
RE: Reforge
(06-17-2017, 02:39 AM)frostward Wrote: »Imagine a creepy clown as your answer to green sleeves.
[Image: AqmSjIL.png]
?????: Maybe I'd wake up if I saw like. A creepy clown?
'Greensleeves': What's a clown?
?????: Not sure. Some sort of exotic fruit maybe?
'Greensleeves': But... creepy?
?????: It could have an evil face.
'Greensleeves': An evil face.
?????: Yeah.
?????: Come ON, you're me, how come you get to look down on my ideas!?
'Greensleeves': Just calling it like I see it, dude.

[Image: FlcEOmE.png]
'Greensleeves': That was kind of a useful answer, though. So you'd wake up if something scared you, you think?
?????: Sure?
?????: Wait- Do you hear that?
'Greensleeves': Hey.
'Greensleeves': Buddy.

[Image: yuuWBSh.png]

[Image: slGLdu1.png]
You are now awake.

[Image: W8UQoZW.png]
Oh. Guess that explains that then.

[Image: eLz5l18.png]

[Image: DaTLn3Y.png]
Back across the ocean...

[Image: aTgXeH4.png]

[Image: nW00OTf.gif]

[Image: DbKo2QO.png]

[Image: nW00OTf.gif]

RE: Reforge
Ask Aeron to jump the wall
RE: Reforge
(06-22-2017, 09:46 AM)frostward Wrote: »Ask Aeron to jump the wall
[Image: IbKKhh4.png]

[Image: Ri1XOn1.png]

[Image: vzhE3gP.png]

[Image: uKzijH1.png]

[Image: O2eiaol.png]

[Image: ibULTyE.png]

[Image: TkCvtuu.png]
RE: Reforge
>Give them a firm poke.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Reforge
Remember that the blue lady managed to lose sight of you even though she looked right at you and Donella.
RE: Reforge
(06-24-2017, 10:25 PM)SirBlizz98 Wrote: »>Give them a firm poke.
[Image: q92vE9X.png]

[Image: uxXr81J.png]
Guard: WARGH!

(06-27-2017, 12:05 AM)frostward Wrote: »Remember that the blue lady managed to lose sight of you even though she looked right at you and Donella.
[Image: oWuMiD6.png]
Guard: ...bro. What are you even doing.
Guard: I- I thought I felt- ehhhhh?
Guard: Look I don't know, okay? I'm just kind of on edge over here I guess!

Guard: You're a fuckin' mess bro.
RE: Reforge
Utilize Morse code
RE: Reforge
Write on the wall, with scratches or something, like a ghost.
RE: Reforge
(06-29-2017, 03:35 AM)Swirly Wrote: »Utilize Morse code
[Image: WbmVJsx.png]
Guard: Can you blame me with that- THING- out there? I think a huge glowing tower showing up in the valley is a pretty good reason to be freaking out!
Guard: It-
Guard: And shouldn't the scouts have come back by now? Is everyone we sent just DEAD?
Guard: Bro-
Guard: And what DID this? Why? What did it even do!? It's obviously some spirit but nobody's telling us which one or anything about it- do they not know or-


(06-30-2017, 10:36 AM)frostward Wrote: »Write on the wall, with scratches or something, like a ghost.
[Image: UjGl6tr.png]
Guard: Bro. Deep breath. Okay. Can we, right now, do anything about this that we aren't already doing?
Guard: ...
Guard: No.

Guard: No, we can't.
Guard: I just-
Guard: Wait. What's-


[Image: yCcfpFr.png]
Guard: ...that's not how ghosts work.

RE: Reforge
"Open Gate"
RE: Reforge
Definitely finish the word HELP before they decide it means HELL. Write "INVISIBLE, OPEN GATE?"

If you're more artsy or that doesn't fit, draw a ghost, cross it out, draw an eye and cross it out, draw an ear and cross it out, then draw an open gate. Clearly they will understand.
RE: Reforge
(07-02-2017, 10:18 PM)frostward Wrote: »"Open Gate"
(07-02-2017, 10:20 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Definitely finish the word HELP before they decide it means HELL. Write "INVISIBLE, OPEN GATE?" If you're more artsy or that doesn't fit, draw a ghost, cross it out, draw an eye and cross it out, draw an ear and cross it out, then draw an open gate. Clearly they will understand.
[Image: tEzGkNl.png]

[Image: qrC4XG7.gif]
Guard: There's more words happening! Get a better angle, I can't see it!
Guard: Hold on. Let me try something.

