Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)

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Legend of the Tea Master (Chapter 1 - The Festival)
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by sonic3535.

Guests > Introduce yourselves.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Morphimus Wrote:> Small talk.
Korin>Enact in small talk

[Image: HC9iL.gif]
O c'mon, Korin, your subconscious tells you, You can do this. You've just presented an awesome, if somewhat cramped, introduction to tea. You can talk about the weather, ask their names, something.

Just don't freakou-

[Image: 3g1DK.gif]
SoI'mKorinthankssomuchforyouguystocomeinyouguysare myveryfirstcustomersI'msonervousit'smyfirstdayrunn ingthisshopdoIsoundnervousIhopeIdon'tsoundnervousI can'tbreathGASP

Your subconscious is now contemplating jumping into a well.

I was bone tired yesterday, so double update today. Maybe a triple if I decide to split up the next post. Keep on the lookout.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>HOLY SHIT CATS!!!1!!1!11!!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Crono30067.

> Stop flipping the fuck out.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Dreamscythes231.

> Drink some tea yourself. To calm down.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> Take used tea leaves.
> Shove leaves in mouth.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

> Ask them their opinions of the tea.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by sonic3535.

> Hide your face in shame.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Crono30067 Wrote:> Stop flipping the fuck out.
Dreamscythes231 Wrote:> Drink some tea yourself. To calm down.
sonic3535 Wrote:> Hide your face in shame.
Korin>Drink tea and calm down, for the Avatar's sake!

[Image: kjMJN.gif]
sonic3535 Wrote:Guests > Introduce yourselves.
<div style="margin-left:40px">Umm, hey, you okay, boy?</div>

You give a muffled grunt.

<div style="margin-left:40px">It's alright, it's your first day right? Nerves get the best of us all. I'm Luo, by the way.

I've gotta say, this is a really tasty cup of tea. It's nice to see a tea house all the way out here near the Outer Wall. Makes me feel relaxed whenever I go on patrol. For instance, there was a really weird incident at the zoo.</div>
[Image: S5EQ4.gif]
<div style="margin-left:40px">So I'm on patrol this morning, right? As I was passing the zoo, I saw this weird guy leaning over one of the exhibit walls. I could tell he was a foreigner, the way he seemed to awkwardly carry himself about. I approached him, and realized that he was trying to pet the rabaroos. However, that guy couldn't reach. So he went and picked up this large branch and started poking at the rabaroos.

Needless to say, the zookeeper, Kenji was not happy. He's a nice man, proud of his zoo that the Avatar helped to build, but he gets really touchy with his animals. I mean really touchy. Next thing I know, I'm standing in between them, preventing Kenji from trying to choke the hapless foreigner.</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Wow, who was the weirdo that did that?</div>

[Image: UXc8j.gif]
<div style="margin-left:40px">You idiot, I'm talking about you. What in the world were you thinking poking a rabaroo like that?</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">I've never seen one before. I wanted to pet it, but I couldn't reach.</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Poking animals with a stick is not the appropriate solution. Anyways, when are you going to stop following me?</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">But I must! For the sake of my research, I must learn as much as I can about the Earth Kingdom!</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">That doesn't mean you can just foll--</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">You see, I am Zha! Great apprentice to the legendary playwright Pu-On Tim!</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">O geez. More tea please.</div>

[Image: S2Cly.gif]

<div style="margin-left:40px">I have come from the Ember Islands to travel the world to gain knowledge and experience for my plays! I have traveled across vast oceans, trudged through an endless desert, and crossed paths with a rather bitter ticketer at Half Moon Bay to come to the venerable city of Ba Sing Se, where I hope to enact my second play!</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">...Second? What was your first?</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Oh, I'm so glad you asked!</div>

[Image: W63K7.gif]
<div style="margin-left:40px">You see, my friends, I am working on a three-part epic, an expansion of my master's famed The Boy in the Iceberg (a masterpiece if I may say so myself). Using my master's play as a template, I created this script to create my own variation of the epic journey of the Avatar. After reading my first script, my master immediately liked it and told me to travel the world to get material for my second. I still take this script with me wherever I go to remind myself just how awesome I am!</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">...I'm kind of regretting asking now.</div>

You become curious, never having seen a play yourself. Growing up in the Lower Ring, there wasn't really much free time to enjoy things like plays. You ask Zha if you could take a look at the script. He gladly hands it over, telling you to let every glorious word sink in.

[Image: urATK.gif]
....Who in the world is Ong?


