Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed

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Cryptocracy Day 2 -- Axed
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
Kameron coughs violently. "THAT DID NOT TASTE LIKE PANCAKE AT ALL, but yes, I 'got it'."

He clears his throat. "But what kinda work are you talkin' about here?" Kameron smirks. This is his job.
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
Entilliumn slowly chews, coughs apologizes to both Bill and Kameron and clears his throat.
"You didn't have to get all stinky bad about this." He straightens up. "I'll help you with whatever. And besides, if Camille found out it would break her heart. So, I kind of don't want to know, but I'll bite... What work?"
He looks at Kameron, over to Camille, and then at the wall. He sighs and attempts his best at a smile. It isn't very believable. "I-I can't wait t-to get started" He sighs again.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
"I got some property that's gone missing and you seem like the kind of guy who seems good at finding things. You can tag along too I guess, but I'm only paying for the one job. I'll tell you more after the social." Bill glances around and takes another swig of syrup. "I've learned form experience that if you try to leave early the Reverend gets this really depressing pity face that makes you feel incredibly guilty and hate yourself for a week afterwards. Go try to enjoy the company, I've got breakfast to finish."

And with that Bill quaffs another pancake and attempts to disappear into the crowd.
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
"Jason, just take a seat, have a cucumber sandwich, and talk to some people. It's just about community spirit, really."
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
Kameron grabs Entillium by the shoulders and takes him to the side where the priest doesn't see them.

"Entillium, do you want to do this? Because I recommend you don't. Mostly because I have this thingamajig flasher and you don't", Kameron says, blatantly waving around his camera, "also, I can't really afford us sharing the pay for this. You already have a job anyway! I just need you to keep quiet about all sentences involving pancakes and Bill's pants okay buddy? Okay."

Kameron lets go of Entillium, gives him two quick pats on the back and then sneaks out of the church with three cucumber sandwiches in his hand and one still in his hand. He waves bye to Camille with food still in his mouth,"BYE CAMEEW, AWTHUM THANDFICHES!"
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
Entilliumn blinks twice. Kameron left before he could say anything, but he understood completely. No pancake business. He might even take it off the menu. He looks over to Camille, and gives her his best 'NO PROBLEM HERE' smile. He walks over to Ryan, determined. Very determined to get this out of his mind.
"Hey Ryan, what have you heard recently?"
He sits on a pew and listens to what he has to say.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
"Not much really. There's a new guy named Jack Johnson in town, although he doesn't seem to be here... come to think of it, Miss Rogider isn't here either..."
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1

An Automated Telegraph Message arrives to the governess/governoress/lady mayor's residence.
We heard that Bill Willes's Axe has been lost somewhere in the forest, and he is unable to remember how this happened. He might have been attacked by strange forces. The axe has a great historical value, so finding it is of high priority.

(I'll considered Granola's post about it as an action. Further day actions should be bolded in the thread, but if you come up with miniquests like this, you can PM them to me, and they'll arrive as a telegraph. The results of your actions will still only be displayed in the Day End post.)
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
(Okay I've been having trouble finding a way to play the characters personality as written with the job he got but I think I found a way, all I need now to actually participate is somebody who works with machines to explain what he's been doing/fixing so far and I don't just want to assume)
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
"Oh dear, it looks like I'll have to leave early to go deal with this. It's hard to believe how busy things can be in a town this small. I'm sorry Violet, I'll talk to you later, alright?"

Lilith hunts down Bill in the crowd and inquires as to whether or not he can tell her anything else about the axe or about the events leading up to its disappearance.
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
Winston gets up form his steat and goes over to Lilith

"Good to see you Lilith. Sorry for not responding to you earlier, I was too busy stuffing my face with sandwiches HAHAHA! Anyway before you go I would like to talk to you about that wooden statue I was making for you."

He starts to rub his neck.

