[Lambda] A small adventure begins...

[Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Activate [Bright]
>Don't eat anything unless you absolutely have to! It would be shitty if someone noticed all their stuff was missing!
[Lambda] It's dark.
Quote:>Shine Bright like a diamond.
Quote:>Let there be light!
Quote:>LIGHT IT UP!!!!
Quote:>Engage light
Quote:> First: Use light.
What? You just ate your lamp and there aren't any light switches here.
Oh dear. Should I tell ██████ how to talk to me?
[Image: 3GyKJw3.jpg]

Quote:>Activate [Bright]
You know the keyboard shortcut for activating abilities, but you've never heard of that one. Besides, you don't have a keyboard!

Quote:> Become a boxivore
Quote:>Start looting
Quote:> SEconD: Eat whATever is IN thE nEAreSt Box.
You just ate a lamp, so you can probably last a little while without eating again. Besides that, you can't see and you don't really want to go around shoving your hands in random crates, you have no clue what could be inside.
Perhaps not, I wouldn't want to spoil the adventure.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>try turning up your screen brightness, friend.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Try to talk to the red text
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
> Hello friend.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Hello Darkness, my old friend
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] ...?
Quote:>try turning up your screen brightness, friend.
You would if you knew how. Hmm. You'll remember to search for that once you get off the plane.

Quote:>Try to talk to the red text
What red text? You can't see well enough to see if any of the cargo is labeled in red. You don't think you'd try talking to it anyway.

Quote:> Hello friend.
...Huh? Who are you greeting? You look around nervously and it occurs to you that someone could be down here watching you right now...

testing, testing! hello, Lambda, can you hear me?

You just ate a lamp friend, perhaps try turning up your screen brightness to see.
I'm not Lambda. But now that we're talking...Activate [Bright]?
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...

>find a corner to rest in.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...

>Just eat a box already, Clockworks tend to get the abilities of some things they eat right? Maybe you will get inventory space from boxes.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Why hello there mysterious red text, why are you so mysterious and weird?
Yes, please! May i ask your name, friend? It would make it easier to address you in the future.
Sure! But if you're not lambda, who the hell are you? The player?
Shine a light my dude
So uh are you the equivalent of a patron for us? You know, talking in spoiler boxes and all

My my, how chatty. Let me answer these one at a time. Mysterious and weird? I could say the same about you. How uncouth. I do not have a name proper, but I suppose you can call me REM. I'm not the player, why would you think that? You're the one entering the commands here. I can be a bit like a patron I suppose, but I don't think I'm supposed to talk to you. I don't see anyone stopping me though....anyway

[Bright] activated.

Quote:>find a corner to rest in.
You are about to get settled where you are and try to sleep though the trip, when suddenly, you can see!

Fortuna rolls a d20 and gets a 2, then rolls 2d10, resulting in 5 and 7.

[Image: cTg86uj.jpg]

You look around the boxes and crates and find 2 that look like they can be opened without a key, crowbar, or some kind of tool.
[Image: 7OFBMpZ.jpg]

[Image: 0WND4qE.jpg]

Do you open one of them, both of them, or leave them alone?

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>leave these alone, you don't want to raise suspicion, do you,
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Say hi to the boxes.
Watch in awe as I end every comment I've ever written and ever will write with the greatest and most anticlimactic signature in the universe!!!!!!!!!

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>leave them alone, obviously there are some snakes in those boxes and you don't want to let those snakes onto the plane
Plus security on KCC-6-A is incredibly tight and they *will* notice if a box is missing/opened
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Shake boxes to test them, then open the one that looks like a chest no matter what the shaking reveals.
Also, you say neither box is small enough to eat, I think you are not trying hard enough.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:>leave these alone, you don't want to raise suspicion, do you,
Quote:>leave them alone, obviously there are some snakes in those boxes and you don't want to let those snakes onto the plane
Plus security on KCC-6-A is incredibly tight and they *will* notice if a box is missing/opened
You think that tampering with the boxes could get you into major trouble, so you decide to leave them alone for now.

