Tropefia - A PYP - N5: Downed Guy (11/24) (need replacement)

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Tropefia - A PYP - N5: Downed Guy (11/24) (need replacement)
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - Confirmation Time (ALL role PMs out)
Doesn't Actually Count For Anything Votals
Mirdini - 3 (konec0, Kieros, Red709)
24/25 to lynch
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - Confirmation Time (Game start in about a week)
vote: 2create Melonspa
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - Confirmation Time (Game start in about a week)
Wait guys, I just realized something. Maybe the mafia only kill us because we try to lynch them. Oh my gosh, what if we're actually the Mafia because we try to kill people who don't belong with no real lawyers or judges to make sure we're doing legally ethical things. After all, if you look into the scum, the scum looks back into you.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - Confirmation Time (Game start in about a week)
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - Confirmation Time (Game start in about a week)
Fake pre-game karkat lynch: Kieros

that'll teach you to have young impressionable minds follow in your horrifyingly link-stuffed footsteps
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - Confirmation Time (Game start in about a week)
Hey, I realised the error and stopped posting in blue. Not my fault that he's too dumb to realise those errors as well.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - The Pointless Pre-Game Lynchfest (Game start in about a week)
I hardly think typing in blue was the problem being addressed Kieros.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - The Pointless Pre-Game Lynchfest (Game start in about a week)
Those links have nothing to do with K(accented i)eros. I would have done it even if Keyairoes had acted like Mirdini. After all, what's the point of having a Tvtropes mafia if were gonna be hating on tvtropes. (I won't post all blue text during the actual game tho) Vote: Oinrobilac (He's my evil twin)
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - The Pointless Pre-Game Lynchfest (Game start in about a week)
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - The Pointless Pre-Game Lynchfest (Game start in about a week)
Lynch: yd12k because he's obviously mafia pretending to be a fool pretending to be mafia.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - Confirmation Time (Game start in about a week)
(05-10-2013, 09:10 AM)Mirdini Wrote: »Fake pre-game karkat lynch: Kieros

that'll teach you to have young impressionable minds follow in your horrifyingly link-stuffed footsteps

excuse me did everyone miss this activation i think this is dayend
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - The Pointless Pre-Game Lynchfest (Game start in about a week)
No, it's pregame end.

Posting flavor soon.

EDIT: here it is guys
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - The Pointless Pre-Game Lynchfest (Game start in about a week)
I am so ready for this game.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - The Pointless Pre-Game Lynchfest (Game start in about a week)
Guys, what did I tell you about talking during fake activations?


Fake!Kieros has spontaneously exploded. Pretty fireworks.

Fake!Kieros was a Mafia Player. He had to play a mafia game, and would win if he won in that mafia game. Since he died before the game even started, Fake!Kieros has lost.

This ends Day -1. Night -1 has now begun. Please enter your night actions into the thread before I look back at this page in about an hour, when Day -2 will start.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
Mafia Kill: Everyone Else
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
Mirdini, I don't think there's somebody named Everyone Else that is playing in this mafia.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
Serial Kill: Q
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
Oh good, Kieros is gone. Now nobody will confuse me with him. For I am obviously Kíeros.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
Vig: Kíeros for unrestrained hyperlinking
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
Night -1 is now over.

Everyone Else was found dead.
Everyone Else was a Third Party Lover Survivor. They would have won if they and their lover had lived to the end of the game.

Speaking of which, there has been an additional death.
Nobody Else has committed suicide.
Nobody Else was a Third Party Lover Survivor. They would have won if they and their lover had lived to the end of the game.

An additional corpse is found.
Q was found riddled with bullets.
Q was a neutral bystander who was a lookalike to LegendaryQ. They could not have won in this game.

A final corpse is found.
Fake2!Kieros is very much dead.
Fake2!Kieros was a Mafia Lynchproof Quadruple Dayvig Quintuple Bomb Obliterator. You literally killed him the one way you could've done so, the only time you could have done so.

Day -2 has now started.
It takes 24 to softlynch, 25 to hardlynch. Day -2 lasts until Night -2 starts.
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
LegendaryQ I Recquest Fake Modconfirm as Elvis
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
also Lynch: No Lynch
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
I Obliterate 16th May as Next Thursday
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
Lynch: spaghetti
RE: Tropefia - A PYP - NIGHT -1 (Actual game start in about 6 days)
Ebwop Melonspa