Last Day

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Last Day
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Saint Game.

I believe this calls for an office party!
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

98714123340 Wrote:Oh it's the easy screws. Just use a coin or something flat.
[Image: 912.png]

Oh, you're right, it's the easy screws. All you need is something flat.

[Image: 913.png]

"Hey Jen," you say, "do you have any coins on you?"

"You don't?"

"My wallet was stolen."

"Oh. Well, I don't have a wallet."

[Image: 914.png]

"Well," you continue, "we could just check this guy's pockets. He's bound to have a wallet on him. I mean, I don't want to steal money from an unconcious guy but..."

[Image: 915.png]

"Wh...what the hell are you doing?"

"Solving our problem!"

[Image: 916.png]

"Ha! I almost forgot I had these. I'm not used to..."

[Image: 917.png]


[Image: 919.png]

"Oh, toughen up. I came in here today in a skirt, so I had to keep money on me somewhere. It frees up your pockets regardless."

[Image: 918.png]

"Yeah, but I think anyone would find it uncomfortable to see someone reaching into their bra to pull out something."

"I don't do it right in front of people! Not usually. Besides, it's impossible to pickpocket.

"It's impossible to pickpocket by keeping everything in your underwear?"

[Image: 920.png]

"Who here has their wallet stolen?"

[Image: 921.gif]

[Image: 922.gif]

[Image: 923.png]

"...ANYWAY!" you say, "I'm curious as to how the hell this thing works. I've been trying to figure out just how a monitor can grow teeth and brainwash people on it's own, so maybe this will explain things."

You remove each screw and begin to lift the panel off.

[Image: 924.gif]

[Image: 925.gif]

...What the hell is all this?
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by ashdenej.

>Pull out those wires that connect to that fan-like thing!

Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Kaynato.

Rip the RAM out. Take out the cooling system. Unplug the power supply. And pry off the CPU.

The RAM goes first.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by BestTeaMaker.

Just pull random wires. Something should happen.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Dalmationer.

>What's up with the sparks on it?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by 98714123340.

>You're probably smart enough to know not to dismantle hardware when electricity is coursing through it.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by wolftamer9.

> Is that... Is that static coming from the fan?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

> Wait, where the hell is his head?

> I don't know much about old monitors, but it kinda looks like there's a whole computer inside of this monitor. There's a cooling fan, what look like RAM slots, one of those thick strips of parallel cords...

> Also yeah static what gives
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by xooxu.

>Inquire about the large space where a human head should be. Also, the sparking in the fan? Is that the electronics short circuiting because of the water?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>Surely between the two of you you've seen your fair share of Hollywood monster movies and realize it's inevitable that it's going to wake up at the worst possible moment. However, also between the two of you, you're wearing belts. And this washroom has plenty of anchor points.

>After that cliche has been averted, drop the coin into the open casing. Something squirrelly is going on with the innards of that thing, and it's probably not the best idea to root around in it until you've confirmed it won't disintegrate your hand.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Steve Potluck.

Well, this certainly has me stumped. Solve with more water?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Armok.

> how thick are the "walls" of this space, can there be hidden compartments?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> There on the right side is all your external connectors. Get a keyboard and mouse then jack in.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.


Godbot Wrote:> I don't know much about old monitors, but it kinda looks like there's a whole computer inside of this monitor. There's a cooling fan, what look like RAM slots, one of those thick strips of parallel cords...
[Image: 927.png]

"...Computer parts. This is...a whole computer."

[Image: 926.png]

"That's...stupid! What are the computer parts doing inside the back of an old monitor? Even my mother knows the parts are all in the case."

"Maybe the monitor came like that." Jennifer says, "Like, whoever bought the monitors bought these to save space. Or something."

"Couldn't be, we've got cases with the PC parts in them. These are really old, yellow monitors anyway. The BOSS hasn't upgraded from them in years."

distainfulCatalyst Wrote:>Surely between the two of you you've seen your fair share of Hollywood monster movies and realize it's inevitable that it's going to wake up at the worst possible moment. However, also between the two of you, you're wearing belts. And this washroom has plenty of anchor points.
[Image: 928.png]

"It doesn't bother you that there are people with monitors for heads with giant teeth running around," Jennifer says, "but it bothers when they've got PC parts inside them?"

"Yes! It does! It just doesn't make any sense! The whole zombie thing was actually happening, I don't have any reason to question it but wonder how it is. But this...this just doesn't make any sense. I'm looking at a contradiction here."

"I don't even know anything about computers aside from what you told me about them. You grew up with them, I didn't. Figure this out, I'll go fill up that bucket with water in case this thing springs back to life."

[Image: 929.png]

"Actually, I've got these balloons for this exact reason. You can fill these up with water."

She looks confused. "...Dude, where'd you get those?"

"Dorothy. The, uh, rainbow girl you just met."

"Haha! What a strange thing to have around. Does she even know why you needed them?"


SNeakyRobot Wrote:> There on the right side is all your external connectors. Get a keyboard and mouse then jack in.
[Image: 930.png]

Jennifer goes to the sink and fills up some of the balloons with water.

"Looks like there's also some external connectors in this thing." you tell her, "Like, USB ports, for keyboards or flash drives whatever. We could probably find a keyboard and see what we can do if we plug it in."

"Like we'll have any trouble finding one of those."

xooxu Wrote:>Inquire about the large space where a human head should be. Also, the sparking in the fan? Is that the electronics short circuiting because of the water?
98714123340 Wrote:>You're probably smart enough to know not to dismantle hardware when electricity is coursing through it.
[Image: 931.png]

You don't see any static or sparks. Just looks like the thing's off.

You're also probably smart enough to know that given the fans aren't running, there isn't any electricity coursing through it at all most likely, and you have very little risk of electrical shock or discharge if you touch something metal first. Even if there was some form of shock, it would be minimal, like a bee sting, and you'd probably damage the hardware more than yourself. It's not even connected to any power supply, so it looks like it uses something else for power. Something like...


Or human energy.

As for the head, you're not sure.

Kaynato Wrote:Rip the RAM out. Take out the cooling system. Unplug the power supply. And pry off the CPU.

The RAM goes first.
[Image: 932.png]

Actually, you'd rather remove the hard drive, because if we're taking the idea of a computer virus literally, this is where it is. And when you build computers, this is the last thing you install. Pulling off the fans, RAM or processor wouldn't do anything but fuck up the system.

All you've got to do is remove the SATA cable and detach it from the holders, and then pull it out. Easy.

[Image: 933.gif]
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by KilroyWasHere.

>Ted: Use bony ass as a screwdriver to pry it out.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst., Ted, are you seeing that? Because it kind of looks like reality itself has become corrupted. Or at least the bit of it you're holding.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by wolftamer9.

> Again with the static! There must be more to this virus than the known sciences can offer. Honestly, the teeth should have been the first thing to throw you off about that.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by 98714123340.

Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Steve Potluck.

Hit the deck!
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

> So if the monitors were made to work autonomously, does this mean the BOSS fully intended for EXECUTE to go off inside of the building?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Armok.

Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Anthano Zasalla.

> Are... you feeling dizzy, Ted?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Jacquerel.

Whoah there boy, don't get your hands caught in any glitch greebles. That would probably be painful.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Eversor.

