Last Day

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Last Day
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Eversor Wrote:Cue to black, the children don't need to see this!
[Image: 875.png]

Yikes! A gay man and an old fat guy beating people up?! Heavens no! Let's get back to Ted and Jennifer, from a few minutes ago.

It's okay, though. You have a feeling we'll get back to them very soon.

Especially the part about fight music.

[Image: 876.png]

You are now that huge nerd guy.

You hear someone shouting for help. A woman's voice. You really hope that isn't Dorothy's.

Speaking of, if whoever is shouting help for what you think she is shouting help for, then you'd better start explaining to Jennifer what's going on. That might be more important right now.

[Image: 877.png]

Your thoughts are interrupted.


[Image: 878.png]

"Who's that shouting?"

[Image: 879.png]

"Hey, your makeup's gone!"

[Image: 880.png]

"Yeah, it was starting to run from when I was crying. I just washed it off."

[Image: 885.png]

"We should go see what that shouting is. Do people usually shout help when there's a paper jam or something?"

[Image: 887.png]

"Aaaaactually, I might have a better idea."

[Image: 881.png]

"Remember when we went to go see Shaun of the Dead?"


[Image: 882.png]

"Okay, imagine that, but the zombies aren't slow. And they're not even dead. They're still alive. Maybe. They also don't eat brains, and you don't really destroy the head necessarily. And I guess they can only spread by biting your head. And there aren't even that many, there's only two--actually, probably one and it's a duck. So they all probably have it under control. Also, all the zombies have computer monitors for heads, and the virus is actually kind of like a computer virus. So they're not really zombies at all, I guess, but they're pretty similar. I mean, zombies are the undead, and these guys are living. And their weakness might even be water, I guess. And, err, are you following so far?"

[Image: 888.png]

"...Sort of?"

[Image: 884.png]

"...Alright, wait, lemme revise all that, I've got a better explanation. Let's say you've got Office Space and--"

[Image: 889.png]

"No, Ted, I get it. I think. You're being really specific. So I'm going to guess that...that..."

[Image: 886.png]

She drops her glance. "That..."

"That what?"

[Image: 883.png]

"Whatever the hell that is has something to do with it!"

[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Anthano Zasalla.


> Do that thing where you hold a finger under the faucet and try to spray water at him!

> You know what you need? Magnets. Those mess monitors up real bad.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by ashdenej.

>Dance around it in an attempt to overload its processing centres!
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Jovian.

Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> Give it a swirly
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Yako.

SNeakyRobot Wrote:> Give it a swirly
This is exactly what I was going to suggest.

I just got around to reading Last Day and MAN I wish I had done this sooner! I think this has a new spot as my favorite active adventure. Thank you for making and sharing this.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Steve Potluck.

Remove your shirt, soak it in water, and use it like a whip!

Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by InnerRayg.

Oh nicely done. Just discovered this one - It's a crime I hadn't seen it earlier, but it doesn't matter, it's exceedingly well done - haven't caught up yet, but when I do I'll be back to do some commanding.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Steve Potluck Wrote:WRITING MISTAKE!!!!

i fixed it

InnerRayg Wrote:Oh nicely done. Just discovered this one - It's a crime I hadn't seen it earlier, but it doesn't matter, it's exceedingly well done - haven't caught up yet, but when I do I'll be back to do some commanding.
Man these always brighten my day and motivate me.

HOPEFULLY we should get back on schedule soon, I'm a lazy bastard. I'm going to see Wreck-It Ralph tonight though so welp

I'm fiddling with the mirror right now (which is up to date) so sorry if you things change if you read from there.
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Wandering One.

Just started reading this!

>Either one of you but not both: Freak out!
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Eversor.

Its the lips, man with out that sultry lipstick, she is like a different person!

Amazing what a lil make-up can do.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Bodaciouswhale.

> Ted : Dance

>Ted : Then break dance to office
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by BigBurkhart.

Please don't double-post.

Zombie: Please don't be rainbow-girl.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by xooxu.

+1 reader
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Galaxa13.

Wasn't Jennifer wearing a skirt, not pants?

+1 reader for an awesome adventure that has had me squealing in joy multiple times while reading it today. Seriously, A+ job.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by trulyElse.

Galaxa13 Wrote:Wasn't Jennifer wearing a skirt, not pants?
She swapped with dorothy.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by 98714123340.

>01000111 01101001 0111011 0011001 0100100 0000101 0100011 0010101 1001000 0100000 01110100 0110100 0011001 0100100 0000110 1110011 0111101 1101000 1100101 0010000 0011000 0101101 1100110 0100001 0000001 1011010 1101111 0110111 1011011 1001110 1110110 0001011 0110001 1010110 0100000 0110000 10111011 101100001 01111001 00101110

It says. Give Ted the note and moonwalk away.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Kaynato.

The sink's right there. What are you waiting for?
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Blizz98.

>01000101 01011000 01010100 01000101 01010010 01001101 01001001 01001110 01000001 01010100 01000101 00100001

>Ted: Be the Hero

>Jen: Be the Hero Sooner.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by ashdenej.

>Ted: Take a moment to update your mental notes.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.


Wandering One Wrote:>Either one of you but not both: Freak out!
[Image: 895.png]

You begin to freak out.

Although, you're method of freaking out is just your brain shutting down. Being trapped with no immediate solution does this to you. There's nowhere to run. You've got none of those water balloons filled, not that you remember you have them in a time of panic, and it'd probably take way too long to fill one and tie it. You immediately begin considering several other solutions that become increasingly more ridiculous.

ashdenej Wrote:>Dance around it in an attempt to overload its processing centres!
[Image: 890.png]

You imagine a solution where you do just that, except that's really stupid and the zombie will probably just be confused for a second or two before attacking. What else?

SNeakyRobot Wrote:> Give it a swirly
[Image: 891.png]

A swirly? Maybe, but you're not sure how you would grab the zombie by it's ankles, let alone pick it up at all. You're not a very strong person, you know.

Anthano Zasalla Wrote:> You know what you need? Magnets. Those mess monitors up real bad.
[Image: 892.png]

Magnets! Magnets destroy computers.

But there are no comically oversized magnets nearby and none that you know of in the building, so you scratch another solution off.

Your thoughts are interrupted.

[Image: 893.png]

"TED!" Jennifer shouts,

[Image: 894.png]

"You said those things might have a weakness to water, right?!"

[Image: 896.png]

"What?! Where did you--"

[Image: 897.png]

[Image: 898.png]

[Image: 899.gif]

[Image: 900.png]
[Image: tumblr.png] [Image: signature.gif] [Image: sig.gif]
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by KilroyWasHere.

>Burn the corpse. Nobody can ever know.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>Barricade the door. No one must disturb you. You have a specimen before you and mastery over the world of computers, therefor it is time for SCIENCE!
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Yako.

It's time to get to know your enemy! Poke it a bit to see if you can find any weaknesses, or perhaps a way to reverse the zombification process.
Re: Last Day
Originally posted on MSPA by Redux.

>Poke it to confirm its state of consciousness

>Attempt to pry computer from its body