Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]

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Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Four: Fires of Heaven]
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"I think the raven-girl creature is talking highly of my entrées!" Watson elbows Nos.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Once properly back on the ground, Shanterel waves one of his hands dismissively. "Really, settle down and introduce yourselves - and tell me what you'd like for dinner - and then i'll answer your questions. One at a time, mind. And you!" He says, jabbing a finger at Watson. "You better BELIEVE you're keeping that wine out of my sight or i will incinerate you where you stand. Now, take a seat by the fire, please, and we'll see what we've got, alright?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

Bohw is taken aback by the shapeshifter and on instinct, she coils back placing a hand on the crossbow at her side, ready to draw it. She quickly realises this and lets her hand fall back to her side, trying to show some signs of civility.

"Sorry, miss, I didn't mean to offend. I hope you both understand that we are all a bit of edge as of the moment."

Bohw keeps her wits about her though, not immediately accepting the man's hospitality. "But yes, as for you, Shanterrrlll...? Hate to break it to you both but we're currently in the demon's den, full of Cultists, Nagas and some teleporting bitch who wants our heads. Really, I would love to take a break right now but..."

Mayor interrupts Bohw with a stamp on the dirt, glaring at her, folding his arms and sitting down near the campfire. Bohw stares at him in disbelief, before lowering her head and sighing. If Mayor trusts these people, she doesn't really have much else of a choice.

" I think that would be a good idea, if your intentions are as innocent as you claim, perhaps sticking together will add another layer of protection for all of us."

With that, Bohw offers a hand to Myra to shake, introducing herself and the rest of the party. "Name's Bohw, big guy there is called Mayor. Fluffy is called Thunderpaw, he hits things, guy with the hat is Watson, not sure what he does, young girl is Savannah, scout of the group, human fella is Mael, merc for hire and the last guy is Nos... he's a good dancer. Pleasure to meet you both."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
The small fellow sits there, rubbing his chin musingly. "Mayor, eh?" He says, nodding at Mayor. "Really, shouldnt you have adopted a new name by now? You know, something more relevant to the current society and perhaps somewhat less confusing to certain government officials? And did you really have to pick another one of those to follow around? I suppose thats not important, though..."

Shrugging to himself, he turns back to Bohw. "Anyway, i believe you had a set of questions. Lets see, i believe he was hugging me because he missed me, i knew you would be here because i was told by a fellow you should be meeting shortly if you're planning on going back down that staircase - dont worry, he's on your side, though he'll probably get you killed anyway if you let him talk your ear off. And i believe that she," he waves a hand in Myra's direction, "Already answered your third question. But last, and certainly most importantly-" He turns to Thunderpaw, rubbing a hand through his incredibly thick beard. "No, my food is not quite ready yet. However, my spice mixture is and i believe that is more than enough. Now, tell me - what will you be eating today?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Nos elbows Watson back, much more roughly but apparently not aware of such. "Yeah yeah, you should get into a cooking battle with this guy or something! Impress her with your dishes! There's no way that's a waste of anyone's time right now!" He sounds sincere when he whispers this.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Myra's brightened after the apology, and swept her gaze over the group. After having put names to the faces, she gladly took Bohw's hand withe a wide grin.
"The pleasure is all mine," she began as she shook hands, "Really, I touch down to rest from heading to warn a village of the evil creatures coming, and I find a fascinating group and word of Cultists and Nagas right underground! What's up with that, anyway? Why are you hiring a mercenary and all that just to hunt a few Cultists and Nagas?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Its a little more complex than that." Mael says. "Presumably, the cultists are after something, and we're here to deny them whatever it is. Or just kill or capture them if theres nothing here after all."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Okay, but how important could that thing be?" Myra asks as she faces Mael, her arms now crossed. "Is this cult or the item they're after particularly dangerous or something?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah examines her nails, remarking offhandedly, "Well if you consider the kingdom and possibly the world pretty important, then yeah, what they're after is important."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Gah. Whatever, what do you want to sell us mister?"

Bohw grumbles at the stupidity of the situation, reluctantly sitting down beside Mayor. This is a terrible, terrible idea, should they get attacked here she would rather be ready to spring into action.

While she pouts, she lets the man's words sink in a little, springing up in sudden realization of what exactly he said.
"Wait, you know Mayor?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Shanterel mutters to himself, "Bah, noone appreciates fine food these days. Really... And why yes, i do. No. No details. Ask him sometime."

He gives Bohw a wink and a smile.

"But alright, if you insist on skipping dinner, i'll see what i got."

He turns to his expansive bags and starts rummaging around, first pulling out what looks to be a folding weapon rack and a matching armor rack, aswell as a small, compact table. The bag still looks like it is bulging with things, though, and he soon starts withdrawing a plethora of other items.

E: Also i forgot to do this earlier but heres the picture Levyse drew of her character in case someone was a lazy bum and didnt check it out on the front page as she suggested.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
After several minutes, Shanterel seems to have hauled all of his magical items out of his bags and up on display. Atleast, you assume these are all of his items - his bag still looks like it is stuffed to the brim.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Oooh!" Nos rubs his hands gleefully, looking from one item to another rapidly. He keeps moving to grab something then suddenly turning his attention to another item, giving the impression that he doesn't know what to look at first. Finally, he grabs the Waterwood Longbow, muttering "I guess I could hunt some rabbits or something, this is too cool a shooty thing to let pass." Then his attention is grabbed by a glint of light off a glass orb and he grabs that too.

