Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion

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Meteos - Visiting: Suburbion
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Crowstone.

>Commit suicide into ocean
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

Swim across the ocean to the island in a badass fashion. Somehow.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Quote:...Isn't that where they're building your ship...?
OH CRAP. Get over there, ASAP.
Dammit, that's right! You had better get on the boat there, quickly.

Balladeer Wrote:>Get down to the Oleanian-run quay.
[Image: 012.png]

You head to the nearby quay. Misthine is here, along with a few Oleanian workers. Doesn't seem to be a boat here right now.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Ask them if they know anything about that explosion over at the island just now.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Yoshi.

Asmodemus Wrote:> Ask them if they caused that explosion over at the island just now.
We have to be as obnoxious as possible.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by starburst98.

Asmodemus Wrote:> Ask them if they know anything about that explosion over at the island just now.

also, Misthine is right there, we are trying to look good n front of her, remember?
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by A Fan.

Loudly propose riding Oleanians to the Ark if a boat does not present itself with all due haste.

Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Asmodemus Wrote:> Ask them if they know anything about that explosion over at the island just now.
[Image: 013.png]

"Hey there, you, uh, dock guy."

"Actually, my name is..."

"No, none of this naming stuff. You are very clearly not going to be any sort of important character."



"I... I don't know. Anyway, I was going to ask if you know what caused that explosion."

"I don't know, but most of the boats are over there. One was supposed to be heading over here, so there might be one on the way, but the rest might have taken damage. I'm waiting on info regarding the damage right now."

A Fan Wrote:Loudly propose riding Oleanians to the Ark if a boat does not present itself with all due haste.
"Well, I think we need to get there quickly! There's clearly only one solution!"

[Image: 014.png]

"We ride you as you swim over there!"




"...orrrr we could wait for the boat."

"Did you really just suggest that, Rothnan?"
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Empy.

Wait for the boat like a responsible boat-goer. [img]images/smilies/slimer.gif[/img]
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by KingTwelveSixteen.

>Stop acting quite as insane.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Isoraķatheð.

> "Oops, sorry. Feeling a bit crazy today..."


> Abscond while feeling more embarrassed than ever.

> wait(30,second)

> Return
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> "No, no I did not."

> Stand there and wait for the boat.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

> Ask if there is a pier around from which you can forge a raft. Because destroying a pier is easier than cutting down trees and fastening them together.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by starburst98.

or maybe if a few are meteos left lying around for you to ignite to make a small rocket to get there.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Empy.

> Ford the river.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by starburst98.

"yes i suggested it, but it was joke. jeez, don't ether of you have a sense of humor?
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by aimless-void.

>What's all this talk of waiting and riding? You're a space-captain, darnit! You will SWIM to that island and demand some answers!
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Isoraķatheð Wrote:> Abscond while feeling more embarrassed than ever.

> wait(30,second)

> Return
[Image: 015.png]


[Image: 016.png]


[Image: 017.png]

[Image: 018.png]


[Image: 019.png]

[Image: 020.png]

"So, when do you think that a boat will arri-"

"Uh, er, the boat's here!"

"Well bring it in!"


[Image: 021.png]

"Uh, this is what seems to be what's left of it."

"Dammit, now how are we going to get over to the island?"




[Image: 022.png]

"Please explain to me again how we have ended up in this situation?"

"I would if I knew myself."

"You owe us so much after this."
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Empy.

> A wild tentacool attacks.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Asmodemus.

> Onwards to the island!
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Isoraķatheð.

> FF(2×, 150 sec)

Which means...

> Get to the island.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Yoshi.

>Arrive at Meteogascar.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by Tseralith.

Try to avoid getting attacked by big sharks as you paddle in the water as an helpless animal
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by A Fan.

Smirk in triumph. Well, inasmuch as a faceless being can smirk.

Also, ponder if the whole "different species" thing will make complicate the romancing of Misthine.
Re: Meteos
Originally posted on MSPA by AweStriker Nova.

Yoshi Wrote:>Arrive at Meteogascar.