a note of some sort. You vaguely remember receiving it yesterday from a messenger. Next to the dresser is your sink which doubles as your cupboard. On the floor lies a worn straw rug. You received it as a housewarming gift, and it definitely has seen much wear and tear. Across the room is a lamp, with some of the embers still faintly burning. Your shoes are placed next to the door, which is in its locked position. Good, at least you know Baofu couldn't get in this time.

Time to get ready.

Just to let you guys know, while the Cradle-edition Tiles are no longer given out, you can still earn the regular versions of the Tiles, the Hydrangea Tile, and the Poinsettia Tile. All challenges for the Poinsettia Tile are located in the first page, with directions on what to do. Enjoy~

Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ghnaggi.

> Get dressed. Put on your new brand new bag. Make sure it matches your belt.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by kd7sov.

Splash water on your face, and read the note.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by sonic3535.

>Wash that teacup while you read the note. Drop the teacup when you read something surprising.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

>Getting Dressed Montage.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

> Read note; eat note.