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Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Shadow Phoenix.

Does the graffity/painting on the wall reminds you of something?
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by delusiveJester.

> Flip that slope off! Flip it!
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Purple Walrus.

>Go play with that alter.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by ICan'tGiveCredit.

Let's investigate the area.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by xeroticDeceiver.

> Read that tombstone.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by RPGeesus.


Here, have a thing.

Click it for a larger version.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

98714123340 Wrote:>Investigate the area.
ICan'tGiveCredit Wrote:Let's investigate the area.
Yes, I said that.

CatcheJagger Wrote:>Jump on one of the pedestal things.

[Image: tSxOs.gif]

Let's stop. This isn't doing anything, and we look like a pair of ponces.

delusiveJester Wrote:> Flip that slope off! Flip it!

[Image: jVcA3.gif]

Done venting your anger on a rock? Let's continue on.

Purple Walrus Wrote:>Go play with that alter.
xeroticDeceiver Wrote:> Read that tombstone.

[Image: gjQ8v.png]

Well, I'm not sure what this is, but it has words on it. And it's written in old Lenoran script too! How odd to find such a thing in this cave.

Well, let's see what it says...

Seven Children of darkness and evil
fell upon our lands, thrown into upheaval

To keep our secrets hidden from view
This key is hidden far from you

To open the doors to her sacred hall
Our history our demise you must learn all

Beware to those with hearts impure
Your soul we will trap and immure

<div style="text-align: center;">[Image: wei8W.png]
To begin this ancient lesson and trial
Touch this sigil and the heavens will fall


<div style="text-align: center;">[Image: gjQ8v.png]

...well, that's a bit ominous. "Seven Children of evil?" "Trap and immure?" I'm not sure if I like the sound of this. What should we do?</div>

Shoutout to RPGeesus for that awesome piece of fanart depicting Eb and the raven. If you're curious, I also made something somewhat interesting for his Out of Space adventure. Go check both of them out. It's like a trade!

well actually I made two things for him, so I win. Tee hee

Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by 98714123340.

>Disregard sense of self preservation, press sigil.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Flack_W.

When did caution ever get anyone important anywhere? Clearly all of that ominous prophesy on the tomb means you were destined to poke that sigil, so get with the poking.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Purple Walrus.

>Wait! Read the small text next to the Alter! You should always read the small print!
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by delusiveJester.

Purple Walrus Wrote:>Wait! Read the small text next to the Alter! You should always read the small print!
well that is true, check the small print
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Hob.

delusiveJester Wrote:well that is true, check the small print
Yeah thats a good idea.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by CatcheJagger.

Hob Wrote:Yeah thats a good idea.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by TheRaven.

"Made in china."...well that's odd...O.o
But i do fifth the idea, small print can be a dastardly thing.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Purple Walrus Wrote:>Wait! Read the small text next to the Alter! You should always read the small print!

That's a good idea. Let's check this thing out.

[Image: avElJ.png]

When all is done and fate is sealed
Shine your light on the sigil


Well that was bloody helpful. Can barely make out what this means.

Flack_W Wrote:When did caution ever get anyone important anywhere? Clearly all of that ominous prophesy on the tomb means you were destined to poke that sigil, so get with the poking.
98714123340 Wrote:>Disregard sense of self preservation, press sigil.

Wait, are you sure we should just touch the--

[Image: TFwAO.gif]

Well, thank goodness nothing really happe--

[Image: xWBfl.gif]

Ooh, that was quite the quake....hey! Look!

[Image: PHVkq.png]

Looks like those stones dislodged. They have weird symbols on them too. What should we do with them?
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by 98714123340.

>Look up
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by ICan'tGiveCredit.

> Arrange to make a Jenga game for the Gods.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by variegatedDreamraptor.

Arrange the stones randomly on the pedestals and shine your light on the sigil.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by TheRaven.

variegatedDreamraptor Wrote:Arrange the stones randomly on the pedestals and shine your light on the sigil.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Kaynato.

Arrange the stones orthogonal to the ground so you can get a better view of their symbols.

Remember anytime you've seen them before.

Stack them in order of any way.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Ouroboros.

Place one of the rocks on that altar, or at least try to. If the does nothing, shine your flashlight on it after doing so.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by xeroticDeceiver.

> Try to place them on the pillars in the order they were in on the ceiling, first.
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Hob.

Let's get a closer look at the things that fell before we make any decisions
Re: Poe
Originally posted on MSPA by Shadow Phoenix.

Try lifting them to get an idea of their weigth.