Quote:>Say hi to the boxes.
[Image: qwrAKww.jpg]

They don't say hi back. How unsurprising.

With not much else to do in a cargo bay, you settle yourself in a corner and decide to rest you optical sensors for a bit...
[Image: Y7sOwHH.jpg]

[Image: EIDXrGW.jpg]

Until you are rudely awoken by a...gosh what were those 3-eyed dudes called again? Kakeyns? No....ah, kaikians! Anyway this gua--they have a gun and they are pointing it at you. Oh dear.
[Image: uf0Uraz.jpg]

[Image: CrCb7qf.jpg]

Fortuna rolls a 20 sided die. An 11 is rolled.

[Image: yPeRls7.jpg]

[Image: QIs0OI1.jpg]

Well you don't have much of a choice. The walk is short and the only interesting point was a vast window showing the planet below.

Finally you arrive at some sort of scanner. You're hesitant to walk in, but it's your only option. Surprisingly, no alarms go off or anything.
[Image: uqD2rYf.jpg]

[Image: OgjI0Oy.jpg]

...That was a lot of events. What now though?

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Ask every scientist you meet about what they would do if they could get a friendly Clockwork to work with.
>Eat a scientist to CLOCKWORKIFY their knowledge.
>Eat some science equipment to CLOCKWORKIFY its scienceness
>Donate body for fun profit SCIENCE
>Eat a part of yourself to CLOCKWORKIFY it right back where you just bit it from. Repeat until bored.
>Punch somebody, take wallet.
>Don't punch somebody, take wallet SNEAKILY.
>Eat somebody, take wallet.
>Eat somebody, take wallet SNEAKILY.
>Run out of ideas.
I'm done now. Enjoy far too many suggestions.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Use your hitherto-unmentioned dancing talent to busk for change on the street corners
[Image: 0T9kaDK.png]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Look around, let's find someone to talk to after being stuck in that dark cargo hold for so long!
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
>Go to check into a hotel, then realize you still have no money.
>Find random people and offer to help them with SCIENCE! Or something else in exchange for points.
RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Quote:>Eat a scientist to CLOCKWORKIFY their knowledge.
>Eat some science equipment to CLOCKWORKIFY its scienceness
>Donate body for fun profit SCIENCE
>Eat a part of yourself to CLOCKWORKIFY it right back where you just bit it from. Repeat until bored.
>Punch somebody, take wallet.
>Don't punch somebody, take wallet SNEAKILY.
>Eat somebody, take wallet.
>Eat somebody, take wallet SNEAKILY.
None of these seem like good ideas, and you'd rather not get in trouble at a space station like this. It has...much more security than the last place you tried something crazy.

Quote:>Look around, let's find someone to talk to after being stuck in that dark cargo hold for so long!
Quote:>Find random people and offer to help them with SCIENCE! Or something else in exchange for points.
Quote:>Ask every scientist you meet about what they would do if they could get a friendly Clockwork to work with.
[Image: pX9iGux.jpg]

You see quite a few people, but you can't quite make out who they are from this distance.

Quote:>Use your hitherto-unmentioned dancing talent to busk for change on the street corners
You never learned to dance!

Quote:>Go to check into a hotel, then realize you still have no money.
You saw some hotels, but you think getting money is a good first plan of action. Now, who to talk to?

So, you say you're like a patron. Do you have patron powers? And why do you feel like you shouldn't be talking to us?
Well I do give you all the roll information as well as acting as your interface for Lambda's stats; I suppose that counts as a power. And I don't think I should be talking to you as when I try to discuss subjects such as ████ █ ██ or ██, I seem to be prevented. See, watch. I ██ ███. ███ ██? ██. █████. ███ █ ██ ████ ██████.

RE: [Lambda] A small adventure begins...
Species: Ackolid
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 2
Endurance: 3
Agility: 7
Luck: 8

Bad: [Addict][Lazy]
Good:[Acrobat][Chip Magnet][Direct]
[Image: egg009.png?raw=1][Image: egg012.png?raw=1]
