Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances

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Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
*peeks inside shirt and talks to a large ladybug pal who is keeping warm in there, asking them if i pronounced that right*
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
a marching band of beetles proceeds merrily on a path up my one arm, across the shoulders, and down the other arm. i would never ask them to keep it down or go elsewhere because it's important for them to keep encouraged, even if they are a bit off meter and out of tune. because remember: every bug who stays involved at their high schools after school marching band is another bug staying off the streets and staying away from drugs.
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
^I feel this^

compounded doses of 5mg thc warning
5mg cbd
5mb thc 5 cbd
mikes hard lemonade near half bottle

resulting experience is a bit philosophical with mixes of euphoria and analytic bursts. time feels slowed relative to processing. this is likely due to bodychemistry relating to ADHD as this experience is giving a simular effect as to stimulant medication. feels like a control only offered by having to keep go 1 step at a time, a truly flowing state of consciousness. tunnel vision in terms of what can be focused on, things are frequently forgotten in short term due to being so directly able to focus on one thing, but instability as to what is thought on. feels like saying things like "radiant exuberance" and such ways of speaking. Very Warm. feelings of euphoria feelings of Power. stimming is very well and alive in this state, in form of swaying movement to music (chairdancing) to using a cube (cube). earlier phase states had noticeable "ah yes I see how a lot of shitposting happens here", or "I just figured a way to automate the Big Eye parts of lady gaga bad romance" in terms of analysis that allows newly perceived methodologies (reinventing the wheel). during the last sentence formation it was considered that we should interact with the archives of our past self. we rarely do that in these states, but frequently reread ourselves. Enjoyable, Understandable, Solidarity. A peculiar mixture of which triad mentioned prior. you see what happened there right? yeah get used to that 5 minutes ago we're already more than that, more than you can know. see we did it again right there look at us past us look at your actions dear god. but they already know as we did that we would be at this point future from prior
I told a friend about writing this and realized
"I will add that I have realized socratic methodology of state encryption there"
and then I did, wherein some otherwise indecipherable texts are encoded by specific mindstates, so that statements like that are most easily parseable whereby you are in that state, or were the one doing encryption. your body can remember if you can make the memory commit without needing present samestate. I know this sounds like psuedoscience bullshit but this is mostly working out yet another hypothesis for how the brain works, at least our human brain, despite my differently operating system of thought

ugh can we just finish and post this already c'mon I gotta gooooooooo you knoooooooooow
but also there's pizza and chips and other such things
btw I wanna add that concept of intensively operating munchies, wherein our own logical functioning and perception is altered to desire larger portions and gorging. we're at a point of it that our mind has reshaped itself temporarily but just for this purpose
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
i drank a whole bottle of wine by myself because i was anxious and had two social engagements and now i'm not anxious but also i am having a lil trouble standing up unsupported

[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
Yooo I have not posted in too long.


Have this shitpost I made about our bots.
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
I had a cup of tea not too long ago, with some cream that I made from milk, sugar, and resin that I had reclaimed from my vaporizer; it was much more potent than I thought it would be. Since it would be a good writing exercise, I am going to tell you a joke I have with myself about how I'm kind of a narcissist, as I'm sure most people can relate to. I'm pretty sure I've had this dumb joke in my head since I was like six.

Sometimes, my mind goes off on a little daydream of grandeur, that if I just work hard and be a cool person (as I try to be), then I will just spontaneously be liked by everyone and be famous and have little book clubs that sit together and read through all 31 of my graphic novels. I'll have so many twitter followers, I tell myself, that I won't even need to pay for advertisements. I will become a cultural icon not unlike Tarantino and the guy who wrote 2001.

It's at this point that I realize things are approaching absurd proportions. I may as well follow it to its logical conclusion.

I will become the President, and I'll be so great with all my policies that they never want me to leave office. So I just take over the UN instead and become the literal king of the world, and the face of the human race as we know it until we get assimilated into their purple duck cloud. And then I will be that duck. If there is a God, then certainly he is extradimensional, and of course, I may very well be the Mormon spirit child, or to be more specific, the spirit child to end all spirit childs, and I become the God of the Gods of the Gods in all 7467891 dimensions, and I'll become the God of that God too, why not. Real spoilers:

Well, it can't just end there. There must be something higher than the endless chain of Gods that surely exists, provided Gods. And of course, the answer to that question, is Masahiro Sakurai. It order to become master of the universe, I must become Sakurai. Only then will my thirst for fame be sated.

