Derelict Dreams

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Derelict Dreams
RE: Derelict Dreams
> Use keycard on door.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Before you open the door, does it look.... like something has tried beating it down from the INSIDE, or is that just cause it looks old?
RE: Derelict Dreams
[Diana]: Answer What a box bouncer is.

[Image: lJZ8GQl.png]
[Image: XlqnLEY.png]
[Image: 3P16ny0.png]

[Diana]: Mmm, Let's get some Pie.

[Image: Derelict%20Dreams%20img-314.gif]
[Image: Derelict-Dreams-img-314-2.png]
[Image: Derelict-Dreams-img-314-3.png]

[Image: Derelict-Dreams-img-314-4.png]
[Image: Derelict-Dreams-img-315-2.png]

[Diana]: Inspect door.

[Image: 1SofPkk.png]
[Image: 4ZocJ8L.png]

[Diana]: Use keycard on door.

[Image: KQy2iXY.png]

[Image: By00UAy.png]
[Image: nJFM9yQ.png] My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Just shuffle on to the right!
RE: Derelict Dreams
> go right
RE: Derelict Dreams
Try it again and punch the keys for cog's sake.

Try percussive maintenance.
RE: Derelict Dreams
What about those things across from the door? Are those boxes? With potential loot? If so, loot a few! You're going to need materials and items if you're gonna succeed!
RE: Derelict Dreams
[Diana]: Try percussive maintenance.

[Image: lP80F6X.gif]
[Image: qMrg9l5.png]

[Image: yoSEEWr.png]
[Image: iYltn5U.png]

[Diana]: Loot Boxes!

[Image: 7H5mNx8.gif]
[Image: 2zK0A1B.png]
[Image: pTp6qLg.png]

[Image: PsZppFh.png]
[Image: wIGSTHo.png]
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[Image: RzluR1M.png]

[Image: ADkkBT4.png]
[Image: qsayRQ1.png]
[Image: 0K2b7o8.png]

[Diana]: Just shuffle on to the right!

[Image: ee85fOj.gif]
[Image: 3kqf1UD.png]
[Image: BeBAa6A.png]

[Image: 1cAs19D.png]
[Image: zhgwmmn.png]
[Image: wxeMBh9.png] My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
GET ON AND GET OUT OF HERE! Punch Sweepy again if he tries to chase you.
RE: Derelict Dreams
> Use the lift
RE: Derelict Dreams
Guys I'll stall him with random chet-chat.

"Oh Robert your up, we thought you would sleep a little longer. We must say you can take a mech punch to the face pretty well. We think thats a good skill. Loads of people would pay to see a guy get punched in the face by mechs. In fact you should go on tour, you could make millions. They would call you, ROBERT THE IRON FACE!"
RE: Derelict Dreams
>Get on the lift.

"It's 5 in the afternoon, I've got drills for hair, a rock for a leg, an angry yard worker after my ass and a hyperactive blue midget with a viking hat riding shotgun in a four ton war machine. Let's roll."
RE: Derelict Dreams

"Come on come on come on WORK DAMMIT!"
RE: Derelict Dreams
im sorry guys, I might slow down for a little while now, as I have been going at a stunning rate with all this for a while. I gotta relax a little so I can get back to beefing out giant updates!

I hope you still love Derelict Dreams and continue to read it and command and comment! My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Take your time, Dex! I know I, for one, have been thoroughly enjoying this.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Dex, I will always love Derelict Dreams. So don't you worry.
RE: Derelict Dreams
take the lift quick quick!

dex <3
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Derelict Dreams
[Diana]: Use the lift!

[Image: sYqkVVm.png]
[Image: Qh14jZe.png]
[Image: gCqXj7O.png]

[Voice Lords]: Distract Robert!

[Image: JxYaPPN.gif]
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[Image: gPpVLs7.png]

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[Image: N9qCmBO.png]

[Image: mx5Lx8h.png]
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[Image: 4GgmYib.png]

[Image: IyvMyJa.png]
[Image: DsPCScy.png]
[Image: IBGbehN.png]

[Diana]: Use the lift properly!!

[Image: zFHuACp.png]
[Image: 3QYm9HB.png]

[Image: 9k149vL.png]
[Image: 0W9OeHW.png]

[Image: iVt8FTA.gif] My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Act Two (Or Intermission, whichever): BEGIN!
RE: Derelict Dreams
Dex, what happened? I thought you said you WOULDN'T update? Melonspa

RE: Derelict Dreams
If the next part is an intermission then.

>Focus on Robert. We are not done messing with him yet.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Yay! > Act One Part Two: Begin.
RE: Derelict Dreams
[Story]: Act one, Part two: Begin.

[Image: RHDtDaG.gif]

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[Image: B7upabC.gif]
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[Image: qvbjHUu.png]
[Image: UKvxHQc.png]

[Image: CqVoIU4.gif]
[Image: Lsw8ETr.png]

[Image: lcvh8ku.png]
[Image: VZdAVk2.png]

[Image: nKOxEh2.png]
[Image: ZunIIru.png] My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
>A guy who is loud, loves sacks, and is prejudiced to goblins.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Hey where's Cherrytop?

"Ahoy! Who might you be?"