Oh God Why: Day Three: IT'S LOOOOOOSE (18/30)

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Oh God Why: Day Three: IT'S LOOOOOOSE (18/30)
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Ah! I'm not too late this time!

Vote: Dratini
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Don't mind me, just here to observe.

Bartender: fill 'er up (White Russian)
Bartender: fill 'er up (White Russian)
Bartender: fill 'er up (White Russian)
Bartender: fill 'er up (Shot of Baijiu)
Bartender: fill 'er up (Shot of Tequila)
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Vote: Btp

A Bellini? This isn't a bachelorette's party's brunch.

Bartender: Fill 'er up: Well Whiskey

I'm looking forward to a nice orderly game with no shenanigans.
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Vote: Amos

Round on me, guys.
Bartender: fill 'em all up: Surprise everyone
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
A Bellini is a FANTASTIC drink appropriate for any occasion! How dare you imply otherwise!

Splash drink on: Boogeyman

Also it may be the Btpellini talking, but Rin, I like the cut of your gib!

Unvote : Rin

All ya had to do was say hello! *wink*
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Bartender: fill 'er up (anything)
for everyone, please?
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Well, I suppose I'll take designated driver, since I'll have to drag all your sorry butts home after this is over.

Bartender: fill 'er up (Just water for me thanks)
Bartender: fill 'er up (A nice Martini, olives and all, for miss Slorange over there, tell her it's from Mirdini)

And while I'm here, I may as well Vote: PROFESSLOLRDZARD for not being a real person.
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
[b]bartender fill'er up[b] (the strongest thing ya got)
I shall be the drunk it is me.
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
ebwop: fixed tags
bartender fill'er up (the strongest thing ya got)
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Vote: Schazer

wheat please tell me you've got some tea out back
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
[color]Vote: Pharas (Rin)[/color]

Bartender: fill 'er up

hahahaha i'm drunk already
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Hah! I don't trust shady drinks like that. I brought my own. *drinks from hipflask*

Vote: Sruixan for trying to drink TEA in this fine establishment (in which I don't drink)
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
hello everyone i am a huge tool
[Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif][Image: tumblr_mk1k02xkyr1qfnp4zo4_250.gif]
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
(04-03-2013, 11:16 AM)beruru Wrote: »hello everyone i am a huge tool

Bartender: fill 'er up: beruru

because I could really go for a screwdriver right now

Vote: Beruru for trying to be my drink! Get out of there beruru. I can't consume human beings like you think I can.
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Yeah, while you were all focusing on Murderdini, what about the other one? You know, Vote: PROFESSLOLRDZARD? Yeah, that's who we should be watching out for.

Also, I'm thirsty. Bartender: fill 'er up (Shirley Temple)
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Bartender: Fill'er up (White Russian mixed with Tequila and then set the cup on fire while simultaneously dropping gummy-bears into the cup)
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Bartender: fill 'er up (Skittles Vodka)

[Image: billed2.jpg]
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Wow the house doesn't stock any ale, you call these drinks manly

Bartender: fill 'er up: (William Wallace. That's a beer. Ale-est beer can think of.)

And woo random votes go

Vote: Sruix because I feel out-British'd at times.
And I still owe him for that pipe incident.
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
oh hey this game started

RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
How dare you GX where will we get our drinks if we just off the bartender right from the getgo?
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Bartender: fill 'er up (a pint of your best ale)

vote genetiX for trying to off the most valuable one here
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
I'm not old enough to legally drink in the US yet

Also I'm jetlagged as all hell, and exhausted, and very likely to pull a malky in irc aat some point

RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
Bartender: Fill 'er up (A mix of every wine you have)
VOTE: ICan'tGiveCredit because you wanted to drink a person.
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
(04-03-2013, 11:56 PM)Reecer6 Wrote: »I WAS GOING TO BE ON THIS WHEN IT STARTED AGGHHHH
Bartender: Fill 'er up (A mix of every wine you have)
VOTE: ICan'tGiveCredit because you wanted to drink a person.

Ah, but in Toasteria, humans are a delicacy! Reecer, being a peanut butter candy, you'd never understand.

Fill'er up: another cup of human flesh drowned with Reecer's peanut-flavoured soul
RE: Oh God Why: A Clusterfuck, By Paranoia - DAY ONE: MAFTRIMONIAL MAYHEM (30/30)
(04-03-2013, 09:01 PM)GenetiXientist Wrote: »I'm not old enough to legally drink in the US yet

well infants can't chew steak but you don't see me banning MANLY MEN from eating steak HUH PUNK
[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch