Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)

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Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Fwee Wrote:>Ask her where she works. You can visit her sometime! [img]images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
kd7sov Wrote:> Oh, what work does she do?
Dreamscythes231 Wrote:Korin: Serve more perk me up tea.
Korin>Ask Sang where she works

You talk about how she mentioned that she was on break. You ask her what she does for a living.

[Image: xvyBN.gif]
As you go to refill her tea, Sang explains that she works part time at her father's shop. Her father, you see, runs a sweets-and-pastry shop further in town. They sell small little things like tea cakes, dango, and red-bean-filled mochi. Sometimes they get pretty busy, but other times her father gives her a break, allowing her to wander around town for a bit.

AbysmalNinja Wrote:>Ask if shes single
Morphimus Wrote:^ Seconded.
You're...sort of hesitant to ask this question. Is it too soon to ask? And if she answers, what if she already has a boyfriend, or is even engaged? But then you realize that if she spends her free time walking around, she might not have too many things in the way of love affairs. This could be your chance!

Korin>Ask Sang if she is single

[Image: 3QQuO.gif]

[Image: XIrbV.gif]
<div style="margin-left:40px">Oh! Um, well, you see, it's usually just my father and me running the shop, so we get pretty busy most of the time. We also just moved here since...since my mother left us.
...I try my best to help my father around the shop, mostly to prevent him from feeling too mournful to work. So I never really had time to get to know many people around here besides the customers we get.</div>

...Well...screw-up count number 3. Way to go, lover boy.
Korin>Salvage the mood

Congratulations to Zylo for posting after the 20th update! You and Morphimus will receive a nice medal!

AbysmalNinja Wrote:+1 reader who's real name is a type of tea
[img]images/smilies/fp_megahappy.gif[/img] Yay! But now I'm really curious as to what your name is.

Don't worry! I will be giving more chances to win this medal. I should've explained that these medals are to commemorate certain milestones achieved with this story. You know, things like "50 updates" or "200 replies" or "5,000 views"...also one more for the end of this story segment. So remember to stay tuned!

And remember to tell your friends about this so that they can get a participatory medal before the end of the segment!

Also, I've updated the Mirror for this adventure. What you guys can do to help is to go there, sign up (it's really easy, just use your forum name) and like Legend of the Tea Master. Also like other adventures that are there as well.

Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>Tell her that, although you cannot relate, you do offer your condolences. Then ask her where her shop is, you would like to visit her sometime, and sweets are always nice.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by sonic3535.

Someone else: Walk in
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by kd7sov.

> Consider the possibility of a future merger. He sells pastries, you sell tea - it's a perfect combination! But not just yet, you don't want to rush into this kind of commitment.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

kd7sov Wrote:> Consider the possibility of a future merger. He sells pastries, you sell tea - it's a perfect combination! But not just yet, you don't want to rush into this kind of commitment.
Korin>Consider teaming up with Sang's place

You think about it for a sec. Tea and snacks. Snacks and tea...

[Image: BnCUc.gif]
OMIGOSH this could work! You tell Sang that you want to help out at her place.

<div style="margin-left:40px">Really? That would be nice, but don't you have to watch over your own tea shop?</div>

You tell her that you'll help out on weekends. It'll be good for you because then you'd be able to promote your own tea-making abilities and advertise for your shop. Tea and sweets go together hand in hand, don't they?

Sang's eyes light up.

<div style="margin-left:40px">That's actually a great idea. This weekend is the Autumn Festival! You helping out then would help us immensely!</div>

[Image: 9SBEj.gif]
You try to remember the Autumn Festival...that right! It's the festival held during the middle of Autumn. It's one of the biggest events around asides from Avatar Day, and with a festival, there will be a lot of customers to sample cakes and tea.

And if he is able to help out at the shop, then maybe there might be time to take Sang around the festival...like a date...

Before you can voice your enthusiasm, Zha pipes up.

<div style="margin-left:40px">A festival?! You mean there's going to be a festival?!</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Well yes, it's th--</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">FLAMEO! Sir, how much for the tea?</div>

You tell him that since he's also paying for the guard earlier, it'll be six copper piec--
<div style="margin-left:40px">Keep the change!</div>

[Image: qjKAJ.gif]
<div style="margin-left:40px">Umm, I hope that nice man knows that the festival is still three days away.</div>

You sigh. Then you look at the money Zha has given you.

A whole gold piece.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>Squeal like a school girl. Thus is going STRAIGHT into your savings.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by kd7sov.

> Ask Sang to keep that safe for you. This is the Lower Ring, after all.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Grug.

> Stay vigilant! The day isn't over yet. You may have more people!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

>Bite the gold coin to make sure it's real.

Also, Dreamsythe... about the medal and all...
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Ghnaggi.

> Wonder if scalding customers is the secret to receiving extravagant tips. Impress Sang with your astonishingly successful business.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by That_One_Girl.

