Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)

Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
(04-22-2018, 09:49 PM)Lylac Wrote: »> We want to firmly say that we Are and Never will be your white cat or represent him in Any Way. Though you have caught on to us far faster than your dense brother.

Down vote. we can't reveal ourselves.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Alice: If you take DT's word that illusion monsters require at least eye contact, then maybe this isn't an illusion? After all, once you consider weird dream stuff being possible there's a bunch of things it could be besides an illusion. Maybe a monster with something like thermal vision is spotting you through the walls, and using some sort of ability to project sound in a manner that only you could hear? Like some sort of focused sound wave through a wall or something to gaslight you for example. It could be trying to make you distrust DT to keep you apart and isolated, and make you more vulnerable. Maybe in light of that possibility you shouldn't be as hostile towards DT. You should still keep an eye on DT, but that's in line with what your brother has told you anyways.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
(04-22-2018, 09:49 PM)Lylac Wrote: »> We want to firmly say that we Are and Never will be your white cat or represent him in Any Way. Though you have caught on to us far faster than your dense brother.
Things aren't particularly bad, that doesn't mean they are good either.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
(04-23-2018, 02:07 AM)martialAcademic Wrote: »>Alice: If you take DT's word that illusion monsters require at least eye contact, then maybe this isn't an illusion? After all, once you consider weird dream stuff being possible there's a bunch of things it could be besides an illusion. Maybe a monster with something like thermal vision is spotting you through the walls, and using some sort of ability to project sound in a manner that only you could hear? Like some sort of focused sound wave through a wall or something to gaslight you for example. It could be trying to make you distrust DT to keep you apart and isolated, and make you more vulnerable. Maybe in light of that possibility you shouldn't be as hostile towards DT. You should still keep an eye on DT, but that's in line with what your brother has told you anyways.

upvote this. cause like: It makes sense. and it should restore some of alice's trust in both DT and her thoughts.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> knit something to calm down

> BREATHE! think things through - is df *really* your enemy?
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> . . . Are those scissors up there? . . . They are. Might be a good back-up if something happens to the pizza cutter. Now, where's the Mark?

[Image: 61_by_terra414-dc9qxo6.png]

You have a weird thought about taking more weapons with you. You doubt embroidery scissors will do much damage though, so you decide to leave them. Besides, you do have a well-kept scalpel by your desk... If you actually needed it, that is. You also get a thought about a mark popping through your mind. Strange, considering you haven't left one yet. The idea seems to have come out of nowhere and leaves you a little on edge.


These thought feel strange to Alice and so she’s chosen to ignore them. Perhaps care in how things are phrased may yield more success.


> Alice: Get yourself a weapon or two, and make sure you’re prepared enough to venture outside your room. Also make a note to knit yourself a small satchel to keep things in if you don’t already have one. The more pockets and portable storage you have on you, the better!

[Image: 62_by_terra414-dc9qxpr.png]

Your school bag is already knit and ready for action if you need to carry items, but you don't. You currently have plenty of space in your inventory.

> BREATHE! think things through - is DT *really* your enemy?

[Image: 63_by_terra414-dc9qxqp.png]

Isn't he? He claims to be on your side, but if he is, why? What does he get out of it? He's been vague about what he really is, but all you know is that he is your 'realm attendant' and Raziel is your 'familiar', which are two very different things.

You're not sure what he's like, really, and that unnerves you. You've tried to wait to see if you could learn to read him better but what he looks like doesn’t help at all.

> Alice: If you take DT's word that illusion monsters require at least eye contact, then maybe this isn't an illusion? After all, once you consider weird dream stuff being possible there's a bunch of things it could be besides an illusion.

[Image: 64_by_terra414-dc9qxuv.png]

...You suppose it would make sense for a monster to try to turn you against your allies. That's what you would do in its place after all. Not to mention you *did* promise your brother to straighten some things out, and it's not like Raziel can explain anything to you.

You take a deep breath and calmly close your drawer.

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What do you want to talk about?
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Alice: Ask DT separately about why you should trust them, what their relationship with you is and how is it different than a familiar, what they get out of the relationship, what they want you to do in a long term scale, and what they think you should do on a more immediate scale. Even if their answers are lies, the lies themselves could give you hints on what they're really after.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>you might wanna make sure you get at least a refresher or more info on this world and its rules
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
"What kind of monsters are here in my house right now, and are there any I should be wary of in particular? . . . also, do you know where else I should put the mark Brother wanted me to make? I need to do that so he doesn't worry."
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
(04-24-2018, 11:40 PM)MirrorMirrorMan Wrote: »"Are there currently any monsters in the house that could cause auditory hallucinations? I mean, not use illusion magic to cause me to hallucinate sounds, but monsters that can manipulate sound to cause them. . . also, do you know where else I should put the mark Brother wanted me to make? I need to do that so he doesn't worry."

I don't think we should bring up the topic of monsters causing alice to hear stuff, dt might not know how to answer, and we want to fix dt and alice's relationship, i'm downvoting that part of the command, asking where to put the mark is fine though

also, i doubt those kinds of monsters are actually in alice's place rn, what happened was alice mistook a command trying to reveal ourselves to her as either dt or a monster talking to her through her mind
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
I think we should let Alice decide; she doesn't need a lot of prompting to be effective here. She's the manipulator after all.

