You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down

You have 16 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> Oh good, that worked out. Excellent.

> Sarah, go to C5 and attack either one of the two wolves in the pair.

> Dave, hatchet the one currently at B6, you have a clear shot at point blank range.

> ...Sarah may take a hit with this plan though, any better ideas?
I write reviews on video games, and other various things, so if you're into that sorta thing, please consider checking out my site, East Side Port.

RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
>We could possibly use the new Dual Tech, as it hits targets around the first target, but otherwise, not really. Being ambushed has put us kinda off our game.
Don't look at me. I'm just as confused by the bear as you people are...
RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(05-13-2017, 03:33 PM)Derelict Wrote: »> Oh good, that worked out. Excellent.

> Sarah, go to C5 and attack either one of the two wolves in the pair.

> Dave, hatchet the one currently at B6, you have a clear shot at point blank range.

> ...Sarah may take a hit with this plan though, any better ideas?
(05-14-2017, 11:11 PM)infuriatingCrimson Wrote: »>We could possibly use the new Dual Tech, as it hits targets around the first target, but otherwise, not really. Being ambushed has put us kinda off our game.

{Forest Battle - Splendid Force}

You duck away a bit, bringing you closer to the pair of wolves that didn't get to attack yet, and bash one of them across the muzzle with your staff. At the same time, Dave throws a hatchet at the one that just tried to scratch you. Your target retaliates with a swipe you don't manage to dodge and catches you in the arm; the other two wolves descend on Dave, one biting unsuccessfully for his ankle while the other claws him in the side.

[Image: pJrPa7M.png]

You could hit all three of them with an Ether Hatchet maybe, if you or Dave lured that last one closer to the other two--as long as you can make sure neither of you get caught in the explosion blast thing...


Date: 1/8
Time: About one quarter

Status & Inventory:

1626 Cole

Location: Nearby Forest - Wolf Territory

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info

RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
Oh, god, sorry. Been a while, I'm right in the middle of exams.

> Dave can go backwards to D7, luring the top wolf closer, then use Ether Hatchet.

> Sarah, you're a magician's apprentice. If you can't survive a simple magical attack of your own creation, I have no words. Either that or run up to C4 quickly to avoid it.
I write reviews on video games, and other various things, so if you're into that sorta thing, please consider checking out my site, East Side Port.

RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(06-10-2017, 06:51 AM)Derelict Wrote: »> Dave can go backwards to D7, luring the top wolf closer, then use Ether Hatchet.

> Sarah, you're a magician's apprentice. If you can't survive a simple magical attack of your own creation, I have no words. Either that or run up to C4 quickly to avoid it.

{Forest Battle - Splendid Force}

Dave moves into a corner while you duck away in the opposite direction. All three wolves seem intent on biting his face off now. "Sarah! Thing!"

[Image: 5Zrt3UX.png]

"Wha--but you'll get hit by it!" you protest.
"Better'n eaten by wolves!" You can't fault that logic, or at any rate you don't have time to. You get your shot together as quickly as you can, and the attack explodes on the middle Wolf, taking it and the one on your side out. Dave gets some burns from the explosion, but on the plus side he has survived. Just one fairly badly injured wolf left, now, and of course it tries (but fails!) to bite him.

[Image: rJfcATD.png]


Date: 1/8
Time: About one quarter

Status & Inventory:

1626 Cole

Location: Nearby Forest - Wolf Territory

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info

RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
I will forewarn you, I myself am having a small hiatus from the online world just for the last two weeks of exams, so I may vanish for a while sometime in the middle of this week, but I'll be back by the 29th or around then.

> Shit, that's not as powerful as expected. Damn durable wolves. Dave, Hatchet Throw diagonally at it. If that doesn't kill it, head to B6, lure it over to you, and Sarah, finish it off with Ether Light.

> Looks like these battles are going to get more strategic from now on. Sarah, are there any ways for you to learn new skills? Like hitting things with your staff for physical damage? Or healing, that would be excellent.
I write reviews on video games, and other various things, so if you're into that sorta thing, please consider checking out my site, East Side Port.

RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(06-11-2017, 08:35 PM)Derelict Wrote: »> Shit, that's not as powerful as expected. Damn durable wolves. Dave, Hatchet Throw diagonally at it. If that doesn't kill it, head to B6, lure it over to you, and Sarah, finish it off with Ether Light.

> Looks like these battles are going to get more strategic from now on. Sarah, are there any ways for you to learn new skills? Like hitting things with your staff for physical damage? Or healing, that would be excellent.

Dave throws his hatchet at point-blank range, and it connects. The last wolf finally goes down.

You find some more fur (Wolf Fur x2) and a few teeth (Wolf Tooth x3) from these wolves.

"Haah...phew. Sorry, I wasn't careful enough," says Dave. "Really should've heard those guys coming.
"It's really not your fault," you say. He seems slightly tired after all that.

You wonder if there's some way you could be more helpful in battle. At a time like this, the words of your Master come back to you:
"Sarah, other people use things like special techniques or magic powers to fight. But an alchemist's strongest weapon is the items she makes herself! Never forget that."
What followed was an argument because she still wasn't acutally letting you make anything yourself at the time, after which she decided to teach you Ether Light. You know you need to turn in some salves for the assignment, but in absence of other ways to heal wounds it might not be a bad idea to take some with you next time. And, if you could just get good enough to make bombs, that would be a great way to hurt monsters without tiring yourself out as much.

For now, you need to decide what to do with the rest of today.


Date: 1/8
Time: About one quarter

Status & Inventory:

1626 Cole

Location: Nearby Forest - Wolf Territory

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info

RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> Search for items, that would be a good thing to do.

> Head into the deepest part of the forest you feel comfortable with to do so. We need rare stuff to make better items!
I write reviews on video games, and other various things, so if you're into that sorta thing, please consider checking out my site, East Side Port.

RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(06-30-2017, 06:42 AM)Derelict Wrote: »> Search for items, that would be a good thing to do.

> Head into the deepest part of the forest you feel comfortable with to do so. We need rare stuff to make better items!

{Exploring Forest - Into the Thick of It}

You search the Wolf Territory for more ingredients. You stumble upon a big patch of magic grass and take a bunch of it, leaving enough that it'll hopefully grow back even more (+6 Magic Grass). You also find a few more stray bits of wood and cocoa beans (+2 Wood Chips, +2 Cocoa Beans). Overall it's been a pretty productive morning since the ambush, and you seem to have avoided catching the attention of any more wolf monsters since then--or it could be that they know you killed three of them, and don't feel like challenging someone capable of that. Puni seem a lot less common around here, which makes sense considering the abundance of wolves. Your basket's a little more than half full now.


Date: 1/8
Time: About one half

Status & Inventory:

1626 Cole

Location: Nearby Forest - Wolf Territory

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info
RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> Hm. Well, we fought some things and got some items. Basically a good morning all round. How about we head back now?

> We have a lot of money too. Is Miranda's fee for joining a one-time thing? If so, may as well hire her. That way we can strike deeper into the forest.
I write reviews on video games, and other various things, so if you're into that sorta thing, please consider checking out my site, East Side Port.

RE: You have 24 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(07-05-2017, 08:06 PM)Derelict Wrote: »> Hm. Well, we fought some things and got some items. Basically a good morning all round. How about we head back now?

> We have a lot of money too. Is Miranda's fee for joining a one-time thing? If so, may as well hire her. That way we can strike deeper into the forest.

You decide to head back to town; both of you are a little injured and tired by now, anyway. Miranda's asking 500 Cole a day, which is still really steep, but you guess you could hire her for just a day or two to take out that alpha wolf you saw. Maybe..the weird girl who yelled about science could help out there for a little cheaper? You'd have to apologize for more or less abandoning her the other day first, though. For now, you stow everything out of the basket and get a good night's sleep.

