Derelict Dreams

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Derelict Dreams
RE: Derelict Dreams
> Run him over
RE: Derelict Dreams
> Don't run him over

What do we know about workers here and their views on dump-inhabitants?
RE: Derelict Dreams
oh dex i love your adventuree


[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Derelict Dreams
[Diana]: Go around the worker to the south.

[Image: umOptjJ.png]
[Image: ZP43kRf.png]
[Image: V6vj0wO.png]
[Image: lh6PaHE.png]

[Image: epV3Sbt.png]
[Image: DkWIzes.png]
[Image: VQm8qpT.png]

[Voice Lords]: Take control and speak.

[Image: 7lLhgCE.png]
[Image: PL1CCPl.png]
[Image: DQgpcdc.png]

[Image: Et6MLAR.png]
[Image: sab2XTa.png]
[Image: 4hci10J.png]

[Diana]: Run him over.

[Image: uiX1cIN.png]
[Image: taXTGOA.png]

[Diana]: Don't run him over!

[Image: t39sDzc.gif]
[Image: QstPnIg.png] My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
.... That helmet looks pretty sturdy. Since Diplomacy won't work here, we must apply HOBO DIPLOMACY!

.... Meaning bop him on the head with your mech's fist and RUN. And while doing so... "SNEAK ATTACK!"
RE: Derelict Dreams
"Well I maybe speaking gibberish
But you are clearly mad~
For who else would approach an angry mech
With only a broom in hand~
I'll say it once
I'll say it twice
I'll say it three times more~
If I am speaking gibberish
Then you my friend are mad~"
RE: Derelict Dreams
> Push him down and run for it!
RE: Derelict Dreams
RE: Derelict Dreams
> Yeah, okay knock this guy down.

Have Cherrytop nab whatever keys he might have while you're at it
RE: Derelict Dreams
Well, if your strategy is to terrify the guy, I think it's working.

"Listen, Sweepy. Would you like to take the mech's place in the grinder? No? Then shut up and forget you ever saw me."
RE: Derelict Dreams
Threaten to run him over

"I suggest you run away and forget about seeing me, unless you want to be paste."
RE: Derelict Dreams
[Voice Lords]: Keep trying!

[Image: EZok9iR.png]
[Image: uyc8ndM.png]

[Image: DBaS4Kz.png]
[Image: fMZFepg.png]
[Image: mSdvQ2R.png]

[Image: 2zTFZeo.png]
[Image: PwWAo79.png]
[Image: iAEIiVf.png]

[Diana]: Bop him on the head!

[Diana]: Push him down and run for it!

[Diana]: Yeah, okay knock this guy down.

[Image: bUqzPpx.gif]
[Image: 2DkE8FD.png]

[Image: CGjprzk.gif]
[Image: 7qgJg1o.png]
[Image: u6z5ZeI.png]

[Image: YwvdKEy.png]
[Image: 6xGOLzV.png]
[Image: hmmytNl.png]

[Image: RwMPClz.png]
[Image: Cl4MhVW.png]
[Image: y6XQJHV.png]
[Image: eG4LDWh.png]

[Diana]: Have Cherrytop nab whatever keys he might have!

[Image: Ez8GRBz.gif]
[Image: gbSBTu3.png]
[Image: LZybghN.png]

[Image: PrxrjNj.gif]
[Image: qQHfiCh.png]
[Image: txCH9x4.png]
[Image: 4X9AceI.png]
[Image: A5BWOKa.png]

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[Image: 6ULHYUt.png]
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[Image: 0QCYPUH.png]

[Image: BeMYxtc.gif]
[Image: GzJTJZp.png]
[Image: K5XdUAL.png]

[Image: NLbdVqf.png]
[Image: r2FrSXI.png]

[Image: sOQ2hp7.png]
[Image: zNZu0Hn.png] My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Wow. That guy was almost as poor as you are and you're mugging him. Great job, hero.
RE: Derelict Dreams
>Give him back his money and take the broom and hat instead.

Oh and you should also

>Write loser in the dirt next to him.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Oooh, that may be true Burk, but we haven't checked the other pockets in it.

Credit card theft will get us much more Peda.

> check the other pockets in it
RE: Derelict Dreams
you should smear grimeborn slime all over his face to fix his nose
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Derelict Dreams
> Keep the money but give back the wallet. Then, to the elevator!
RE: Derelict Dreams
[Diana]: Wow. That guy was almost as poor as you are and you're mugging him. Great job, hero.

[Image: F8PXMtI.png]
[Image: pAlk5Eu.png]

[Diana]: check the other pockets in the wallet.

[Image: ZiyjsT1.png]
[Image: 1AnJTOV.png]

[Image: 51AuzXb.png]
[Image: YWAboNd.png]

[Image: 8zAR8bS.png]
[Image: CHtIDsr.png]

[Image: wjCyokk.png]
[Image: lgJPhME.png]

[Diana]: Keep the money but give back the wallet.

[Image: lHE2B5U.png]
[Image: va2ZpI8.png]
[Image: g4k7m5M.png]

[Diana]: Take the broom and hat!

[Image: 46kF6u0.png]
[Image: N1EyLzL.png]

[Image: rNKMMUv.png]
[Image: sCStTrt.png]
[Image: QNqcvZ9.png]

[Cherrytop]: You should smear grimeborn slime all over his face to fix his nose!

[Image: o5r1ppP.png]
[Image: fwt1tE0.png]

[Diana]: Write loser in the dirt next to him.

[Image: MZxxu6U.png]
[Image: hjZETCs.png] My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
Okie now let's keep goingg
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Derelict Dreams
> okay, that's enough, move on to the next area
RE: Derelict Dreams
Indeed. We have more important things to do than harass some poor schmuck with a minimum wage job.

Hope he has good insurance...

Onward! To hobotown and glory!
RE: Derelict Dreams
Guys I want to say goodbye to our good friend Robert. He did give us all this stuff.

"My dear Robert The Sweeper Man, It was a pleasure meeting you. But alas the time has come, and we must depart to greater things. We do so hope we meet you again. Cheerio!"
RE: Derelict Dreams
[Voice Lords]: Bid farewell to Robert.

[Image: WoFv6Wh.png]
[Image: wn4TTLN.png]

[Diana]: To the elevator!

[Image: oTcJ3KJ.png]
[Image: tvHlzrt.png]

[Image: iz2VJMA.png]
[Image: df9KBNZ.png] My website where I host my many stories. Come take a look. Stopping by the website at least daily helps a lot actually.
Patreon: My patreon, where you can contribute a little money each month to help me out. Every dollar helps immensely!
Terrene Spire (Animated Art Quest): Having recently awoken in the afterlife, an Orange Ghost sets out to explore...
-- Terrene Spire Discord Chat. Anyone is welcome! But be prepared to answer the IMMORTAL QUESTION! We're a friendly bunch so come on in!
-- Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Help fill out the trope page, give it some wiki love! Thank you all for your help.
RE: Derelict Dreams
> What's a box bouncer
RE: Derelict Dreams
>Mmm, Let's get some Pie.