> Alice: Ask the right questions and determine the cat's motives, rules and skills. Nothing you haven't done before.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> You might wanna make sure you get at least a refresher or more info on this world and its rules

[Image: 65_by_terra414-dca2e4h.png]

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> Alice: Ask the right questions and determine the cat's motives, rules and skills. Nothing you haven't done before.

[Image: 66_by_terra414-dca2e7x.png]

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> Alice: Ask DT about what you remember about making a mark, since your brother was scolding you or at least stressed that you didn’t leave one or something.

[Image: 67_by_terra414-dca2fp5.png]

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>Alice: Ask DT separately about why you should trust them, what their relationship with you is and how is it different than a familiar, what they get out of the relationship, what they want you to do in a long-term scale, and what they think you should do on a more immediate scale. Even if their answers are lies, the lies themselves could give you hints on what they're really after.

[Image: 68_by_terra414-dca2g3k.png]

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You suppose you'll have to content yourself with this.

== >

[Image: 73_by_terra414-dca35y5.gif]

You pull out your cutter and DT paps it carefully. Its colours change to gold and black.

[Image: 70_by_terra414-dca36pi.png]

You know well how dangerous Rotary Cutters are, but now this feels more like a weapon than a tool. You put it back into your weapon slot.

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You feel ready to venture out, what shall you do next?

1) Find the souls, decide who gets what.
2) Find Raziel, you did promise your brother to put the mark.
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>2 Those Souls aren't going anywhere. The sooner you get this over with, the better.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>so what you gather from your conversation with DT is that both he and this world were formless before you and the Guardians came. both he and this world are shapped by the ideas and memories of you. So really all this proves is that this is indeed a world of dreams and your will power only solidified it. So that means this "wonderland" needs some hosts to operate which seems to be why he wants to keep you alive. While you live there is order. Not really a good or evil reason. Do try to keep an eye on him
(Forgive me if this is too long or redundant)
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>2. Exploring with everybody would be safer, and if Raziel isn't there only DT could get souls.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>2 Locate raziel. You going to need the muscle or rather claw power in order to handle things even with the triple power rotatory blade.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>2 Get the time sensitive things done first, get the side-quest-ish forever their soul items later.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> 2 Locate Raziel. You going to need the muscle or rather claw power in order to handle things even with the triple power rotary blade.

[Image: 71_by_terra414-dcagt3i.png]

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[Image: 72_by_terra414-dcah9ld.png]

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> Alice: Ask DT if attaching the mark to something like a laminated paper transfers the effects of concealing to room once said paper is stuck to the door or what you want to hide.

[Image: 73_by_terra414-dcagt9p.png]

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[Image: 74_by_terra414-dcagtcp.png]

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I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Alice: You could ask DT how many souls DT and Raziel need respectively to get stronger, then allocate the soul according to who would get the most strength from it. Or, in lieu of an accurate estimate, you could give it to DT for expediency's sake. Raziel's not here right now to give it to, after all.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
In terra's name:

>Alice: try to store the soul inside your inventory
I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
(05-03-2018, 01:10 AM)martialAcademic Wrote: »>Alice: You could ask DT how many souls DT and Raziel need respectively to get stronger, then allocate the soul according to who would get the most strength from it. Or, in lieu of an accurate estimate, you could give it to DT for expediency's sake. Raziel's not here right now to give it to, after all.

- Sincerely The Boy Made Of Snakes.

RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> Use DT's triple ability on the soul.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
>Give it to DT, fuck it.
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
> Alice: try to store the soul inside your inventory

[Image: 73_by_terra414-dcanotw.gif]

You try to store the SOUL in your inventory, but your hand phases through it.

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> Alice: Either let DT consume it, or try using imagination to make it into a friendly being like a familiar or something like that.

[Image: 74_by_terra414-dcanovw.png]

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> Use DT's triple ability on the soul.

[Image: 75_by_terra414-dcanoxw.png]

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> Alice: You could ask DT how many souls DT and Raziel need respectively to get stronger, then allocate the soul according to who would get the most strength from it.

[Image: 76_by_terra414-dcanp1z.png]

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> Give it to DT, fuck it.

[Image: 77_by_terra414-dcap95d.png]

This soul Is worth 3 points! DT has leveled up!

There is 2 excess points saved.

DT (Level 3)

Str: 9 + 3
Int: 12 + 4
Dex: 9 + 3
Vit: 15 + 5

DT has gained the Disguise Attribute! He can now shape shift Into Alice to deceive enemies and attack them! His clones can also appear to be Alice!


[Image: 78_by_terra414-dcapjs6.gif]

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[Image: 79_by_terra414-dcaq11b.gif]

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I really, really love Lucidstuck, if you do too, you should check all the fanart i've done for it :3c

Or go check LS's very own first fanadventure!

[Image: ZktuORS.png]

You can also see exclusive pics at my Patreon (including stuff for the next fanaventure, also LS based!) or tip me at my Ko-fi~!
RE: Lucidstuck:swap!AU fanadventure (1)
Gonna command Darko instead of Alice, since that would minimize the chances of her getting tired of all the disparate ideas.

>DT: Go full-out on the shadow-clones! Copy Alice's form then create the two illusions and send one into the hallway to investigate, and the other to make a beeline to where Raziel might be, so it can bring him back as reinforcements. You stay behind with Alice and find a place for you two to hide, just in case.