[Image: ZBtvaeT.png]
Guard: Nothing? That doesn't...
Guard: Did you find it? With your light stuff? Do you know where it oh my gods it's TALKING TO US WHAT DO WE DO
Guard: Okay, hold up.
Guard: And get off, please.


[Image: EFqIMPN.png]
Guard: Go get Marie and tell her what's going on.
Guard: Wait- do you need- like- uh-
Guard: It'll be fine, just go.

[Image: ZTmcQnL.png]
Guard: Aright. Now. Whatever's here with me, I'm going to need some answers.
Guard: Even if I had the authority to open this gate I wouldn't do it for some unknown entity that, for some ungodly fuckin' reason, despite being apparently invisible, doesn't even read as concealed to my magic.
Guard: I’d love to 'help', but I need more to go on here. And I need a reason to trust you.


Meanwhile (for real this time),
[Image: Ux0eTMF.png]

What will either of you do?
RE: Reforge
>Donella: Prod the suspiciously flaring magical item.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Reforge
if he doesn't have answers, NOT NOTICE? LARGE POWER?


Leave your sword on the ground and walk away from it.

Donella: (while still holding up the jar), you sure do hope that the nice people will see you waiting and let you in. Really truly.
You might also hope this jar stops doing whatever thing it's doing. While you're at it, think about how cool it is when magic items do not explode.
If hoping somehow does not fix your problems, you might want to carefully set the jar down and go to a safe distance.
RE: Reforge
(07-10-2017, 03:51 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Leave your sword on the ground and walk away from it.
[Image: 8frv7SL.png]
Guard: Is anyone still... there?
(07-10-2017, 09:24 AM)SirBlizz98 Wrote: »>Donella: Prod the suspiciously flaring magical item.
[Image: cP4QCqB.gif]

[Image: 9cTKuPG.png]

(07-10-2017, 03:51 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Donella: (while still holding up the jar), you sure do hope that the nice people will see you waiting and let you in. Really truly.
You might also hope this jar stops doing whatever thing it's doing. While you're at it, think about how cool it is when magic items do not explode.
[Image: u0Gr15I.png]
The guard inhales sharply.
Wait, can he-

[Image: roBAyVB.png]

[Image: 3R59WiG.png]
It is several minutes later.

You're about to meet with the vizier, get some answers, and get this situation under control.
As your father's right hand, or more accurately his mouthpiece, your vizier is technically responsible for acting in his absence. But make no mistake. You're in charge here.

You are authority by right of birth. Since entering Teneogris, what have you done, and what have you ordered to be done?
RE: Reforge
oh aeron's name is aeron and she is a woman. good to know.

Hopefully you have ordered those that saw either you or Aeron to not spread word of your presence. You wouldn't want to attract danger to your town directly, should any Cursed Ones hear a rumor. You've also ordered that Aeron gets first aid. As far as protecting the city goes, that's much faster to arrange in court.
RE: Reforge
(07-23-2017, 09:42 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Hopefully you have ordered those that saw either you or Aeron to not spread word of your presence. You wouldn't want to attract danger to your town directly, should any Cursed Ones hear a rumor. You've also ordered that Aeron gets first aid. As far as protecting the city goes, that's much faster to arrange in court.
[Image: jGojIO2.png]
You tried to act discreetly, on the basis that the fewer people knew where you were, the more difficult it would be for the Cursed Ones to track you. Rather than using the gate, you arranged for an Air user on the wall to lift you up to the top.

[Image: TJLeBPr.png]
You kept the number of those who saw you to a minimum, and swore those who did to utmost secrecy. They provided concealing cloaks for Aeron and yourself so as to hide your identity from passers by.

[Image: 7azKbwc.png]
Before descending into the city proper you, of course, also obtained healing for Aeron through one of the guard's medimages. It turned out that while her injuries could be patched quickly with magic, it would require more time to make sure that they were properly and permanently fixed. Far more time than you were comfortable with waiting around for.

Did you press ahead and leave Aeron in the care of the city's guard? Did you opt for a faster patch job in order to keep her with you? Or were you willing, after all, to wait through the full process?

RE: Reforge
Can we hire out a healer or something? We should be able to arrange transportation for them back to the city when they're done.
Alternatively, would a day be long enough? In that case, waiting might be ok, the city is clearly not their first priority, or it would have already been attacked. You definitely need to talk to the vizier asap...