Should I repost this to The Intellectual Thread?
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[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
repost it to all threads in the 7467891 dimensions
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
God that's a mood. Sad, but it's also a rly good summary of a high where you feel like a god :0
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
:octagonal_sign: substance use and unreality, existentialism (kinda dumb oversharing) warning :octagonal_sign:
Hello mayor of sozzletown with his usual euphoria and exalted feeling, no shame, never will have shame for this
Anyhow I'm rly proud of myself bc
so I was not having a good night. had to try and get more job apps out and those drain me and bring on a lot of intrusive thoughts and "never again" feelings, anxiety and stress and all. "well ok today has more or less been ruined trying to tackle a brick wall, time to self-medicate". And so I'm slowly feeling high, feeling calmed, feeling floaty, and I just, good fucking news, a character I adore and have neglected wanted to hang out, had me draw her, and p much nudged me into getting to doing lore/worldbuilding for the setting she's in, and managed to somehow mcfucking knit it, and it kept building and building and folding inwards to have more cohesion. it feels like a basket is weaving itself and I have everything I wanted to work with. so yeah, high out out of my mind and only getting higher, cranking out all the work I wanted to do over weeks of drafting and put off for so long is done in three hours. It's all misspelled and scatterbrained, but it's such a wider base to refine from, and just expands the lore I had already made bits and pieces of. I'm really proud, feeling really good, and just, a little manic now. euphoria is good, I'm feeling so good.
Progress is made both by strong steady perseverance, and those leaps and bounds
but uh yeah, I have a much stronger lore basis for my setting, which I'm gonna be using for a forum/twine game. first round of beta testing went great, and expanded the setting bc I had prototyped 3 world views, and guess what
so yeah I guess that's why I went with baskets, they weave, they carry, they hold and shield
uh so yeah, I realized that everything I've been doing over the last few weeks has built up to this. subsconscious reference and note taking, vibes, moods, just building.
this state is like dreaming and lord I love that. :100: all the way. sure the valleys suck (hi there hardcore paranoia bouts), but lord these mountain peaks are so lofty. self-medicating and self-treatment sucks, but it's also really weird. awareness of my mental health has allowed me to analyze it, and notice the patterns. I know the formula, I just need to spot the variables in daily life. The fall to the valley is not fun, but it can be used to slingshot. I feel like I've turned some non-coping habits into coping-mechanisms. A hurdle is being used to polevault where possible. It's honestly dumb and looks dumb from a distance even to me, but for once things feel good and I'm able to look back and see all the progress I'm making, and that I'm gonna make it to where I need to be. That there is hope and yeah wow. there'll probably be emotional fatigue and burnout but we're switching gears fast enough to make the turns work.
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
I haven't been high since June but I haven't posted since MAy. wow.
I mostly haven't been high since I've been medicated on a mood stabilizer that interacts with respiratory stuff (weed haha), but my new one is fine to be high on so I may do an edible in the near future.

Ya'll are gr8 :100: have a good one
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
not here to make posts under an influence, but here to drop off a child so it can learn about drugs.

here. take care of it. or rather, don’t.
[Image: EK9J07y.png]

[Image: PBxWmBw.png]
[Image: Fu2tbmz.png] owo whats this???
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
hey kid, get outta here

I ainnaBBOUtta [encourage a minor to use drugs], see rules one and a two

that said,

[Image: tN4CQnw.png][Image: 6miAxpY.png][Image: xrt4V73.png]
[Image: LAbvoew.png][Image: kHYNSyp.png][Image: 2xEY8jD.png]
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
i emerge from the rebirthing egg by sassfully sliding out across the floor while holding a single ranunculus (buttercup) between my teeth.
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
i wake up with a cattle tag that says "nature's mistake" on my ear. i rip it off (my entire ear included) and chuck it at the sky. the ear floats on up to the heavens. there is a fanfare.

when a celestial hand comes down to your head and pats it proudly, everything goes warm for a minute. then you come to and realize that some god left a "nature's mistake" propeller-cap on your head which is, alas, stuck on pretty tight
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
caffeine rocks I dropped a pill 15 min ago and now i'm feeling crazy motivated. Anyone who says caffeine isn't a drug is a fucking liar I feel way happier than usual and am absolutely loving music (Kill Bill: The rapper currently).
Will try to post in this thread next time I do salvia but I most likely will not be able to type. Last type I sat my friend while he was on it he thought he wrote down "In my feelings" but just wrote "Feelingst"
Feel free to check out my current adventure
Or maybe my music
PM's always open
RE: Sozzletown: the thread where you use substances
3 beers, 2 radlers, 2 margaritas, and 2 vodka shots later, I'm all good