A Different Realm [Done!]

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A Different Realm [Done!]
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by KingTwelveSixteen.

>Ball of light: Get bigger from all the people reading this adventure.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Goldude.

Ask Fairy what she recommends.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

I thought Fairy was a "he"?
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

Iyestorm Wrote:I thought Fairy was a "he"?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Fairy's a dude. :|
Re: OtherWorld
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

KittenEater Wrote:You ask Fairy how he knows English.
You then ask him about the surroundings and general area you have found yourself in.
As I see it, Fairy's a he
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.

Of course, now it'd be funny if it turns out he wasn't, and it was just an assumption.

...not saying this should happen.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

>Continue being a universe without any indigenous ladies
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Goldude.

Zaffa Wrote:
Iyestorm Wrote:I thought Fairy was a "he"?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Fairy's a dude. :|
Ask what gender Fairy is.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Fairy is a dude. You would be able to tell if he was a lady. Or a "chick", hurrhurrdurr

KingTwelveSixteen Wrote:>Ball of light: Get bigger from all the people reading this adventure.
[Image: 2qda7ig.png]
Whoah! The ball of light you summoned suddenly swells up to a ridiculous size.

[Image: swwcu9.png]
[Image: r7kwux.png]
[Image: r7kwux.png]
[Image: r7kwux.png]
"Fairy, I think this girl's meal is on the house. It seems she can wield her belief power as a weapon."

Coyote Wrote:Greet the goat eater.
[Image: 25rpic7.png]
You awkwardly wave hello.

[Image: rs54ys.png]
Chupacabra awkwardly waves back.

Zaffa Wrote:
Fakeimposter Wrote:Fairy: Explain this Realm's currency.
Also, bar. There's only two of you after all.
[Image: juacls.png]
You sit at the bar, and ask Fairy about the light spheres.
"Well, it's like this: I hear that there are places outside of Realm where there are more people. I haven't seen it, or met any of those people, though. And SOMEHOW, if they believe we exist, we get more power. Some of us don't get so much power, though, so we trade it around in exchange for food and stuff, get it? But maaaan, I haven't seen ANYONE with as much power as that!"
"Here's your menu, girly."
The Witch hands you a slip of paper.

[Image: wjxnbn.png]
"Ignore the prices, just pick something."

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm (otherworld durrhurr)
Originally posted on MSPA by Yamtaggler.

>Goat stew sounds good.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by zebtrestalala.

I think fairy might be hoping she goes for the tipsy juice...

Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Yamtaggler.

zebtrestalala Wrote:I think fairy might be hoping she goes for the tipsy juice...

If he is, I will end him. [img]images/smilies/pc_rancorous.gif[/img]
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.


>Hmm, let's go with the goat stew, might as well see what all the goat fuss is about! Why not some goat milk while you're at it? The tipsy juice seems...questionable.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

Bread sounds... Safe.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Goldude.

Get the bread meal.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Danfish77.

I have a feeling that "meal" in this case means a quantity of crushed grass or bread... like cornmeal. BUT I COULD BE WRONG!
Either way, go for soft breads and tipsy juice!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Gustave.

>Try some of the Boart Milk. Sounds exotic.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Iyestorm.


At least ask what "tipsy juice" is. It might not be what we're thinking it is at all.

...and, it might be a *really good idea* to ask how to control that ball of light. You don't want to accidentally hurt anybody.


...I get the feeling *you* wouldn't want to hurt anybody on purpose either.

Anyway, I'm thinking Soft Breads, Goat Stew, and Goat Milk as a default.

...Your eyes may be a little bigger than your stomach at the moment.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

Iyestorm Wrote:I'm thinking Soft Breads, Goat Stew, and Goat Milk as a default.
[Image: 29up1lz.png]
You order a bowl of goat stew and a glass of goat milk. Fairy orders some soft breads.

[Image: 2vwyzo2.png]
"Alright then! I'll get to work on that stew and the breads, and- ah, here's your milk."
A strange, transparent creature delivers your milk to you.

Iyestorm Wrote:ask how to control that ball of light. You don't want to accidentally hurt anybody.
[Image: ddjfpx.png]
You ask about controlling the ball of light you summoned.
"Oh, well mosta the time the just stay in place, wherever you think it to go, but that one got so big so quickly it musta caught you off guard. All you gotta do is concentrate on it, tell it where to go and what to do without actually saying it out loud. If you break the concentration, it disappears, see?

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

>That server...is that one of this realm's ghosts? Also, do thank Fairy for his politeness in so courteously answering all of your questions. He sure is an understanding guy!
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Zaffa.

Wow, Fairy must be a pretty patient guy, having to explain all this to you. Thank him, the ask about your server.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by tagonizer.

> Make small talk with the server. Ask him his story.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Practice with the light while waiting for the food. See if you can form shapes with it
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by KittenEater.

aimless-void Wrote:>That server...is that one of this realm's ghosts? Also, do thank Fairy for his politeness in so courteously answering all of your questions. He sure is an understanding guy!
[Image: rrthj4.png]
You thank Fairy for answering all of your questions so eagerly and honestly. You have another question now, though: What kind of creature was that transparent waiter? You play with a piece of light as you listen.
"Hahaa, no prob.... Oh, he was just a ghost. There's a lot of them around Realm, and the ones that have jobs all work as waiters and such. They love sharing things, you know. That's why they appear stitched up, because they are, they kinda share skin and body parts sometimes."

[Image: 2pouyhk.png]
"Here's your order! Goat stew for youuu, soft breads for youuuu."

[Image: eb7bjt.png]
The stew... it is dark brown and thick, with a steam rising off that smells strongly of meat... you can see delicate strips of the goat flesh swimming in the broth. Your more carnivorous senses are squealing in delight...

[Image: 2ily2yb.png]
But that doesn't matter because you just realized Fairy ordered cookies.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: A Different Realm
Originally posted on MSPA by Goldude.

Cookies are only for snacks. Eat your goatsoup. You can have cookies after.