Another morning now. You've got a couple of requests done you could turn in now: You and Dave managed to take out five wolves over the last trip, and you've got 5 wood chips. You could also try making a healing paste first and turn them all in at once if you wanted to.


Date: 1/9
Time: Dawn

Status & Inventory:

1626 Cole

Location: Syzygy - Sarah's Workshop

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info
RE: You have 23 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> Let's try making that healing paste first.
RE: You have 23 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(Make out of what? There are multiple choices for what Fuel to use (see the "inventory screen" spreadsheet linked at the bottom of above post))
RE: You have 23 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(( ah, i didnt see that! make the fuel out of woodchipd then please vuv ))
RE: You have 23 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(07-09-2017, 11:08 PM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »> Let's try making that healing paste first.

You make a healing paste. It's not as hard as making a bomb, and when you're through you think the result looks pretty okay. Not perfect, but not bad at all. (-1 Supplement, -1 Magic Grass, -1 Wood Chip; +1 Healing Paste (3 Uses))

Now you've got enough to turn in all three of your requests and see whatever other requests Stahl has available.


Date: 1/9
Time: About Three quarters

Status & Inventory:

1626 Cole

Location: Syzygy - Sarah's Workshop

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info

RE: You have 23 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
oh ok, coolio!
> let's go and turn those requests in, and check what else we can do!
RE: You have 23 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
Turn in all the requests then shout "GIMME REWARDS" in every instance
RE: You have 23 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(07-14-2017, 03:00 AM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »oh ok, coolio!
> let's go and turn those requests in, and check what else we can do!
(07-18-2017, 09:03 AM)Mayu_Zane Wrote: »Turn in all the requests then shout "GIMME REWARDS" in every instance

You head back to the castle to turn in your work on the requests, and see about maybe getting some new ones. Stahl's expression seems as neutral-sour as ever, but you get the slightest vibe of approval from him while he hears your report on the wolves and accepts the items (-5 Wood Chips, -1 Healing Paste, +1550 Cole).

"Here are the requests available for you today." Stahl adjusts his glasses. "Don't forget about your assignment; it doesn't seem like you've turned anything in for that yet."

  1. Bring 1 Ingot by 1/30 - 300 Cole
  2. Slay Alpha Wolf by 2/5 - 1000 Cole
  3. Bring 2 Potato Soup by 1/28 - 400 Cole
  4. (From Hazel Tethel) Bring Milk Chocolate x 3 by 1/27 - 750 Cole
  5. Bring 3 Polish Powder by 1/20 - 400 Cole

In what feels to you like a stroke of bad luck, all of these require you to either spend time making something or..kill that giant wolf you saw the other day, which doesn't seem likely at your current level of strength. Still, some of them might be worthwhile. Even if not, you should have enough now to buy some needed materials instead of having to go out looking for them.


Date: 1/9
Time: About Three quarters

Status & Inventory:

3176 Cole

Location: Syzygy - Sarah's Workshop

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info

RE: You have 21 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> Let's accept the milk chocolate request, buy three milk and three colosal apples from the Grocers.

> We should also use wood chips as fuel so we can make healing paste for ourselves.
RE: You have 21 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> Slaying the alpha wolf might have more positive ramifications, now that I think about it. If we can defeat it, we'll be hailed as heroes and might be able to recruit a wider range of people who want to work with us. And if we can make it there in one day, Miranda's fee will only be 500 Cole, which we can afford to pay.

> But for now, buy the things. Then maybe relax and recover. It's been a difficult day, what with all the combat recently.
I write reviews on video games, and other various things, so if you're into that sorta thing, please consider checking out my site, East Side Port.

RE: You have 21 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(07-20-2017, 09:16 PM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »> Let's accept the milk chocolate request, buy three milk and three colosal apples from the Grocers.