"I don't think I got the face quite right... like at all. "
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
Kameron gets home, gets his gear and canvases the entire town, takes pictures of anything he finds suspicious.
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
(Come to me, I'm the mechanic after all. Whaddaya need from me, sescifipally?)
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
"Don't worry about it too much. The kid looks like he's all over it right now. If you do find something be sure to let me know. And dammit Winston I've told you before you need a soft wood like pine for those features, not that craggly oak you've been using!"
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
(I am an idiot. Posting tomorrow.)
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
"Do you have any idea what happened to them? I mean, if I were n-new to the town, I'd definitely go to a social gathering. No FUCKING hesitation... Sorry. The, uh, tourettes are acting up again. Sorry."

He walks away, looking around the room, looking for Mildred. After he spots her and picks her out, he goes up to her.

"Hey, Mildred, I didn't get my shipment of tomatoes a while back? What happened? No pressure, 'cause. You know, I don't assume it's easy what you're doing. But, y'know. I need them soon? Tomatoes are in plenty of my salads, and quite a bit of everything else... Could you send them over, ASAP? Or, as soon as it's good for you at least?" He smiles. Entilliumn doesn't like being seen as the bad guy.
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
John Holtfreter takes a plate of cucumber sandwiches, plate and food and all.

John Holtfreter takes his mop and bucket too.

John Holtfreter goes into the night, trailing behind a path of gross.
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
Aiden finally realizes what he was supposed to do while browsing the library and sits down in a quiet place to finally grade the papers. When he finishes, he realizes there's something wrong with them. He looks at one of them for a while before he realizes that the space where the name would go is gone!

"What the... that printing thing messed it up!" he grumbled to himself, "Or... I could have just forgotten to put name in the right place. Whoops." Aiden leaves the library and goes back to his house, wondering how he could figure out which paper is which. Not even one person had put their name on their paper!

"I guess I'll just post up the grades and they can figure out which grade corresponds to each person...," he muttered to himself as he walked into his house. He copied the grades from the papers onto a new sheet of paper in no particular order before exiting his house and posting the grades to the front of his door. The paper listed:
with a note at the bottom that said, "No names were written on the papers, so I don't know whose grade is whose."

Aiden looked at the paper and wondered who got the lower grades. It would probably be very embarrassing to get one displayed to everyone. He probably should have remembered which handwriting corresponds to which person...
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
((Wait, who does Aiden even teach? I don't think there are any children in this town.))
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
(Seeing as there are 17 grades, and 17 people not including the teacher is the amount of people in the town... So I'll just assume it's us.)
Quote:"I was once a man; who had a future. And I'm sure I had a past."
[Image: signaturejc.png]
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
((What was the test even about? I'm hoping I got a high mark...))

Ryan spots Aiden putting up a sign.

"Oh, the tests are in!"

He gets up to move, but hesitates, and then sits back down. He's fairly confident he did pretty well, so there's no rush, and he can check the results any time. He can't always talk to the whole town like he can right now.
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
((I assume we commute and trade with a nearby town. I don't think we can survive with a haberdasher but no tailor, or a gardener with no farmer))
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
(04-12-2013, 10:04 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »"Don't worry about it too much. The kid looks like he's all over it right now. If you do find something be sure to let me know. And dammit Winston I've told you before you need a soft wood like pine for those features, not that craggly oak you've been using!"

"Well alright then. Just let me know if either of you need any help sorting it out later. Kameron doesn't exactly seem like the, uh, most reliable sort, does he?"

"Hmm? Oh, sure Winston. How about we both stop by and look at it after the Tea Social wraps up?"
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
"Seems like things are going missing, I better go home and check" Harper mumbles to himself.

Harper slips out and heads home in a rush.
RE: Cryptocracy DAY 1
Current Actions Lists

Also who said only children can be teached~ (World's smallest evening school / university)
E: Three days ago I said you have three days until sunset, but I am lacking quite a lot of actions, hmm.