Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]

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Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Yes, I am using a simplified version of the FE7/FE8 formulas. It makes most of the calculations easy (although programming all that in excel is a bit of a tedious nightmare). A friend of mine, though, is helping me make a Battle Forecaster java applet that takes everything into consideration.

I will not be basing this on Dual RNG for the simple fact that it's extremely tedious to implement. I'm simply using Excel's rand() function.

Anyways I need to updoot.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Would it really be that hard to implement? I'm fairly certain FE's dual RNG system rolls it twice, then averages the results.

Double attack speed threshold in this game is listed as being 5 on the recruitment page.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
idea? for a easier way to do this can we plz post blank posts follow by your post so we can just edit it for our turns.? i.e i post. then BTM then inkWanderer, again BTM, etc rinse and repeat. This would make it easier but then it would be harder to feed exp to one person and there might be times we might want to move someone else first. other opinions or we try what we have been doing.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Sorry, Gnauga, didn't mean to talk down to you. >_>

BTM, are we using TrueHit?

Also, Crowstone, I would have been happy to feed the Archer kill to you - next one's yours. :)
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
The dual-rng question is the true hit system, and it seems we are not.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Sorry about the lack of updates. It has been a bit busy. I should be able to get it up by tomorrow.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Hi, friends! I figure it's best I put this here, for the moment. If you want an edited FE sprite and don't feel comfortable making them yourself, I'm down with making them for you if you ask nicely - an example I've done (while considering this game which I may or may not actually join) would be these two:

[Image: nokadesignscharacters.png]

I can try out doing custom edits to sprites, but it's more likely they'll come out looking worse. I'm better at editing preexisting into a style, not mimicking the style they have exactly.

On the same note, I've noticed that quite a few people don't have transparency on their portraits - in the future, if you need it but don't know how to achieve it, ask me and I'll go ahead and add the transparency for you.

(I would have put this in Signups, but I think that'd be a misplacement?)
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Testing the edit...looks like we're okay again.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
(04-23-2013, 05:16 PM)inkWanderer Wrote: »undefined

I'm so confused. Why are these posts undefined.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Ok, someone else make a turn until I can find out what's going on here. :|
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]

Edit: Looks like I'm good now. How bizarre! My previous post in this thread was just, "Why are my posts undefined? D:"
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Since the game hasn't advanced for ~a week I'm going to assume that BTM is either doing finals or didn't notice Ink's post due to it being an edit and that giant error thing he was victim to. Either way, hope to get some attention to the game again.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
At this point the question is the Thread alive or dead.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Last time I saw him, BTM was in the process of upgrading his spreadsheets. He's probably also life-busy.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Sorry about the big delay guys. Life and making a better spreadsheet got in the way. But I can safely say that tomorrow there should be an update.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Hey Crowstone, you have to redo your move, Canto doesn't work after attacking.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
canto? do you mean the retreat?
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Dunno that you need to retreat, Crow. You'll kill the merc, and (although I haven't done the math) the rest of us should account for that brigand easily. Ira or Gotel should get the kill for good exp spread.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Canto is the name of the skill that gave mounted units the ability to finish their move distance after issuing a non-combat command in FE9/10. It does not enable you to flee after attacking someone, but allow you to rescue allies and run or trade and run.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
(05-01-2013, 07:04 PM)Daffidill Wrote: »Canto is the name of the skill that gave mounted units the ability to finish their move distance after issuing a non-combat command in FE9/10. It does not enable you to flee after attacking someone, but allow you to rescue allies and run or trade and run.

Technically, it's called Repeated Movement, and has been around in the form of a hidden skill since FE4 (Genealogy of the Holy War, one of the Jugdral games, and also one of the ones that didn't make it to the US). It was only specifically called a skill in FE9/FE10 because those are the only two games where you could give that ability to a non-mounted unit without having them have an item like FE4's notorious Knight Ring. Tho it's only been since FE6 that you couldn't Repeated Movement after an attack or staff use.

Technically FE9's Canto is different from every other occurence of the skill because it's specifically for Reyson

on a seperate note, while you guys can PROBABLY take out the brigand, if Iremia misses... ded

(sorry for being a nerd)
(also BTM will Galeforce be a thing in this game because if it is it probably shouldn't be Galeforce OP)
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
(05-01-2013, 10:15 PM)Red709 Wrote: »Tho it's only been since FE6 that you couldn't Repeated Movement after an attack or staff use.
It only worked that way in the gba games, as it worked the same in both of the radiant games as it did pre-gba.

(05-01-2013, 10:15 PM)Red709 Wrote: »Technically FE9's Canto is different from every other occurence of the skill because it's specifically for Reyson

Not really, that was a different skill with the same name. It allowed Reyson to act as a dancer-type unit. The normal version of Canto existed in PoR anyways.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
(05-01-2013, 10:47 PM)darkgeno132 Wrote: »
(05-01-2013, 10:15 PM)Red709 Wrote: »Tho it's only been since FE6 that you couldn't Repeated Movement after an attack or staff use.
It only worked that way in the gba games, as it worked the same in both of the radiant games as it did pre-gba.

(05-01-2013, 10:15 PM)Red709 Wrote: »Technically FE9's Canto is different from every other occurence of the skill because it's specifically for Reyson

Not really, that was a different skill with the same name. It allowed Reyson to act as a dancer-type unit. The normal version of Canto existed in PoR anyways.

in order: It doesn't work that way in any games after FE9/10, which is to say the DS ports of FE1 and 2 or awakening. it works the same as the GBA games.

and 2, yes, it did exist as a skill with the same name in specifically FE10
in FE9 that skill was called Repeated Movement.


RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
(05-02-2013, 01:10 AM)Red709 Wrote: »It doesn't work that way in any games after FE9/10, which is to say the DS ports of FE1 and 2 or awakening. it works the same as the GBA games.

Canto hasn't been in any game since RD.

(05-02-2013, 01:10 AM)Red709 Wrote: »yes, it did exist as a skill with the same name in specifically FE10
in FE9 that skill was called Repeated Movement.
If you're trying to push the fact that Canto was called Repeated Movement in almost all the games it was in, I realize that but Canto is a commonly used name for the ability, regardless of the game it was in.

And on all that stuff about Galeforce. Personally I've always thought it was overrated. The only time it was useful to me was during the challenge dlc maps.
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
Quote:on a seperate note, while you guys can PROBABLY take out the brigand, if Iremia misses... ded

Yeah, haha, but it's 83%. I'd chance that. It's only a one in five chance that she'll die!
RE: Fire Emblem: Gods of the Celestial Realm [OOC]
(05-02-2013, 02:08 AM)darkgeno132 Wrote: »And on all that stuff about Galeforce. Personally I've always thought it was overrated. The only time it was useful to me was during the challenge dlc maps.

You obviously never used a Female MU that you gave the Boots to then

also I'm pretty sure you can still canto after using a healing item or trading in FE13