> We should also use wood chips as fuel so we can make healing paste for ourselves.
(07-28-2017, 08:00 AM)Derelict Wrote: »> Slaying the alpha wolf might have more positive ramifications, now that I think about it. If we can defeat it, we'll be hailed as heroes and might be able to recruit a wider range of people who want to work with us. And if we can make it there in one day, Miranda's fee will only be 500 Cole, which we can afford to pay.

> But for now, buy the things. Then maybe relax and recover. It's been a difficult day, what with all the combat recently.

You take just Hazel's request for now; even though they get taken all the time you get the feeling people aren't going to be as eager to jump at that alpha wolf quest as the others, so you leave it be.

On the way back, you stop by the grocery store to get some milk and apples to hopefully use for the chocolates. It occurs to you that of course she would make a request that required you to buy at least some ingredients from her store, but you need the experience making stuff anyway. (-210 Cole, + 3 Colseit Apple, +3 Milk)

You notice Dave across the way while you're on your way back home. He's dragging his feet like he's exhausted and on closer inspection he seems pretty sweaty too. Maybe his dad was having him do some work or something? You leave him alone for now, but if you want to ask him about it later you can.

Once you're at home, you put your purchases away and take the rest of the day off, sitting around and doing some reading. You feel a little better the next morning.


Date: 1/10
Time: Dawn

Status & Inventory:

2966 Cole

Location: Syzygy - Sarah's Workshop

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info
RE: You have 20 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> A new day for a new adventure! adventure in cooking, that is. Go over your recipe book. How are we going to make chocolate, and what ingredients will we most likely need? We bought some, but we'll probably need a few more.

> First guess is [Sweet] + [Milk] + Cocoa Beans. That should be all, right?
I write reviews on video games, and other various things, so if you're into that sorta thing, please consider checking out my site, East Side Port.

RE: You have 20 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(07-31-2017, 05:12 PM)Derelict Wrote: »> A new day for a new adventure! adventure in cooking, that is. Go over your recipe book. How are we going to make chocolate, and what ingredients will we most likely need? We bought some, but we'll probably need a few more.

> First guess is [Sweet] + [Milk] + Cocoa Beans. That should be all, right?

Since you bought the milk and apples specifically for it yesterday, you decide to go ahead and use both with one of those cocoa beans and make one sample of the chocolate, as a bit of a test run. It's not nearly as hard as making the bomb was, and the challenge is just enough to be almost exciting without being too stressful. At the end of it, you have what seems to be some decent-quality chocolate. (-1 Milk, -1 Colseit Apple, -1 Cocoa Beans, +1 Milk Chocolate (2 Uses))

You feel reasonably confident you could make the other two for Hazel's request right now if you wanted to.


Date: 1/10
Time: About half

Status & Inventory:

2966 Cole

Location: Syzygy - Sarah's Workshop

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info

RE: You have 20 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
> Might as well do the other two for Hazel's request!
RE: You have 20 Days Until Your Place of Business is Shut Down
(12-09-2017, 04:06 AM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »> Might as well do the other two for Hazel's request!

You go ahead and make the other two, since you've got some momentum going. It takes you the rest of the day to make the first one, and then you make the second first thing the next morning. It feels like you're starting to understand alchemy a little bit better now, maybe. (-2 Milk, -2 Colseit Apple, -2 Cocoa Beans, +2 Milk Chocolate (2 Uses each))

Further Information: Usable items
As has been mentioned before, usable items come with a specific number of uses each. For example, a single Healing Paste can be used anywhere from 1 to 5 times depending on its quality, and a Milk Chocolate has enough to be used twice. A partially-used item can be turned in for a request or assignment, but the recipient will see its quality as significantly inferior to a whole, unused one. Usable items can have all kinds of effects, from healing health or energy of the target(s) to granting various buffs to hurting monsters with physical or various kinds of elemental damage.

Because each individual usable item has a distinct level of quality and number of uses, each is displayed separately in inventory instead of the total quantity of them being displayed in a single slot.


Date: 1/11
Time: About half

Status & Inventory:

2966 Cole

Location: Syzygy - Sarah's Workshop

Character Status:

Dual Techs:

All other info