"I want these. What do I have to do for you to let me have them? I'll kill someone for you if you want. It could be fun to be a hitman. Or do you have plants that need tending? I bet I could double the size of your plants in a day."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Ooh..." Savannah spots the Manacharge Conduits, picking up one of the bracelets and admiring it. "You'll take gold, right? Cause these are just... woah." She does shoot an annoyed look at Nos. "Ahem. If he needed something grown, he'd ask me. Obviously."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

"Gold, gems, other artifacts, cooking recipes. Anything goes, really. Speaking of cooking, are you quite sure you're not hungry?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah pulls out a suitable amount of gold, placing it down and grabbing the rest of the bracelets. She slips a few onto each arm, smiling in satisfaction. "There we go. Awesome. And I'm always ready for something to eat."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Watson had been holding the vase and was too busy being fascinated by the blue intricate designs on it. "...Exquisite..."

And then Shanterel said "hungry" and Watson's eyes opened wide.

"Pardon?" Watson said as a smile slowly streaked across his face. "I wouldn't mind a few bites, being famished, myself!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Yes look i've been asking you what you would like to eat. In fact, lets pretend that this campsite is a fine restaurent and you are ordering exquisite food. Actually, you dont need to pretend the last bit, because you are. Now... Tell me!"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

"Hahah, you mortals and your need of food." Nos attempts to chuckle with a much deeper voice than normal, but of course that does not work at all given that he is normally quite shrill. Then his stomach growls. "Oh, right. I still haven't managed to turn myself immortal. I will need to work on that." He points at Watson. "I will eat whatever he chooses to eat. He's fancy, I bet he knows good eats."

He produces a small heap of gold and presents it to Shanterel. "You like shinies? Here, take! I don't even remember where I got them from. Just let me have those things." He points at the bow and the glass orb as he says this.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"I'll have 2 slices, each of chicken and turkey that are both cooked well, but not too well, have both been glazed with tomato paste and then sprinkled with lime juice. Then, some parsley on the side that has been sprinkled with Sumac"

Watson feels like he's being eyed awkwardly but continues.

"And for dessert, dates, but ones that have had their seeds taken out and replaced with walnuts.

I have fine taste, Shanterel. I expect the best from you." Watson says matter-of-factly, but with a smirk.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Bohw gives the man the appropriate scowl, he fully knows well that Mayor can't actually talk. She leans backwards and looks up into the foliage above, groaning in anger, as if her displeasure with the situation wasn't obvious enough. Still looking upwards, she waves a hand dismissively at Shanterel, finally deciding on what she is going to eat.

"You know what, fine, if you're cooking for them, get me some dry, stale meat, in a bowl of salt, an ancient Half-Imp tradition! Cause why the hell not?!"

Mayor looks at the collection of items, not entirely sure what he would want, he then checks how much gold they are actually carrying and notices that he can barely afford anything. Mayor looks down at his sash which he definitely still has, Mayor turns to Shanterel and tries to get his attention, he points at the sash, then at his backpack and makes a hammering motion with his hands, as if he was working at an anvil. He then points to his sash again and flexes, then putting down a old, worn and ugly bow and a meager gold pouch in front as some kind of offer.

RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
"Just make me something that isn't tavern food and wine."

A plethora of magical goods, none of which he could afford. Really should have searched the naga tribesmen for trinkets; those would usually fetch well. Then again cash wasn't the priority at the time, so he would just have to snatch things on the way back.

Then again, perhaps the wizard could still hold a service...

"Tell me sir, do you do appraisals? I picked this blacksmith hammer up in a little town, but at the time something drew my eye to it. Some... aura of oddity. Perhaps it has a hidden enchantment lying in secret. Could you take a look?"
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]
Savannah carefully examines the bracelets. They were really good looking, and they made her feel a lot more powerful. Must be the gems. She'd heard about gemstones being able to enhance spells or something, but had never actually seen one work its magic. "You know what would be great? A stew. With meat and carrots and potatoes. And bread."
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

As Watson awaits his meal, he browses the other items.

"I'm more for a cane but this just might do!" Watson says as he feels the metal of the Starmetal Greatsword in his hands.

He holds it high, pointing it up. It glows and shines with a sparkle here and there.

"Ah, such a resplendent sheen of light, especially by this fire."

He makes a note in his mind of asking what the price of it is when he's done browsing.

He looks again elsewhere to find the magnificent vase still in beautiful condition. Looking beside it for just a moment, Watson also finds some sapphire-studded shoes. You can't pass up something like that. He holds them in his hands.

"Quite fine, a little uncomfortable looking but-"

He puts his hand on the sole of the Mana Leapers and feel his feet weren't on the ground for a second. "I definitely need these", he thinks.

Watson grabs the vase, the sword and the leapers and asks quite plainly, "How much?" though with his eyes wide open. "It's not everyday you see these things" seems to be his train of thought when encountering such artifacts.
RE: Black Zenith [Adventure RPG / Chapter Three: Forgotten Whispers]

After taking a moment to digest the level of eccentricity that is the current situation, Myra thinks better of poking the scout girl- Savannah, was it?- for more answers. Instead, she cautiously approaches Bohw. As agitated as she seems right now, Bohw's the only one who isn't so absorbed in what's going on. Maybe she could make the small gal feel a little better, too. She may as well, what with the wind preventing her from moving on, and all.

"Hey, Bohw? You guys just came out of some battles underground, right? Where Cultists threatening the safety of the world are- Wait, are the Nagas a huge problem, too? - Uhh, anyway, if that's the case, then shouldn't it be a good thing to be taking a rest and having some good food? You look pretty weary, when all is said and done."