> Go put that in the bank!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Fwee Wrote:>Squeal like a school girl. Thus is going STRAIGHT into your savings.
Zylo Wrote:>Bite the gold coin to make sure it's real.
Korin>Squeal with glee

It's your first payment! And it's a gold piece! That's like....a lot of copper and silver pieces added together! You never imagined making this much money so fast. You decide to bite it and check if it's real.

[Image: 7LcxF.gif]

Yep, it's real. You can stop doing that now.
<div style="margin-left:40px">So, are you available to help my dad's shop with your tea for the festival?</div>

You quickly nod your head. Your mind is just full of euphoria right now. What an amazing da--
<div style="margin-left:40px">So what will you do?</div>

[Image: Cn6Oi.gif]
....Huh. You were so excited by your first customer's generous payment and the possibility of scoring a date while helping to promote both her dad's business and yours that you forgot the most important thing.

What exactly should you do?

Korin>Think of an idea

So a quick heads-up, especially for the OCD minded. I am nearing the end of this section of story. It should be done within the next two updates. At the end of the chapter, you will get another chance to post and win the lucky medal. Also there is only this update and the next one that you can respond to earn a participatory badge. TELL YOUR FRIENDS about the awesome internet badge that they can earn!

Also, after I begin the next chapter, I will be on a bit of a hiatus because I have a test that I need (needed) to study for and take. So updates will be slow until after the middle of August. Until then, be sure to pass this around to all of your friends!

Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by lavaheart626.

Say your good at teacakes....

(not sure what they would be called in avatar...)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by kingbirdy.

Signed up just for this. Anyway,

> Whatever needs doing
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Ghnaggi.

> You will brew each customer a unique tea, perfectly tailored to compliment whatever snack they've bought!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Korin>Mull over possibilities

[Image: Cg4Yu.gif]
lavaheart626 Wrote:Say your good at teacakes....

(not sure what they would be called in avatar...)
If it doesn't involve hot water and tea leaves, then you're pretty much clueless. You remember the last time you tried to cook, the whole apartment complex almost burst into flames. You do not want to have to deal with that again.

Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> GITDSBAT(Guy in the dark sitting by the tree.): Answer the question, but make sure not to reveal your face. More suspenseful that way.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master (Get a medal if you enter a command!)
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Zylo Wrote:> GITDSBAT(Guy in the dark sitting by the tree.): Answer the question, but make sure not to reveal your face. More suspenseful that way.
Guy 1
<div style="margin-left:40px">I'm just taking a snooze out here. The view's quite nice up here.</div>

[Image: bs65R.gif]
Guy 1
<div style="margin-left:40px">Ow! That hurt!</div>

Guy 2
<div style="margin-left:40px">IDIOT! We came here to do a job, not so that you 'kin do some sightseeing! Now where's the package?</div>

Guy 1
<div style="margin-left:40px">The package? Oh, that thing. Um, I know I put it around here some-a-wheres...</div>

Guy 2
<div style="margin-left:40px">YOU LOST OUR PACKAGE?!</div>

Guy 1
<div style="margin-left:40px">Calm down, I'm sures it's 'round here somewhere...let me find that lantern. Darn dark 'round here.</div>

Guy 2
<div style="margin-left:40px">You'd better find it! He's expecting this order in three days.</div>

Guy 1
<div style="margin-left:40px">I know, I know, I-- Oh! Found the lantern.</div>

Guy 2
<div style="margin-left:40px">Good. Now find the package! Our client's a wealthy man. If he doesn't get this, you can be sure we'll be in trouble, and not just with Ba Sing Se's guards!</div>

Guy 1
<div style="margin-left:40px">Alright, I got it. Let me just turn it on... there we go. Yes, the package's still here. Guess we'll be dinin' with the nobles after the festival!</div>

Guy 2
<div style="margin-left:40px">Shut yore trap and let's get moving. The faster we git rid o' this thing, the better.</div>

[Image: tuvMC.gif]

[Image: 5DBdS.gif]

>>Chapter 1: The Festival

Alright! Thank you for joining me! Chapter 1 will be up soon, but before that, a couple of things.

First, this is the LAST time to get the Cradle participatory medal. Also, since this is the last update of the chapter, the next post will receive another medal. The following people are not eligible to win this second medal as they have already won it:
<div style="margin-left:40px">Morphimus

So now, what's next? Well, I'm going to host a little celebration in this thread marking the completion of the introduction! What will we see in the party?
<div style="margin-left:40px">- Character art (+ a new character to be revealed in the next chapter)
- Some fun statistics
- Tea and food (or at least videos and pictures pertaining to such things)
- Medal ceremony (including rules and revealing of a new type of medal)
- Message from the creator
- Upcoming events in the story</div>
Be sure to tune in! Here is the final command for you guys in this chapter:

Audience>Prepare to party
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by kd7sov.

> Self: Fetch the streamers and tortilla chips.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by CrystalVersion.

> Self: kick yourself for not reading this forum adventure sooner.