Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening

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Glorified Mercenaries: The Rebootening
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
"Yeah, that looks a lot safer that trying to cross on a rope in the wind."

Giles takes the rope, then ties it to the next nearest tree.

"I'll cross first, since I'm the one who read the sigils and it's my ass if I missed something they did. We should go one at a time so a strong gust won't take us all and the rope will only have to support one of us. The strongest person, or the one most sure of their ability to climb, should go last, since they'll need to undo the rope and cross without it."

He grabs the rope tight now that one end of it is anchored. "Easy, right?"

He feeds it behind himself as he crosses.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Assuming Giles' plan goes through, Naisse follows suit.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Giles: Though it's a bit difficult to keep steady, you manage to cross without a huge amount of trouble.

Naisse has a bit more trouble, having trouble maintaining her balance and nearly falling off the log entirely at one point. However, she manages to quickly switch to all sixes and crawl to the other side of the ditch.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Giles offers Naisse the end of the rope, indicating that the two of them should hold it taut as a handrail slash safety net for the others.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
(Sorry about being absent for a while there, Life decided to go kick me in the balls.)

Bart gives Giles a lopsided grin. "I specialize in Life magic, yeah. But I won't be much use getting a tree to fall over, unless you want me to spent ages rotting the trunk through."

He peers at the tree bridge warily before carefully attempting to follow across, holding onto Giles' rope tightly the entire way.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Naisse assists Giles in holding the rope, keeping a firm grip with all four arms.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Bart: Clutching the rope tightly, you manage to cross without issue.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
"Uh. Okay. I can do this. I can do this. Help me over, will ya?"

Kairui nervously crosses the bridge.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Kairui: You manage to get about a third of the way across before an unexpectedly intense gust of wind blasts you off-balance!

Thankfully, you manage to avoid panicking, and maintain a solid grip on the rope. Giles and Naisse manage to stay firmly in place as well; Kairui is now dangling pseudo-precariously above the ditch.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
"Aaaaaaaa! You've got to hold on to that rope! Pull me up, please!"

Flailing slightly, Kairui tries to summon up some wind to help him back on and also to negate the strong wind.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Naisse tells Giles to keep a strong hold on the rope as she goes to try and pull Kairui up.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Albert: You hastily, if somewhat shakily, cross the log, dismounting with a little hop.

Naisse: With Kairui focusing on mitigating the wind, you're able to pull him up despite being distracted and jostled a bit. The entire team is now on the opposite side of the ditch.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
"... Harrowing."
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Sylvain eyes the makeshift bridge warily, jotting in one last note. "You're not done yet."

He tucks the clipboard under his arm, unties the rope and wraps it around his waist. "If you can't secure it on your end, don't let go."

He tests the bridge with one foot, grumbling something about earth mages.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
. . . .
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
The tree splinters and cracks slightly where Sylvain places his foot.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Sylvain drops to all fours, opting to go the slower but probably safer route. He hesitates a bit, before starting across.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Giles calls out "You might want to see if we can't down another tree first to support the extra weight. Of, uh, your armor."
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Sylvain: Though the tree creaks and splinters some more as you crawl across it, it manages to stay sufficiently intact for you to reach the other end of the ditch. The bottom is now littered with small branches and fallen leaves.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
The moatin dusts himself off, sparing a grimace for the pit. "Next time, perhaps."

He retrieves his clipboard and flips to the next sheet, already moving towards the door. "Trial One: The Wilds, complete. Ever onwards."
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
The door opens up into a dimly-lit and unfurnished hallway; ahead, it forks into three paths, one leading straight forward and the other two at ninety degree angles. As you approach the intersection, you can see that there are several similar forks in any direction; it would appear that you've entered a maze.

Once every one of you has passed through it, the door slams shut behind you and you can hear the click of a lock. Seems there's no turning back, now. Sylvain stands to the side, flush against a wall. "Trial two. Find the exit. There may be traps. Begin."
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Bart flinches as the door slams, peering down the paths without moving further. "Traps?"
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
"I'm going left. Dunno if we all plan on splitting up to cover more ground, but I wouldn't mind somebody else coming with me this way. Two sets of eyes are better than one."

She puts two hands against the left wall and slowly starts shuffling along, going slowly while she waits to see if somebody else accompanies.
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
After Kairui creates a light from his staff, he ponders his choices. He didn't trust anybody here at all, so it may be best for him to travel alone. Then again, Naisse did help to save him from falling...

He supposed going alone would be dangerous enough anyways. At least he could defend against Naisse if it needed be.

Wordlessly, he follows Naisse.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Glorified Mercenaries (Game Start!) [LWRPG]
Bart rubs his neck a little. He turns to Albert; "I can mark where we've been with magic, if you've got a way to do something similar we could do two groups of three..."