Bwah! Sorry for updating this late. I realized that I needed to get this story rolling, so putting a lot of the exposition here. Story and gameplay will fully continue next update. There might be another delay.

The art took longer than expected. Drawing everything with a mouse is extremely tedious, but I guess I did a nice job with it. Had fun animating these ones. Could've finished it earlier, but aside from taking a long time, I was introduced to Blacklight: Retribution, then there was America's Got Talent (Fekking love Dittelman and the Earth Harp guy).

Remember, if you guys like this, be sure to pass it along to your friends! I also made some banners in my sig that you can use to spread more awesome tea stuff!

/end rant

Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> Ask who Ong is.
> Also ask who Cat-ara is.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>Korin: Be amazed by the intricacies in the plot and compliment the playwright.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Dreamscythes231.

Korin: Sip tea, in a hard-boiled manner. Accidentally drink the very strong one thus forcing a deep and psychologically changing experience that can only be properly called as "tea vana"
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by sonic3535.

The art is awesome, just throwing that out there. [img]images/smilies/pc_chummy.gif[/img]

Korin>Ask Zha about his new material_
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

> Tell him that it is really good to keep his self esteem high so he might buy more of your tea later.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Zylo Wrote:> Ask who Ong is.
> Also ask who Cat-ara is.
Korin>Ask who these people are

[Image: 3nYpg.gif]
<div style="margin-left:40px">It's Avatar Aang and his wife Katara, of course. Stories aren't as great when you know the details, so I spiced up the story a bit. So what do you think? It's amazing, right?</div>

Fwee Wrote:>Korin: Be amazed by the intricacies in the plot and compliment the playwright.
If a casual person were to read the script, they would be repulsed by many of the problems. The writing was contrite and cliched and full of inconsistencies. The characters themselves were bland, and they had a weird tendency to either be covered in dirt or blotched with white makeup. The action scenes were extremely boring and effects pitiful. The worst thing was aside from the flat acting was an overbearing narration that just made the entire story horrible.

But, as you have never seen a play before, you think it's the best thing you've ever read.

[Image: yYVCR.gif]
Luo only sits there, shaking his head.


So I've got a page on the MSPFanVenture site. It looks awesome there, so check it out!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Fwee.

>Zha: Become a regular coustomer.

>Korin: Ask if they like their tea.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> Luo: Change the topic, Zha's getting a big head.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by [b]K
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Dreamscythes231.

Korin: Give congratulatory tea for his awesome work.
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

> Tea for one, tea for all!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Dreamscythes231 Wrote:Korin: Give congratulatory tea for his awesome work.
Korin>Serve celebratory tea

In celebration of reading such an inspiring work of art, you pour another round of tea for Luo and Zha. As you turn to make more tea, Luo finishes his tea in one gulp and gets up.

<div style="margin-left:40px">Well, unfortunately I must leave this little bout of happiness. I need to get back to patrolling. Zha, you remember that you're paying, right?</div>

<div style="margin-left:40px">Yeah, yeah, don't worry. Now get back and protect the streets from weirdos!</div>

Luo thanks you for the delicious tea and walks out, muttering something about tourists.

[Image: ZnPvY.gif]
You turn to serve more tea when you hear someone enter.

<div style="margin-left:40px">Hello? May I come in for some tea?</div>

You look up to welcome the new guest.

[Image: Best_Tea_Maker_16c.gif]
You are struck by the beautiful angel that has entered your humble abode. Two sparkling golden eyes stare at you intently, as if searching within the depths of your soul. Strands of smooth, maple-colored hair gracefully fall on her shoulders, encased in a bandana whose color resembled the shining sun. Her silken skin, lightly tanned, seems to shine wonderfully as she holds her hands in front of her. She stands calmly, modestly garbed in a worn dress and pants, but that simplicity alone helps to emphasize the beauty of the goddess in the doorway.

[Image: LiY6e.gif]

Fun fact: you do even stupider things when you're in love.

Fun fact: the second image has over 80 frames. That was fun to do. >_>

So we're nearing the 100th post! The next person to reply shall receive an awesome medal! Also I will be celebrating 100 posts in this forum as well! More medals for all! And there will be cake! And character art! And...more cake!

Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Morphimus.

> Ask her out on a date!
Re: Legend of the Tea Master
Originally posted on MSPA by Zylo.

> Hit Zah on the side of the head with the teapot, as you eagerly motion to a chair for the girl of yours dreams to sit in.