Donella should wait a couple hours, I suppose. If nothing else so that Aeron has the chance to tell Donella about what happened atop the wall and they can make connections between their experiences with not being remembered and the jar.
RE: Reforge
(07-31-2017, 04:36 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Can we hire out a healer or something? We should be able to arrange transportation for them back to the city when they're done.
Alternatively, would a day be long enough? In that case, waiting might be ok, the city is clearly not their first priority, or it would have already been attacked. You definitely need to talk to the vizier asap...

Donella should wait a couple hours, I suppose.
It wouldn't take that long, it's just not a matter of snapping one's fingers, either. The human body is complex, and the consequences of incorrect or abstracted visualization during healing can be... severe. As such, serious magical healing is usually augmented with physical medicine and surgery.

You all moved into one of the wall's towers while the healer worked.

[Image: BH6ntAn.png]
After what seemed like an eternity, it was finished- it's as though Aeron was never hurt at all.

(07-31-2017, 04:36 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »If nothing else so that Aeron has the chance to tell Donella about what happened atop the wall and they can make connections between their experiences with not being remembered and the jar.
[Image: AH7V0c9.png]
Afterwards, Aeron obtained some guard's mail and a cloak of her own while the two of you shared your experiences whilst separated.

Neither of you were sure what the jar actually is, but you began to get a sense of what its capabilities- and limits- might be. You acknowledged how powerful it appears to be but suggested that it is used as a last resort. You don't know what exactly happened when you tried to touch it, but that only reinforces your confidence that the jar is dangerous.

[Image: VMhLBMK.png]
After that, you resolved to approach the vizier directly and immediately. Staying and waiting while Aeron was healed was troubling, but you're glad you did it. Now more than ever, you'll need Aeron's support.

Whatever comes, you'll face it together.

[Image: 7cNaAPA.png]

[Image: sojWx1Q.png]
No one bothered you as you proceed through the streets of Teneogris. The few whom you passed in the streets appeared preoccupied with the strange events of the day. The air hummed with tension and anxiety.

While you were not remarked upon on the main roads, no ordinary citizen could tread where you were going.

[Image: RQl2pqX.png]
Gates and guards proved negligible trouble to you, however- you had all the proof of identity you needed.

And so, you reached the inner sanctum of the Edisons' vizier with little issue. As you made formal greetings, however, a few more questions press on your mind.

How much contact have you had with the vizier in the past? How well do you know them? And how much do you trust them?
RE: Reforge
Recount the memories of the vizier or the lack there of.
RE: Reforge
The vizier isn't the most servile, but isn't rebellious either. Most of your experiences with them have been while your father was giving you practice in managing a court.
RE: Reforge
(08-14-2017, 10:42 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »The vizier isn't the most servile, but isn't rebellious either. Most of your experiences with them have been while your father was giving you practice in managing a court.
[Image: nAGxMZM.png]
You consider what you know of the vizier's character as they lead you into their inner sanctum.

[Image: SU0PKaa.png]
Most notably, you know that they do not merely enact your father's wishes but, in private, are willing to question and advise on his commands. You believe that they are trustworthy, however, as it is their decades of service to your family that cause your father to respect them and their thoughts so highly. Although strong-willed, the vizier has never committed the slightest insubordination.

(08-14-2017, 11:19 AM)frostward Wrote: »Recount the memories of the vizier or the lack there of.
[Image: O5OB6KK.png]
You have had few interactions with your vizier, as they are ordinarily preoccupied with day-to-day management of the city and of the lower bureaucracy. There have been a few instances over the years in which you crossed paths with them while managing the court. They left quite an impression, teaching you much about the politics of the Edison court as well as a few nasty secrets your future underlings had hidden away.

They are cunning and experienced. You believe that you can not only trust them not to betray you but trust their advice to be of great help.

[Image: HN7NYlB.png]
Vizier: It is immeasurably gladdening to see that you are alive, Firstborn.
Donella: The city appears unharmed. What's happened? What have you seen?

[Image: jYZv3wK.png]
Vizier: The events of this morning have been, needless to say, worrying. The city is on high alert.
Vizier: All that we have seen is... mmm... an unimaginable surge of magic a few hours past heralding the emergence of that tower. Nothing more out of the ordinary has occurred, and our scouts are yet to return.
Vizier: Though doubtlessly this is the work of some potent spirit, we know not which, nor why, nor how... mmm...

Vizier: You may have seen a little more though, yes? By the look of things the tower has grown from the spot hosting the castlab... I believe that you were there at the time of the incident?

[Image: Pmt8J0u.png]
The vizier leans forward intently.
Vizier: Were you present at the actual inciting event? Do you know the cause of these happenings? What have you seen?

You are fairly confident in the vizier's loyalty, but... there are some things that you might prefer not to share. The fact that this is all kind of your fault sticks out in your mind. Of course, if you leave that out, your whole story might have some holes- you might have to fabricate elements of where you were, how the book was found, who actually wrote in the thing... but despite that, maybe it would be better than actually telling the whole truth? You would really rather people not know??

What will you share about the events directly surrounding WOBNIAR's summoning?
RE: Reforge
However you explain it, do not say "WOBNIAR". Spell it, say that it's rainbow backwards, anything else to communicate the name. Just having it written in a book was enough to summon Wobniar's servants, so saying the name might call their attention.

Tell that your father had a spell on the book, and all details you remember from the book. Wobniar was sealed there. A historian may know what was capable of defeating Wobniar and his servants.

As for your story...I don't think it's possible to escape that someone in the room is at fault. It's not like the castlab was full of people. Regardless, it's somewhat likely that the book had some sort of effect on the reader to make them want to fill in those letters.
RE: Reforge
(08-20-2017, 05:57 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »However you explain it, do not say "WOBNIAR". Spell it, say that it's rainbow backwards, anything else to communicate the name. Just having it written in a book was enough to summon Wobniar's servants, so saying the name might call their attention.

Well obviously you won’t speak its name! You never would have written it if you hadn’t been bewitched or bamboozled or whatever!
Any child knows not to invoke a spirit in vain.
[Image: meYD7QO.png]
The image of god is god itself.

(08-20-2017, 05:57 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Tell that your father had a spell on the book, and all details you remember from the book. Wobniar was sealed there. A historian may know what was capable of defeating Wobniar and his servants.

As for your story...I don't think it's possible to escape that someone in the room is at fault. It's not like the castlab was full of people. Regardless, it's somewhat likely that the book had some sort of effect on the reader to make them want to fill in those letters.
[Image: f5wBVaP.png]
Donnella: There was a book in the library that I happened upon. It seemed like some old religious text There was some kind of spellwork on it to prevent people from paying attention to it. I read a bit of it but, what with the spell, didn’t pay it much mind. And I… filled in a scratched out name.

[Image: TsUY2XQ.png]
Vizier: Oh! Oh.
Vizier: So you… were the actual agent of summoning in this case.

Donnella: Well, I mean, I didn’t mean to be! I was under the spell’s sway, I couldn’t think it was important! And I think there might have been something that made me want to write it.

The Vizier sighs.
Vizier: Of course not, Firstborn. It is… mmmm… unfortunate that you were swayed by such forces.

Are they even trying to hide it? You can hear the disdain in their voice. For you to be tricked by magic like that, given your importance, your training, and the fact that you were born blessed with Soul magic yourself…
The vizier has lost a great deal of respect for you.

Vizier: Still! If you were at the center of the very scene of this spirit’s emergence, you know much about the events that followed, yes?
Vizier: Tell me more about this book. Do you know more about it? Could it have been planted by our enemies to the north, or…?

[Image: HOYWbo1.png]
You proceed to fill the vizier in on the events of that morning, and everything that you know about the book and its contents. Although its origin is unknown, you agree, based on your father’s testimony, that the book, for whatever reason it was present, was not placed or enchanted as an attack from another family or nation.

The vizier seems especially intrigued by your idea that WOBNIAR was somehow sealed away inside of the tome- a proposition that would at least explain the troubling fact that neither of you have ever heard any mention of such a powerful spirit.

You also summarize what you know about the jar. The vizier claims to not have any experience with it, but they suggest that its existence might explain some of the odd things they have heard your father mention. As with WOBNIAR, it is frankly disturbing that there is no apparent record of what appears to be a potent magical artifact.

[Image: YORGjLa.png]
And then, as you reach the part in your story covering your escape through the forest, you hesitate. It’s a ludicrous idea. Utterly unscientific and, frankly, blasphemous. But you can’t shake your suspicions that, somehow, Cinaatshyyer was using non-elemental magic.

You’re sure that you must be mistaken, and you’ve already made a fool of yourself. But… but what if?
Do you voice the idea that Cinaatshyyer may have transcended the elements?
RE: Reforge
You already lost some of the vizier's respect, probably best not to lose the remainder. Don't voice the idea yet.
Do voice that Cyan only seems to have/use two major tricks: flying, and summoning bedrock.