A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future

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A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Nope! Now there's a sandworm here to eat you, the spiders, or both. You can Definitely reach the portal before the spiders, But you will have to be quick to beat the sandworm, It will probably destabalise the portal if it hits it.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Truegreen, the rules of this game don't give you the power to make that call. You can only directly answer my direct questions, remember?
That's an important rule, since it is also your job to see me to my doom. It's what stops someone from saying "A giant space rock falls down and squashes you dead" in response to any question, ever. My pilgrim doesn't have a fighting chance without it.
On the other side of things, the rules explicitly allow me to ignore answers if I deem them "disruptive," which seems like a cruel thing to label your post, but it's up to me to maintain the integrity of the rules. If you think that's an unfair call, you can give me your rationale, but it's ultimately my judgement.

Sorry, I hate to squash you! A sandworm sounds pretty cool. It just doesn't have anything to do with answering my questions:
"Do the spiders follow? If so, can I reach the portal before they reach me?"
This part does:
"The Spiders stop as you approach the portal. They shy away, hissing and stamping their many legs against the sand."
Everything else doesn't.

So again, as far as I'm concerned, the question is still open. Anyone should answer.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
The smaller spiders keep away from the portal but the giant spider surges forward and slams two feet in front of you, cutting off the way.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Alright, got it, next time I shall do better, I just have this voice in the back of my head saying 'Oh wouldn't it be cool if..." and I guess I get carried away sometimes, I'll pay more attention to the rules in the future.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
(05-02-2014, 01:44 AM)eberron Wrote: »The smaller spiders keep away from the portal but the giant spider surges forward and slams two feet in front of you, cutting off the way.

Seeing a desperate chance, I leap toward the creature and give it a mighty shove, attempting to knock it into the portal. Do I succeed in moving it? If so, and it hits the portal, what happens?
Truegreen should answer.

(No worries, Truegreen. 'Oh wouldn't it be cool if...' is a most respectable instinct and I encourage you to follow it! Coming up with cool stuff that might happen is a key part of this game.
The rules limit the things you can say in the same way that the rules of a card game might limit which cards you can play from your hand - the point isn't to stop you from laying cards down on the table, but to add significance to the decision of which card you choose.)
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Normally such giant arachnids would not be so easily toppled, but you were lucky, you hit the spider as it leaped towards you and were able to push it into the portal.

Giant spiders and portals do not mix, opposing magical fields is the general theory. Whatever the reason, the collision triggered an explosion which ripped through the space between worlds. Something like a cannonball fired through a particularly weak tissue. The result, of course, is a gigantic, uncontrolled trans-location event. This means that you, what remains of that spider, and several tons of desert sand and small spiders are now raining down on a very unfamiliar landscape.

RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
(05-02-2014, 09:54 PM)Truegreen Wrote: »Normally such giant arachnids would not be so easily toppled, but you were lucky, you hit the spider as it leaped towards you and were able to push it into the portal.

Giant spiders and portals do not mix, opposing magical fields is the general theory. Whatever the reason, the collision triggered an explosion which ripped through the space between worlds. Something like a cannonball fired through a particularly weak tissue. The result, of course, is a gigantic, uncontrolled trans-location event. This means that you, what remains of that spider, and several tons of desert sand and small spiders are now raining down on a very unfamiliar landscape.

I flail wildly as I plummet! There doesn't seem to be much else I can do.
How high up am I? What am I going to land on?
Anyone should answer the first question, and then someone else should answer the second.

(Hey, how many of you are there who are following this topic but haven't been giving answers? Go ahead and post "No gods watch over you", would you? I'm curious to know who's here.)
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Excessively high.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
You are falling towards a bed of sharp looking icicles
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
(05-03-2014, 03:41 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »Excessively high.
eberron Wrote:You are falling towards a bed of sharp looking icicles
I look around as I fall. Do I see anything that might aid me?
Anyone should answer.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Chwoka doesn't make the same mistake twice.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
No gods watch over you this time.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
(05-03-2014, 11:03 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »Nope.

Of course not - but I had to hope.
I look around at the landscape below me. There's something oddly peaceful about falling, as if I can't quite believe it's really happening. I ought to be panicking, but instead I'm just curious about what sort of place I've ended up in. Other than the icicles I'm about to land on, what things do I see?
Anyone should answer. I'll use the first two answers that don't contradict each other.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Off in the distance, you see a city, broken and covered in ice. It couldn't possibly hold life.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Look over there! Dry ice factory. Good place to get some thinking done.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
icanhasdonut Wrote:Off in the distance, you see a city, broken and covered in ice. It couldn't possibly hold life.
(05-04-2014, 01:41 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »Look over there! Dry ice factory. Good place to get some thinking done.

What a strange place this is! Very different from the desert I was traveling through.
The ground is getting closer. All of a sudden, I feel less relaxed. This is likely to be the end.
I twist myself around in midair, hoping that the tough, scarred skin on my back might offer some measure of protection against the icicles. But I doubt it will help.
Do I survive? If so, how badly maimed am I?
Anyone but Chwoka should answer.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
Yes but your knees have been skewed, leaving you pinned.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
(05-06-2014, 12:19 AM)eberron Wrote: »Yes but your knees have been skewed, leaving you pinned.

(I assume that's "skewered"?)

I suppose I should be thankful that I'm still alive, but the pain is unbelievable.
I examine my knees, vision blurred by pain. How bad is it? Can I pull the icicles out of them?
Anyone should answer.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
(lol yes, didn't see that my keyboard didn't get the rest of skewered.)

You think you can pull free but you doubt your knees will be of much use without the aid of a doctor.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
The icicles are freezing your knees in place, and it's spreading.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
(05-06-2014, 01:29 AM)eberron Wrote: »You think you can pull free but you doubt your knees will be of much use without the aid of a doctor.

I take a deep breath, grit my teeth, and pull them free. Then I quickly bandage them with pieces of my shirt and the snow around me.
I can't stay here - it's clearly too cold. I'll freeze to death. I remember seeing some kind of factory nearby when I was falling, though. I can probably take shelter there.
I use my arms to drag myself slowly and painfully to the factory.
How am I doing when I get there? What does the building look like up close?
Anyone should answer the first question, and then someone else should answer the second.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
You are not doing too well, Luckily for you all the falling sand is still warm and has made a surface between you and the icy ground. However, being sand it has made your crawl that much more difficult. Your trip to the factory has been longer and more exhausting than you expected. To make matters worse some of the small spiders survived the fall. In your compromised state you couldn't really keep them off. They sit dormant now, hiding from the cold in the folds of your clothes.

You feel exhausted and practically dead. Which is what you will probably be if you do not receive some sort of medical attention.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
The factory, though abandoned, looks like it was only recently abandoned and is still in running order. It appears that an automatic heating system is still running as you arrive.
RE: A Doomed Pilgrim in the Ruins of the Future
(05-06-2014, 03:57 AM)Truegreen Wrote: »You are not doing too well, Luckily for you all the falling sand is still warm and has made a surface between you and the icy ground. However, being sand it has made your crawl that much more difficult. Your trip to the factory has been longer and more exhausting than you expected. To make matters worse some of the small spiders survived the fall. In your compromised state you couldn't really keep them off. They sit dormant now, hiding from the cold in the folds of your clothes.

You feel exhausted and practically dead. Which is what you will probably be if you do not receive some sort of medical attention.
Quote:The factory, though abandoned, looks like it was only recently abandoned and is still in running order. It appears that an automatic heating system is still running as you arrive.

I take a moment to brush away the spiders before turning my attention back to the factory.
What's the best way for me to get inside?
Anyone should answer.